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F -
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M*4uTu of 60 heeilia" of VW"P Cweeil of Mo Villeoe of hie► Lake is tko county of scot and SNN of
Miwnosola, iweludi09 all ecoousNS eudifed by said CouadL
Ju ly i6. 1979
The Common Council Of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
July 16, 1979 at 7 :30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, C
Councilmen Bissonett,
Busse,, Thorkeison, City Manager McGuire, Attorney Sullivan, City Engineer
Anderson and City Planner Graser joined t
the meeting at 8 :06 PH. Council-
man Watkins was absent.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections are
to be made to the minutes of J
July 9, 1979:
Page, 1, paragraph 13': the word soil be. removed from the second
Page 5, paragraph 5:_' second
ININUM of the ho�eedigs of the Vlllaae Coueeii of the Village of Prier take in the Cowl" of Scut and State of
10116" alt, hwudine all 64eeuats audited by said Ceundl.
Motion by Bissonett that the" Council su pports the Ma C�
connection contingent upon: rtindale extension and
I) drainage plan�,be sumbittied to the Prior Lake City Engineer
for review to determine
that the drainage does not adversely''
effect the City streets in Prior Lake or overburden the
Pond in Oakview Estates;.
2) that the street not be opened to traffic until the Sandle -
wood plat is 75 to 80 percent completed, and that =no.
construction traffic be allowed on Martindale Street..
3) an
easement be considered for the further extension of
Hickory Avenue through the Sandlewood
seconded by Thorkelson and 'upon -a vote taken it was duly passed:
The repairs to the City streets will be "paid for by the City.
Ma: r Stock ck ted the City Manager to send a copy of the minutes to
the City Manager of Shakopee and
a copy to the Mayor of _Shakopee.
James Deg iovann i - Scott County , was present to discuss a
HRA proposed
housing system plan in relation to
Prior Lake. The City of•Prior Lake parti-
cipated last year in establishing some,goais
itation program that was established and funded. It is his �recoOMWndaChon11
to the housing authority that we again establish a County wide assistance
plan for a number of reasons even
though some cities would not require ; i t
Some advantages in Prior Cake participating would be:
1) providing for .modest cost housing
2) can support applications for project development for assistant
housing programs through HUD
and state finance agency..
3) can support County HRA programs which we deliverrCounty wide
including in the City of Prior Lake as well as future block
grant appl ication that the Cit `of
y Prior Lake might want to enter into.
Information,given out before the meeting outlined some are
on a City by City basis. that is
needed in the City Lake
can be funded in the 'next three ears are
questions asked to help set up some
goals for Prior Lake. There are two applications that we are currently into
wlth HUD
and state finance agency. One Js _a 36 unit project to "serve families
and a 40 wit project to serve senior citiiens. The other is
to continue to
support the Scott County Home Improvement Grant Program and Section viii
Existing RentalAssistance
- Program.
Notion by 'Busse to approve the for the HAr?as outlined inithe informa-
tion received by James. Degiovanni',
seconded by Thorkeison: and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
Residents from Lakeside Avenue were present to discuss the htion:submi
for the installation of bituminous Pe submitte
paving and'storm sewer on Lakeside Avenue, ,
SE from the intersection of Eagle Creek.Road and Lakeside Avenue
SE to Pleasant
Avenue and, Lakeside Avenue, SE.
One resident stated that he talked to 13 families fro
Avenue, who own m Birch Avenue to Pleasant
and they�,do not desire to have the road paved.
What. needs to be done ,is to stop the dirt from overflowing onr the
road and
flowing through people's property and then down to the. rake where alot of
silt is being carried into the
lake. The ditch width needs to be Improved, on
the southeasterly side of the road
Another resident stated that another problem is the road is only 25 ft. up
the hill until it hits Birch. Also
the bottom of the hill, where the water. -
comes from the west, needs to be raised at feast 18 inches in order to
the culvert. put
Mayor Stock suggested that a feasibility study should be done on this :. and
when it is finished the Council will
have a meeting with the residents of.
that area and di;scu�s -what should be done.
a MINUTES of t
tM hecwdiws of the VNIoN eaundl of iko Vida" of Fries like in tho County of Seott ead Stab of
MiawNaN, ioduillse all ecsounts audit"
by mid Guweil.
