HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 17 1979UAImm, of *0, hea dbW of
"V ON"* Cw it of No ViNqp
of pww t1a in 1M C"Oly of Sent end Shh of
MMao»!e, 77 ` 7 l e eearwis or�Nd by snit) Cirwdl a
r September 1 1979 ✓ �t 4
The Common Council of Lhe � I 1C i ty of F'r i or, l lake met in re : session on
September 17, 1579 at 7:30,PM. Present were Ma g
Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse,
' Bissonett, Watkins, Thorkilsen, City Ma, ager McGuire, City Engineer Ander
n son, City Planner Graser, F,!arks rectar "Man
and City Attorney Sullivan:' ^� Finance
and Teschner,,
i Mayor Stock caaled the meeting to order. The followitng correction is
w to be made to the minutes of September 10, 1979;
Page 2, paragraph l; in the amount of $234,864,75. The bid was higher
x then the developers agreement, The ,C needs a
Ac ':a , : decision from IDS. Y
MINUTES Notion by Watkins to approve the minutes
d of Sep tember 10
p. , 1979 as
9z,� amened,, seconded'by Busse and upon'a. vote taken it was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire presented the Wes
, .Hukriede -Lot Split ( Green 'Oaks
Marl Circle), The lot split was via Resolution 78 -21. The problem arose
a couple of months after i4 was
a pproved and called to our attention that
the lot actually does not front on a puoli'c roadway,: The easement lead
the Planni Department to believe that" t was a road easementand it act -
uaU y '`turned out to be a drainage util easement. What would be requited
In order for it to conform to the ordinance would be that the 50 `foot
utility easement either become a public roadway or Mr. Hukriede acquire an
easeaont from Lot 8 or access onto that roadway of °utility easement `
the Council to grant a variance allowing that one exception to that and for
„ division ordinance. sub-
Motion by Watkins to deny a =buildin a
this 9Permi�t to this. lot on the basis that
't property does not have legal provisions for access on the basis of
evidence being presented to the Council, the Council can again review the
i; matter fif access is obtained, secon ded by Thorke'lson and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed.
Mr. Paul Thompson, representing Mr, Hukriede was
on this matter.. present to'moke cornmenIts y
Mr, Wes Hukriede was also present at 'the meeting to nuke additional comments.
HIGH WATER °Mr. Don 'Benson, Watershed' District, was present. He brought with him,
for Council review, a letter from the Watershed District Engineer regarding "..
the high water situation in Prior Lake and Spring`Lake. He stated that the
a water level on Prior Lake is almost at the
trict will behaving a meeti' re 902 level. The Watershed Dis-
ng garding ;his on`Tuesdaiy,September 18,
1979 at '8 ;00 PM at the Stott /Rice Telephone'Build;ing. Plans for dealing
with the high water situation will be 6scus`sed.
}' Councilman Watkins commented on,acquiriO flood insurance. If any one is
Interested in getting flood insurance,,, "they should apply g away. The
insurance does not l riht a,\
it 9 into effect until the Federal Government processes'
Ma yor -cock directed the Consulting Engineer and the City Engineer to
repo meeting, September
rt on the water- situation and how it'w,l.l effect the City at the
., ne xt 24, 1979.
Ot Mayor Stock also, ,commented that someone from the City should attend; `
Watershed` District eting, c the
' CIRCLE ° Nayor Stock =r�.l led the Assessment gearing 'to order for Creeks'ide Circle
paving and read the k0-i`shed .notb* in the_Prior Lake American:
FinanceDirector Teschnermade a��
a pa N. presentati'pn on how the: assessment can be
There were a few questions asked from ,resIdents of Creekside Circle. Mr,
Keith K had a question o the pav�.n i g
at`' he end of his Y. Ma
Stock asked the'City Enginee r to call Mr. Kowitz and take a look at the
d i`veway.
dd . -1
mlom t of the PhpeiiwN of the VWme c
ai 11M ViNage. ef. Pow Lake M Me CwMy of Seep, ead S1oN of
"N ""la, Mo"" aR a wdihd by said Cwaeil.
