HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 06 1979-- - -- iii NINNIES of 60 pracoodi of *041 " ""eN of /M V114,",af f'riK lrke1i 1M Cwofr of Seotf aed Sto1oof '' MhaNiNs, Ind"" an ceeouMs orrihd soil Coveeil, 1 august 6 _1979 The Conran CounciI of the City of Prior lake met.' n r`egulac session on August 6 - 1979 at 7:30 PM: Present were Mayor Stack,, Councilmen Busse,, Bissonett, Watkins,'Thorkelson,; City Manager t1cGuire,, City Engineer Ander- on, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner'and s O F City Attorney Sullivan. t , Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections are. to `be made to-the-minutes of July 23,: 1979: -,Page 2, paragraph 4; , . debarked before they can store them. Page paragraph 9 . . needed is for the, City to give, a variance for parking and:. they also asked to have Tower Street paved. 11, 12,_ 15, 9; . . . correction. of Richard . ?ejdl ik " Page 6, ,paragraph 15. 3) percolation tests be taken ; MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of'July 23, 1979 as amended, yam f. x seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote, taken it was duly, passed. „ 7:35 Public Hearing of`Waterfront, Vacation °in Red Oaks was called to.order by f ti WATERFRONT Mayor Stock. May Stock. read the notice of waterfront' vacation that was published in the Prior Lake American Juiy VACATION on 25 and August 1,; 1979•. RED OAKS City Planner Graser made the presentation. Years ago, 'l and of this type _ was dedicated to the public. The appticant is requesting vacation to clear ti=tle of the property. The City does not have any interests in ° `. this area. Staff recommends approval of the vacation. A property owner in that area; present at the meeting, asked if he. has r to vacate his land also. Councilman Ills sonett commented that the property owneasCr.FOr vacation of ;land to Clear up the title -so they can sell the property yithouL any ,. , = Councilman Watkins stated that it might be to the land owners advantage to vacate the property. ` Mayor Stock explained the procedure of vacating propertyt�f= The first step` m is to have the owner petition .for vacation. , Afere other " questions wercanswered by the Counci l on th i s matter, x :x, RESOLUTION M&Y'�► r Stock read Resolution 7933, vacation `of the - waterfront =in the 79-33 plae of Red Oaks.. VACATIOIi Motion by Watkins ' to adopt llesolution 79 the waterfront in fted.0aks, seconded by 8issonett and upon :a taken it was duly R �, ;• vote passed. FELLON'SUQ.e Feilon Subdivision was presented by City Planner Graser. The area z �iklocated adjacent to 150th Street and Pixie Poin Circle.' _The. area,, i`s now an RLS and has 2 buildable lots. The developer wants to.make it three residential lots. The Planning Commission has met regarding this subdivision.,and discussed that before preliminary y pproval is'given the following must be done:: 1) the i drainage be submitted prior to the Council approval 2) the c development must be single family only 3) the access to Lot'3 be on 150th Street 4) sewer and water be installed at the recommendation of the City Engineer. The park dedication fee-,has not been'set yet. r The developer open is willing to go along with contingencies. j' Mayor Stock directed the document shown -'tonight be dated August 6, 1979 and marked as Exhibit A. 0 Vf r � ,4 tr b.l q t WNU of 1M Pi lop of the VINase Ceuedl of the Village: of Frier Lake is the County "ef Scott and Stale if tAlanowl— iridudia, all accouats audi"A by said Council, FELLON SUB. Motion by Bissonett to approve the Fellon preliminary subdivision contingent:` upon: 1)drainage plan meet with the City Engineers approval 2).R1 development of the lots A , ' Mot 3 have access from 150th Street 4)sewer and water be installed per Ci Engineer approval 5)during construction, all precautions be taken at time the area I stripped of its cover to prevent erosion of soil 6 }park dedication be resolved, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly Y Passed. 