HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 09 1979r ' MMMM of lie? McMdMM of IM Vowee Cwweil of: IAe Via"P of Pnw lake in M1R CwMy o f scow 0w1d >ilel! �f . IIAiMesete. ioded6g ell ecsewfh eudowl b said Cw". K October 9. 1979 t°� The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regu l ar'.reaa ori" o ft. Tues. October 91979 at 7 :30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Consulting Planner Tooker, City Planner Graser, Finance Direetor Teschner and City Attorney Sullivan. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections are,\to be made to the minutes of October 1, Page 1, paragraph 9. correction of spelling for Henning, Hansen and Revak Page 3, paragraph 8; correction of spelling for Henning, Hansen and Revak 9; `. 15 yr. assessment. He also stated that these percentages and 15 assessment are contingent upon the road being paved this year. 12; The: -City will proceed with a feasibility study. MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of October 1, 1979 as amended', seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. " ROGER SCHOBER Mr. Roger SchobM was present to discuss with the Counc ;l a drainage 'problem on his property. On the east side of Frost Point Road DRAINAGE PROBLEM where-he lives, there is a holding pond, This pond is overflowing and water is coming onto his property. He requested that the City check this out.,, Mayor Stock rescheduled this until October 22 at 8:00 PM and the: City Engineer should check this out and report to the Council with his recom- mendations. v PHONES TO FIRE BAR Bob Mertens, Fire Chiet was present to discuss with the Council adding more phones > to the fire bar. There are 20 phones at this time and the, new system Wi add 10. more phones. The additional phones will ' increase the phonew bill by 519.50 /month. Motion by i4tkins to approve the fire bar for 30 phones, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul Y - passed. , CHARLES DEV Mr. Charles DeVet was present the meeting to discuss with the Council his sewer and6water connection.. Mr. DeVet has contacted someone that will Place a pipe under the Mr. creek so DeVet can hook up to sewer and water, however, the contractor stated that the job is very 01ficult and with the water level being so high it will make the job more difficult. Mr. DeVeti asked the Council for an extension of time to up the M ' -hook ;so water level w111 have a chance to lower. Mr. DeVet realizes; that he must take this route, putting the Pipe'under the creek, to be able to hook up to the sewer and water: Motion by Watkins that the hook up be deferred until 31, 1980 for Mr. DeVet and the situation be re- evaluated at that time, seconded by Bissonett and upon :a vote takentA t•was duly passed. Councilman Bissonett commented that the water should be monitored from time to time for seepage. !� The gray water situation was also discussed. Motion 'by Thorkelson that the gray Water situation be 'solved by connecting the gray water system to the sanitary septic system, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it rwas =duly passed. 1 , fit sem MMN11K et N» aM of * d. M» M M C"h of �"° laelr eN elm -ai �, c e ANOTHER S s SIGN Mr. Steve Walker was ` the to discuss the FOR BROOKS- other sign advertising e BrooksviCle Mall, yr. Walker felt that VILLC HALL is a need for this sign because. oft c possibility of putting up an- the. area- . competition of other' centers in staff denied this request because there is- already one f in the area, Hausers Super Vaiu, ree`standing si Keith Thorkelson felt that there are too many signs. in of the the area already. YOU can't read any-of 1 feel i.t is ;more i businesses mportant to identify you have than the �a11. Y the Tom Watkins coemented that we necessary to lo.;ate the Permit _a sign on the premises and if it is can't P sign can be put up We Permit, any more signs, one sign per business. If our ordinance states that there the sign that is up there doesn't do can the then the one ob is there should be. modified. 1 Motion by Watkins to deny the r sign rooksv gn advertisin B equest ill of Steve Walker for putting uP,a e Mall, seconded by Thorkelson and taken it was duly passed. ,upon a vote It was, mentioned to Mr. Walker that they may wish to find.a ` consultant that can design a sign for`them to be in compliance private: ti ordinance. With our . VFW alNGO t The _ Gambling and Bingo application reviewed b GAHBLINC PER was reviewed at this y the Council. The fee s time is $50 /yr. for Bingo ngo and $0 for Gambling. Motion by Watkins to approve the` VFW and the fee: for the Gamb1' 'ing and Bin Permit be SO for go application for the d ing and $SO for Bingo and ? in was the fee be re-evaluated, , snded by Busse and upon a ote' aken It was. duly passed. eco fFEE