CREEKSIDE Motion by Watkins to approve the assessment roll for Creeks
CIRCLE PAVING as presented, second ide Circle paving
ed by Busse and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Bissonett to adjourn the assessment hearing forL Creekside Circle,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed.
CHARLES DEVE The letter from the Building Ins
9 pector,, Gene Newstrom, regarding the Charges
DQVet matter,Uwas reviewed'. Mr.
Newstrom did a dye test and did not observe
any leaching to the system
A motion and a second was on the floor
to `the City sewer and water, if any leaching9does �C`me
occur before that
Council will review it.
Councilman Thorkelson reported that he checked with Midwest. Utilities and
they stated that they could jack a pipe under the
creek for 1001ft. at $4,00 /ft.
This may not be the right thing to do today,'because of all the water,buL
cou d be done this winter it
or in the summer. 1 don't think we should
an 'indefinite deferral. The problem can be
solved', This price includes labor
and use of the :machinery to dig fora 6"
each end; the i Pipe. someone would have to hook 'it at
P�Pe is tiextra.
Mr. Charles DeVet was present_andstated that he will check into t
and report to the City Manager wi his matter
thin one
., Put Mr, OeVet on the ill
week, The City Manager
agenda so the Council
can review his, f
_. re rdin Mr. DeVet connects to sewer and water was wit ind,ings. The motion,
". RALPH. BORKA 'his Ra ph `Ibrka sewer_ back -u withdrawn.
'SEWER SAC`KJP.,. at rney for the Borka's_�ras =gem d scussed. Mr:. ran :Muelken,
between rile Borka's, the City Manager meeting was held' a few weeks ago
cussed•& settlement
of one -half o f the tgtal cleanup, TTMs Nil1 be paid
(n` >' to the Borka's from the City. This tkiu- d`anount to $740.00.
Mr. Mm ken
stated that A few items were not mention
th mentioned at that meeti ng he
ew to be added'to the previously discussed
cost of clean up d then divide
bill in two. There is $160,00 for items used in cleaning of the basement
> a1►d $240.00 in lost wages for Mrs.
$940.00. Borka. This brings the cost for the City to
Finance Director stated that the bill from Service Master should be paid in
full from the check the City is
giving to the Borka's for $940,o0.
Motion by Watkins to renumerate $940,00 for cleaning of the 'eani Borka house and to
have the Borka's waive all further claims,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a
Vote taken It was duly passed.
Notion by'Hatkins to authorise the ,payment to the Borka's out of the contin h
gency fund, seconded by Thorkelson and upon Y
, a vote taken it was duly Passed'
Bill Pearson, Prior Lake Aggregate, was present discuss the street
GTE projects in Prior Lake. He stated 'that the material to
the contractors are
on the streets in Prior Lake are not as good quality or as hard-as his.
He also stated that he sent sample of his
material to Tv{in Cities Tes in 9 and
they have sent him letters indicating the material
is of good, qua l i ty, .
.Other canmenents were made by Mr. Pearson 's associate Council members, and Staff.
" 1980 BUOGET The public hearing for the 1980 Budget was called to order by Mayor Stock,
The Council had a chance
to review the , proposed budget at their last weeks meeting.
City Manager McGuFre presented a summary of the 1980 budget.
Notion by B i'ssonett to give * ftIllhlli '
> ak for rile budget of 1980,
seconded by Thorkelson and u
. n it
Pon a vote taken �t was duty passed...
Sharing hearing was Called to order:..
SHARING Teschner read the public hears by Mayor Finance Director
notice that was in the Prior Lake American. Ila
he Prior
As discussed at the last meeting, the money for;- -the revenue sharing will
to the Fire Department, for equipment, g l go'
Motion III tkins to approve the use as the Council stated for the r
equipwe�► t and acquisition for purposes of
the Fire Department,
seconded by Busse and `
upon a - vote taken: it was duly passed:..
of *0 V- "a
C" of sft* MW ftft of
1a, iadvdlna ell
by im m 1.
