HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 01 19791 p MINUTES of fM Mee"I wgs of the ViNoge council of the Vilioge of !►ier to Ito in +h e County of Scott and Stale of Miwweseta including all accounts ouditud by said Council. October 1, 1979 The Common Counci.l'of the City of Prior Lake met"in regular session on October l 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock,` Counc'11men`Bissonett,' Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City, Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Consulting Engineer Norton and City Attorney'Sullivan. Ji Mayor Stock called the meetin to .order. g The following corrections are p to be made to -the minutes of to 24, 1979: c Page 2, paragraph 10; be] ow- the_907 (instead of 904) Page 3; paragraph 2; Mr. Paterson Pointe" d out some of the lakes in the surrounding area that overflow into Prior - Lake. The water in Fish Lake,'Sutton Lake; Spring Lake and probably Rice Lake would be held back under surplus water conditions, and this water could be let out 'later as desired to provide a suitable level for Prior Lake. Mr. Paterson also talked about a man -made out- ` let for Prior Lake that would drain off excess water from Prior, Lake into the Minnesota River. ,^* 3'; • • correction of contracted, should be contacted 9 . correction of an, should be on MINUTES =" tion by Watkins to a pprove the minutes of September 2:4,, 1979 as by Busse d : ,S amended, t, f e conded us an upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CHARLES DEVET ty Manager McGuire requested that the Charles DeVet, connection to F �I wer and water, matter be. tabled until next week. Mr.'DeVet needs more" me to contact another contractor to get quotes on connection of the sewer nd water pipes. ' ` A JORDAN AVE.; ity Engineer Anderson presented' the Jordan Avenue paving project. The PAVING NG ro d " - perty owners abutting Jordan Avenue have been contacted. There is a ' rob 1 em with the a s s eesmen is to be paid b the Y property owners. The Property owners wish the length of time for assessments be changed from the normal 5 years to an extended length of time, about 10 15 'years. The, City Engineer recommended that this could be done:' The property owners nt the assessments to be less than the actual cost and the City's over rre ad, a portion, not. be assessed against the project. The City Engineer' coended that this not be done, The Engineer also recommended that if w agreement cannot 'be reached between the sessment of the property owners, for the project, then we should not accept tke bid. Mayor Stock stated that he does not see any reason or unique condition on this street that the assessment Policy shoul.d be changed. The Council could amend the period for length of time for ' ing on what the developers have in mind, paying the assessment depend- = �, Bi1.1`Henn' deVelo In9, per for the Red Owl Center stated that he is in favor of amending the 5 year assessment period to ,1:0 or 15 stated that York Development ears. He also pment will offer to assume a bigger portion of the assessment. York wi-ll accept 40 %, leaving Mr. Hansen to be assessed at • 44% and Mr, Revak assessed at 1'6$. Mayor Stock asked if this figure is acceptable to each party?. i The _ y ; , r property owners said the wish.to meet at this time, discuss ' this and make a decision tonight, j This item was tabled untU. "the property owners returned weth their decision. RESOLUTION Resolution 79 -35 was reviewed by the Council. City Manager McGuire 79-35 the levy amounts and recommended approva . read Motion by 0atkins to adopt Resolution 79 -35, Bond Levy for 1980, seconded " by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. -1- r MINURS ef Proc dings of +he Village Council of the Vil loge.of Prior Lake in the County pf Scott and State of Minnesota, including alt Gmunts audited by - said Council. RESOLUTION Resolution 19 -36 was, reviewed by the Council. There was a discussion+ on 79-36 how citizens may get on the bid list to have their diseased trees taken down. Notion by Thor kelson to a y pprotie Resolution 79-36, Grant`Re-lmbursement Program for Diseased Tree Sani6tion and Reforestation, seconded' by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was,duly� passed. ROBERT SCH- Mayor Stock received correspondence from Robert Schmidt. There will be a MIDT meeting on Wednesday, October 10'at 7:3 PM.at New Subcommittee on Highway and Bridges will conducts thermeeting. Mayor'sTand Councilmen from the area are invited to attend'.. GREEN OAKS' Residents of Green Oaks Traii have contacted the City because of an erosion TRA11. STORM problem they are having caused by the storm sewer. �? SEWER PROBLEM Motion by Bissonett to direct the City Engineer to proceed with correcting the storm sewer project on a temporary basis this year and a permanent type -, fixture in 1980 continent upon pon the Strands and their neighbors'signing an easement, seconded,by Busse and upon a vote taken it_was duly passed. The City Engineer should contact the Strands tommorrow, ii 8:00 PM This meeting; is contr'nued from last week's discussi 'on of hi . "h wa on Prior Lake, Consulting Engineer, Jim Norton was g ter level z HIGH WATER five points the Councii authorized the engineers to present answer the ° z LEVEL 1) survey and verify the conditions as out'iined in Mr.. Paterson's report. a , a) we concur with the methods that Mr. Paterson used , the level is lower than t ic determine the levels of the lake, However, : f predicted. 