HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 09 1979ININUM of Mo MeaediMs of the vuh" Covew of duo Vm"* of Prix lake Ira 1M Cwmgy O Senn " eed>SNh of Ia, iwdvdi" ell acc*mft andiNd by said Cwadl. July 9. 1979 } The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake "met in regular session on July 9, 1979 at 7 :30 PM. Present were Mayor~ Stock, 'Councilmen,Busse, B- issonett, Thorkelson, Watkins;, City Manager,McGuire; City Engineer An derson, Finance Director Teschner, anus Attorney Sull,;ivan. Mayor Stock calledr the meeting to orde r. The following correction is to be: made to the minutes of July 2 k Page 2, paragraph 5 correction of the word delet to delete. . MINUTES ' Motion b �. y , 8urse to a PProv4. the minutes of July 2, 1979 - -as amended T seconded by .horkel'son A upon ar vote taken it was duly passed. CRIMINAL JUS- TICE ADVISORY The Council reviewed the draft for the By -Laws for the Criminal Jus- tine Advisory Council. d COUNCIL r Mayor Stock requested the Council to think of some0t in the comet ity, or if a Councilman would like to volunteer, to servi on the committee. Action onr this w ll be taken at anothertneeting ,»Y Mayor Stock accepted the By -Laws of the Scott County Criminal Justice Advisor+ Council. , ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROD. The Counci-I reviewed the Pr oposed Emironmentai Health Program. Mayor Stock' on that committee and briefly explained what the committee ti does- " Mag�or Stock accepted this re port as informational material. - JOHN LEWIN Mr'. John Lert was present "to ask the Council what he should pay for the" a►agering ewer s 'service. The total, cost is $5,881.41. r - -Mayor Stock r: commended that the City assume: the cost of "a'lift for $1,885.77 and credit � p ump th".s amount against the auger bid of g $5,88,1.41. Mr. Lewin woold then the di f Pay f, erenc of P $3 ,995.64 , whi ch would be put on the a ssess rol.;l', II I Motion by Watkins for the City to assume the cost of the: lift pump for 88 n an S 77 d to credit this amount against the auger bid of $5,881,41, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dui passed. ij SIGNALS AT 42 t 1 - y Y City Engineer Anderson reported that her had a meeting with Mn /Dot acid rthey hill be accepting bids for the project of installing � ' CSAH 42 TH 13. signals at C _and BROWN WATER Cou,lcn li d _a discussion on, the water sample 'that one reside,nt brought ° } in. ,t a.he wa .ter wac brown witch deposits i po is that had settled at the bottom of the jar. Councilman Thor�.elson also stated that he has had - ' probleMSL like this with his water. Y , The City Eng,i neer is to check this out and report "back to the Counc i l at a future meeting. 0 PS BAY a HART INSON IS The City Engineer reported that the Kopp's Bay and Martinson Island 4 0roject`is near ca'ptetlon: The contractors are laying the sod. 4TH OF JULY ' l Mayor Stock 'read a letter he recei`t�d from Marvkun`d Prior Lake Association, thanking the City of Prior Lake and City Staff for making the 4th. of July teiebrati'on a success. 7450 PM At this time, Mayor Stock called.i, recess with the Public Hearing to recon -- Vent at 8:00 PH. s:OO PM �1I Mayor Stock called the Public Hearing to order. _. <a I i IMINUM of the of th* r eeu"" of Vilhe" of trier Lek* in of see" I X11+ shN of ell aeauMs ewNNd h► saHi Cwseil. I REVENUE BON Mayor Stock read the public hearing notice that "was printed i'n the Prior Lai:e GUIDELINES American. SHAKOPEE ME CLINIC IN Councilman Bill Bissonett asked to be excuse f PRIOR LAKE" d from this public hearing an all participation. 9_ d � eI Mayor Stock - Explained the procedure for tonight's hearing and discussed' Resolution 79 -25, Revenue Bonds `Guidelines_ David Fleming - Partner with Abrams, Keenan, lynch and Spagnolia anti also Administrator of the Shakopee Medicai Center, PA in Shakopee. He introduced Robert l.vy of Thompson, Neilson Law Firm, counselor for °this matter. i Robert Levy - Issuance of a bond according to MSA, Statute 474 is serve economical development within the City which the project is to be located. There are specific ways ,in which that can take place. We are looking . at two primary areas. 11 Direct increase `in­empioyment within the City. It is estimated that there would 'be approximately 18 new jobs created in ' connection k ' with this project. 2) Increase in the tax base. A nice new medical build -! ing,would'be a benefit,,to he community through the result in an increase ir. the tax base. 3) ;Keeping the People Within the City_for medical i er- vices. If they stay in the City - for medical services, other businesses in the City can fulfill their needs. This propose& project anJ issuance of the; revenue bond or note is to be sold and purchased only ,to a single institutional -investor. We are not looking at a public offering or a _ 9 private , placement r _ multiple issue or more than one holder. There would be- sineve purchaser. It may be that there will be a construction investor that the bond might be done on the basis, that would allow for construction loan to be done under the bored and ,that upon completion of the improvements it wou d be sold by the m" istruction lender to the permanent fender.' It is possible' that at one tka on�:bank might hold the bond during the period of construction an,i completion it would be sold ' to an insurance c We are lookin ai upon a' � ^ y• } 9, proposed s ale of this bond through the Towle Company to an insurance company, which is in line with Resolution 79 - 25.. �. Abrams, Keenan, lynch and Spagnolia is a partnership which consists of`uphysicians who make up the Shakopee `along Medical Center with Mr. Fleming. The Medical Center would be the primary tenant of the building providing 1 related medical services. The into a lease with the partnership would enter corporation. poration. We are not dealing with outsiders, ! 