1980 BUDGET Motion by Watkins to adjourn the public hearing for the bud e t of
: 1980 and'the revenue sharing, 9
econded b
taken I 9' y Busse and: t was ,duly passed. u Pon a dui vote
PROJECT 79 -3 City Engineer Anderson reported on the sauaton of Project 79 3'with IDS,
IDS, felt that the increase cost over
which the dove)
pared for and they the bid be rejected from
tors. .;ordan Avenue and Bluff Progressive Contrac-
' Heights
with- previous pro'ect, Project should go on a change order
The Brooksville Center project must be- taken care of right away. The Ci
-will do some temporary maintenance
on their :
The City can initiate the Project next s to wake the .road;driveabl'e.
rr own and
a ccntractor is doing the project the must ap f bonding later. However' if
y4 PP y b Oct. 1,
g y
Miotion by Thorkelson to reject the bid received from Progressive Contractors,
Inc, for Project 79-3, seconded
by Busse and u
.passed. Pon a:vote taken it was duly
Mayor Stock directed the Ci y Engineer and the City Man agerto report back
next week on Jordan Avenue and Bluff Heights. A
be done and be feasibility study should
in February, if IDS does not y
the City will initiate the project. Before the
- review a it Iin February, 1980,, IDS will be; informed of the Council's
Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to schedule this_matter on his
for February of 1980.,
PROJECT 79 -4 Project 79 -4, The Harbor, bids were received. The lowest bidder was Encon
Utilities at `.$200,812•.00,
Was Green, Owner of the Harbor project, was present to discuss with the
Council that he does not ;agree with the
cost of the water lime bids, he
stated that he will share the cost with the City 50/50!,
There was a discussion neriod on
this matter.
Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to hook at what the needs are for
-the P and re Port back.
next week,.
; r
Mayor Stock directed the City Attorney to review the devei
and report back to the Council oilers "agreement'
next week,
notion ~ by Busse to approve the contract to Econ Ut.ili.ties in "the amount of
$200,812.00, seconded by Watkins and 'upon
vote take.: it was duly Passed.
"Mark Putnam, also with the Harbor ro'ect stated
was designed It was fora 6" P that when the project
Pipe system flowing from a. 1% system.
BEN, BAER Mr. i Mrs. Ben Baer were present to discuss with the
ASSESSMENTS..:. marts for lots ;5 s 6, Block 6 Grainwood,
.They connectad'.to the intercep-
tor a few years ago and paid an assessment
S22.76/FF and ,30 acres $3714.00 .based upon 150' C
@'$1000,00 /acre. The Beer's understanding was
that this,sewer assessment
was for both lots..5t� 6,, Block 6 Grainwood and
not just for the lot their 'home is on._
Mayor Stock stated that there are
One is to approve a $45.11j/FF tonethe
and .43 acres currentgassessment) cost
the second is the deferred should be 88,3 ft,
assessment roils, the third is to credi back the remove the 99.1 from the
Baer with the entire frontage currently, 53714.00 and assess Mr.
Motion'by Thorkelson to'reaffirm. the Ivey it is
currently assessed, 99.1'
at today's cost indefinitely deferred, seconded by Busse and'u
taken it was duly passed. Pon a vote
Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
9M 55
t 4
MIMUM of Nio Maiedia o of a* Via"" Comma of /M -VM086 of hiK take iu tke Cwaty of se" ewd Do* of
Miwwla.'lwd all aeeww/s
�M evdihd. by swirl Cwaeii.
RAY MAGNUSON Mr, S Mrs, Ray Magnuson's request for the Counci tto reviiew their assessment
MAPLE PARK was next on the agenda. The Magnuson's own Lots l and 3;,�Maple Park Shore
Acres. They wish Lot 3, the 5 yr. deferment be changed, `to an indefinite
status. The basis is the Questionable buildability of the lot.
Motion by Watkins that Lot 1 is in an indefinite deferment, Lot 2 would be
called down immediately and Lot 3
remove the 5 yr. deferment and make that _a
10 ft, current and defer the remainder of that indefinitely, this, is consistent
with the lots in Maple Park Shore Acres, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed,.
Mr, C Schwetch was t:
Y present •regarding the v«a Lags on h house. He: was in-
formed he ,should contact his attorney and
work out details for gettin thero
if .
party �cecorded and if this it going to take longer than 2 weeks then he should
contact the City Manager and he will work out something,'
Mr. $chwii.ch stated that Valley Engineering cannot inspect or survey Lakeside
Estates because Mr. Schweich is
tha owner and developer of the project..
