HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 04 1979f w -1- September 4. 1979 — i The Common Councii of the Ci of Prior Lake met inn ,regular September 4, 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor '! ? Co session on 6issonett, Thorkelson, Watkins, x . City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Andeon ^, Finance Director Teschner -and City Attorney.. Sullivan. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The foi'lowing corrections are to be- made to the minutes August of 27, 1979: , <i t Page 1, paragraph 7; : . but, was not served. and gave it to the minor:= and =the minor got past him. 8 ;•. the B b 0 Bar has a 'good record, Page g paragraph 2;, ,: are`stil,l there Oct., 31, 1979. . Page 3. paragraph 10;. take out extra word, give. ' Page 4, paragraph 12 ;. it was public when he purchased it. changed some of the he's. to Mr. Nukriede 17;.' correct of cost '�- Page 5, paragraph 5; , on the 1980 budget in conjunction iii.th the 1980 revenue sharing plan for . MINUTES Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of August 2 1 9 79 7, seconded by Watkins and amended, Upon a vote taken it was duly .passed. � I ass CHARLES DEVET The Council discussed the letter received from the building inspector, Gene Hewstrom, regarding the Charles Oevet request of extensionikof tim to connect to the City sewer and water. Councilman Watkins s connL:ction,. This wi199allow the water to free ortthetcre1ertat i e, dr y he Councilman Busse s uggested that a d ye test be taken... ( .� The Councii: had a discussion on this matter. Motion by Bissonett to do 4 d ye test or some suitable test - to determine what seepage. is going into the lake and the dye test be taken within 15 days, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken,it' was duiy Any action on the gray water be tabled until the results are received from the dye test. Mayor ,Stock 'directed the.. City Man � y ager to prepare a staff response: to the condition of the dye test and the gray water being dumped ;on the 'property. STORM SEWER 1 NIDOEN OAKS The store sewer in the Hidden Oaks area was discussed Ro.liie.Thie?1 by Council and Mr. ng, Mrs. Lemley, and Mr. Bill Schmokel.. Other residents of the area were Present for this discussion. mdn1B A The problem of the Hidden Oaks 'arek'is the draining of the proposed school addition may Cause more. water to run into the pond, The Pond cannot take any note run -:off, if the school would go back to their original plan, ` which was submitted to the Council prior to the meeting, then there wouldn't be a problem with water run -off. Mr. alti Schmokel stated that the school 1 � r 11 be eeeti'ng tomorrow it night on this mallet and he will present 1'a�n- off'from the school into the to tTie coewittee the problem of pond in Middea Oaks and this problem would be solved if the school went with t he orignal`drainage plan. Mayor Stock di led the City Engineer scho and Councilman Busse to attend the o l haw ' � h " eee ng on Wednesday,, September 5. 1979 at= 7:30 PM and let the board know that the City supports the original drain to them at the Council plan as submitted meeting Monday night. -1- p MINJM e1 tIN 60 H of Nye VMgp Of POW talte I* Cwehr of SC W aid Item of its erdiNd by low c ""I. IFISH'PT. RD. Mr, Thieling' asked about fill for the Pond from the Fish Point Road excavation Project. He was told that he should present the Consulting. Engineer and,, the City Engineer with a detailed; drainage plan for that area, hawing what effect filling the pond may havi4 uport there approval they may proceed, Councilman Wat�ins prrsented to the Council information on the water elevation in Prior Lake. The ground is very wet this year and we are expected to get more rain this fall. If this happens, the ground will freeze to,the top and if there is a fast melt 'it Wall not be absorbed into the ground. This "will cause flooding. We should do something about it now; be ` prepared. Mayor Stork directed staff to address this problem, what would happen if high