1 we are dealing ;I th two related entities and two members,,are residents of Prior lake. David Fleming - The Shakopee Medical Clinic has noticed a trend in the number of years that many patients have come; from the Prior Lake area, k %W0 As the area has grown we have found that people have traveled to Shakopee, Sundance Medical Clinic said that 22 %,,,of their patients have come from the Prior lake area. St. Francis Hospita'„indiacted that a clinic facility In Prior Lake is necessary for the survival of the hospital. Prior lake is the most logical extension of providing medical services; 702 of the patients in the Jordan,,lakevilie and Prior Lake ar ea ` , outs de' the con- . munity for care. The clinic in Prior<Lake will be,.relat ed to the Shakopee Medical C1'inic and be financially entwined, however, be will a separate entity with its own staff. One doctor � °iii' rotate, = - f,-am tF = Shakapea . "Hadical'Ciinic and one new physician will be hired. Over the,years, there will, be two physicians, occupying 6.exam rooms and employing about 11 -12 people. The 4,000 sq ft. of clinic that Shako F Medical Clins will be renting will : include c omplete lab and X -ray facility, minimizing pat "ents transportation for further analysis and diagnosis and also a mall emer- ` gency area which would minimize transportating patients outside the community. We are proposing to an 8,000 sq. ft. building with capacity of i2 „000 sq. ft. The 4,000 ft. expansion cannot be predicted when it will take place, however, one -half of the 8,000 sq. ft. will go to the Shakopee Medical Clinic and the other half will be devoted for office for space specialists• We have received many inquiries from specialists interested;-~ in getting office space from this Q el a clinic. - Qr II I j' 1 - 2- I e t co of sm" saw 5011011 of •w h 0 6dW by s ' Cowaa 16 ` MEDICAL CLINIC IN David Fleming - The Shakopee Medical Clinic and the real estate -'', ship of Abrams, Keenan, lynch and Spagnola 1i 'G PRIOR LAKE coming to Prior Lakepirtner logical extension to our existing practice. It will provide more cost effective care to our Patients who currently j 1 reside in Prior Lake and give us an opportunity to provide and it w service to Prior Lake as it grows ill affect °and improve the utilization - of all health care pro- viders within the community. Peter'Patchin - 1 should have been here earlier when you passed Resolu- tion 79 -25• '1 am a little more than disappointed in your judgement and What advice you might have had. I feel l very,,strongly that this method' is a very unsound method of financing. Anytime ; a borrower has zero dollars equity in a project it is almost too easy to walk away and the responsibility and pressure of good management does not exist. They are asking $87.50 a sq. ft, or double the -cost of a Somebod 'i g y good quali office building.. going way out of line on this one. What wor- Has me is that the City of Prior Lake has to endorse this. if the want to do this, why don't they do it on, their own. In my recent ex- Perience in the last ten years, in appraising financing x and ,these pro- jests, 1 would have to compare the sudden surge toward revenue bond financing to the limited partnership scam, a,..• what it turned out to be, and bankru tc' was s. P Y pectular• Its bad enough when the City has endorse financing in order to to get a tax exempt. The Ci does not'have any direct obligations on this, however, the . City's name Is on it nevertheless. The people; of Fergus Falls and South St,. Paul only got $.42 on their dollar for bonds. They are suing not only - the borrower` but 1 ask that you go and talk to the City officials and ask them about it. It's a risk you are taking and'i don't; know why you are taking it. 1 should have been here before . .up this thing was resolved. The application might be the most meritorious ever, I don't pass judge - ment on that, l just Pass judgement ci what i think is a very risky method of financing and -very " a risky thing for the City of Prior Lake to be endorsing. ' ' ' Dr. Olaf Lukk;- 1 have been a resident in Prior Lake for 19 years." Everyone says that there is of `1 .lack medical service in Prior Lake. have been looking or ten g years for someone to come to Prior lake. have found someone (a doctor to join my clinic) and he has been in Prior Lake for two years now and owns a house in Prior Lake. He was interested in coming to Prior Lake because he has had from n -some patients Prior lake. For three months he has been working three after- nouns a week and he has had nothing to do. 1 don't know how four doctors can drum up business all 1 of *Sudden when one doctor cannot in three half da s. Y My is alicensed architect - and 1 talked with him today and he.said that to build a medical building for lour doctors,, the highest price is $40,00 /sq.. ft. w ' and