Mark Sullivan stated that an independent surveyor do
can the inspecting and
surveying.. Mr. Schweich should get, together with'the Ci Engineer and discuss
the matter.
Motion by Bissonett to a `t
approve the Police Report fear the month of August,,
seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duty passed..
Motion by Busse to approve the Fire and Rescue Report for,the month of
August, seconded Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Building Report for the month of August,
seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed,
Motion by Bissonett to approve the Dog Catcher's Report for the month of
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mr�tion by Watkins to approve the Finance Report for the:on
wth of August,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it duly
was passed,:
BARRY TNIBO -- City Planner Grater presented the Barry Thibodeau R..L.S. He has met the six
DEAU ILLS stipulations set forth a previous Council
at meeting.
Notion by Bissonett to approve the R.L.S. and allow the.issuance;of a building
permit for Tract A,and.he must meet the conditions and specifications
of the
wasting of four weeks ago, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was .�
duly passed. 0
City Engineer Anderson requested approval; of three change orders for City
Motion b Bissonett to
Y approve the change order 11 for Fish Point Road: in the
amount of $1036.00, seconded by Thorkelson and, upon vote
a taken it was duly
'passed. (This change is for 1002 crushed rock.)
Notion by Bissonett to approve the change order 11 for Island View Road in the
amount of $2448.00,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
(The change is for 100% crushed rock.)
Notion ,by Busse to approve the change order for Fairlawn Shores in ,the amount of
$6.600.00, seconded by Thorkelson and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
(This change ie for 100% crlashed rock.)
Motion by Watkins to adjourn;, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meeting
was adjourned at 11;28 PM.
Michael A. McGuire
City Manager
heeeodieBs of tM Y1116 o "Undl of the V"kg* of Pei" Lako in LM 6eun11y of Scott and State .of
F; Naaeseo, Induding all aeceunts.aydited by said twndl.
1 September 17, 1979
The Common Council of the_City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
September 17, 1979 at 7:30 Pm. Present were Mayor Stock, Council me
son, City Planner n Busse,
Bissonett, Watkins, '
ase City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Ander-
S Parks Director Mangan, Finance Director Teschner,
and Ci Attorney Sullivan.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following correction is
to be made to the minutes of September 10, 1979: ,
Page 2, paragraph i; in the amount of $234,864,75. The bid as higher
then the developers pers agreement. The City" needs a
decision from iDS.:,
Notion by Watkins to approve the minutes of September 10, 1979 as
amended, seconded.by Busse and upon a va\te taken it was duly passed.
LOT SPIT City -Manager McGuire presented th- Wes Hukriede Lot Split (Green Oaks-
Marlin.,Circle). The "lo[ split was via Res'g 78 -21, The
problem arose
a couple of months after it was approved anon called to our attention that
the lot actually does not front om.a public roadway. The easement lead'
-� the Planning Department to believe that, it,
t was�a road easement and it act
uaily turned out to be`a drainage utility easement. What would be,required
tl " in order for it to conform ;to�the ordinance, wo be that the 50 foot
utility easement either become a public roadway o'r Mr. Hukriede acqu'i
easement from Lot 8 or access onto \ roadway o�`utiIity easement an
the Gounci i to grant a var i a d for
n..e a l i i nQ that one exce
division ordinance Pion to that sub-
. �.
{ Mot -ion by Watkins to at�ny 4, buiId�ing permit to this i6t on the basis that
is property does not `save Ie al '
evidence being g pwv r s i ass for access. on the basis of �\
presentee to the .Council, the, Council can again review the
matter if access is obtained,,seconded by Tho�:kelson and,,u
;�\ was duly passed, Pon a vote taken
Mr \. Pau) ;Thompson, repres ent. i a�g Mr, Hukriede was
osi tFis matter, present to make comments 4 ,
Mr. ides Hukriede was also present at the meeting to make additional comment .