water would occur and what would it do to the sewer system and the lake, WATER TOWER Mayor Stock called the Water Tower Assessment Hearing to order., ASSESSMENT Finance Director Teschner went over the procedures of payment for the assessment. v; Mr. Jerry Young questioned about the assessment to him. He thought he-paid it G already. Mayor Stock asked Mr. Young to give the City Manager a call.and he can check i t' out for him. k t Finance Director Teschner; stated that Mr, David L the 1980 roll.: He will be bifled,next year for $200, about this. OOS�He no fled' •� -% Notion by Watkins to approve thw water tower assessment as amended, seconded by Busse and upon. a vote taken it was dul.t+ passed. i; 'Mayor, Stock adjourned the water tower assessment hearing. z li011Y COURT City Manager McGuire presented the Holly Court subdivision, In rush to The developer was a p pp get the pl approved. He did not sign a developers agreement or r Provide the escrow amount. He was to ,do this the next day and did not. The plat was approved an September 12 1 interest in this'pro ject for 1980, 577. The Cannon Falls Bank indicated an The Council had :a discussion on this it Notion by Thorkelson for the City ManagerF. - - - -�` Fa to inform the Cannon Falls Bank if they en not proceed with the project and apply for bonding by ment"Of the uti uti October 1 l t ities, seconded then the seconded will initiate public action on the install- ss paassed.- by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly - � VLAKE Mayor Stock read! the �Ietter from` Con Benson. _Prior 1'ATI.ON Staring the ba Lake Assoclation,, regarding rs in a safe place over t 3 he winter 'moeeths'. �AIICE Nation by Watkins to ` .grant the request of Don Benson, Prior Lake Association, to. store the barges and wake sure the barges will not Interfere with cross country Skiers or snowwobilers, seconded by Bissonett and a ,., Pon Vote taken pa sed. _ it was duly„ ��ORIIiAN AVE. Jardan Avenue bids were tabled for one week so the ' chance to see the, bids that were received, developer can have a II .aIS Raw TAe Willows Association and Mr, Lowell Rieck withdrew thei.r re nest 'for 4 road - ION ` 11 vacation. Mr. Bryce'Huemoeller, attorney for the applicants, talked City Manager about this last: week. with the E ts s ;!` �A�N11iK �f +h. Phc M. Vlil". C..0 ,a Vol"* of Peift t.b M M. e.rnly euscen aw 'sid.'.0 ' ��1e. Me1riM♦ eN aanwuK e � M► s•id cwwdl. MIKE hCGUIRE Fneded uire was SUB, REQUEST Present requesting Ct�unci;l's a pproval PProva l f or. I t Lake Addition via Resolution 78 -21, The reason Council approve Is s the building set back line Fs ppr ovae 80 1, 75' and, the Resolution states Marlis Bluedorn and Della Hotzler, adjacent property at the meeting. Mrs. Hotzier submitted'& letter statingethatwcarepshould ` be taken when filling the land where her driveway is because she. will have problems with it. Also, she stated that when any buildings are: r .l Please make sure that the water run -off from the'roof does not .put up. to 90 on her property because she cannot take any more water. Neither property owners e, objected to the subdivision. Motion by Watkins to approve the subdivision under Resolution ^ 7$ -21 of Maves lst Lake Addition on',the basis of providing for the alteratiai of the 75' at the building set back line and contingent =upon no sale of either lot until the buildings are in conformance, with the lat property lines Le d seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly :passed. The Wetter from Mrs. Hotzler is to be made part. of the record. 1980 BUDGET The Council "reviewed the proposed 1980 budget for the hearing Schedul. ed for September 1 7, 19M at 8 :30 PM. This is in conjunction with the 1980 Revenue Sharing Plan also scheduled for that date. Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and u this meeting was adjourned at '9 :18 pM,^ a rote taken Y. . =t A y ". i t `5 Michael A. McGuire City Manager' -SAIIii 5110: f , 10"UTES of th* Mc"dias of VNkN Council of tM Via"* ef't LINIM Cswaty of Stu" Gad Sh" of MIN iad"no all aetwMs sWitad by sal Cwwdl. September 4, 1979 R� iy: ' The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular Session on September 4 :. 