8 :00 Assessment Hearing for Project'77 -3, Phase 1 and ll was called to order by f Mayor Stock,' Mayor Stock read the published notice that printed in the ASSESSMENT Prior Lake American on July 18 and July 25, 1979 Mayors Stock thanked every HRG. 77 -3 one for their time and patience they had during the construction of the Grainwood and Maple Park Shores Acres area. He stated that first a,present- tation will be made by the Finance Director then, the Council'members — ' will pair offwith a staff member "and any' one that has questions Mega. .di g" their assessment may ask them and if anyone has any questiors-or comp:la"ints " regarding the construction of the projact can talk wrth'the Consulting Engineer, Jim Norton. Finance Dttector Teschner ;explained how, the assessment fees are calculated and the different charges, There are three basic charges: 1), sanitary sewer �* frontage charges, waterma n charge, paving charge added together, 2) h acreage. ; carge`= for over -sized pipes and lots 3), connection fees - sewer and water ` `h - - connection fees. The Finance Director also explained how the linear foot and acreage is determined and how the can ,. Y pay the assessments,. Some members,of the audience had general questions regarding the project. After their questions were answered Mayor Stock set up the four stations, where "ques 'can be asked about the assessments and.questi;ons regaea construction can be asked where Mr. Norton will be. The meeting will recon -,t.. vene at9:00 PM. 9:00 Mayor Stock stated that each one of the Eouncilmembers ' has accepted some °. CONSTROCTION information relative to lot sizes and parcel's and Mr, Norton has accepted complaints, if any, on the constructi:oh:; Once again, 1 would like to thank everyone that has been a part of the project and your patience. and for en- _ .. durin the construction season. Notion by Bissonett to make the information given to the Consulting Engineer, and the four stations part of the record and the public - hearing -be continued on August 20, 1979 at'9:00 PM, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it .was duly, passed. ANNA TRf1ft The City Engineer presented the bids for Anna Trail. They are as fol McNamara Vivant`Contracting Co., Inc.` $74,608.50 V t Minnesoa` Valley Surfacing, Inc. ' ll �. 74.756.00 ` Progressive Contractors, Inc, 7 981747.90 E The construction will start upon approval. from the state aid office and'the completlon date is November 15, 1979. Motion ' by to award the bid for paving of Anna Trail,to McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co., Inc., the low bidder, in the amount of $74,608,50, seconded by Busse and u Y pon'a vote taken it was duly passed, - G ISLAND VIEW City Engineer Anderson requested that the sewer and water bids for Island 4 ,. 2ND AW*. View 2nd Addition be tabled for one week. ' 3 SNOWPLOWING One bid wa received or snowplowing for $48,00lhr, for truck, ` BID $i f �4 Plow,: wing and operatok"from Bohnsack and Hennen.. it is recommended that they „be awarded the bid,- E ui q pment: can: be rested on an hourl rate for snow removal. Nation by' Busse 'to award the snowplowing bid to Bohnsack and Mennen for i $48.00 /hr_ and other equipment for snow removal be rented on an hourly rate basis, seconded by r"norkelson and upon a vote taken it was duty passed,. n ; -2 ff .k palm MINUTES of the P rocee d - l ow of Me \lil '' kpe Council of Me Y ;IksEe of Pier take in the Couaiy°of Semi and`Sta1e of Minnesota, ineludinE all aecounis audited by sold Council. .� GATEWAY AVE.:` Gateway Avenue and Resolution j9 - 30 were discussed by the Councfl RESOLUTON`• members of the Happy Hollow Corporation: Councilman Bissonett and `did` not f 79;30 take part in the discussion.t Howard Olson, representa've for the group, stated that At has 'contacted the City Planner and talked with him about thi - proposal. He has also contacted Valley Engineering and requested that a survey�be done „`They want to make sure t the land the y have is mortgaged and if,..wt-As''released, 084e�fq�)to be sure it "is inactive, (To'define the boundar -,tomi The Council and members of the Happy Hollow Cor' u on this. It was decided, to table, this i -tem, porati0n °held a .discussion Motion by Thorkelson to Reso' °•. at $:00 PM to give the Ha ` 79 - 30 until August 27, 1979 P ,y,Ho'lI0w , o- rporation more time to work with ' their engineers,. seconded by Mayor �-u k, and upon port a vote taken it was Passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained. 