HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 25 1979i Goo n. .. ... A v MNiN m of the fteaedkys VNwe Gw of the VNiero,ef Mar Lek* In 11 C"" of SeWear'sk" of Mi easete. in< N .aewN..wiilad bt ski CwmwAL "• June 25, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on June 25. 1979 at 7 :30 PM, Present. were Mayor Stock, Count men Bis onett,Busse, Thorkeison, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Finance. Director Teschner and Attorney Sullivan, Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following correction is to be made to the minutes of June, 18, 1979: Pa • g , paragraph 1• cutting acro ss.to County Road 44. MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of June 18, 1979 as amended, i seconde:,by Busse and upon a vote,taken t was duly passed, LIQ, LIC, The Liquor License Coamission before the Council meeting this evening to; discuss the transfer of the liquor licenses from the Prior Place<to Lakeside Bowl:, Chairman McGuire rep License Commission recommended e rn this. The Liquor Li Y" emended approval of the transfer, '• Ken Jac an and imant Kiris, owners of Lakeside Bowl' were present to y, questions the Council had.. Motion by Watkins to approve the transfer of the liquor license from Prior Place to Lakeside Bowl for On sale intoxicating, On _`Sale 3.2, Sunday Liquor and also the .CigareM License, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly Passed. REFUSE The refuse hauling applications were reviewed by the Council for the HAULING 1 979-1980 year, There are fve applicants: " i Anderson Sanitation Laker''s Disposal {r Metro Disposal, Inc. Prior Lake Sanitation Qwi i ty Waste Control, Inc. Motion by Busse to approve ai the applicants for-refuse hauling for the City of Prior.Lake for the forthcoming year, seconded by Watkins and upon,a vote "taken it was dul = y passed. - �t° ANNA TRL. City Engineer Anderson presented the pans and s Anna Tra i 1 l also approval for \ � Paving - .for Council" consider`ati °on aid also approval to` advertise for bids for the project, r. Notion by Bissonett to a PProve, the plans and specifications for Anna Trail Paving, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken' it was d 1 Motion by Watkins to advertise: for bids for the for Jul 24 1 Paving of Anna Trail y 979 at 10 :00 AN at City Mall' and "the Council rev the bids the following and u Monday, August 6,, 1979'at 7 :35 PM, seconded by Busse pon a vote taken it was duly Passed. SNOW REMOVAL The City Engineer requested Council a r6mvel' and snow plowing bids for tm PProval to .advertise for snow 979 - 1980. Motion by Watkins to approve -the advertisement for bids for snow removal and snow plowing for Jul 2 seconded by Yiarkelson and u y 5' 1 979 at 10:00 AN at Clay H upon a vote taken it was dui ` y Passed..' PtAhM1iN6 Mayor Stock presented the names of the Planning ` COMMISSION whose terms will ire June 0: 1 r Commission members �� 3 979. They are:; Sue Wermka ` = Wally, Johnson a, Robert Cavi l l Sue 1►ai'wwka and Wally Johnson have accepted another term, but Robert a r Cavlil has declined, Mayor Stock has contacted Chuck Arnold to take Mr. Cavill's place and he said he will accept the Planning Commission appointment. 4 aANrY1K of tM hoe" of the Val"a COW"" Of Ike Vin"a of P" leke is lM eowNy of Scow sad some of. MieN I i im*Jdia* ON eeoewNs ewlilelil by said ,Ceena. PLANNING COMMISSION r Motion by Bissonett to appoint Sue Warmka, Wally Johnson_and,Chuck Arnold for the term of the next'Planning Commission year, seconded by Busse and Upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to prepare a letter of apprecia`Lion to send to Robert Cavi'i] for his years of service on the Planning Commission. SEN CALMENSOKBen STORAGE Calmenson was present to request Gountii consideration on a variance. This item was discussed two weeks: ago and is to SHEDS be continued at this meeting. Mr.,Caimenson has not determined.the size that he wants for the.storage shed,, however, an 8 X10 shed would be of adequate'size to store his fishing tackle, boatmotor,, etc. gas, Councilman Bissonett - Anytype of storage building must comply with set back regulations. The lakeshore must be kept neat and clean. 