1979 at 7 :30 PM, Present were Mayor ;Mock, Councilmen Busse, q= Bissonett, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, 'City Engineer Anderson,, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Sullivan, t, Mayor Stock culled the meeting; to order. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of August 27, i979: Page 1, paragraph 7; but, was not served. and • gave it to the minor: and the minor got past him, r - ,. 8;.. the. B s D Bar has a good record. Page 2, paragraph 2; . are still there Oct. 3 . Page 3 paragraph 10 ;, take out extra „word, give. Page 4,. paragraph 12;, it was public when he purchased it changed some of the he's to Mr. Hukriede' $ i7 ;. correction of cost Page 5, paragraph 5 . on the 9 180 budget in conjunction with the u 1980 revenue sharing plan for MINUTES Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of August 2 1 ' t was duly 7. 979 as amended, seconded by Watkins and u .Pon a vote taken it Y Passed,:. CHARLES DEVET The Council dFscussed the letter received from the building inspector, Gene Newstrom, regarding the Charles Devet request of extension of time to connect to the City sewer and' water: Councilman Watkins suggested Mr. DeVet have six months to complete the connection. This will allow.the to freeze or the creek to dry. Councilman Busse suggested that a dye . test be taken. The Council had a d iscussion on this .matter: Notion by Bissonett to do a dye test or some suitable test to determine what seepage�is going into the lake and the dye test be taken within 15 days, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken.it was duly Passed. Any action on the gray water be tabled until the results are received �. from the dye test. Mayor Stock directed the'City Manager to condition of the dye test and the gray water being staff response to the g dumped on the property. STORM SEWER ( The storm sewer in the Hidden Oaks area was discussed by Cour,cii and Mr, HIDDEN OAKS Rollie Tfiiel i ng, Mrs. Lemley, and -Mr. Bill- Schmokel'L other residents of the area were present for this discussion. The Problem of the Hidden Oaks Go din3t� A Mk Jh area the draining of the proposed school addition may cause more water to run into the Pond, The any more run -off, if the school would pond cannot take � c which was submitted to the Council go back to their original plan, ' be a'Problem. with water run -off. Prior to the meeting, then there wqul.dn't Mr. Bill Schwokel stated that the school bi,W�'qi be meeting tomorrow night on this matter and he will present to tFia committee the problem -of run -off from the school, into the be solved if the school went with the original drainagedplans problem would' Mayor Stock e�ted the City Engineer and Councilman Busse to attend the school hu �1dMSl meeting on Wednesday, September 5, 1 the board know that the.Cit Y sup ports 979 at 7 :30 P14 and let pports the original drainage plan as submitted to them at the.Counciiaeeting Monday night. �: l MINYtI:" of" Iko: � iM. VIM"* Gueeil of 1h0 Vil k" of PH" take 1s,*9 Coualy i of scale ead swft of Miaao�oN ladvrky allcweb ewlitoii bY , ' 26W CowKil . FISH PT. RD. Mr Thieling asked about fill for. the d f project._ Pon from the Fish Point. Road excavation " He was told that he should present the Consulting Engin the Qty Engineer with a,detailed drainage plan for that area, showing what effect fill the pond may have,upon there approval they may proceed, ' v Councilman Watkins;`presented to the Council information on the water elevation in Prior Cake. The ground is very wet this year and we are expected to get more rain this fall. If this happens, the ground will freeze: to the top and if there is a fast melt it will not be absorbed into the ground, . This will cause flooding. We should do something about it now; to be prepared, Mayor Stock directed staff`to address this problem, what would ha p