1 r 'n Motion by Watkins to authorize the: Consuitin elevations for the 9 Engineer to proceed with available to the Happy Gateway Avenue an&,to make the informationf H011ow Corporation and ,Gateway Avenue people, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was passed. Counci•iman Bissonett abstained. I dlik was d t HIGHWOOD` Richard Ie• present regarding the Highwood Family Housi'og HOUSING project. (MHFA , 79 -1g) This is a continuatioctj�of the discussion from last week's meeting of the 36 unit family project. Last week the plans for was presented with site pl,for their revi ew, dated Jul 1.979• s Councilman Thorkelson' re ported that he visited the project_; in Litchfield yx that Mr. 2ejdlik has completed'. The project is; very livable and `Very people were nice. The very happy with it` I find it, acceptable to { reduce the parking -to 1 because 0is probably single parents will be living there and e come and b car. The lnterlor� street should" - to be, private. o According 'the Minn- esota Housing Finance - Agency and the Co to beauty of the area and s save as, tree as',- preserve the natural should not have Possible, the project 4 garages, however, °� downstairs for, storage., adequate space should be provided= Motion by`Thorkelson to authorize a variance to reduce the parking ratio to'1,5. parking spaces per unit in the development, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained- Mayor Stock stated that it is his opinion that the interor street remain >a private road: i t 1 Motion by Thorkelson that the interior roadwa remain by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was y Private, seconded abstained, Passed. C unciiman Bis, j � 5 4 There was also discussion ontthe.angle of the -st , Council wi "sties the angle street from Tower to be 700 ins' t ca of the d o the 60 Mr, 7ejdl ik, stated E that he .d oesn't -see any prckblem with this,_lhowever' the plans `have to be loo, e d , over, ' JORDAN AVE. Jordan Avenue plans „and specsIcatrons, �'' we�,e � - cussed. The main concern was a prghil ,„ �tif tur in9 off of,T,H 13 ito k. qr�t aa��Avenue and. to� Gateway Avenue; where the proposed sholpitr 1 �' • ' �„ +g r cc4�te ; # 7e 1 be: There were many ideas, as to how tc P make the roa ce s� 6�1 e` 'to 'Jordan A Avenue andr Gateway Ave Hi 1 3 hue from Hig , t V Motion by Watkins 10 a PProve`the plans and specifications for Jordan th Avenue contingent that ,, r e plans be ready for rev rew at the meet'inq next Monday night, seconded by Thorkels passed. on and upon:a vote taken it'was Councilman Bissonett abstained.` f r :µ A moo 1 Y t5 .- ai ors „! • 1 , �!(+'i't s t .. . ' MINU1?ES of the foeaedings of the Village C94naii of the Village of frier lake is the tounty 06"'U00 aad ef.' Miaoesela,, indudiog all oeeeuots audited by said Q4641. YAK tf� 4 Not ion b # > -. JORDAN AVE, y Thorkelson to advertise for bids,,,,and open the bids.,�on,AugusL 3.1, 1979 at i1c00 AM at Prior Lake City Hail: for Jordan Avenue,,seconded'rblVi Mayor Stock and upon a vote taken it was passed. Council Ma abstained,,° „z BROOKSVILLE Motion by Bissoneit to approve the plans and spe�ifi'tations for'Bractic "svfiile CENTER 2nd Center 2nd and Bluff Heights„ seconded by Watkins and`u BLUE~ NGHTS was duly passed, P a vote traken `itt. Motion by Thorkelson to authorize advertisement for bids for Brooksville Center 2nd B.l Heights and-'bidi, to be. opened`at 11:00. AM 1979 at Prior Lake City Hal I , sec ?