1. reai.ize there is a problem with hauling boataiotors up and down a steep hill and also Storing small � quantities of-gas in the garage is not ssfe there should be.some provivaions for some type of storage.' cCouncilman Watkins - 1 have driven around the lakeshore and looked at some - of the storage sheds ghat are already up; some are very attractive and some are atrocious. We shouldn't deny anyone who is going to it right not to have a storage ge shed, because: they ask why can't 1 have a shed when others do and the 'sheds are not As nice as the one 1 want to put up. tv Councilman Busse - The shed should be a reasonable size, 10 X 12 is iw: bia. ?;f Councilman Thorkeison - I called the ONR and they suggested that we should handle it like a conditional use instead of a variance, and our ordinance be� amended to the conditional use. This way the staff can enforce what the building should look like, size, etc. and the City can keep 'control of it. An ordinance also allows the Council' to go back and require' changes if it does not comply. ' ± } Attorney Su liven - l have a storage shed with skis', life jackets, etc. and even a telephone. I don't know what 1 would do without it. ` " hr. Calmenson - The building may be back into the hill, but all 1 l want is something that I can walk in and standup in. i ' Councllman Thorkelson - We should get some basic guidelines to give to the Staff so they can come up with a policy on storage sheds by the 'lakeshore.' ' 'Councilman Watkins - Some of the guidelines should be the shed should be largerL no than 100 sq. ft., maximum height 10 ft., above, average grade, a permanent storage shed, tompatibl'e to surrounding area and adjacent Property owners be notified before the building is started. "l Mayor Stock scheduled for the July 2nd Councit meeting the Staff present to the Council the guidelines for gs, the storage sheds. From these guide- lines the Staff can grant the conditional use without going to the Planning Commission and if the property owner does not agree with these guidelines ' then they can go the the Planning Commission, Also, the Staff w'iil work with the City Attorney to and prepare amend the old, ordinance to comply with these Changes. NORMAN Bryce Nuemoel_ler was present in behalf of Jim Dunn requesting the Council RIDGES to approve the sewer plan for Northwood Ridges lst Addition plat and the. hand adjacent it iST AD". to In Spring Lake Township. Three proposals have been discussed and the City feels that Alternate B is the best plan. Staff recommends approval of Alt. Band the owner has accepted Alt. B. Notion by Bissonett to adopt Alt. B as the Comprehensive Sewer Plan. for the 0 acres of the Northwood ' Rid9es lst Addition plat and the 80 acres of land adjacent to it in Spring Lake - Township; the map for Alt. 8, plan be dated June 2S, 1979 and put in as part of the record, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. -2- V . of #kv,p"Medle" o f th Vo COUram of mw-ef MW Lelm in * ce" of sew 61W S14ft of indwdles ON Occoveft Ovdbod, by mW Cameo. MARLEN CIRCLI. City, Engineer Anderson r-xPlaAned the problem On Marlon Circle, x located on the boundary,of TH 13 and,,Green,Oaks Circle. Theproblem, is that the water from Sa running onto their yards and eroding the yards. They want the City to put in a at no co t Debbie Meyers was present to.mak* Comments On the matter-,3he stQrm runoff from Savage is meandering along�their pro'perty'and eroding Its way down to a Pond. The CttY should put tn a culvert becouse,it 4 - was not replaced after sewer and water was put in a few years ago. The culvert wi I I take t he water under thestreet to thepond Instead of on their Property. Other residents, were present to give'their Comments on the problem. On� idea was to have a storm o sewer take the water directly A0 thwpond� MaYor'Stock commented that before the water Cons and sewer went in, the ulting Engine* r asked-the In people that are&if they a storm sewer the resideints-requested that the streetnot be pave4and a storm sewer not be put. in; theresidents wanted the road to be private.. If the resl4lents