this comes to $320,000, What do you propose to do with the extra $300,000? Linda Hedlin - 1 will be joining Dr. Lukk in October. There i no doubt in my mind that. the population Prior :in Lake cannot have their . medical needs taken care Of'by myself, Or. Lukk or Dr. Magnuson. The issue of whether more medical services could be used in thi's.communi'ty, I do not believe is the primary issue the issue:is should this.be fin- arced b thi ; Y particular revenue bond, and does this corporation need those aforementioned '14 criteria for this particular bond Issue, Norbert Traxler - 1 would like to point out that 1 am i New Prague at least one -third the of time and I see the City of New Prague and where it is today compared with the adjacent cities, Mont 1, and 'back in the 1940' Mont Mont for instance, gomery and New Prague were Czech towns cam- Paling against one another and somewhere along the line they decided New Prague would promote and establish the Queen of Peace Hospitai. - Now 6 i f You Y . go back and take a at the towns, Montgomery has: -one doctor and two law firms and New Prague has seven doctors, three c.i.f °rtes, five: law firms and a shopping area and commercial activit'les in an Industrial, coup ex. I t seems l i k4 when you have the services to de Elmer, You will group other = services around you. We have been living with the save medical fac'ilitiy as our population has changed. New Prague has` Probably tripled'"it Population. If we are going to go grow and rather than have people travel across the river to the Fairview and Metro areas for medical service, now is the time to make a decision. I feel that we should go for it, x 5 ; ° u *mow»•.,, „� -3 �, ` �- 44� WIN . MINYt1Et of 60 "One N of 111! VNq! C"Nail of ** Vill"* of f Hw take favtbe Cwaly of Sew e W SMh of ' Mi#me"N4 7wdudiai an emmeft Mia i; by said CwReil. MEDICAL OLIN Norm Erickson - 'If we are going to go and grow, as Mr. Trax,ler stated, lL do IC IN PRIOR 'believe that the medical faciiities are certainly important. In LAKE icular trade, it is certainly one of. the'first asked questions. lhat the diedicalfacilities, what are the school situations, the thurches, etc, " It was hard, years before to get; a general practitioner to came into small towns, and when we do have someone that wants to come in, that is something that is exciting to me, Jenny Stack - I am very favorably with the proposal, it wili'be a very assetc'to our community. At this time, the cost does seem high. however, the additional space way not be needed now, but certainly will be needed in the future. I.would much rather have the medical clinic here;, because 1 do drive to Shakopee for medical, services and sometimes that drive is to the detriment to, anyone that has to make it. I'.am very much In favor of the proposal. ;. Frank Lyons`'- 1 am speaking for some,of the Seniors of Prior Lake, it^ t, would be.a good thing to have the clinic in Prior Lake for the convenience and necessity of the Seniors, because in the winter time it is very hard to drive to Shakopee when the roads are bad, Marilyn'Overmire - We are in deed in an energy crisis now and as a potient who drives to Shakopee, it is, very important that we took at the ecomony situation as such and keep it in, mind when voting for or against. the project. g Robert Levy -,,Mr. Levy made a few more comments regarding the` and also answering_ some'of the questions the audience had. Mayor Stock - The Mayor stated that the comments that were heard tonight will be 'taken under advisement by the City Council. The City's Consultg Agent will make additional coniients on l.ution 79 -25 and also on i revenue bond financing, Steve Mattson - Consuiting Agent for the City from Juran and Moody. Metro Meats caused the industrial revenue bond problem in St. Paui and Fer- " gus Falls. There were investors that did lose al:ot money; it -,of was a pro - blew with a greedy underwriter and greedy investors. Juran and'Moody was", Invited to se the bonds to the public and we declined it because we ,looked at the financial statement and it looked very shaky to us. `Whhen you have., a high yield"on a bond issue the higher the higher yield the the risk. The problem Is it was a public issuance. if it would have been a private placement with an insurance company, savings and Goan or. bank, it would have not had all the publicity an it. =don't h think that the City was really hurt on this. If it is a private placement the City cannot get �NII .hurt. The only - people that card are going to know about it are the ones directly Involved in it. it'won't hit the papers. Resolution 79-25: Basically drafted by me and 1 sat down Wi th City-Staff to put it together. With 100% financing, investors are run - wing wild"in real estate and to protect yourself from high taxes Is the more you can borrow and the less equi you have in it.the. more tax benefits YOU (to get high leverage) derive-out can of it. Most investors feel that this project Is a good one. A object °to financing things over 100 %, any -: thing other than the project lost shouid'be financed. There are alot of Investors that will take a deal on a 100% financing, If it would help, Juran and Moody can, with Mr. Sullivan, look through the document on the medical clinic and make sure everyting is j Or. Olaf Lukk Q- Dr, Lukk made additional comments. Mayor Stock - 1'f - there are no further comments then I will close this por- tion of the public hearing and open it Council 9 up to the comments, for questions and Councilman Thorkelson „- One question foe Mr. Mattson. Is there any additiona'i tax, break. to the person who is buying the bond', Mr. Mattson - No, the seller, 1 a; . i e t _:. MNittfEt of IAe h�NdMgs ai the CwweN Me VINr,e of hies take iw Ike CwM of s" 0" S1de of Miwwee� iedwiMa eN wewNs eudlie�l b eam Cerwell. �,�._, -� MEDICAL CLINIC IN Mayor Stock - When looking at the resolution, l was looking at ail 14 criteria not just one certain one that PRIOR LAKE would apply to revenue ;bonds. ` Councilman- Thorkelson - why was all the in the document prepared for the Council' + clinic dated on in 1970? David Fleming - It was the best hard data that we could come up with :; this time, because the next current k un inforwtion will not be done anti 1' 1980. ,� R Councilman Cusse - 1 feel the Staff should further review ;this. t Counciiman "Watkins - I feel that one mad cal ciinic should c the other to help the needs of the City. There-are nunicipal�reve bonds available in all communities and the resolution the Council passed will help them to look at it as a business venture and no more and approve it or' disapprove it, not to say that certain businesses may locate and certain businesses ' jam may not Mayor Stock Residents going across the river to receive medUca1 services ind�ates� that there is M & a need for more medical facilities in the area ,, not us for Lake. The purpose of theOpublic hearing to x r is generate the ioput`6N01Jh^ public to see if there is a need for an additi.ot►al medical: cliffit-ain Prior•__4ke. ' Motion by Busse to take unbr advisement the Information that was pre - sented here this evening, in ' this public hearing, for the. ur the proposal of the n pose of„ partnership of Abrams, I Keenan, lynch aid Spagnolie In reference to a clinic in_,Prior Lake and that the public hearing be adjourned, z' seconded by Thorkelson and 'u dui p� a vote taken:t was Y'_passed. i W .,. �, Motion by Watkins -to direct the City Attorney and the.Consultin as well' as City Staff, to review in depth this> proposal and repor back to the Councii with recommendations as to the proposal. They Y shall report back on July 2 3,'1979 at 8:00`PM, seconded.by Thorkelson pon a vote taken it. was duly passed. t ,' The following Invoices are scheduled to be paid on tuesday, July 17, 1979; Mi sc. Oeaart�nents Metro Alana, 'Inc. Monitoring s. Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan Frevert Attorney Fees �y 36.00 : °' �` Air Cowes. , i nc. 1 .579:.50 Weber Auto Su l Inc, Equipment Repairs 4081. p Y. .' .'� '' _ Vehicle, Repair 53,21 lake Auto Supply Vehicie;Repair Y Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 12,50 it i _Tom's Mobil Service 509.65 Veh Repair Gas Water Products Co.' 77;20 Water Meters t l mpvmts. 7.585.50 General Gove k rnment: '� . �. `'I Bill Cress Retainer Refund S Becht Construction Retainer Refunds 4 00.00 gue of M�fnn. Cities . clues Gross Ind., Services Bidg. Mai'nt. 315.00 The Reynolds and Reynolds Co. 64:80 Su lies Coast to Coast Store pp 36.60 Equipment. Prior Lake Aiwerican 20. Pub lshing ` 'Mi'ller /Davi's Co. 76.16 Amer. Linen Su i Co,. Supplies 45.61 E - N. Newstrom p''y Bldg. Maint. 19.75 Bidg. t Pl'mg. Insp.: 1,404.00 Sun Newspapers PuElishing Economy Dictation Systems Supplies - 16.64 Robert McAllister 18,75 Dog Catcher 235.00 OSM Engineering 236..:22 �M1Ni1l: of the hem N of the VIMye CWMM d' the VNB OO Of row take in the GwNy of iatt end .� MieeMNe indud� all ats'rdilid M Iry'eeid Gw�dl. Planning: Franz Eng. Reproductions, Inc. Printing $ 49,67 ' Engineering ICO Vehicle Repair 24.00 Pol tce : Rob hoe Prior Lake Motors mileage Vehicle: Repair 3.60 75,90 .z; Uniforms Unlimited 'Equipment Repair 94.75 Hoeppner Electronics Supplies 191.00 Fire Fire Chief Jim 'Weber Subscription 15.00 Grossman Chevrolet, Co., Inc. Convention Vehicle Repair 60 .00 €t 600 E., C. Peterson Co., Inc, Equipment Repair 19.35 q, Park Sears Solheid Candy ` Tobacco Co. Supplies Concessions S 139 � °. .° Northwestern Be.t 1 Utillties ,. 1,270.30 61.`:96 AndraNS,RexaTlxOruv Park Program Supplies 14.65 ABJ Enterprises, Inc. Shakopee Public Utili Comm. Contract Payment 12 :13.974.00 Taylor tental Center Utlltties Rentals 9.oif 31.60, Hawser's Super Value 11 Satelti,te Park Program &`Concession 163.10 ;., R l!inn...Toro, Inc. Rentals Repairs 161,12 153.46 ten Franklin Park Program Supplies t '' 14.63 Street: Savage Tire Service, Inc. Z, 9 Alrsignal international Repairs _ 19.E Prior Lake Aggregates, lnc. Rental Rock 27,00 Electric Service, Inc, Re pairs 100,00 00. M1ecQueen Equipment. q pwent, Inc. Repairs 165.2b , Wx Mueller t Sons, Inc. Prior Lake Blacktop,.Inc. 4Bitumfsous 72.00 C> J. L. Shlely Co. Blade Ren al Rock 142.50 113,86 Sewer.: Schrader Block Co. Pumping 4 uwtpin 35.00 1;. l; nley Sawer Service �� Pumping 4 30,00 ' ` General Melding. Installment E 10' 846.1.9 y q u ; pment 1 39-40 Water ° §., Serco Laboratories Hater Tests $ 24.00 KF °` 01seased Tree :: `- { 4 x , Noreen Crook st. Ent, Dumping S 690.00 `Sand Pointe Construction Fund:, OSM Moody's Investors Service,; Inc. Engineering Bond Rating v5 326.84` 375.00 } MMiY1/S of *A fnperiep of $be VINW Co of 60 ViNya Prier of teioa in lM CwniV of Sank MW Slele of ., . i ' ilAiepesdor