HIGH WATER Mr, Don Benson, Watershed Distract, was
SITUATION for Council review, a letter from theVitershed Distrbct regarding
the high water situation in- Prior,: Lake aid Spring'Lake. , H, stated that the
b water level on Prior Lake 'is almost at. the 902 level!. Then Watershed Dis-
teict will be having a meeting regarding this on TuesdayV'September 18,
1979'at '8 :00 PM at the Scott /Rice Telephone - Building, Pl'ans for dealing
with the high water situation will be d'lscussed. �i ,
i -
Councilman Watkins commented on acquiring flood insurance, If any one is
interested in getting flood insurance, they nment should :appllir' right away. The.
insurance does not go into effect until the. Federal Gov4
it. i' � processes
Mayor Stock directed the Consulting Engineer and the Cit to
report on the water situation and how it will effect tJ,ie City at the
i next meeting, September 24, 1979
Mayor Stock also commented that someone from the City should attend the
Watershed District meeting, 1
CIRCLE ` Mayor Stock called the Assessment Hearing to order feir Creekside Circle
paving and read the published notice in the Prior Lake American.
,• if Finance Director Teschner madle-sa presentation on howj�j assessment can be
There were a few
questions asked from residents of Qreekside Circle. , Mr,,
Keith Kdwi.tz had a question on the paving at the end'of his drivewayk tia�jor
Stock asked the City Engineer to call Mr. Kowitz ani take a look "at ;.the
: t
2 .,. .,,x.,.1• 1 __�..��. ,r. � _ � t � � � •; ` I
MINfUiEt of 11» Proer.d , �
hw of the VW"" council ef' the Villo:1e, ef Prior take in the county of Scot& and Stab of `
Mian*Sota, Indu ins all accouats a�diied by mW Council,
CREEKSIDE Motion by Watkins to approve the assessment roll for Cr�eekside Circle
CIRCLE PAVING as presented, seconded by Busse and u `` paving
po►�� a vote taken it was duly passed,
Motion by BissoneLt to adjourn the asses��mcnt.hearingfor treekside Circle
seconded b
u pon a vote ta;�en is was duly Passed.` '
y Thorkelson and u
CHARLES DEVE The letter from the Building Inspector, Gene Hewstrom, regar�bng the Charles
DeVet matter, .was reviewed. Mr. Newstrom iiid a dye test and d
an id y leaching to the system, not observe
A motion and a second was on the floor giving Mr. Devet one year td
to the City sewer and water, if any leaching does occur before that time then f
ColmciI wi review it.
Councilman Thorkelson reported that he checked with Mii3�est_ Uti 1 i ,
they stated hai they could jack a pipe under the creek�,for 100tft: ;4 0
at0 /ft,
This may not be the right thing to do today, because of oll th
e wate�r.bu'� -t
could' be, done this inter or in the summer. 1 don't thin s we. uid`'` i've�i "m
an indefinite deferrl. The ho. ncl
A9 �,
problem can be solved, This j�rice �ui�es la4or
and use o }. the ..mach nitry to dig for a 6'! pipe, someone wou l li have, to hZ wk
each end; i i \at
the. Pipe' s eactra,_
Mr. Charles L`':eVet was
present and stated that he will check int this matter
and report,to' \the City Ma o
. The City Ma nager within one weeknager wiil thv
put Mr. De on the agenda so the Council can review his findings,. Th
' s ' DeVet conne
re ardin Mr cti e motion
'n to sewer and water was withdrawn.
RALPH BORKA The Ralph Borka sewer back -u `
SEWER`BACKUP attorney for the Borka's wasp problem was discussed, Mr, Fran Muelken
present. A meeting was held .a few weeks ago
between the Boeka's, the City Manager and -the Finance Director. They dis-
cussed a settlement of one -half of the total bill for clean -up. This will be: paid
to the Borka's from the City. This would amount to $740,00,. Mr. Mue'lken
stated that a, few items were not mentioned at that meeting and he wishes
them to be added to the previously discussed cost of clean up and then divide t5
the bill in two. There is $160.00 for items used in cleaning of the basement ,
and $240.00 in lost wages for Mrs. Borka. "This brings the cost for the City to
Finance Director stated that the bill from Service Master should be
full from the check the City is giving to the Borka's for $940.00. Paid in
r _- Motion by Watkins to renumerate $940,00 for cleaning of the Borka house and to
have the Borka's waive all further claims,, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a
F' vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Watkins to authorize,the payment to the Borka's out of 'the contin��"
gency fund, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken i was duly passed. '
z' PRIOR LAKE Mr. Will Pearson, Prior Lake Aggregate, was Present AGGRE611TE projects in Prior Lake. He stated that the materials othe scontractorsrare
using on the streets in Prior Lake are not as good quality or as hard_as his
NO also stated that he sent samples of his material to Twin Cities Testing and
they have sent.him letters Indicating theImaterial is of good quality.
