HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 02 1979MINUM of d40 hecoodkip of the VOW** CwaeB of NN Village of Pdw lake in 1M County if Sew" earl 111111" of
"nosh.. including oil ecceunis urd W by seW Council.
�•; t"°a July 2, 1979 _
The Common Council' of the. City of Pr�� X eke met in regular,' session
on July 2, 1979 . at 7 :30 •PM. Preseni -w.,re Mayor Stock, Councilmen' °
Busse, Thc►rkelson,'City Manager McGuire' City Engineer,. And rson and.:
Attorney Sul tivan. Absent were; Councilmen' Bissonett and Watkins.,,
Mayor Stock called =the meeting to order.
MINUTES - Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of June 2S; 1979:, seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken: it was dul passed.
reviewed proposed policy sta } fment on storage sheds on lake lots was
by the Councl,l„ A discussion was held on Condition A,
how the word permanentt�wouid be defined.
Mayor StocIC recomner. that Condit ion,, #1 be taken out. o The .rest
of , the Council was in 3reemertt with this.
Motion by Thothets to adopt the proposed policy statement on-
a.l,. storage sheds',; on 'aka lots dated June,27, 1979 and as amended on
' July 2, 1979, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was >dnly {
,. passed.... - = ° � -
CITY VEHICL The bids that were received 'for the` sale of the City ehicie ware
reviewed. Bids received on June 27, 1979 at 10::00 AM for a 1975
Dodge Coronet were from David Nordrwn for $150 and from Phillip
4 .
Tipka - for $135 It is recommended that the bid be awarded. to
.. David Nordrum for $150 upon receipt of the.�Toney.
Motion by Busse to award. the bid to David Nordru for $150 for the `
1975 Dodge Coronet, seconded ° by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken i:t
was duly passed. Y
CREEKSIDE Bids received for Creekside Circle paving were reviewed. Bids were
ORCLE received on June 28, 1979 from Northwest-Asphalt, Inc. $22,91.00,
MlKi -esota Valley Surfac.iliig $36,736.5► and McNamara - Vivant!
, Contracting Inc. $27,575.00.
It is recommended to award to the low b1dder,,N6rthwest Asphalt, Inc.
Notion by Busse to award the contract to the low bidder, Northwest
Asphalt,`Inc. in the amount of $22;491'.00, seconded by Thorkelson
and upon a vote taken it was dyly pass-d. -
ASSESSMENT The Council is to schedule assessment hearings for sewer and water
s. HR6. S 6 W
projects. It is recommended that the assessment hearing for'Pro-
ject #77-3 -Phase t and 11 (Wagon Bridge) be scheduled for August
K 6th at 8 :00 PH and "Project #78 -1 (Martinson island -Kopps Bay) be
scheduled for August 13th at 8:00 PH.
PROJECT Notion-by Thorkelson to schedule the assessment hearing for Pro-
77-3 je`ct 77-3 Phase 1 and II for August 6th at 9:00 PR, seconded by
Russw and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. a
PROJECT Notion by Busse to schedule the assessment hearing for Project
78 - 78 -1 for August 11thr at 8 :00 PM, seconded by-Thorkelson and upon
G a: vote taken It was duly 'passed.
GATEWAY City Manager McGuire received notice that the people involved with
AVE. the Gateway Avenue project would like,to table it for 2 weeks.
Mayor Stock tabled the Gateway Avenue item for 2 weeks from tonight,
July 16, 1979.1
omplex has.
7'ATHLETIC COM received a Federal and State grant. The Federal grant is for $76,500."
and the State grant is for $38, 250. The total monies received for the
project is $114,740. n
Island View City Engineer Anderson requested approval for the plans and specifications
INDL ADDN. for Island View 2nd Addition. The plans and specifications are for the
insula where the sewer tine will be going on the hake side of the tots
-instead of the street Lots.