to bWhW eN.oepwu Miler by ow=toeeeN. ,•z' , :•. Martinson island Sewer and Water Construction Fund: r >` °iMkw. OSM Engineering�t Chapin Publishing' °Co• Publishin $ 9 86 8600 1 977 Wagon Bridge Sewer and Water Construction Fund _ - OSM' Engineering 38.27 1977 Spring Lake Sewer and Water Can Fund St. Regis Paper Co. OSM Repairs $ 22b.68 f Engineering 565.0j Debt Service Fund: American National Bank S Trust Co. Bond Payment. American National Bank 6 ' $ 360. Trust Co. Bond Payment 5.507.50 Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9 :22 PM. Michael A. McGuire City Manager r .1 c 1 1 a + it v _ n - _ MINU?Et of The ftefteanp of tM 1/iMsae Cewieil of tla V{Npe of hMr leis M CewMr of Sew sad tee Of, the MIOO6081"t iadwdiM ON ecrewls wdNed ►1r said Cwaa. r ; Ju 9, 1979 � The Commom Council of the City of Prior or Lake met in regular session on July 9, 1979 at 7 :30 PM. Present were Mayor Stack It ;' Councilmen $issonett;. T - • Busse,. , horkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer � Anderson, Finance Teschner, Director and Attorney Sullivan. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following correction is to be made to the minutes of July 2, 1979: Y K Page 2 paragraph 5; correction of the word deiet to delete. MINUTES Motion; by Busse to approve the minutes of Jul 2 1 Y 979 ac amended':, l seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. CRIMINAL JUS- TICE ADVISORY COUNCIL The-Council, reviewed the draft for the B ,.w Mice Advisory Council, yl ws for the Criminal Jus- 1' 'Action. Mayor 'Stock . requested the Council to think of someone in the cowwunity, or if a Councilman would like to volunteer, to serve on the, committee.' on this w i l l be taken at ano titer meetin 9 • , M?jyor Stock accepted the By -Laws of theScott County Criminal Justice'Advisory Council. • ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROD. The Council reviewed the r d p opose Environmental Health Program. ° ? , Mayor Stock is on that committee and briefly explained what the committee does. Mayor "Stock accepted` th s report as informational loterial. w ' JOHN LEWIN; Mr. John Lewin was present to ask the Council what he should pay for the auger Ing'sewer service. The total cost is $5,881. -� Mayor Stock recommended' that the City assume the cost of a 1'1ft pump for $ and credit this amount against the Au ger bid of Mr. Lewin would' then $5,881.41, the difference of $3,'99$.64, �» r, _pay which would be Put on the assessment roil. G; Notion by Watkins for the City to assume the cost of the lift pump for $1,885.77 and to credit this amount against the for auger bid of 55;$81 seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken i t was dui Y Passed. a� t . 4IGNALS AT 3 City Engineer Anderson reported that he had a meeting' with !h /pot and they will be accepting,bids for the project of installing signals at CSAH 42. and TH 13. - 'f t , BROWN WATER' Council had A' d i scuss ion on the waterr' sample 'that one resident brought in. The water was brown r T with, deposits that had settled at the bottom of the jar., Councilman Thorke'lson a so stated that he has Gi had Problems like this with K water. y The City Engineer is to check this out and re Port back to the.Counc 1 at-a future meeting. . " k � o KOPPS BAY MARTINSON_tS The'City Engineer reported that the Kopp's Bay and Martinson project`is near completion. ,,The contractors are laying ; the sod. a 4TH OF JULY'. •. Mayor Stock read a letter he received from Mary tund Prior Lake Asiociat.ion, thanking the City of Prior Lake City `of and Staff for making the 4th July celebration a success. # :50 PM At this ti "me, Mayor Stock called a recess with the Public Hearing to recon_- vene At 8 :00 PN.> 8:00 PM Mayor Stock called the Public Hearing to order. I < � t MINUM of 1IN Phceadlow of NN VIMpo Cwedl of NN VINW of bier IS" is ' ! tM �! ^'1 of Slog ead $14" of . MiMNNo. iwdrriwY aN accwwh arrihr bys�id Cwwnl.. REVENUE BON Mayor Stock read the public hearing notice that was printed in the Prior Lake GUIDELINES ,American. SHAKOPEE ME CLINIC IN Councilman Bill 8'issonett asked to be excused from this ' public -PRIOR LAKE all public hearing and Participation. Mayor Stock - Explained the procedure for tonight's hearing and discussed Resolution 79-25, Revenue. Bonds Guidelines. David Fleming - Partner with Abrams, Keenan, Lynch and Spagnolia and also Administrator of the Shakopee Medical Center, i PA in Shako of T Shakopee. He introduced Robert Levy Thompson, Neilson Law Firm, counselor for this matter. Robert Levy - Issuance of a bond according to MSA Statute 47k is to serve economical development within the City which the is be project t located., There are specific ways in which that can take place. We are looking at two primary areas. i) Direct increase in employment` within the City. It is estimated that there would be approximately 18 new jobs created in connection with this project. 