� Other
comienents were made by Mr. Pearson's associate, Council members, and Staff,
' 1980 BUDGET The public hearing for the 1980 Budget was called to order by Mayor Stock.
The Council had a chance to review the proposed budget at their last weeks meeting.
City Manager McGuire presented a summary f the 1
y 9 8o bud
Motion by Bissonett to give =WXW approval for the budget of 1980,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
,. REVENUE Revenue Sharing hearing was called to order by Mayor Stock, finance Director
SHARING Teschner read the public hearing notice that was in the Prior Lake American.
As discussed at the fast meeting, the money for the revenue sharing will go
to the Fire Department for equipment:.
Motion by Watkins to approve the use as the Council stated for the purposes of
equipment and acquisition for the fire. Department, B
seconded by Busse ,and
upon a vote taken it was duly °
p Y Passed.
MINUTES of the lroceodirys of the Yiihpo Caineii .of +i+e Vi
U000 of Prior loko la Mo Could► of S"K God 20% of
Miaa000lo, inel"I" all eceouab aW&W by wiii'Goadl.
`` Motion on b ` ` t
X980 BUDGET' y Watkins to adjourn the public hearing for the bua
1980 and the . revenue sharing, seconded b Bussd get of
taken it was .duly passed, y e an o Pon a Vote
PROJICT 79 -3 City Engineer Anderson reported on the situation of Project 79 -3 with IDS.
\: IDS felt that the increase cost over which the developers agreement was
`A �. pared for and they recommended the bid be rejected from pre
with a previous project. J f Heights om P r
Jordan Avenue' and BI uf hts x'09 essive Contrac _
g Project should go on a change order
The Brooksville Center project Oust be taken care of right away, The City
will de some tempo
The Ci c rary maintenance their eir,own to make the.road driveable,
an initiate the project next spring and bond Pater, HoM?ever, if'
��a contractor is doing the project they .must.app)y for 'bonding, by Oct. i
�) ion, by Thorkel son to reject, the bid, received Progressive Contra
w :. or Project - d f c I
i J 79 3, seconded b usse and u tors,
p4�ssed, y B Pon a vote taken i t was du
Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer and the City Manager to r next\week`on Jordan Avenue and Bluff Heights. A feasibility study should Brooksville Center) the City will initiate P P j
be ddne and be read in rcbruar If IDS does not pursue the ro'ect
reviews ,it in February, 1980,_ IDS will be informed,ofttheBCouncilhs Cnunc�i
Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to schedule this matter on his
for February of 1980. calander ,
PROJECT 79 -4 Project 79 The Harbor, bids were received, The lowest bidder was Enco
Utilities at $200,812.00, n
Wes Green Owner
of the Harbor project, was present to discuss with the
Council that he does not agree with the cost C o the water. line bids,, he
stated that he will share the cost with, the ity 50/50.
;. There, was a discussion period on this matter. `{
Mayor Stock directed the
City Engineer to look at .what the need '
the project and report back-next week, are:for
Mayor. Stock directed the City Attorney to review the developers agreement
and report back to the.Council next week.
Motion , by
Busse Y se to approve the contract: to Econ Utilities in.the amount of
$200,812.00, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mark Putnam, also with the Harbor project, stated-that when the project
was designed it was for a 6" pipe; system flowing from a looped system,
BEN'•BAER Mr. s Mrs. Ben Baer were present to discuss with th
ments Council
ASSESSMENTS or Lots.5 - 6, Block 6 Grainwood, their assess
for a few years -
and They' connected to the intercep-
$22.76/FF and Paid an assessment of ,$3714,Q0 based upon 150' @ •30 acres a $1000,00 /acre. The 1aer's understanding was
that this sewer assessment was for both "lots 5 <$ 6 ;>.81ock $ Grainwood! a
not just for the lot their home,is on,
Mayor Stock stated; that there are 3 alternatives of solving this problem.