Motion by Bissonett to authorize the Engineer to contact the residents
to find out what is
needed and then re
p pare a feasibility study for the City
Counci a
and at
that time, the Council will have a meeting with the neighborhood, seconded
by Thorkeison and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City Engineer Anderson and Consulting Engineer James Norton went e
The Council had some discussion about the report and about some areas the. '
1 M
Motion by Thorkelson'to a
1) recommendation that item four be added to� address the area of 9th
Avenue lift station and metropolitan waste control; l
` L
lift .station on. Markely a
2) correction on ;Page 17,
seconded by Busse and
'upon a vote taken it was duly
y passed.
Mr. Norton presented the change order for Fairlawn Shores Trail. Change
for relaying some exist-
Ing,Sanitary sewer services to a -lower grade
with the trunk line: o
` a
Motion by p i ssonett to approve Change Order #2 for Fairlawn Shores Trail
an amount of $2,488, seconded by Busse and u
passed. P a vote Laken it was duly
° M
Change Order *3 for Fairlawn Shoves Trail is an additional' $9,750 to re- �
�l S
and replace it wi.th.pii run sand on Fairlawn ;
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it
was duly= Passed.
Gateway Avenue 'Resolution 79-30 was tabled for further discuss.ion until
°. d
Motion by Busse to table Gateway Avenue for further discussions = until
t was duly passed. Councilman,1issonett ,
City Engineer Anderson stated that he is rece.ivin
street. It will cost about $27,000'for the work. He recommended
that we solicate quotes for patchi of the s
streets. f
Motion by Busse to authorize the City Engineer to proceed with quotations '
seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
The City Engineer read Resolution 79 -31,= parking on,Anna Trai.i, to the
° b
Motion by Busse to adopt Resolution 79 parking on Anna Trail, seconded
vote taken it was duly passed..
The City Engineer presented the sewer.bi.11 for a 2411 trunk sewer line in
Sunset Hills. There n
needs to -
sewer l
Motion by Bissonett to a
Pprove. payment of $51,207.75', for the 2 trunk �
seconded B
corlL''ingent u
it was dul d
4 , " , t
MINYflS of IM heeeedi Ms of the ViVgIO COMWI of abe Villap of Mw Like in thercounV of Scett and $tab eE
M1111116410 ft, Indyding Olt Occouats auriOW by said Council.
City Planner Graser requested Council to set,date for a Pub I i e hearing for the
vacati.ort of waterfront in Red Oaks
Lot 26 and part of Lot'27,,`
Nation by Bissonett to' set �a' pubI Ic hearing for vacation; of waterfront' in
Red Oaks lot 26 and part,'of Lot.27 for August 6, 1979 at 7:35 PH, seconded b'
Mayor Stock and y
upon a,vote, taken it was dul y passed.
Motion by Busse to a p
pprcave ,the Fire and Rescue report for the month cif June
as submitted, second E~�i �y Thorkelson and. upon a vote taken it Mras duly passed.
Motion by Thorke,l sort to a a . �}
approve, the Police report. for:the mo0th,of rune as
seconded by Busse and upon a :vote taken it�was: dt11
" Y paste BLDG.
/�)�Notlon by;Sissonett to a rY
pprove the Building Permit report for.the month, f:
June as submitted, seconded by,Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.`
Motion by Bissonett to approve the Dog Catcher's report forrthe'mortth
June as submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and'u pon a vote 'take n was duly
Motion by'Busse to approve the Treasurer's report 'for the-month-of June
submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote take n i.L,was,ii l Y passed.
Ci Manager McGuire presented requests for two ressdectts to have an, extensio.
on their sewer hookup. Mayor Stock stated that this should be handled by
City Manager in hardship cases for up to a`one
ap- `eactent i on. 1 �'denied,
they may,.appeaj to the City Council.
k, DUTCH. ECMCouncimanThorkelson
• Y�' £
stated that something should be donef;to enfarce; the Dutch
Elm `
} "
problem. He re re
q uested a port on this.
' C1t Planne�� Graser reported ported that he received a letter from darter Christie
the school's office buildings in a Cl lone, where office - buildings are
not permitted. Mr. Graser suggested that
the Counc i.1 waive this ,and ,consider
thew.off building as part of the school.
Motion by Thorkelsort`to °ar�thorize the school office to be located in the Cl -
category,as it does
pertain to the school activities which is on`exist' rt
Party, seconded by Busse and u g p
.a vote taken it was duly ;passed."
yor Stock recommended the Council consider Dick Powell fob, serving on
the Criminal
Jus>;cd Advisory Board Committee and the tine C' ty Mattaager' contact
Mr.<:Powell about this.