want a Culver t puiin an Harlon Circle, then the City will Put in. however, if the residents' want a storm sewer then the City will have to hold a public hearing and the residents wil:l be astessed for this project because there are not enough fundt for the Cit Y to provide the area with a storm sewer. A feasibility study will be, 61" also needed,if the.storm-sewer project1s to proceed. The residents agreed that somethi ng should be doneimmadiately abo the 114 wate* r problem They would like the culvert to be put,ln. Notion by Wai- Lhinsto have the Cttyprovide an adequate culvert at loatt' 18": in diameter for Marlon Circle and the funds be provided to the Green Oaks Association for the placement, (the City Engineer and City Manager review the costs),, seConded by Sissonett and upon a v it was duly passed. oto taken The Green Associ at- I on should'meet about this matter an4let the Council know what they wish to do about storm sewer. SEWAGE BACK City Manager McGuire presented. t he sewage back-up Policy statement. for UPPOLICY Council approval, The Council had a discussion on this item a nd ma a few changes to the policy. Motion by Watkins to Adopt the Sewage back-up policy as'awnd*d, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote take" tt was duly passed'. J-1 RESOLUTION ROsOlutlo'n 79-27, Designating the City of'Prior official 11 19-27 Applicant for Reimbursement Funds of from the State of Minnesotalt' PO4ce Officers Training Board. Motibn by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79-27, Designating thaCt I ty-of, Prior LAke's Official Applicant &r Funds from of the State of Minnesota's ft4co Officers Training Board, seconded Bus and.upon a vote taken It was dily Passed. Resolution 79-29. Determining Sufficiency of Developer's Agreements and a and ratifying City Council by the Council. action'-was reviewed Notion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79-29, Determining Sufficiency Of Developer's Agreements and a Petition and ratifying previous cit Council action seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken It wa duly passed. s -3- I MMIJM of *A Pre"ariap if 1110 Vokee QNod of Illo Ville" of POW � in tiN _f c__., !may _t • . of St�lf Y11� ff�h �'. -. �, 5 ied4PdkV e etpMM� ewrilMl. w sal taeadt. ;' ; CITY CODE. SK K. Mayor Stock read the ordinance from the City Attorney regarding the City ' Code Book. Motion, by Watkins to 4dopt Ordinance 1 -1 -IA, City Code Book, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, STORM DAMAGE 4 JUNE 19, 79 The storm damage from June 19, 1979 was discussed by the Council and also why the system alert was not sounded. City Manager McGuire stated that the sirens are only sounded when a tornado is sighted near Prior Lake or when one is sighted that could move toward Prior Lake. The Weather Bureau and the Civil Defense orders the sirens blown when warranted. Should the Police Department „or a, the "Fire Department sight a tornado the-siren-will be blown 'without wait - ing for conciltation from the Weather Bureau or the Civil Defense Director. SAND:POINTE ADDITION City Engineer Anderson presented the plans and specifications for Sand Pointe Addition sewer and water. The project is being done in phases. Approval of this is recommended. Motion by Bissonett to approve the plans and specifications for Sand Pointe Addition sewer and 9Y water, seconded by Thorke l son and upon a vote taken i t was duly passed., The City Engineer recommended approval be given for advertisement for bids . for the Sand Pointe Addition on July 19, 1979 >at 11:00 AM at City Hall. Motion by Thorkelson to approve advertisement for bids for Sand Pointe AddiElon.sewer and water project for July 19, 1979 at 11;00 AN at City Hall, seconded by Noyor Stock and upon a vote taken it was dray passed. ` i1RM RESOR SHADY BEACH A watermain is going to have to be looped from the Harbor Resort to Shady Beach. A 12" waterma.in will be instal lid WTEWAIN along CSAH 42 through a portion .' "Of the Harbor Resort. The City Engineer woult like authorization to prepare the s s fications for this installation of a watermaie between Shady Oeach ai an� ci The