FOR The fee for the, Ci code book was discussed CC00lE that $50,00 be charged, The City Manager s 9 and:,$10`'be charged fog an update fee„ fisted Motion by Watkins to charge ~a S50 fee for th City code supplement fee each year, seconded by Thorkelson and u book and $10 was duly passed. Pon a vote taken it I.IQ, LIC. The Liquor License committee met before the Council' the following items need Counci approval; meeting tonight and 1) Steve's Red Owl, the ew,ti�uiiding, aPPlied fora 3.2 Off Sale ` License �, Z) A referendu be put on the ballots for`the election fegarding liquor licenses lion in Nov.. Motion, by Bissonett to approve the liquor license Red Owl' seconded by Thorkelsori and 3.2 Off sale to Steve's upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ~k L1�4. LICENSE The C*rcil discussed the referendum. FERENOtMI The intent for the referendum is if t The City Attorney stated that the language ral`tets Likeris "Shall the Cit that. would be put on the for the sale .of intoxicati Y i liquor at retail allowed I ' i ss e,on sale licenses Permitted by iswT" The ordinance could be number now amended immediately to provide ' 1 . for any add i'tional_ licenses which would only be effective if the referendum Paw". Y" lotion by Watkins that the subjects 'pro lined) be Put on referendum for this fali election and prio Attorney o that mod- i;fications to the liquor control ordinance be Thorke1son. published, seconded by A discussion on what should be put in the ordinance was . The City Manager stated that a,hotel /motel held would receive the licenses. (the compl'ex.or a food establishment ) Manager on liquor /food �rcentages will be researched by the City ^t will be held "A mating res ng with the recommendation by Staff on this. `week. Upon a vote taken it was duly Passed. , n"xpdpeea: MMr111BS of the Hecee mine of iMe VNiNe, Gueeil of tM vwi q a of Prier Law Iw tho Gwdy of $go* eed Sk4e, of, C. Mlwwe�ete, leeirdiw♦ •11 1s eudited k1► flew co"N . n RESOLUTION Mayor Stock read the petition received from citizens regarding surplus 79 office space. He also read resolution 79 -25 re industrials commercial revenue bonds. The - petition stated thhat at o of g office spec* is be- coming ,available in the near future and many citizens are concerned because the City Council is discussing plans for development and expansion of office space. A11 this office'space creates new office jobs to be filled..- Altogether there is &2,000 sQ'. ft, of surplus office space. Motion by Watkins to accept the petition received' here _ tonight and make it part of the record, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken; it was dul passed. NEW BANK BLDG Bill Sandu was present. He stated that he questions the need for the t► NED. CLINIC City to be participating in the financing of the new bank building and QUESTIONS the new medico! center., Is the City making the best use of the IOR's. He felt that the City be "interested*iiiore , should in the industrial area than commercial, something that would really being growth to Prior t 2 Lake. - ; John Dennis was present to make comments about the resolution regarding the guidelines for the revenue bonds -. He suggested that a few changes be made. T DOWNTOWN DEV. Mayor Stock called the public hearinq.to order for the development DISTRICT district: and read the publ'ic'hearing notice printed in`the Prior Lake American. y City Manager,McGuire lead the p4•esentati6a and discussed-,previous efforts, �.. costs, maps and the result of those efforts, h a - i, Consulting Planner Tooker discussed ,,the proposed district, lt.'s uses and character. He also .discussed the concept a develo P pment district. City Planner Graser covered' the legal aspects of a development district, and some :oft and advantages,` and disadvantages. sad `* ` L _ After the presentations were made the public hearing was open to anyone who had Questions or cowm_�nts. a Pat, Heaney was present`at the meeting and had questions regarding the development district and how.It would affect him as a property owner. *, e Dr, Olaf Lukk stated that a development district i not. needed and why. � Y <= Jim Wle% stated that :in order to wake a development district work, the ; people need to have dollars in their minds. The Counc1l'should limit ' ' revenue bonds to, usage because it does hot create retail mp Brad Roth"is }in favor of- developing a district;. everyone should work together in the downtown area and attract,more, people so they won't leave._ _ John Dennis,is in favor of a district. Prior Lake is at's wer- chants are 'leaving the downtown area. A beautiful downtown be 'created: - a °lea should' 1bn,Wolfttite commented-that this district should not be moved In our homes. ,'the City helped move. out-Red Owl, the bank and the post office <a und.now they want to try and keep everyone Irk the downtown a ...Sea: Why didn't they think of that sooner. Allen Borchardt representing the VFW club. He s ' tated the club`put in a $20 Parking lot, however, they don't it. own When a district does ih cove:rough does the club.have to pay another $20,000 for parking lots? Councilman.Watkins c nted that people like the VFW, Dc. lukk, etc. who "have adequate parking provided would not.have the same financia responsibility as some othelSwithin the district. Councilman Bissonett said he Is in favor of expenditures for City funds for . a,' town plan. 3 w_ - ��' �` 1dRr4YIWi6 ;�,*4ibta%'•ntt17 .