2) Increase in the tax base. A nice new medical build- ing would be.a benefit to the community through the result in an increase - in the tax base. 3) Keeping the people within the City for medic&] ser- vices. If they stay in the City for medical services, other businesses in the City can fulfill their needs. This proposed project and issuance of the revenue bond or note is to be sold and purchased i only to :a single institutional 'investor. We are not looking at a public offering or a private placement with multiple issue or "more than one holder. There would be a single purchaser. ' It may be that there wi be a construction investor that the bond,,might be done on the basis that would allow for construction loan to be done under the bond and that upon completion of the improvements it would be sold by the construction lender to the permanent. lender. It is possible that at one time one bank might hold the bond during the period of construction and upon completion it would be sold to an insurance company. We are looking at a proposed sale of this bond 'Towle through the 'Company. to an insurance company, which is in line with Resolution 79 - 25.,` Abrams, Keenan, Lynch and Spagr_olia is a partnership which consists of Physicians who make up the Shakopee. Medical Center along with Mr. Fleming. The Medical Center would be the primary tenant of the building providing, related medical services. The partnership would enter Into a lease with the corporation. We are not dealing with outsiders, we are dealing with two related entities and two members are residents of Prior, Lake;. � , David Fleming - The Shakopee Medical Clinic has.noticed a trend In the number of ears that man Y y patients have come from the Prior 2i k Lake area. As the area has grown we have found that people have traveled to.Shakopee. Sundance Medical Clinic ; said that 22% of their patients have come from the Prior Lake area. St. Francis Hospital indiacte'd that a clinic facility In Prior Lake is necessary for the survival of the hospital. Prior Lake Is the cost logical extension of providing medical i t services; 70$ of the Patients In the Jordan, Lakeville and Prior Lake area go outside the,com- mity for care. The clinic in Prior Lake will be related to the Shakopee :Medical Clinit. and be financially entwined, however, will be a separate entity with its own staff. One doctor will 'rotate from the Shakopee rt Medical Clinic and one new Physician will be Hired. Over the.years, there wilt be two physicians, occupying 6 exam rooms and employing about 11 -12 People. The 4,000 sq. ft.. of clinic that Shakopee Medical Cl'ini;c. will be renting will include complete lab and X-ray facility, minimizing patients transportation for further analysis and diagnosis and also a small timer- g e are area whic:1 would minimize transportating patients outside the. community.` i proposing to build an 8,000 sq. ft. building with capacity of 12,000 ft. sq,. The 4,000 ft. expansion cannot be predicted when it will take place, however, one -half of the 8,000 sq. ft. will go to the Shakopee Medical Clinic and the other half will be devoted for office space "for i specialists. We have received many inquiries from specialists interested in getting Office space from this clinic. ; u 1 -2- Norbert Traxler - I would like to point out that l in New Prague at least one - third of the time and 1 see the City of New Prague ' where it is today compared with the adjacent cities, Montgomery, for instance, and back in the 1940's Montgomery and New Prague were Czech towns com peting against one another and somewhere along the line they decided New Prague would promote and establish the Queen of Peace Hospital. Now if You go back and take a look at the towns,, Mont has 4 4 1 1 ,doctor and two law firms and New Prague has seven doctors, three `five law firms and a s ti l am` industrial c �PPing area; and commercial activities in an omplex. It seems like when you have the services to d:iiver, YOU will group other services around you. We have been living with the same medical facili't'y as.our population has changed. New Prague has Probably tripled it population. If we are going to go and grow and 'rather than have people travel across the river to the Fairview and Metro areas for medic service, now is the time to make a decision. I feel that we should for it. J iIAMy?!S of T 1'reaaiiMs of the VV14W Cwweil of 60 ViN"o of Pries leke i in the Cwp1y of Sera1t eed Stria of , Mirw�h. iwdrriwg eN raarrais rriihr y► said Cwwdh *�+ M MEDICAL D David Fleming - The Shakopee Medical Clinic and the I ` e PRIOR LAKE i Lake is a who currently reside in Prior Lake and give us an opportunity to provide service to Prior Lake as it, g grows and it will affect and i mprove the utilization of ali health care pro- viders within the communi Peter Patchin - I should have been here earlier when tion 79 -25. 1 am a little more than disc You-passed,Resolu- what advice d l d strongly that this is a very unsound method of financing. Anytime a borrower has zero almost too easy to walk away and the responsibility and pressure of good management does not exist. They are asking $$7.50 a s sq. f one. What wor- ries me is that the 'City of Prior Lake�bas to endorse this. If they want to do this, why don't they do it o on their own. In my recent ex- perience in the last ten years, in appraising and financing these pro - jects, 1 would have t to compare the sudden surge toward revenue bond financing to the limited partnership scam, what it t turned out to be, and ;bankruptcy was spectular. It's bad enough when.,the City has to- endorse financing in order to g get a tax exempt. The City'does' not have any direct obligations on this, however,, the City's n e name i They are suing_ not only the borrower but the City. I ask that you go and talk to th them about it. It's a risk are taking and 1 don''/t O this thing was resolv The application might be the most meritorious ever, I don't p t m pass j ment on that, i just pass j udgement cn what , i. think is a very risky for the City of Prior Lake to be endorsing, r I -Dr. Olaf Lukk,- 1. have been a resident in Prior Lake for i9 years: t I service in Prior Lake, have been looking for ten years for someone to tome to Prior Lake, have fosnd someone (a doctor °.to join my clinic) a and he has been in • P in Prior Lake. He wa interested in coming to Prior Lake because he has had-some p t patients' f d Dons a week and he has had nothing to do, i don't know how fr+u;'` of a sudden when one doctor can t in three half days. My son is a. licensed architect a .