4r Moti6n by Thorkelson to approve the plans and specifications contnigent
proper re
pe p rauflon be taken for control l ing the erosion during the .
construction of the property, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it n
was , Idul y passed. t:
PROJECT Motion by Busse to advertise for bid opening on August 1, 1971 for the ,,xu
78-5 project (78 -5), seconded by.Thorkelson and,upon vote. taken It was duly ¢,
zi -passed.
LETTER OF Mayor Stock read a.letter of appreciation to the Police Department from
APPRECIATION' Mrs. Del Rogers for watching their house while they were gone,
6 _2_
" n j,
k k k
MINUTES Of aM Tnaeoodiaas of tho .Vilhpo Council of the Villego of Prior lake in tho- County of See" and State of .'
Mienowta, for -udino all accounts ouditod by said Council,
Councilman Thorkelson reported that the road going to the new Post Office,
-. RD. A
Anna Trail, is a problem to drive on. There is a problem with water
draining because of no
City Engineer Anderson stated that bids for the Anna Trail project will'
be taken_and opened this month. He will also take a look at the road. -
Mayor, Stock said that on Condons. Street a 20 ft. °ri.ght of way' be
-OF -WAY =
= d
property i
area are Larry Nickelson and James Lynch. Mayor Stock recommends that"
the City Manager and the City Engineer negotiate for the 20 ft. easement
for road purposes from them in addition to the 20 ft,
Motion by Thorkelson to have the City Manager and the:City Engineer
negotiate a 20 ft. easement from Larry Nickelson and James Lynch for
road purposes, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly
Bob McAllister was present to discuss the dog catcher's agreement with
the Council. He had a request to change the agreement; dele aparagraph 4,
The Council agreed with this, however, he will have to get a liability
policy naming the City as additional insured. Also in paragraph ;3, the .
' a
amounts of insurance limits should be increased to $100,000 and $300,000._
A certificate of insurance, naming the City as additional insured on the
6 ,
, policy, should be dropped off at City Hall.
In paragraph 9, the amouRL should be $275 a month for performance and 2
in paragraph 1, the date/in which the cor: act is effective -until is
June 30, renewable on July 1. a
Notion by Busse to authorize the City-Manager and the Mayor to ' enter �
into c
contract with Mr.,.'Bob McAllister on the basis that the amount,
t f
for performance be: added, paragraph 14 be amended, insurance limits be v
" T
increased and the City Attorney approves the insurance, seconded'by
Thorkelson and u / r
pon a vote taken it was. duly passed.,
Mr. McAllister stated that when he gets approval from the County he will b
be changing,his radio frequency to Scott County and anyone can reach him �.
by getting in touch with the Sheriff's Department.
City Manager McGuire reported that the Prior Lake Athletic C
. }:1;� ` it � ' �4 �` � 1 ' ` 1 � S � E� i , • Est
` MINii M of >M ft"
inp of Ibo Vigo�o ewneil Ofr,/ho Vin"O of Pwor Cako in tM Cou of Sew- and Shoo of
MisiwosoN, ineiwl E is
me all n audited by said Coaaeil.
SANDELYOOD RD Mayor Stock be:' - iy ~ reviewed the letter he received from the Mayor
f7li, S of the City of Shakopee regarding-,the Cul De Sac connecting Sandi
MARTIMDAIE•RD wood Road In Shakopee with Martindale Road in Prior Lake. The
Planning Commission discussed it at their meeting and areagainst 1 �
-- the. connection. Also present, at the Planning, Commission were
residents from Titus Addition, They were also against this.
Thy 4--_Yor of Shakopee.thinks that these roads should be connected,
because ofi` *he length of the'Cul De Sac of each road,
Maya�r;'SLock su ��
gges�.�d that an i nformattaai maetin be`" set
ib on July
, 197 at 8:00 'PM an. the people of the Titus Addition and the" �
Planning Cor�m.ission be "inz��ed at the request "of the Mayor of t
Shakopee and the Mayor of Pri: Lake to discuss.this,
Mgt, on by Thorkelson, to adjourn, s \ ided b Busse• and u
to ap Wk.s meeting was adjourned at 8 pMy p°^ a vote �•
Michael A, McGuire
r t,
reviewed by the Council. A discussion was held on Condition #I.,
how the word permanent would be defined.