Harbor Resort. Notion by Busse to authorize the C`ity,Engineer to proceed with.plans and specifications for the extension of the watermain along County { ;Road 42, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. f�AIRLA1Ni .9 The -City Engineer requested authorizatior,,for` condemnation proceedings on the Fairlawn SiIORES i Shores and Island View project. Motion by Bissonett to authorize the condemna`�ion proceedings on the Fairlawn Shores and - Island View project, secon +d by Busse and upon a' vote taken it was duly passed. The, City Engineer requested approval for concrete urb and-.gutter to be used, for commercial streets because the bituminous �pterial cannot handle the ton traffic that runs on the streets. Motion by Thorkelson to approve the concrete curb and gutter be used for all co Mlal streets to be constructed; seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained. ORWYI.AVE, Mayor Stock directed the City Nsnager to inform Petitioners for the oxtension.of Jordan Avenue that the Council has authorized concrete curb ,- and for gutters alt commercial streets and'if they object they can came to the: Council. 1 G S B OK.Hardware Supplies 119.92 Delta Dental Plan of Minn.. Insurance 648.75` General Government: ;. John Mahoney Retainer Refunds S 900,00 Lyle Bakken Reta.iner Refund 100.00 Tom Mueller Retainer Refund:t < , 100.00' . Swenson /Mennen Development Retainer Refund t Ronald Buckeye 100.00 Charles Peterson Retainer Refund 100.00 J t <P Design's etainer Refund 100.00 ' gn Inc. ai 8149: Permit.Refund 48.00 F Michael A. McGuire School 1 Assoc, of Metropolitan Municipalities Dues 18.00 ..`� The Signer Co. Equipment - 83,95 Robert McAllister 83-916 Dog 235.00 Robert McAllister Refund ` 9,00 Busse's Super Market Cleaning Supplies 34.80 Engineering Scott County Surveyor's Office Maps $ 2,50 County Recorder Copy, .75 Police: Dennis Leff Mileage S _3.60 Liberty Photo Service, Inca MiPeages 74.60 Prior Lake 117611 Vehicle impair 28.00 c Uniforms Unlimited Equipment Repair - 41,90` FI`re: - 071 w Gerald Mueaken Conference Volunteer Firemen's Benefit Assn., Dues' $ 171.60' Hearth i Safety Products 135.00 *j Air Carom— Inc, Supplies 29.95 Equipment 177.50 Park Triarco Arts & Crafts Prior Lake Marine,. Inc. Supplies S 153, » 64 +� ` Park Maint. 30.30 ABJ Enterprises, Inc. Mousers Improvements 14,4117,00 Ben Franklin Supplies 11,40 Quality Waste Control Supplies 30;30. ., Refuse Mauling 98.50: The Castle Chemical Co., Inc. Park Repairs Maint. 70,80 KWcesh Improvements 119-95 � Taylor Rental Center Rental Donley Camping Center Repairs 31.80 45.29 5 o .. i SAIg11M of Me of tIN,11NIMe Gweeit, o f the V Prier take le O Obb C $nn wW SINS of Ave6ei iedwlM, ON QNSWM.e Ned by saw Cowell. • The following invoices are scheduled ` `to D id on Tuesday, July 3, 1979: c r r Misc. Departments Xerox Corporation Red Owl C Copy Machine S S 55.00 Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan t Frevert A Park Supplies b Misc. 1 139.95 x J COP, Inc; C Copy Machine 1 182,62 Minn. Gas Co. U Office Supplies: 3 34.70 Utilities ' '110,2 of 1M how dhi s of tM VOW@* x.141, M�* , Vvk" of PAW La" is, 60 Gw1y of Salt a" ft" a t eN eeawMs e�iNi iyr seir Cewieii, 1 Street: Lee Moeller Chain Saw Chain $ 20..00 Harry C. Schultz Equipment Repair $ 24,$5 Carlson Tractor &_Equipment Co. Equipment Repair 137.51 - lioss.,6ectric Company Supplies 10.33 x z_ New Prague. Lumber a Ready -Nix Co., 1'nc. Cement 56,09 Sewer: Klingberg Excavating, Inc. Repairs. $ 256.20 p:I Ater: n1 Van Waters &Rogers Chemicals $ 211.67 o f Mier. Cast iron Pipe Co. Re rs_ 1$1.25 i �. Water. Products Co. pa Repairs 45.90 r Qynamlc System. I nc. Repairs ryj-y Pa � 402.00 I Martinson Island Sewer and Water Construction Fund: #, Paul W. Wermarskirchen Abstract Co., Inc. Ownership Reports J $ 2 ., Engineering 6,055,,1, ter$ Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and'upon a vote taken+ this Meeting was adjourned at 9 :30 P11. a 4 , Michael A. McGu i re City Manager w ; c H w `fl -6— 4 s . 