� onded b ` and upon 'Was duly passed. a vote �.a Ce, , t „ 4" < i tl� City Engineer Andpr son eguesied that the developers agrecmen "�C �or grooi # le } Hills 6th Addition, be tabled un is ; st is readY�to 'bri'ng to tl�C'ous`Ydi`l�`- PROJECT City Engineer Andersen requested alObva for the chang'6,order.for.Pro ]$ -g T8 - , lsl`and View 2nd. The cost as $1T;' '057. fob' an addIti'o'naI stonn,se o , �. fit,' Motion by B .,sonett to aut r 1 :ize the storm sewer for Asl�, �d View 2nd c'han' e " =orde r. in the amount of $ seconded by,7horkelsdn and u n' i t ' " a vote take ►vas duly passed. y t�'> Oow, LAKESIDE . Manager f4cGuire presented the request fog - 'Cy Schweich!to t e nd, f'1' ESTATES LhaLnheoczlakbeside Estates plat for 60 days The City ,yaAagrr' +ketommendet' Y g' %ven 45 days: because this s h s fc�i��r't� extension, ot i Mion by'Bissonett to extend the filing of Lakeside Estates pI for 45 which clays, :ich is, September 15, and if rt� is' not f lea by that .time; the plaL :will be nul i an void, seconded by W atkins-and and upontl tA�ras � duly passed. a vote aken i � DOWNT Councilman Watkins stated thit he has been work ng with the downtown rou ,... REDEVELOP, for redevelopment of the downtown. area, and at their lasa`meeting.ther 5 i 9 _ P ` was a great deal of interest in using the railroad right of Way, The m, planning staff along with the �, Pot ice departmentshoul,d work out . 13a��k fir the` ao i`h�,�c survey plane ' wa_town area. He also stated that th& ra i'1 road 1, ii jh ` `wal►Ls1efrd be conr.'id t ered a+;.ce;rgrary, parking' until the county 1~ d there 'The Counc i ! should ` cons i der this d f e road is t at a future..` r meet den' an d scus� i c �i WATER TOYER Motion by Watkins to set the Water Tower-Assess Hearing for Septeh�ber 4, ASSESSMENT 1979 at 8 :00 PM, seconded by 3 `ssonett andl;rupon a vote taken it was duly ,x HRG, Passed, METRO HEALT Mayor., Stock unformed the Cow�rc l about a meet i ng th? Mec r ea T it "Board `�:e l i i BOARD b e eonduetiny ore gist. 8, 1 79 at 7:00 PM in Metro the Mr.,Ch ?i nDers.r Thi- I F " 0e , hosp i ta meeting i s about _;airview ' s leaving, at 6•.15 PM: frtlm Lhe Ries g Shop ping Sho prop ses to Center, bu' is /,,,pus ! _ & Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded "by Busse and u meeting was adjourned at 10-33 PM, pon a vote iglCen this +G; �S y !• P I 4 , i , ` Michael A. McGuire City Manager L � M A Y 1: '2� � Cam �k � ` • "•r Y` * "`�`'+� „i���� *` ��; _.,•tea o+�i�. _ � `� . MINY1lS tlm of 1M VOW COWW of NN IN"o af PHw leke ie " CwMy of Seen end She of s `a ` MI 8,4 , iadydiM all aceevw a ew1UeW by Nid Cwweii. t August 6, 1979 r � The Conimon Council of `the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on August 6, 19.79- a *__ ?;30. =P!1, ;Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Bissonett,. Watkins, Thorkelson, City ,Ma an g r cG��i,r_e City Engineer Ander �✓ son; City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner and' i-ty trn y Sullivanr '= y Mayor Stock tailed the_,meeting to order. The following" corrections are -; to be made to the minutes of July 2Y, 1979: Page paragraph para raP h 4• debarked before they can store them. Page 5, paragraph 9; . needed is for the City m'give a variance ' for parking and they also asked i to, Tower Street paved 11, 13; 15, 9; correction of Richard Zejdlik Page 6, paragraph 15. . . 3) percolation; tests be taken MINUTES <• ., ,.� Notion by Watkins to approve the minutes of Jul 23,; 19aa as amended, 3 seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly` passed: 7:3,5 Publ is Nearing of =Waterfront Vacation in Red Oaks was c a l l ed to order by Mayor Stock. Mayor`Stock read the notice of waterfront vacation that was WATERFRONT published in the Prior Lake America'A on July 25 and August 1, 1979, VACATION RED OAKS City Planner Graser madetthe presentation. Years ago, land of this type wasi dedicated, to, the public. The applicant . is requesting vacation to � j �clear title 'of the property. T he City does not have any' i.ntarests In this,, area. Staff recommends approval of the vaca *ion. rea A property owner i'n.that a , present at the meeting, asked If, he has to tivacca to his land also. Councilman Bissonett commented that the property ow, ers ask for vacation ' $; of Land to clear up the title so they can sell thenProperty without any problems.' Councilman