high water would occur and what would itdo to.the sewer system and thelakef WATER TOWER Mayor Stock called the Water Tower As ASSESSMENT sessment Hearing to order, Finance Director Teschner went over the Procedures of payment for the assessment. Mr, Jerry Young g questioned about the assessment o. him. He thought he paid it already. � ' Mayor Stock asked Mr. Young o It out for him, 9 give the City Manager a call and.he' can check' Finance Director Teschner'stated that Mr,�'Davld Lempke should be removed from the 1980 roll, He will be bifled.next for 'has, year $200.00. He about this. been rrotified`` I Motion by Watkins to approve the water tower assessment as n b Busse and am ended, seconded Y d u . dad upon a vote �t was: duly passed.. 4 Mayor Stock adjourned the water tower assessment hearing. l - YMOLLY COURT City'Manager McGuire presented the Holly Court subdivision. the �. develo r in a rush to get the =plat a p was ap proved. He did not sign a developers agceement or Provide the escrow amount.` *_ He was to do this the next day and did not. The, Plat was approved on September 12 1977. The Can Falls Bank indicated an interest in thi's pro'ect''for 1980.; *&_Council had 'a discussion on this item. Motlan by Thnrkelson for the City ManagerF, — — _ _ Fills Bank Tf project and a tl i nform they do not proceed with the for bonding n October 1, 1979', then the Council will public action _ seconded on the install want of the utrlit :es, b y 4btkins and upon a Passed. vote taken it was duly 4, tRR10R LAKE " �AS30CIATION Mayor Stock read the letter from Don Benson, Prior Lake Association, regarding stoning the barges in a safe lace over the P r ' U1RCiS winter months. `,� lbtion'by_ Watkins to .grant he request of Don Benson, Prior Lake Association,' to. Stbre the barges and make `su•e the barges seco will not i nterfere with cross country skiers or snowMObilers, n ded by Bissonett and ` P sod. upon a vote taken it was duly as \� ;JORDAIt AVE. Jordan Avenue bids were tabled for one week so the 'developer can have a chance to see the bids that were-received, WIfrLOWS,' ROAD YACATI dt 7he7 Wil low Association and 'Hr.. (Owe l Rieck, w = . , �: ew their y . request vacation st for r oad. Mr, Bryce MuemCei'ler q Ci attorne f.or p , y the appi� cants,, talked with the Manager about 0 "ty this last weekl -� - - + -2- \ 1 1 111 o v . mum 6 ' "Wee Cerwdl of *0 V o of Fdw Lake M 1ko Cevehr Of ScW red Shh of Miawowlo ladvdM@ ell avwls ordihd w said Cou" N1KE MCGUIRE SUB. RE VEST ' Q Michael' McGuire was present requesting Council' s approval for subdivision o� Maves 1st Lake Addition via Resolution ,. 78- 21,. The reason Council approval is i:eeded is the building set back line is " it has to be 801 75 and the Resolution states Marlis Bluedorn and Del Hutzler, adjacent Prorty o, at the meeting. Mrs. Hotzler submitted letter�statngethetwcarePshou a be take�� when filling the land where her driveway is because she will have problems with it. Also, she stated that when any buildings are put up, to Please make sure that the water run -off from the roof does not go °n her Property because she cannot take any more water, Neither pro pe objected to the subdivision, perty owners Motion by Watkins to approve the subdivision under Resolution 78 -21 of Maves 1st lake; Addition on :the basis of providing for the alteration of 'the 75 at the bullAIng set back line: and con tin u ent either lot until the sale of g p ' buildings are on no in conformance,with the Platted property lines, seconded by Busse and u passed. Pon a vote taken it was duly is The letter from Mrs. Hutzler is t o be made part of the -� 1980 BUDGET record, The Council reviewed the proposed 1980 budget for the hearing scheduled fo f September'l 1 7, 979.at 8 ;30 PM. This is in conjunction wit 1980 h the Revenue Sharing Plan also scheduled for that date. Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Sissonett and upon a vote taken x; this meeting was adjourned at 9;18 PM. n{{ ' t{ Y` 1 °fit Y Michael A. McGuire ° "I City Manager j y w J