•, t ar,.d'I talked with him and this comes to do you Propose to: do with the extr $320,000„ What a 00< $3 , } L ,000? ,i-n P of whether more medical seM ces could be used 'i in th i s ycommun i ty, i do not believe i is the 'primary issue, the issue is should t�i is be fin- anced b this Y particular revenue bond, and does this corporation n need , s 40""" of iho fvwediep of the Vm qp twadl of the VING" of Prier lean in 1M Coumty of $Celt Ued Sh" of None le. inCludiee,•N eeesuab ewlift by teed Covedl. MEDICAL CLIN Norm Erickson­ If we are going to go and grow, as Mr. Traxler stated, I do IC IN PRIOR believe that the medical facilities are certainly important. In my part - 'LAKE LAKE icular trade, it is certainly one of the first asked questions. What are r the medical facilities, what are the school situations, the churches, etc. It; was hard, years before to get a general practitioner to coma into small towns, and when we do have someone that wants to come in, that is something ` that is exciting tome. Jenny Stack - I am very favorably impressed with the proposal,, it will be a very great asset to our community. At this time, the cost does seem high, however, the additional space may not be needed now, but certainly will be needed in the future. 1-would much rather have the medical clinic here, because i' do drive to Shakopee for medical services and sometimes that drive is to the detriment: to anyone that has to make it. I am very much in favor of the proposal. Frank,Lyons - l am speaking for some of the Seniors of Prior Lake.,, it would be a good thing,to have the clinic in Prior Lake for the °convenience and necessity of the Seniors, because in the winter tilde it is very hard ' to drive to Shakopee when the roads are bad. Marilyn`Overmire - We are in deed in an energy crisis now and. as a who - patient drives to Shako pee, it `is very= important that we at the ecamwry P situation as such and keep it in mind when voting for or against the project. t Robert Le v < vy - Mr. Levy made a few more comments regarding the proposal and also answering some of the questions the audience had, Mayor Stock - The Mayor stated that, the comments that were heard tonight will betaken under advisement by ti'ae City Council. The City's Consulting Agent.will make additional comments on the 'Resolution 79-25 and also on <u revenue bond financing. Steve Mattson - Consulting, Agent for the City from_Juran and Moody, ` Metro Meats caused the „industrial revenue bond_oroblem in St. Paul and For- gus Falls. There were inwestors that did lost ae t of money. It was '& pro- blem with a greedy underwriter and greedy investors. Juran and'Moody..was . invited to sell the bonds to the - public and we declines it because we looked at the financial statement and i't looked very sbaky to us. When you have a high yield on a bond issue the higher the yiei`d the higher the risk. W . The problem is. it was a Public issuance. if it would have been ,,& private _ Placement with an insurance ;o+mg: "iny, savings and loan 'or bank, i't would have il S had all the ;publicity I don't think that the City was really , hur i t 'on this,_ ,,If it is a private_ placement the City cannot get :hurt. Y The only ;peopie that cam are going to know about it are the ones diractiy involved in it. It wont hit the Papers. x Resolution 79-25: Basically drafted by me and U sat down with City Staff to put it together. With 100% financing, are run- ,riing wild in,real„ estate ono ;o protect ° yourself from high taxes is the more you can borrow and the less equity you have in it thi�more• tax benefits> you (to get high leverage) can derive out of it. Est investors feel that this project is a good one, 1 object to financing things over 100%,, any thing other than: - project cost:should'be financed. There are &lot, of Investors that will take a deal on a 100; financinc: if it would help, Juran! and ftiody can, with Mr. Sul] Ivan, .,1 ill look through the: document oil the medical clinic and make sure everytin is In order. g <,x Dr.; Olaf Lukk - Dr. Lukk made additional commepts. Mayor Stock 'f there are no further "comments then I will close this por- Lion of the public heart, sg and ?pen it up to the Council for questions and coardents. Counc imam'Thorke)son - One question for Me. Moats Is. there any additional tax 5rear to the pdz�son whd'is buying the bond, c Mr. Mattson - No. the,sellerz 4 . , t �y 1 1 lIArN�111Tlt of IAe f ""di"s of at Vft" Cut"" of Ms viNMe' of hiM lah In 60 ce" of 3"ai SNM of �+ miftw6618, Indus" eN earwh s Ch" MEDICAL '` Mayor Stock When lookin , the resol