2) determine at what lake level 'and conditions the DNR, the'Watershed District and the Army Corp of Engineering will approve as emergency conditions and ' thus permitting the City and Watershed District to methods on an immediate basis, suchl'as sandba - Pursue a)], flood control i a) the normaT� ordinar g9ing Pumping, etc. � r Y high water level. is 904 and anything above that would cause flooding and emergency conditions. .r s " 3) detrm.ine possible physical _locations, size 'of P Pipes and pumps nece R ss ry ' phon_or force um Prior Lake on an emergency basis. location of the gravity outfall structu A) the best. 1P%ca'tion for pumping and piping hequipment is at the same proposed i e selected by the Watershed District. 4) determine a preliminary plan delineating the'�areas of the water,outfal1, so that the required easements can be obtained., a) ,,a map was made of this plan and the areas are colored.in blue, { 5) locate t. P Pes, Pumps and motors: necessary for forcepumping'and'to prepare approximate costs: a) som 'local equipment suppliers have Pumps capable of the discharges required. Accurate cost figures require additional time to prepare. 6) approximate monetary loss from iloodin to a)`there area private and public property. pproximatei y 9 84, homes in Prior Lake that will experience flooded basements if the lake rises to elevation 906.8. To determine loss of personal property in case of flooding is a difficult matter. To arrive at an average loss per household items that may be damaged by the flood were assigned a replacement cost such as sod car et anelin � living � P , R, , g quarters � etc. are estimated at $800,:000.00, Totalnvalue�of private ate property directly effected exceeds eight mil'li`on doliars (84 homes. 'X $ Total value of ublic P property effected could ba seve_ral mil -lion dollars if the' system becomes ;inundated with lake water. The actual loss woul'd,be approximately $100,000.00, which includes repair of roads and lift sta`fions, and the increased MrCC treatment costa ; The Council and people that attended the meeting had a discussion the high water level situation and how to control the lake °water, period on I -2- 1* LIN Y 5+a ft C+wwdl of R Print rall ; I „'�. �'' S �� } WATER LEVEL One point brought up by a resident is if the Total value of the private Property include the Lakeshore, - Af there is flooding, the Lakeshore and "' '0 property'.,wiii' have damage. This would bring the cost up more than what is figured. The City Manager ger canuented that the figures previ inc ously mentioned does not include the land by the lake, just the damage done to the hone.. k Notion by Bissonett to; ` i { lj proceed immediately with securing =the necessary perm is for pumping, siphoning, diking from the ONR and other agencies involved in 04�-Ievel Of Prior Lake contingent upon the lake reaching the Norm) Ordinary >j High Water Levet.of 904 2) Authorize the Consulting Engineer and the Resident Enginea�r to proceed with the;.lega� descriptions for easements for the overflow water that may be cause3'by'aumpin9 or siphoning or'the actual overficw pipe itself. 3) We urge the Prior Lake/Spring diking lake Watershed District Board to investigate *�; "the of water upstreamand that : plans hey- continue their efforts and , in cant�oll ng the lake Level of Prior L ltm-andcif` the. alternate: Y s method ik the overflow, then it be given `the utmost Id9 ion, a seconded by Watkins and u Pon a vote taken It was duly passed ` iVfl Defense Director, Tian O'Laughlin was Present and made�a?�aw felt the City is doing the ri ht thi cowaents.r ri- d',coo 9 n9 about the; high water' S'!1uatlon, psratingwi the Watershed District about the futurel�' JORDAN AVE. a Jordan Avenue. =� Paving Pm ect discussion was continued: at this point. fir, bill Henning stated that Mr. Hansen and, Mr. Rwak have accepted the per a �. centages of the project as follows for assessments: York Development 42% Mr. Hansen 44g f Mr. Revak Hansen does need time to contact his them and he will, get Partners a�xl discuss this with Year a aoireed on the l , ` is touch . the City Engineer towworrow .. They -ail 5ssessmen He also sta r th percent i yr. assesswen , are Conti ages and contingent a pon road being paved thi year. -x ` lotion by Watkins l) award the bidfor the Jordan Avenue McNamara- VI `vant coati paving 'RrojEtit to In the.very near futur the assessment term be n for S e the City Engi would be York Devel years and the share opment 42Z. M Liansen, 44 %, and Mr. Revak 14$; and an z agreement be signed by the three land owners,, 2 }award the bid for Bluff Heights paving to Richard Knuts'ing an = tha property owner signing an agreement,,` contingent upon seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken .it "s pa Councilman, 6issonett ' abstafined. HOLI COURlj Mr. C� Schweich was present and'asked about Hold w, y Court. The Uty Manager stated that a letter was received from the Cannon Falls Bank and they II not wish to ;handle the project, The CFLy will proceed Ni tFi a feisbF 1 Lty Study ` ; Motiao "by Watkins'to,,adjourn, seconded by and Bissonett : this wasting was adjourned at: 8;58 PM. Upon a vote taken `. r - z Michael ,;A. McGuire City Manager c -3 ' ` ° I r MINUTES of the Proceedings of t h e Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and Stato of Minnesota, including oil accounts audited by said Council. October 1, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on October 1, 1979 at 7 PM. :30 Present were Mayor Stock, Counci•lmen`Bi'ssonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Consulting Engineer Norton and City Attorney Sullivan. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes September „of 24, 1979; Page 2 g , paragraph 10, . . , below the . . . (instead of 904) ,f Page 3, paragraph 2;'. Mr., Paterson Poi-mted out some of the lakes in the surrounding area .ha Lake. : overflow rt^�P�-_i.or The water in Fish- Lake,` -tan. Lake, Spring Lake and-, probably Rice Lake would -.-, u1d be held back unucr- surplus .water conditions, and this water could be let out — 'later as desired to provide a suitable level for Prior Lake. Mr, Paterson also talked about a man-made ,out let for Prior Lake that drain would off excess water from Prior Lake into the Minnesota River.' { 3 . . correction of contracted, should be contacted 9; ; . • . correcti.on of an,, should be on MINUTES Lion by Watkins to approve the minutes of September 24, 1979 as amended, econded by Busse and i CHARLES - upon a vote taken it was duly passed; DEVET ity Manager McGuire requested that the Charles DeVet, connection to ewer and water, matter be tabled. until next week.. Mr. DeVet needs more time to contact another contractor to get quotes on connection ofIthe,sewer nd water pipes. JORDAN AVE. PAVING ity'Engineer Anderson; presented the Jordan Avenue paving project, The property owners abutting Jordan Avenue have been contacted. There is a problem w h the asset "sments to be paid by the property ow The property owners wish the length of time for assessments be changed from the normal 5 years to an extended length of time, about 10 -15 City Engineer recommended that this could be done. The`propertyaownershe want the assessments to be less than the actual. cost and the City's over - h ead a portion, not be - assessed against the proje ct. The City Engineer recommended that this not be done. The Engineer also recommended that if a..written agreement cannot be reached between the property owners, for the assessment of the project," we should not accept the bid. Mayor Stock stated that, /he does not, see any reason or unique condition on th:,s street that the i assessment policy shouid''be changed. The Council could amend „the period for length of time " -for paying the assessment depend- ing on what ,the developers have in m' Bi.l1 Henning, developer for the Red-awl Center stated that he is in favor of amending the 5 year assessment period to 10 or 15 years. He also stated that York Dev`616pment will offer to assume a bigger portion of the assessment. York wi�l1` accept 40 %, leaving Mr. Hansen to be assessed at 44% and. Mr. Revak assessed at 16 %. Mayor Stock asked if'this figure is acceptable to each party? The property owners said they wish to meet at this time, discuss this and make a decision tonight. 0 This item was tabled until the property owners returned with their decision._ RESOLUTION Resolution 79 was reviewed by the Council. City Manager McGuire read the levy amounts 79`35 and recommended approval.. Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution, 79 by Busse and u Bond Levy for 1'980, seconded pon a vote taken it was duly passed. y i ' MINUIIIS of, the Proceedings ngs of the Village Council of the Village, of Prior take in the County of Scott and Stall of Atlanesola,'including! all accounts audited br,'' id Council. , RESOLUTION Resolution 79-36 was reviewed by the Council. There was a discussion on ��79-36 how citizens may get on the bid list to have their diseased «trees t aken f1 down. 4.� Motion by Thorkelson to approve Program for Diseased Tree Pon a Sanitationland. .•Reforestation, secondedsby e Bissonett and u vote taken it was duly passed. ROBERT SCH- Mayor Stock received correspon meeting on Wednesday, October t 7r 0 PMbattNe Sc b e a MIDT w Prague City Hall. The Subcommittee on Highway and Bridges will conduct the meeting; Mayor's and Councilmen from the _area are invited Ao attend. GREEN OAKS Residents of Green Oaks Trail have contacted the City because of an erosion TRAt.I STORM problem they are having caused by the storm 'sewer, SEWER PROBLEM Motion by Bissonett to direct the City Engineer to proceed with correcting the storm sewer project on a temporary basis, this fixture in 1980 contingent upon the Strands and theiirrrnei�ghborsrsigni�ngtane easement, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The City Engineer should contact the Strands, tomnurrow, °8 :00 PM This meeting is continued from last week's discussion of high water level " on Prior.,Lake. Consulting Engineer,m Norton was present to answer the HIGH, WATER. five �Ji ' HIGH „ points the Council authorized the to research. - r ` 1) survey and verify the conditions as outlined in Mr. Paterson s re p a) we concur with the methods that Mr: Paterson used to determine the�' levels 'f . of the lake. However, the level is lower than Predicted;. 