11104uTES of The PwoceedIn" of gybe whee; Cwneilef fhe,,Vi < �Ye of Prier Lake In C"FAY of Seen and Sate of . InelydM! all OCCOVIft ordiled by said COUNA +' June 25, 1979 r ;: The Common Council of the City of Prior lake met in regular session on June 25, 1, 979 at 7:30 PM, Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen elssonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Finance Director Teschner and Attor ney Sullivan. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order, The following correction is to be made to the minutes of June 18, 1979: Pa9e 4. paragraph 1: cutting across to County Road 44, c MINUTES Mod ?'on by Watkins to approve the minutes of June l8', 1 seconded by Busse and'u 979 as amended, upon a vote taken it was duty 'passed. LIQ, LTC, The Liquor License Commission met before the Council meeting this evening to discuss the transfer of the liquor licenses from the Prior Place to lakeside Bowl. Chairman McGu reported on this. The Liquor License Commission recommended a thnsfer. approval of the transfer. ,� • _ 1, . � Ken Jackson and Imant Kiri;s, owners of Lal;eside�owr) were present to answer any questions the Council had, Motion by Watkins to approve the transfer of the liquor license from Prior Place to Lakeside Bowl for On sale intoxicating, On,Sale 3.2, Sunday liquor and ais0 the Cigarette License seconded r. by B'issonett and upon a vote taken it was duly y passed..:. REFUSE HAULING The refuse ;hauling applications were reviewed by the Council for the 1 979-1980 year, There are five ' applicants: Anderson Sanitation Laker's Disposal ,. Metro Disposal, Inc. Prior Lake Sanitation Quality Waste Control, Inc. Motion by Busse to approve all the applicants for refuse hauling, for the City of Prior Lake :for the'forthcomi.ng year seconded by Watkins and upon-4 vote taken it was duly passed. ANNA TRL City Engineer Anderson presented the plans an specifications for Anna Trail lan d r •,� - paving for Council. consideration aad also approval to advertise for bids for the project. " ` Motion by Bisscnet - -to approve the plans and Trail paving, seconded by Thorkelson and u pec�f� cations for Ann* passed... upon a vote taken it was duly �,. Motion by Watkins to advertise for bids for the w. for Jul 24 1 paving of Anna Trail y 979�at 10.00 AM at Cit Hall y and the Council review the bids the following Monday, August 6, 1979 at 7:35 PM, seconded by Busse and.upon a vote taken it was duly passed. SNOW REMOVAL-The City Engineer requested Council approval to :advertise for snow removal and snow plowing bids for 1979-1980, �. Notion. by Watkins_ to approve the advertisement for bids for snow - rewoval and snow 'Plowing for July 2 5, ' 1979 at 10:00 AM at City Hall, seconded by Thorkelson and u Pon a vote . taken it was duly passed, PLANNING'. COiIlIISSION l Mayor Stock presented the names of the P1'annin whose terws will g Commission members expire June 30, 1 979. They are: t Sue Waraika Wally Johnson Robert Cavi 1 l ` Sue Warmko and Wally Johnson have accepted another term, but Robert ' Cavil'i`h declined. Mayor Stock has contacted dC Chuck � Arnold to take Mr, Cavi:ll,S place and he said he will accept the Planning Commission appointment. PLANNING COMMISSION 4 , Motion by Bissonett to appoint Sue Warmka, Wally Johnson and Chuck Arnold for the term of the next P,isnning Commission year, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, owl - Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to prepare a letter of appreciation to send to Robert Cavil) for his years of service Comm on the Planning Cammission. Commission. "BEN CALMENS01 STORAGE Ben Calmenson was present to request Council consideration on a. variance. This item was discussed two weeks ago and is to SHEDS be continued at this meeting, Mr has not determined the size that; he wants for the storage shed,z however, 'would f an 8 X°10 shed be of adequate size to store his fishing tackle, boatmotor, etc. gas, Councilman Bissonett Any type of storage building must comply with set back regulations. The lakeshore must be kept 'neat and clean. [ realize there is a problem with hauling boatmotors up and down "a steep hill and also storing small quantities of-gas in the garage is not safe; there should' be some provisions for. some type of