Watkins stated that it might be to the land owners advantage to vacate the property.. Mayor Stock explained the procedure vacatin g .property. The first step . is to have the owner petition for, vacation. ;• y A few other questions were answered by the Council on this smatter.,; ' RESOLUTION Mayor Stock read Resolution 79 vacation of the waterfront i.;i the 3933 plat of Red Oaks. , VACATION, -Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79-33, vacating the waterfront in Red Oaks, seconded by.Bi`ssonett•'and upon a vote taken it was dul passed 11 ow SubdIvIsIon,,�was y� y FELLON SUB. The Presented. Cit Pla'nnnr Graser. The area Is located adjacent to 150th Street and Pixie Point.Circle. The area is now An RLS and has 2 buildable lots. The `developer wants to make it three .residential lots, The Planning;Comimission has met regarding this subdivision and discussed that before, reliminar a g p. y pprovel I g the followin must be done:. T) the besubwitted prior to the Council approve. 2') the dovel, t must be single family on! Y�, 3)' the access to Lot '3 be on lsoth Street G ii) sewer and water be 'installed. at; the ..recanmendation of 'the City Engineer. The park dedication fee has not been set yet. They developer is willing to .f go along,'with these 'conti'ngencies. . Mayor Stock directed the !ocumant shown tonight be dated Augus 6. 1 971'. I and marked as Exhibit A. n I' u I MIN M of the hoe"dif4p of the ViNage Council of the ViNe" of Friar take in ft ceuMy of See" 0M0, State of r Mhneftle, including all eeseuats audited by said C"Fail. - FELLON SUB. Motion by $i ssonett to approve the Fell`on preliminary subdivision contingent upon: L ,. U. 1)drainage plan meet with the City Engineers approval 2)RI development of the lots 3)idt 3 have access from 150th Street 4)sewer and water be installed per City Engineer approval 5)during construction, ali precautions be taken at time 'the area is stripped of i'ts cover to prevent erosion of soli r 6)park dedication be. resolved; seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 8:00. Assessment Hearing for'Project 77 -3, Phase I and Il was called to order by Mayor Stock. Mayor Stock read the p notice that was In ASSESSMENT' HRG. 77 -3 printed the Prior lake American on July 18 and July 25, 1979. Mayor Stock thanked every- one-, for their time andopatience they had during the construction of the Grainwood. and Maple Park- Shores Acres area. He stated that first a present- tat ion' wi l i be "tads b�, the Finance Di rec or then, the Council members will palr,off'with a staff member and an that has questions regarding, their assessment: may ask them and if anyone has any questions or'. complaints regarding the construction of the project can talk with the Consulting, Engineer, Jim Norton. Flnance Q'rector Teschner explained how the assessment fees are calculated and the different charges: There are three basic charges: ° 1,) sanitary sewer L.l frontage charges, viatermain charge,_ paving charge added together, 2) acreage charge' - for over- sized` pipes and lots 3) connection fees - sewer and water connection , fees. The Finance Director also explained how the linear foot and acreage is determined and how they can pay the assessments.w �� ' -so" members of the audience ' had general questions re ardin the After �;ques`Ions 9 9 -:; project. ,thei r answered Mayo were r., Stock set tip. the four 'stations where "1 `about � "ques ions can be asked the as"s"essments and questions regarding 'construct ion' =tan be asked where Mcr Norton will be. The meetin`►viil recon- vene a ,9: 00 PM. 9 9. 60 Mayor Stock stated that each one 'of the E ounciimembers has accepted some CONSTRUCTION "Info rimation relative to lot, s'izeSL and and � - ' • � 4w parcels Mr. Norton has accepted - -- ' complaints, If any, on the construction. Once again, 1 would like to thank. has been.a part of the° project and your during the construction season. Patience and for len- ' . Motion, by Bitsonett to maki'the information given to the" Consul Engineer f; and the four stations public hearing be continued' part of 'the record and the do August 20 1979 at 9 :00,PM, seconded b Busse and u was duly pass ed, , Y P� a vote ,taken ' `The pity �� Twat Engineer presented the bids for Anna Trail. They ire as follows: McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co., IncI. i F Ainnesata valley Surfacing, Inc. $7e,608.50 0 bt . 