+ +�'
o. r,
Motion by Thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by 19aYoe ; and U90
Poo a Grote
taken this meeting was adjourned at 10 :00 PM.
Michael „q, Mc 6ure �,
City Ma
. Hager
R .
ttT i
' >_•
�' - 3"r,dr, n Y
.n j ' - }� s
d ?
g yr
. ki £`
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� ¢ ` err
P Pe y:
REZON 1 ti,G ,
The Council informed him thatPhe could do what was allowed in the zoning {
Mr. Schweich stated that he will apply for rezoning of his pro rt
� PP Y property
The Council acknowledged his statement be stating rezoning would, be
dealt with at that time.
8:00 PN `
Road connection in the Sandlewood Addition. Mayor Stock stated that he
SANDLEW00D received a letter from the Mayor of;- Shakopee regarding this connection>
ADDITION to Martindale Road in Prior Lake. The Prior Lake Planning Commission v'I
' ! denied this connection of the roads. Residents from the area were pre.- �.
sent at the meeting to express their feelings on why they do not want
the road connection between Sandlewood Road' Martindale Road.
Mr. Fred Corrigan - Representative for the group in the,,,Mar indale area.
He stated that they have met with the Shakopee - Pla'ni'ng Comission and
' tlietCouncii about this matter.. .Their main concern is who will repair
_ the damage to the Martindale Road when construction is.compl.eted., Neither the «�
Planning Commission nor the Council of Shakopee would not commit to re.-
pairing the road.,, The group has other concerns also* construction Lraf-
fic in the area,, the ve
difficult to makeeven ryisteep grade in' Martindale Road,* curve that is °.
g,30 m.p.h., at the bottom of the. road. The
road i not for high traffic- use. Also on the road
-going to Hickory
Avenue there is a bad corner, a blind spot and, playing in the
area. Another concern the residents have is,
for the Martindale Road ? hat is the drainage plan
(c c I
Councilman Thorkelson stated that we should eliminate some of these
prvblems with the. City of Shakopee.
� �j
• Councilman Busse stated that he agrees with Councilman Thorkelson in
ti working with Shakopee.' Also the curve on Martindale Road should be
. made into a gradual curve.
- Councilman Bissonett agrees with Councilmen Busse and >Thorke'lson about
°w working with Shakopee and the road should'be realigned. There is a
need for soave type of thru traffic to connect the nitghborhoods.
Mayor Stock agreed that there is a need for-the connection of the
Pal ghborhoods• ' because emergency vehicle, school, busses, etc,, can get
through easier, however,.,he stated %that he,;does share the concerns of
n the neighborhood.
WNUTES of the hoeaodMgs of Ibe yN1ate Cooaeil of Me Ville". of Fri" take in fM CwMy of Scalt aar State of
We ""Oe isdwNq ali GcmuMs auditor by said Cow 7
July 16, 1979
The Common Council Of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
July 16, 1979 at 7 :30 PM., Present were - Mayor- Stock, C
p B
Councilmen Bissonett,
the meeting at 8 :00 PM. Council-
man Watkins was absent.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections are
to be made to the minutes -of July 9, 1979:
v r g
Page i
Page 5, paragraph 5: second sentence, help them to look at
it as -a business venture and no more
MINUTES Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of Jul y 19 79
vote taken -it was dul pas
sed . a
LAWRENCE Mr. Lawrence Schweich was present at the meeting to ask the Council
SCHWEI.CH what he can do about his rop r
M II*UTI$ of tIW Prec"din" of tho Vilkee COWMI o f th Villegii of Pviw Lake In C*ugft of $ Ol W $ 1400 of
Amen Ind" Oil Oml�ftts !Wdited by saW Cound
Bissonett that the Council supports the Martindale exte
ADDITION, connect.ion contingent upon: nSion and
drainage plan be sumbitted to the Prior Lake City Engi
for review to determine that the drainage does not adverse)y
effect the City streets
in Prior Lake or overburden the
po6d in Oakview Estates.
that the street not be,opened to tr a f fic until the Sandie-
wood plat is 75 to 80 percent Completed, and that no
construction t raff,ic be allowed on Martindale S treet.
3) an easement beconsidered for the further extension of
Hickory Avenue through the Sandlewood plat,
Seconded by Thockelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed4
The repairs to the City streets will be paid for by the City.
Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to send a copy��Pr the minutes to
the City Manager of Shakopee�and a copy to the Shakopee.
GOALS Ja s Degiovanni - Scott County HRA
MRA me
�was present to discuss a 'Proposed
housing system plan in relation to
Prior Lake. The CitY of Prior Lake parti- V
cipated last year in establishing some goals as part of A Cou ty w I dgrehab i I -
itation program that was established and funded. It i
s M s recomandation
to the housing authority that we again establish a County wide asststance
plan for a number of reasons even though some cities would not require it.
1 Z some advantages in�Prior Lake participating would be:
Providing,for modestcost
2) can support aPPI' for project development\��,for,assistant
housing through HUD and state finance �a�'�.�ncy.
3) can support County which we deliver Q�;)unty wide
!including in the C of Prior Lake as well asfutk block
R7 4, -V X
grant application that the City of Prior
Lake, �jght�,w
g ant, to enter into.
Information,given out before the meeting outlined some goals that are set up
ona City by City basis. What is needed in the City,9f Prior Lake and what, le"
can in the next three years are questionsas'ked to help set, u
P �some
ke. There are two�applications that we-are cirrently Into
goals for Prior La
with HUD and,state finance agency, One is a 36 uni't project to�serve familie
and a 40 unit
project to serve sen.ior citizens. The other is to continue to
support the Scott� County Homeimprovement
Grant Program and Seciion vI,II
Existing,Rental Assistance,Pro
Notion by Busse, to approve the for the MAP as outlined in4he, infor
I tion'received by James
_tg ovann i seconded by Thorkelsort an4 upon a vote"
taken it was duly passed.
"J 'Residents'from Lakeside Avenue w
'AWE ere present to discuss the Pelition subm kw�
PAYING ftr itted
the Installation
of bituminous paving and storm sewer on Lakeside Avenue,
SE fromm'the intersection of Eagle Creek Road and Lakeside Avenue SE to PlAasant
Avenue an Lakeside Avenue, SE.
One reside'
nt stated that he talked to 13 famil'ies from Birch Avenue�to Pleasant
Avenue,, who own property, and they do not desire to have the, road paved.
What needs to be done is to stop thedirt from overflowin I
flowing th
9 omthe road and"
rough people's property and then down,'to the lake whe alot of
—silt is being carried,.into the lake. The ditch width needs mb improved'on
the southeasterly side of the also.
Another resident' that another problem is the road is only 25 ft. up
the h until it hits Birch. Also thebottom of the hill, wher the water
i fromthe west, needs tobe raised at least 18 inches in or"der to put
In the cutvart.
or Stock suggested that a feasibility study should beldone on this and
whew. ft is finished. the Council willL have�, a, meeting with the residents of
that area and di-scuis what shoul,d be done.
MINUM of *0 Fm"60140 of the Vw"O `iCeundi of tha. ViNeso of Prior Lek* M th* County of Seats sad Slate of
Minnows, including all seeouaft oudifed by tow Cwad1.
Motion ion b _
✓ LAKESIDE y Bissonett to authorize the City Engineer to contact the res idents
AVE. PAVING of Lakeside Avenue and have an informatibml meetinci to find out what is
needed and then prepare a feasibility study for the City Council and at '=
that time, the Council will have a meeting with the neighborhoai� seconded
A' by Thorkelson and upon :a vote taken it was duly passed.
COMPREHENS11 E City Engineer Anderson and Consulting Engineer r -James Norton went. over
SEWER PLAN the Comprehensive Sewer Plan report with the Council and pointed out
sane items in the re
The Council had some discussion about the report and about some areas the
sewer plan will serve.
i Motion by.Thorkelson to approve the C
contingent upon: Comprehensive Sewer Plan as presented
1) recommendation that item four be added to address the area of 9th
Avenue lift station and metropolitan waste control lift station on Markely,
2) correction on Page 17,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was ,duly passed.
4 FAIRLAWN, Mr. Norton presented the change order for 'Fairlawn Shores Trail.` Change
SHORES TRL. Order #2 is an added amount of $2 =488. This is for relaying some.exist-
g sanitary sewer services to a lower grade on Maves Trail and i;nstallin
with the trunk L=ine. 9
Motion by Bissonett to approve Change Order ?l2 'for Fairlawn Shores Trail
an amount of $2,488, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken It was duly
� tt
Change Order #3 for Fairlawn Shams Trail is an additional $9.750 to re-
prove black.sllt material and reptace it with, pit run sand on Fairlawn.