Mayor Stock recommended that Condition 11 be taken out. The rest
of the Council was in agreement with this. ..
_ Motion by Thorkelson to adopt the Proposed-'aoiicy statement on
4 storage sheds on lake lots.dated June 27, 1979 and as amended on
July 2, 1979, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dibly
J CITY VEHICL The bids that were- received`for the sale of the City veh le were
reviewed. Bids received on June.'27, 1979 at '10:00 AM,for a 1975
Dodge Coronet were from David Nordrum for $150 and from Phillip
Tipka for $135• At is recommended that the bid be 'awarded to
David Nordrum, for $,1.50 upon receipt of the money.
. Motion by Busse to award the.bi,d,,tq David Nordrum for $150 for the
1975 Dodge Coronet, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it
�, was, duly passed.
y, :.
� CREEKSIDE Bids received for Creekside Circle paving were reviewed. ' Bids ~were 3„
CIRCLE received on June 28, 1979 from Northwest Asphalt, Inc.. $22,491.00,
Minnesota Valley Surfacing $26 and McNamara - Vivant
Contracting Inc. $27,575.00..
z It is recommended to award to the bidder, Northwest Asphalt Inc.
^ f , a
Notion by Busse to award the contract to the low bidder, Northwest
Asphalt, Inc. I the amount of $22,491.00, seconded by Thorke 1 soin � � t
and upon a vote taken it was dely passed. "
ASSESSMENT The Council is to schedule assessment - hearings for sewer and water
w ^' HRG. S i W pro3ecft:� It js recommended that the assessment hearing for l'r ..-
ject 17713 Phase - 1 and )I (Wagon Bridge). be scheduled for August
6th at 8:00 PM and Project 178 -1 (Martinson Island'- Kopp`s Bny), be
^' scheduled for August 13th° at 8:00 PM.
PROJECT Mot ion, 1
by Thorkelson to schedule the assessment heartncafor Pro-
77 _ ject 17-3 Phase IL and I I for August 6th at 8:00 Pi,,_-,seconded by
Busse and upon a vote taken i't was duly passed -
PROJECT Motion by Busse to schedule the assessment hearing for Project
7&.1 foe August 13th•at 8:00 PM, seconded by Thorkelson' and upon I-
*vote taken i t was ditty passed.
GATEWAY= ; Manager McGuire received notice° °that the'pe involved with -
AVE. the Gateway Avenue project would like to.-table 4 t for 2 weeks.
Mayor Stock tabled the Gateway Avenue Item for 2 weeks from tonio,?e+,
July 16, 1979. _
c n M
MINUM Of M McMdislis; of the Ville" COW"" of NN Vill"* of Mar lab In 1M CwMI► 0 Scoff and Step of
MiauacNa, ineladiM all accounts audited by said COW"
July 2, 1979
The;, Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session 7
on July 2, 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Busse, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson and
Attorney Sullivan. Absent were Councilmen Bissonett and Watkins.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order.
Motion b ' Thorkelson `to approve y pprove the minutes of June 25, 1979, seconded
Al b
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
` S
The proposed policy statement on storage sheds on lake lots was
- -
MINUTES of the Pi lop of the Village Council, of the Villaar of Pries: take In tm County of scan and state af, .
Miawesote, including all aamunh audited by said Council.
Councilman Thorkelson repotted that the road going to the new Post Office,,
Anna Trail, is a problem to drive on. There is a problem 0
with water
draining, because of no ditches.
City,Engi'neer Anderson stated that bids'for the Anna Trail project will
be taken and opened this month. He will also take a look at the road.