One is to approve a $45.431FF and 43 acres on the current assessment cost,
the second is the deferred should be 88.3 ft. and remove the 99.1 from the
assessment rolls, the third is to credit back.the $3714,00 and assess Mr.
Baer with the entire fron,ta9e, currently,
Motion by Thorkelson to reaffirm the way it is currently assessed, 99.1
at today's cost indefinitely deferred, seconded by Busse and upon
taken it was duly passed. a vote.
MINUTES; of 60 Fft"" of iM
i� C��neil of the
VN�fN ViNoge of Mor lake in tM County of Seettr and State of ,
Miweetelo, ioelwlin 3 Oil emuets audited by told Cwedl, �
RAY MAGNUSON 1r, S Mrs. , Ray Magnuson's request for the Council to review their assessment
was, next on the agenda. The Magnuson's own Lots 1 and.3, Maple Park Shore `
Acres. They wish Lot 3 the r
Y., . deferment be changed town indefinite
status. The basis is the questii3nablir buildability of the lot.
Motion by Watkin Lot 1 is in . i�idefinite deferment, Lot 2 would be
called down immel
�iately and Lot 3 re'niove� the 5 yr. deferment and make that a
10 ft, current an defer the remainder of that 'indefin'itely, this is consistent
with the lots in Napie Park
Shore AC.res,�,seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote.
taken it was `duly passed.
1 ' '
Mr, Cy Schweich was�,�r;esent regarding „? tags on his house. He was i
STOP'WORK TA formed h . n-
G e should cont�i�ct. his attorney; and a,rork out details for getting the pro-
1, I
perty recorded and 'ifA,�his is� :going to takei longer than Z weeks then he should
con'kt the City Manager and he will work out swathing.
Mr, Schwerch statedithaC;Valley ingint,ering inspect
cannot or survey Lakeside.
Estates because Mr. Schweich is th` ow `er an�� developer of the project,
h \
Mark Su,l i ivan� stated (that ago , surveyor can do the ins pec t ing
surraying, Mr Schweich
°. shoe' =# get together k #ith the City Engineerand discuss
the )
POLICE REPORT Motion by approve ,►tie Pol
Bissonett to a ice Report for the month of August,
seconded by Watkins'`anli upon a v�,te taken, it was duly passed.
4 FIRE'S RESCUE Motion by Busse to t #approve the Fire and, Rescue Report for the month of
August, econded by Watkins and unon a
vote take it was duly y Passed.. �
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Building Report for the month of August,
seconded by Watkins and upon a vote. taken it was duly passed.
Motion Bissonett to approve the Dog Catcher's Report for the'month of
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed':
Motion by Watkins to- approve the Finance Report for the :month.of August,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken;it was duly passed.-
BARRY THIBO- ..City Planner Graser presented the Barry Thibodeau'R.L.S He has met the six
£'DEAU.RLS stipulations set forth
at a previous Council meeting.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the R.L.S. and allow the - issuance of a building,
permit for Tract A and he must. meet the conditions and specifications of the
meeting of four weeks ago, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed. 0
City Engineer Anderson requested approval of three change orders far City
projects.: Y
Motion by Bissonett to approve the change order #1 for Fish. Point Road in the
amount of $1036.00, seconded by Thorkelson and upon taken
a vote it was duly
(This change is for 100% crushed rock.)
Motion by Bissonett to approve the change order #1 for Island View Road in the
amount,of $2448.00,
seconded b Busse and upon pon a: vote taken it was duly passed:.
(The change is for 100% crushed rock.)
Notion b Busse to a 1
Y approve the change order for Fairlawn. Shores in the of s
$6,600,00, seconded by Thorkelson
and upon a vote it was duly
(This change i's.,for 100$ , crushed rock..:)
Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meetin
was adjourned at 11:28 PM'. g
Michael A. McGuire
� '
City Manager
_ I