Shores Trail at,Ind.ian Circle and 150th Street.;.
Motion by Busse to approve Change Order 13 for Fairlawn Shores - Trail in
the amount of $9.750, ' Seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it
aw was duly passed.
�*~ GATEWAY AVE Gateway Avenue Resolution 79 -30 was tabled for further discussion until
w RESOLUTION my 23, 1979 at 7:35 PM.
4 Motion by Busse to table Gateway Avenue for, further discussion until F
J uly 23. 1979 "at 7:35 PM, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken
t. was dui
# y passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained.
STREETS City Engineer Anderson stated that he is receiving quotes for patching
the street. It will cost about�$27,000 for the work. He recommended ,I
that we solicate!
quotes for patching of the streets.
Motion by Busse to authorize the City Engineer to proceed with
*� quotations
for patching of the City streets, seconded by Bissonett and u
taken It was duly passed.- P� a vote
T ;
ANNA. TRL, The, Ci Engineer read Resolution 79 -31, parking on Anna Trail, to the
RESOLUTION Council for their approval.,, =•
Motion by Busse to•adopt Resolution 79 parking on Anna. Trail, seconded
by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
SUNSET HILL The City Engineer presented the sewer bill ,.for a - trunk sewer line in
Sunset Hills. There °needs to be a couple of minor things done before
it's complete, and the total bill is $51,207.75.
Motion by Bissonett to approve payment of $51,207,75 for the 24" trunk
sewer line iw Sunset Hills contingent upon the necessary work be completed,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
t 1
WNVMK of .tho Freceedia" of the VNlpo Couadl of, the Villugo of Frier Lak* in tho County of Seott and Step of
MiaNnsole, inetudi ell ecesenis awliNd 6yr teid.Couneii.
City Planner Graser requested Council to set date fora public hearing for the
vacation of waterfront in
Red Oaks Lot 26 and part of Lot 27. r"
Motion by Bissonett to set a public hearing for vacation of waterfront in
Oaks Lot. 26 and ,
part of Lot 27 for August 6, 1979 at 7:35 PH, ,seconded by
Mayor Stock and upon
a vote taken it:was duly passed.
Motion by Busse to approve the Fire and Rescue report for the month of-4
submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was dul r passed.
Notion by Thorkelson to approve the Police report for the mon'of June
" as
submitted, seconded by Busse and upon a`vote taken it Was Y Passed.
� I
Motion b Bi ssonett -to approve pprove the Building Permit report for the month of
as submitted, seconded b Busse and u
Y upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Bissone t'to approve the Dog Catches ='s report for the month of `
June as submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly
Motn b Busse to a f
Y approve the Treasure' s re 1
port for ~ the month of June as - i
submitted, seconded by Thorkelson afid upon a vote tak it
en was dul
Y - passed.
r; !
"City Manager McGuire presented requests for two residents to have 'an extensio,
on their sewer hookup. Mayor
Stock stated that this should be handled by
the City Manager in hardship cases for up to a one extension..
year if denied, ,
they may appeal to the City Council. `.
Councilman Thorkelson stated that something should be done enforce the Dutch
Elm '
problem. he requested , a report on this. _
City Planner Graser reported that he received a letter from Carter Christie
IN tj
about the school's office buildings.in a CI zone, where office b411dings are
permitted. Mr. Graser suggested that the Council waive this and consider
this6ff i ce bu i'1 d i ng as
part of the schoo l
Motion by Thorkelson to ^authorize the school; office. to be located in the Gl
category as i t does pertain to the school activities whic is on existtng pro-
pert y seconded by Busse and upon a vote
s h
taken it'was duly pa sod'. ,r
Mayor Stock recommended that the Council consider Dick Powell for serving on
the, Criminol'Justicd Advisory Board
' t011R0
Committee and.the the City Manager contact
Mr.. Power 1 about this
Motion by Thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by Mayor Stock and u
this meet in was ad' u pon a vote
,burned at 1:0:00 PM.
`iiichael: A. McGuire
City Manager
a 4.
3'+s "'1MC* ^1� vW ..`+1+iv ta�a'+f.'k{t�i�6• ...�: a X.V�t .. '� . ' , '. d..•`aS.� � ~ �.