storage. Councilman Watkins - I.have driven around the lakeshore and looked at some of the storage sheds that are already up some are very attractive and some are atrocious, . We shouldn't deny anyone who is going to do it right not to have a storage shed, because they ask why can't i have a shed when others do and the sheds are not as mice as the one I want 'to put up. Councilman Busse - The shed should be a reasonable size, 10 X 12 is too big. Councilman Thorkelson - I called the DNR and the suggested ggested that. we should handle it like a conditional , use instead of a variance, and our ordinance be amended to the conditional use. This way the staff can enforce what " the building should look like, size, etc. and the City can keep 'control of it. An ordinance also allows the Council to if it does not c ompl go back and require changes '.� Attorney Sullivan - 1 have a storage shed with skis , life jackets, etc: .and even a telephone. I don't know what I would do without it. Mr. Calmenson - The building may be built back into the hill, but all I ` i waRk is something that l can walk in and stand up in.,1 x Councilman Thorkelton - We should get some basic guidelines to give to the Staff so they can come up with a policy on storage sheds by the Lakeshore. Councilman Watkins - Some of the guidelines should be the shed should be no larger than 100 sq. ft., maximum height 10 ft, above averagc`grade,- { a permanent storage hed c ompatible ompatibie to surrounding area and adjacent - property owners be notified before the bui;lafng is started. Mayor Stock scheduled for the July 2nd Council meeting the Staff present to the Council the guidelines, for the storage sheds. From these guide'- lines the Staff can grant the conditional use without going to the Planning : Commission and if the property owner does not agree with these guidelines : then they can go the the Planning Commission. Also, the Staff will work with the City Attorney to prepare and amend the old ordinance to comply with . these changes. NORTHi1000 Bryce Nuemoel "ler was present in behalf of Jim Dunn requesting the Council It OCES 15TADDIi. to approve the sewer plan for Northwood Ridges lst Addition plat and the land. adjacent, to it in Spring Lake Township. Three proposals have been discussed and the City feels that Alternate B is the best pavan. Staff a recommends approval of Alt. B and the owner has accepted Alt. B. G , Motion by Bissonett to adopt Alt. t as the Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the 40 acres of the Northwood Ridges Ist Addition plat and the 80 acres of land adjacent: to it in Spring Lake Township; the map for Alt. B plan be dated 1 June 25, 1979 and put in as part of the record, seconded by Thorkelson and y upon a vote taken it was duly passed. -2- v l iv MINi1Tl1i of Mo of tho VN "* C"Mu of tM V'NNe f row Lein in tM "Witty of UW end 31eh Mia� Indwdlft an eeeMnNS errilod by Mhi CornsN, MARLEN CIRCLI City Engineer Anderson explained the problem on Marlen Circle, located on the boundary TN of 13 and.Green Oaks Circle. The problem is that the water from Savage is running onto their yards and eroding the yards. They want the City to put in a culvert at no cost to them, Debbie Meyers was present to make comments on the matter. The storm runoff from Savage is meandering ,I I along-their property and eroding its way 'down o a - 9 Mond. The City should put in a culvert because it was not replaced after sewer and water was put in a few years ago,, The ,culvert will take thewaterunder the street, the an their property; pond instead of ' Other residents were present to give their ' coimients:on the problem. One idea was to have a storm sewer take the water directly to the pond. Mayor Stock cc"., nted that before the water and sewer went in, the Consulting inee,r asked 9 the people in that area if they wanted a storm sewer and the residents requested that the street not be paved , a and storm sewer not be pu the residents wanted the road to be private. If the residents want a culvert, put. in on Marlen Circle, than the City will put one in, however, ff the residents want a storm sewer then the, City will have to