74.756.00 Progressive Contractors, hic. 98.747.90 s The' construction wi 11 start u t E pon approval from the state aid , office and: the caimplet ion - date is November 15, 1979. r Motion byThorkeison to award the bid' for paving of'Anna Trail toMcNamara- Vi' vant °Contracting i low bidder, in the amount of $74,608-50, seconded b Busse and u Y pan. a vote taken i t was duly passed. ISWID VIEW . 2N!D ADON r; City Engineer Anderson requested that the sewer and water bids for. Island View 2nd. -,uld ` -lon zbe tabled for one week. #' SNGMPIOMI't16. 810 One did was/`received for snowplowing; for $48..00 /hr, for truck plow, wing and opera.or from`Bohnsack r� and Hennen., It is recommended that they be awrded' the bid., Equipment can be rented 'on an hourly rate for snow removal. Motion by Busse to award the snowplowing bid to Bohnsack and Hennen for $4$.00 /hr, and other equipment for snow removal be rented on an hourly rate basis, seconded by Thorkelson�'.and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. w r -2- r . t . iNlflutls ei'1ke MpWMp N 1hs yN� Council f o tks Yi - Of h3er Lek. to +h. County of &60 eea Skft of iMinn..ae, i�elodiw♦ ell necaewb ewlibd dy said GYntil. ' GATEWAY Avenue and Resolution 79-3 AVE, Gateway were discussed by the Council and RESOLUTION members' -of the "'- Happy Hollow Corporation. 79-30 Councilman Bissonett 'not take part in the d did ; j Howard Olson, representative for the group, ,'stated that he has contacted the City Planner and talked with him about this proposal,. He has also contacted Valley Engineering and requested that a survey be done.: They want to make sure the land they have is mortgaged and if it is released,'. 084019t)to be sure it is inactive. (To define the boundaries of their The Council and members of the HaPPY Hollow Cor potation held a discussion on this. It was decided to table this item, Motion by Thorkelson to table Resolution at 8:00 PM to gi've,,the Ha ra t August 27, 1979 i until PPY HoT1ow Corporation more t ime to work with their engineers, seconded by'Mayor Stock and u passed. Councilman B abstained, Pon a vote. taken it was Motion b Watki ns to authorize the Consulting Engj'necr to proceed with elevations for -the proposed Gateway Avenue and to make the information available to - the Happy Hollow Corporation'and Gateway ' Ay�nue peo le seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was P Bissonett abstained, passed, Councilman �s HIGHWOOD :y HOUSING Richard Zejdlik was' present regarding the Highwood Family Housing project. (MHFA #79 - 19) This is a continuation of the discussion from last week's meeting of the 36 unit family project. ; week the Council was: presented wi th's i to plans, for their reviews dated July0 IO, 1979• ..; Councilman Thorke 4on <reported "`that he visited the Project in`iitchfield that Mr, Zejdlik has x ; completed. The project is very 'livable and very Hitt: The people were very happy with it, reduce the 1 find it acceptable to parking space to 1.5 because this project is iow income and Probably single parents will be living there and wi.11 only have one car. The interior sfiould:be.'p ivate., ' ;According to the Minn- esota Housing Finance - Agency and the County, to Preserve the natura beauty of the area and save a$ many trees as ' shoul'd.not: have Possible, the project garages; however, adequate space should downstairs ' for storage. be provided Motion by Thorke.i'son to authorize a variance to reduce the ratio to'1.5 parking•spaces parking . Busse and u Per wit in the development, seconded by vote aken i upon aa was passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained. a Mayor Stock stated that it is his opinion that the interior street remain a private road. Motion by Thorkelson :that the interior