Mayor Stock said that on Condons Street a 20 ft. right of way should! be
ded,i.cated. The City has a,20 ft, right of way in that area now, but also
requires an additional 20 ft. The residents that own property in that
area are Larry Nickelson' and James Lynch. Mayor Stock recommends that
the City Manager and the'City Engineer negotiate for the 20 ft, easement,
for road purposes from them in addition to the 20�ft.
y 4
"Mot ion by Thorkelson to have the City:Manager and the City Engineer
negotiate a 20 ft. easement from Larry Nickelson and James Lynch for
road purposes, seconded b Busse and u
� � X Pon a vote taken it was duly
Bob McAllister was present to discuss the dog catcher's agreement with
the Council. He had a request to change the ",agreement; delettparagraph 4.
The Council agreed with this, however, he will have to get a liabilityI
policy naming the City as additional insured. Also in paragraph 3, the
amounts of insurance limits should be increased to $100,000 and $300,000.
A certificate of insurance,; naming the City as additional insured on the
policy, should be dropped off at City Hall.
In paragraph 9, the amount should $275 a month for performance and
in paragraph 1, the date in which the contract is effective until is
June 30, renewable on July 1.
Motion by Busse to authorize the City Manager and the Mayor to'enter
into.contract with Mr. Bob McAllister on the basis, that the amount'
for erformance be added
P ,paragraph ,f4 be amended, limits be
increased; and the City Attorney approves the.'insurance, seconde'd'by,
Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. '
Mr. McAllister stated that when he gets approval from the County, he will
changing his radio frequency to Scott County and anyone can reach.himi
by getting in touch with the Sheriff's Department.'
l *=
City Ma49er McGuire reported that the Prior Lake Athletic Comple has
received a Federal and State grant. The Federal g" rant i's for $76,500'..
and the State grant is for ,$38,250. The total, monies receive& the
project is $114,740.
Island View
City ',Engineer Anderson requested approval for the plans and specifications
for island "View 2nd Addition. - The plans and specifications,are.for the
` c
peninsula where the sewer fine will be going on the lake side of the lots
, of the street lots. "
Motion by Thorke son to' approve the plans and specifications contingent
upon proper precautloii:ae taken for controlling the erosion during the
construction of," property, seconded by °Busse and upon a vote taken it
was duly passes.,
Motion -by Busse to advertise for bid opening on August 1, 1979 for the
project (78 seconded by Thorkelson' and upon a vote taken it was duly
- Passed.
Mayor Stock read a letter of appreciation to the Police Department from
� II
. f
Mrs. Del Rogers. for watching their house .:while the r �
9 y w ere gone..
_ 2
c y
mmm 4` the of NN v wqp C I,w d of", Vill a of PO ! �! ill the 'Y.�.
` �J at SKNI`O!d SAN if
r inehldi06 all by tow cbvwCii. ❑
Mayor Stock brief) y the letter he received f
of the City,"' m the'Mayor
y'of Shakopee
regarding thetCul De Sac connecting Sande)-
wood-Road in Shakopee iv,L h Martindale Road
In,, Lake. Th - e
Pannin g Commission discussed it at their meeting and area ins
{ "
connection. Also present at the`Planning Commission were
residents from Titus Addlition.
They were also against this. -`�
The Mayor of ShakoPee thinks that these roads should be''connected
because of tlie' length of the Cul
De'" Sac of each road.
Mayor Stock suggested that an info '
�tionslmeeting be set on Jraiy
16 1979 at °8:00 PM
.and the peopie of the Titus 1lddition. and the
Planning Commission be i2 at the,;request,of
Shakopee and the Ma the Kayor of
yor of Prior Lake to discuss this.
Motion.bylThorkelson to adjourn,'secondedilby Busse and u
taken this meeting was adjourned at 8;36 PM pon vote
r ,
Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
' u
1 7