hold a pubiT;,c hearing and the residents will be assessed for this project because there are not enough 'funds for the city to Provide the area:wlth a storm sealer. A feasibility . study will also be needed if ',the storm, sewer project * k1s to proceed, . J The residents agreed that something should be�doiAe immediately about the water problem. They would like the culvert to be put in. ' Notion by Watkins to have the City= provide an adequate culvert at,least, 18" in diameter for Marten Circle and the funds be provided to the Green Oaks Association for the placement, (the 'City Engineer and City Manager review the costs), seconded by Bisson'ett and upon a vote taken It was duly passed.. ; 'The Green <Oaks Association should meet about this matter and let, the f Council know what they wish to do about } a storm sewer, SEWAGE BACK` City Manager McGuire presented the sewage back -up policy statement for UP POLICY Counci Vapproval, The Council had a discussion on this item and made a few 'changes to the policy. Potion by Watkins to adopt the sewage back -up policy as amended; seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed." RESOLUTION Resolution 79 -27, Designating the City of Prior LaWs Official 79 -27' Applicant for Reimbursement Funds ., of from the State of Minnesota's Peace Officers Training Board. e'. Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79 -27, Designating the City of .Prior Lake's Official Applicant for Reimbursement of Funds from the State of Minnesota's Peace Officers Training Board, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was daily passed. Resolution 79-29, Determining Sufficiency of Developer's Agreements and a-petition and ratifying previous City Council act on was reviewed by the Councl'l. Notion by Watkins to a Of Devel + dopt Resolution 79 -29, Determining Sufficiency oper s Agreements and a petition and ratifying previous city Council action, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken °it was duly passed. . ' ^ M HUM of the Pepe W 1110 VINNo CwseN of 1M Vi Nasi of Prior Loki is 1ho CwMy of Scot! and S of „ IiAiww"t, inclwNaa ON eP rwiiNd by said Coundl. CITY CODE 8K Mayor Stock read the ordinance from the Ci Attorney, regarding the City _ Code Book. Motion by Watkins to adopt Ordinance I -I -IA, City Code Book, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was, duly passed. STORM DAMAGE;, JUNE 19, 79 The storm damage from June 19, 1979 was discussed by the Council and also why the alert system was not sounded. City,Manager McGuire stated that the sirens are only sounded when a'' tornado is sighted near Prior lake or is when one sighted that could �. move toward Prior lake. The Weather Bureau and the Civil Defense Director"` -' orders the sirens blown when warrented. Should the Police Department or the Fire - Department, sight a tornado the siren will be blown without wait- ing for conciltation I SAND POINTE from the Weather Bureau or the Civil Defense Director. City ' Plans ADDITION Anderson presented the and, specifications for, Sand_ = Pointe Addition sewer and The is being project done_in hases. Approval of this i recommended. P t" Motion ,by Bissonett to app the plans and specifications for Sand Point* Addition sewer and = water, seconded by Thorkeison -and upon a: vote taken it was dul passed. - _� The City Engineer recommended approval be given for advertisement for bids for the Sand Pointe.Addition July on. 19,'1979 at 11 ;00 AM at City Hall. Motion by Thorkelson to approve advertisement for bids. for Sand Pointe Addition sewer and water project for July 19, 19 ��. ?9 at 11 :00 AM at - City =' Hall, seconded by 14avor Stock and u pon a vote taken it -was daffy passed. � ;HARBOR RESOR SHADY REACH A Ovate ring i n is going to have to, be looped from the Harbor Resort to Shad Beach. A 12 y #! 