roadwa -r by Watkins and u Y emain private, seconded Pon vote taken it. abstatkin a was passed. Cdunciinuh Bissonett \ There was also discussion on the angle of the - street. ,Council wishes *he angle of the street f i from to be Oo � o 7 nstead` of the 60P proposed. Mr. Z jd. stated that he doesn't see any problem with the plans nave to be looked over. this, however, � JORDAN AVE'. ' Johan Avenue plans and specifications were discussed. The main concern was a Problem of turning off of TH 13 to Jordan Avenue and to Gateway Avenue, where the Proposed shopping center will: be' The ;'fleas as to how to re were many make�_the road accessible to Jordan Avenue from Highway 13, Avenue and Gateway t Motion by Watkins to approve the pions ands Specifications �} s.r = for Jordan Avenue contingent that the plans be ready.for review at the ,meeting next Monday night, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was Passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained. -3_ n ` r u r . V MINIRE3 of tM Meeadtap of the VIffa" Ceuadl bf the Villa" of hler lake fie the Cava tj of SOtt aid State of 16111moo a, igtludias; aN " K euats audited by. wid Ceaadl. - _^ Motion b JORDAN AVE. Y Thorkelson'to advertise:;for;bids and open the bid 1979 at 11.00,AM at Prior Lake' "Ci'ty Hal,i" for, Jordan �� 31 Mayor Stock end upon a vote taken it eras" y abstained,, passed. CounciimanBissoret��r BROOKSVILLE Motion by Bissonett to a �' pprove the plans a nd spec if f tioraBrooksvil'ie, CENTER 2nd ` Center 2nd and Bluff Heights, seconded by Watkin�tand upon a ' �s BLUFF HGHTS- was duty Passed. s l; P vote "�tken i;t o . !lotion by Thorkelson to authorize advertisement for bids, for 8rooksyi.lie ' Center Ind and Bluff Heights and bids 'to, be opened at 11_:00 AM 1979 at Pr rior lake on August 31, City Ha1=1, seconded by Busse and u was duly passed. pon a >vote'taken�'it City Engineer Anderson requested`;that the develo rs agree Hills 6th Addition be ta until it, is ready, to brim o o B r o 6ksvi ( ile PROJECT City' Engineer Anderso" r nested L. e q a pprowal for the Change order for - Project . ,I 78 -5 78 -5, I s l a n d View 2nd. ��The cost is $ for an, a t ona 1 storiA seer. Mot�xi. by Bissonett toauthorize- the storm'sewer for Island View 2nd change ' order in the,tamount of $ seconded by Thorkelson and:` -u'" a vo taken it was duly passed, ,. P� to 1 LAKESIDE Ci Manager McGuire i ESTATES �' filing of Lakeside Estatesnplattforr60udatsfa ,r,TCe Schweioh.to,extend'the K " that he nn be Y h City Manager recamiended .a r Y given 45 days because this is his f�our extension; .. - (' .' Motion by Bissonett to extend the.fIIing of Lakeside "Estates plat for 45 days, which is September 15, and if it is not filed by that timL,'"the plat will,, be null and void, seconded. by Watk and upeis a vot taken tt was duly. passed. DOIMTOWNr Councilman Watkins stated that he °has been warkr�th the downtown REDEVELOP.. for re'develo ng.w group, pmertt of the downtown'area,'and At t their last meeting trere" ' was a grea.t'deai of interest in using tie ral-lroad',ri of; wa, T e planning staff along with' the police deRartnt show -d work ou y J. arkin K, § survey p for the downtown area.. Ne a thf ,railrgad';right Of way should be considered.as em ray'' ' y panic n0 unt i1 thepcoun.ty road is ��p��tedthere, The Council should Fcons�der;.thia and dirscuss'a' at "fu tu� 1, m WATER TOWER =: Not ion by.lJatki-ns to set the Water "'` Tower;. Assessment ;ng for Y Sept at 8:00 PM ember 4' ASSESSMENT 1979 , seconded by Bisson MR6, ett upon a vote,t Heari akem ; it'was" duly r• passed, METRO HEAL Mayor Stock informed the Council about a meeting.the Metro Nealth,8oard wii;l BOARD be g August conducting on Au $ 1 979 at 7 00 PM in the Metro Chaadbers This 'r meet is, -about the'hospital Fairview proposes, to. build. There is a :bus d! ¢` leaving a 6: 1 PM z 9 5 f rom the. Ridges Shopping Center. " Motion by Watkins to ad journ, seconded by Busse arid` , u 4 " meeting was adjourned at po n a vote`taken �thi s y 33 PM. n t " Michael A. McGuire City"Manager r c 1 a y r W , IT