2) determine at what lake level and conditions the DNR, the Watershed District and the Army Corp of Engineering will approve as emergency conditions and thus permitting the City and Watershed District to a methods on an immediate basis, such as sandbagging ursue all, flood control gging. Pumping. etc. t a) the normal ordinary high water level is 904 and anything above that would' ca6se flooding and emergency condi tions. + c 3) determine possible physical o locations, size f pipes and pumps necessary to siphon or force pump Prior Lake on an 'emergency • a) the best location for pumping and Piping equipment 9 q pment is at the same proposed. location of the gravity outfall structure selected by the Watershed District. 4) determine a preliminary plan delineating the areas of the r that the required easements can be obtained, water outfall so f a) a map was made of this plan and the areas are colored in blue. � 5) locate pipes, pumps and motors necessary for force pumping and to prepare approximate costs. a) sogK local equipment suppliers have pumps capable of the discharges required. ' Accurate cost figures require additional time to prepare. O 6) approximate monetary loss from flooding to private and a) there area y public property. pproximatei 84 homes in Prior Lake that will experience flooded basements if the lake rises to elevation 906.8. To determine loss of personal property in case of flooding is a difficult matter. To arrive at an average loss per household items that may be damaged by the flood were assigned a replacement cast such as sod, carpet, Ponelin living quarters, etc, are estimated at $800,000.00. Total value private property directly effected exceeds eight million dollars (84 homes X' $100,000.00) Total value of public property effected could be several million dollars if the sewer system becomes Inundated with lake water. J The actual loss would be approximate) 00 which of roads and lift stations, and the increased MWCC,treatmentccost. repair - The Council and People that attended the meeting had a discussion perod:on the high water 1'evel situation and how to control the lakewater, , , r � . « r C MINUTIES,'of PreceWl o f VM ;Owncii of V111690 IMP Of PTW Lek* in Co o f S Unfl state 0, miftnesele, hicluding all acce"ft eudifed by sehl Ce WATER LEVEL One point brought up by a resident is if'the total. value of the private property include the lakeshore.. there is flooding, the lakeshor figured. e and property will have damage. This would bring the cost up more than what is The'CltY Manager Commented that the'figures previously mentioned does not include tho. land by"the lake, just the damage done to the home.. Motion by_� Vssonett to: 1) proceed immediately wi th securing thenecessary permits for pumping, sJphoning, diking from the ONR'and other agencies involved in the level of Prior,take contingent upon the lake reaching the Normal Ordinary High Water Level� of, 904. 2) Authorize the Con Engineer and the Resident Engineer to proceed with the legal descriptions for easements- for the overflow water that may be caused by pumping or siphoning or the actual overfl6w itself., 3), We urge the Prior Lake/Spring Lake Watershed District Board to investigate the diking of water upstream and that they continue their efforts : plans in controlling the lake1evel of Prior Lake and if the- alter te method ii the overflow, then it be gtven the utmost consideration, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Civil Defense Director, Tim OLaughlin was present and made, a few comment He felt the City is doing the right thing about the high water situati and'cooperating with the Watershed District about the future. JOR�AN AVE. The Jordan.Avenue Paving project discussion was continued at this point., Mr. B11 I I Henning stated that Mr. Hansen and Mr. Revak have accepted the per- centages of t he projectas follows for assess Yor ' k Development 42% Mr. Hansen 44% Mr. Revak A% Mr. Hansen does need time to contact his partners and discuss this with them and he will get in touch with_the City Engineer tommorrow. aqreed on,the 15 year asse?sTent. He They all 15 yr. assessment are cont also stated thatthese percentages and ingent upon the road b6ing Paved this year. Motion by Watkins 1.) award the bid for the Jordan Avenue Paving Project to McNani3ra-Vivant contingent upon Mr. Hansen repor6 in the very near future a ng back to the City Engineer nd the assessment term be for 15 years and the share would be York Development 42%, Mr' Hansen 44% and Mr. Revak 14% agreement and an be signed by the three land owners,' 2)award the bid for_Bluff Heights paving to Richard Knutson contingent upon the property owner signing an agreement seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained. HOLLY COUP�T Mr. CY Schweich was Present and asked about Holly Court. 1 with The City Manager stated that a letter was rece ived from the Cannon Falls� Ba nk and they not wish to handle - the PrOIect. The City will proceed a feasibi I ity study., Motibn�by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Sissonett and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 8:58 PM. Michael A. McGuire City Manager `3-