1MTERMAIN watermain will be, instal lid along CSAH 42 thro h a . u9 portion -of" the Harbor Resort. The City Engineer wood` l ike authorization b to prepare e'RIrs t specifications for this installation of a watermain between_Shady c rai and The Harbor Resort. i Motion by Busse to authorize the City'Engineer to proceed with.plans`and specifications for the extension of the watermain along County Road 42," seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. �J FAIRLAWN +. $iIORES i The4lty Engineer requested authorization for condemnation proceedings on the. Fairlawn Shores '-BLAND VIEW and island View project. Motion by Blssonett to authorize the:,condeftzation proceedings on the Fairlawn Shores and-Island View project, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it.was duty passed. The City Engineer requested: approval for c crete curb and gutter to be ' used, for 'cW-st�`c ia] streets because the bituminous material cannot handle' the 9 ton traffi that I runs on the streets. i i i rove the s Mdt:on'by Thorkeison'to approve concrete curb and gutter be used for all streets to be` constructed, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was ;passed. Councilman Bissone_tt abstained. JORDAN AYE . t yr�r Stock k directed the City Manager to inform petitioners for the r extension of-Jordan Avenue that the Council has authorized concrete :curb and gutters: for all „comaercial streets and if they object they can. 'come to the Council., he-$- of of dle rmhw co" * d tlla � t V .f 111! Prier eke ill 1111 Courft 'ef Seen sad 00 Of Al taeilldlM ell e«•wl `.wli<.d hr sNr Cewldi. The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday. July 3, 1979: .. Ilk Misc. De \� Da rtmen'ts - \� XeroXr Corporation' Go Machine . , Copy ne $ 55.00 Red Owl . Park Supplies S misc. 139.95 �Coulter�F Nelson, Sullivan Frevert Attorney Fees 3,02 ��COP, Inc Copy Machine 182.62 JAIE Office, products Co. Office Suppi €es 34, Min. a: Co. h Utilities G s B O Hardware 110.24 Delta_Dental` Plan. of Minn. Supplies 119.92 � c Insurance 648.75 General. i6vernment: John Mahoney f R Retainer Refunds Lyle Bakken $ 900.00 Retainer Refund 100 00, ;# Tom Mueller Retainer Refund Swenson /Hennen Development 100.00 Retainer Refund Ronald Buckeye 100.00 Retainer Refund 100.00 Charles Peterson RA•ainer Refund 100:00 =F J c Pr resign, Inc. `.� Michael A. McGuire B'idg. Permit .Refund WOO ` School Assoc. of Metropolit 168.55 an Municipalities Dues ' The Signer Co. 158.00 Robert , "CAI Iister Equipment `, 83.96 ° Robert,McAii >ister` Dog Catcher 235.00 Refund 9.00 \ \Qusse's Super Market Cleaning Supplies 34,$0 \ E�ngln"elnn : Scot. Co!anty Surveyor's t Maps $ 2.50 i County Recorder py •75 Policed cor Dennis Leff Mileage $ 3,60 z w . Liberty Plw�a Service, Inc. Supp1 Fes Prior Like Ii\), Vehicle Repair 28.29, Un,i forms Unl ni',ted Equipment Repair 41,.90 Fire: s �a Gerald IMielken ` .� Conference S 171.60 Vol unteer F{en s e� ee fit Assn.` Dues 135.00 \�Heai t Safety Produc`,� supplies, i ks « r Cori 1 nc. 29.95 `7 : ;\ P\ Equipment 177.50 i k: Tr a Arts it Crafts Supplies Prior dike Marine,�Inc. $ 153.64 .: Park Maint. 62 50 . ARJ' Ente \prises, Incl. i vents � � Improvements :14,407.00 Mousers pp �. 11.40 �. Ran Frank�'in Su 1 i es Qu y 30.30. , it 1t was! \j Contr = - Pp es Castle.Chem'81 Co. Inc, Muse Hauling 98.50 The Ic �, Park Re it t.Maint. 70.80 � K+okesh' \ Pa Naylor Mental Center �� Improvements 119,95 \Rertta.l 31.80 , `cMley CaingCenter pairs �. 45.29 5 M ` 5 ,'. isjc.,x.,x �*me aa•zz ' '.. k .�» M +'GJl::i.L: , . , -:. .. ..:„ N: t t 1a Vow of Prier tea M 1 ♦ Y . � CwMr of seen 'sow i1Nf of MiwwNMe. all ataemb ev&W: w' ow cav ftdi. 3 Street: ic n C`ee Mueller Harry C. Schalt= Chain Saw Chain S 20.00 Carlson Tractor 6 Equip q pment Co. Equipment Repair Equipment Repair $ 24.85 137.51 f Voss Electric company Supplies 10.33' r; NOW" Prague lumber b Ready -Mix Co.,, Inca Cement 56,09 ' Sewer: Kli`ngberg; Excavating, Inc. Repi $ 256. Water: �. Van Slaters a., Rogers Amer.. Cast iron Pipe Co. Chemlca s $ 211.67 i Water Products Co. Repairs Repairs 101.25 45,90 Dynamic Systems, Inc. Repairs 402.00 = $: Martinson Island Sewer and Water Constructi!on'Fund- d . '• Paul Wermerskirchen Abstract Co., Inc. Y Ownership Reports Engineering $ 2W0,0 i 6,05 *i _ Motion by Watklns =to adjourn, seconde.d'by Busse and , upon a vote taken this meting was:, adjourned at 9:30': PM. ij , Michael A. ,McGuire City Manager y a e. w 7 r , . x t A i -6- a,v6'ge-