ution, i CLINIC IN criteria was looking at all i4 not just one certain one that t aro PRIOR LAKE would apply to revenue bonds.. . Councilman Thorkelson - why was all the population etc`.. information in theodo:ument prepared for the Council in 1g70 on the medical clinic dated ate David Fleming - It was the best -hard data that we could cane up with ., at this time, because the next current info until 1980, rmation: will -nom be done: Councilman Busse - 1 feel the Staff should further review this, tv Councilman Watkins - i feel that'one medical clinic should compli the other to help the needs of the City. There are municipal revenue bonds available in all communities and the resolution the Council` ;7 passed will help them to look at It as a business venture and no more and approve it or disapprove it. , not to say that certain businesses may locate and certain businesses j r= way not.;:,; # Mayor Stock - Residents going across the river to receive medical`` services Indicates to me that there is a need for or sore medical facilities in the area, not just Prior Lake. The ur to 9enerate the Input of the p Pose of the public hearing is public W see if there Is a need for an additional radical clinic ;h Prior lake; Motion by Busse to take urder•advisewept the information that was pre ` sentad here this evening, in this- p4bl,ic hearin g for .the purpose of the proposal of the 66ms, Keenan, partnership of A M lynch and Spagnolia In reference to a clinic in Prior lake and that the PUW hearing be adjourned, seconded b Thorkelson and u y pon a vote taker, it was duly passed. Motion by Watkins to direct the City Attorney and the COn suItIh as well as City Staff, 9 Agent, to review in depth this pr and-,report Sack to the Council with recommendations , as to iheoposal rt back on'Jul y 23; proposdl . They, 1979 at 8:00 Pm,-seconded by Tlarkel.son and upon` vote taken it was duly passed. T" followln5, invoices. are scheduled to be ;paid on Tuesday, July,, 17, 1979: = Mist. Deaartments:: Metro Inc. ,Alarm; Ma�itorin g'�'�' $ 36.00_ Coulter; Nelscn, Sul l swan C Frevert "" httornay Fee's T,575,50 Air Coww., Inc. �. Equipment Reairs, 408.00 Weber Auto Supply, Inc. Vehicle Repair Lake Auto Suppl 53.21 Scott- e,Repalr phone Co. Utilities 12.50 Telephone , Rice' U tili Tow's Mobil Service 509.65 Water Products Co. Vehicle Raps r: i Gas 77.20, 1 1 - Water Meters a iiazovnatr., 7.5$5.50 -- General Government: , i Bill Cress 4onitt Construction Retainer Refund $ 100.00 Retainer Refunds - League of Minn Cities 400.00 Dues. Gross Ind. Services 315.00 Bldg. Maint. 64.80 The Reynolds and Reynolds Co. 3_ Supplies 36.60 Coast to Coast Store Equipment 20.95 Prior Lake �\ American Publishing Miller/Davis Co. 76.16 Amer. linen Supply Co. Supplies 45.61 Bldg. �j i Maint. E. M. Nawstrom 19.75 Sun Newspapers Bldg. t Pimg. insp. 1,404.00 Economy 0lctation System Supplies Pubiishin g i6.64 Ct. Robert. McAl;listar cher 18.75 OSM Dog Cat` 235.00 Engineering 236.22 1 :. Prior Lake Biackto inc. Blade Rental F 72.00 , p. 142. , J. L. Shlaly Co, Rock 113.86 Ser+ar ' Schrader Slack Co. Pumping, 35.00 McKIntey Sewer Service *CC , Pumping 430 .00 r Installment 10;846.19 General Welding Equipment , Water: z, 139.40 Laboratories Water Tests �$ 24.00 Diseased. Tree:uti k 4Normen Cracks, Dumping $ 690.00 v Sand Points \ Canstruction Fund: OSM Engineering. S 326.84 �q Mawdy's Investors Service, Inc. Bond Rating 375.00 l -6- MItr111l: of 60 h of Mae Von" CGeadl Of the. VINW of F W f y . M flea i of 3celt:ead 4 ft% ei'` MMe. iadudwe an e ecpwNs ewlifed Planning Franz Eng Inc. Printing $ $ 49-6 Engineering 1CO V Vehicle Repair $ $ 24.00 Poli ce: Rob Boo M Mileage S S Uniforms Unlidited 7 Equipment Repair 9 75. 90 t r %eppner Electronics Supplies 191.00 Fire:', Fire. Chief . S Jim Veber C Subscription S 15.00 �} G Grossman Chevrolet Co., Inc. V Vehicle Repair 27,95 a , E E. C. Peterson Co. ,.Inc,, E Equipment Repair 1 19,35 1 P Park Sears S Supplies S S t ! 139.38 .Northwestern del 1, � U Utilities 6 61:.96. AAndrews Reza l l Drug �� P Park Program Supplies 1 14 1Gftuserls 9 Shakopee Publ Utili Comm: u Contract Payment #2 ; ;'l3,974.00 ` ` Taylor Rental Center R Rentals 9,'� S Satel lite S Park P P 163,10 ' '! ` 5 Minn. Toro., Inc. 1 Rentals 141.12 "Ji r r.... ; 5 1 Ben Franklip a ark Program Supplies 1 14.63 „ „ ; t..- r r �s : , Street' ; ; Savage, Ti re;Service, Inc. R Repairs S. 19.00 Airsignal international R Rental S 27 00, Prior Lake, Aggregate, Inc. R Rock, 1 10 2 Electric Service, Inc. R Repairs 1 100.00 MacQueen Equl`peaent, 1 nc.. ° ° Re ' i rs_' 1 165.20 ° ° •*_ i ii Mueller: t Sorts, Inc. B Bituminous n AVWJM N tM N' Of *0 VNINo CoeOeN of Mo VW4" of Mer lake' M The CoO1MI► of 3ft* amd of edwliwI ON eeewMs WAINed by said Coeedl. ' Martinson Island Sewer and Water Construction Fund: OSN Engineering Chapin Publishing Co. Publishtn $10.834.73., g 86.00' 1977 Wagon Bridge Sewer and Water Construction Fund_ OSN Engineering $ 38.27, 1977 Spring ,lake Sewer and Mater Construction Fund ; y �K � St. Regis Paper Co. Repairs OSM `Engineering; $ 224.6& 565107. Debt Service Fund: \ ,e American National Bank a Trust Co. Bond Payment American National Bank b $ 360.00 j: Trust Co. Bond P aymeot 5.5Q7..50 �, 1` aE Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 9 :22,PM. 4 rl s r Michael A. McQtre City Manager .:. ( a { y y e. r F l' _ ...