� , „m t 1 of of : VVIese Comm" ei viNNo . of hier lake is Na CwalY of SeeM oad SNMe of iae VAM aN eearwla ewiiler by sehl CwaM F , DOWNTOWN DEN. OIS. Councilman Busse - Some interest. was shown here tonight for the district plan, however, there were more against it. 1 don't feel we should et into it at this point. 9 ouncliman Thorkelson - I am not in favor of doing something if there are not re positive attitudes about it. The City shouldn't spend any money4 There re `many changes that are going to affect the district._ The railroad'aband- ` nment, the County has some interest i that.. The park systems want to put In trails. To make a program work, the support of the community is needed, have received several telephone calls from people with Positive comments, ver, we onl heard from two tonight. yor Stock - Only two people here tonight are in favor of the plan, however,; III would not justify the cost b of preparing the plan for the district. i would like to see an'area developed and concentrated efforts of improving he downtown area so the businesses would stay in the area. As;of tonight, 1 eeI that we do not have enough information from the businessmen that are ctually going to be effected. by the actione l doonot think the city should 'it : Pend the money takes to. prepare a detailed plan. A district is necessary nd more comments from the Staff would be welcome. u'cilman.Watkins - Without reconstruction and replanning the downtown area is going to diminish. Red Owl and the bank went out to get property where if is available. This is going to happen i more and re and 1 don't now What we can -do about it.' We need the support of the tomnunity, we are t going to tell: you what is good for you and what is 96'ing to' happ * on. Ith the comments 1 have heard this evening; 1 am not in favor of a downtown q Ion at this time. ere: was, wore discussion at this time by the Council and Staff. ' 4 Motion b„ Watkins to table an further action on the development y y pment district and recommend that., group downtown businessmen together 9 P get and approach the Council when they feel they have a plan of action and the Council will then.t take., ' action, seconded by Thorkelson and u Pon a vote taken it`was_ passed. Councilman Bissonett 1Vaodvivw � A n_j voted nay. MDODYEEW. p . ADDITION Addition was reviewed.. Construction will begin this, fall and be cow-' pleted July 30, 1980. Notion by Busse to approve thG plans for Woodv i ew Addition, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, ; �g Notion by Busse to advertise for bids for Woodview Addition on November 2, 1979 at 11;00 AM, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duiy,.passad. �. NOLLY COURT .The Council discussed the feasibility report of Holly Court sewer and wateri Notion by Thorkelson to table _Holly - Court until the next meeting and ask the City Engineer t0L come up, with the costs for a stub off to lot l Block') and saeitary sewer to Holly Circle. The watermai.� from, the west edge; to Albany and a breakdown of the cost from Albany to the east :'extension of blacktop from the. east to the west, seconded %'by Watkins and upon. a 'vote Laken 4t was duly passed, ' IMIID > i 12 JUOiES N ot by Busse to a PProve the Ward 4l' judges for the November C., 1979 election, Nellie Lannon, Anita Hager, MarIls.Blued Muelken, Erhard Appel. Emily Amberg, Kathrine Speaker, Lael Muelken for Ward ,f2 Gertrude Sylveter, Sue Cook, Mothilda 4 g Schmitz, Mrs. Earl Abrahamson, Arlene Cates, Pat Pees Donna Story and Doro�t6iless, seconded, by Thorkel son.,and upon vote taken J Z. was duly pissed. a. it .. ,r,MRO rw /2 H s AS i+btio� b Y Busse to a pprove the Nard��l counters. for the November 6. 1979 election,: Michael' McGuire, Mary Kay Olexa, Bisnett, Marcie WilliamsEd �I 't Speaker, Ward 1 2 Alice Mueller, Millie Klingberg, Judy Jepson,, Thockeisort and 3i11 Mangan and the election clerk has the authorIty_ to add or delete names for the counters and judges, "Vote _ seconded. by Watkins and upon a taken t was dui, Y passed...- i I' a" 60, of 60 Voll C o f Ville" at Prift" Lake In Oe Cw o f SOW mod Sh" A I of ININN N IndudkV ell: OftbIllbed by mW C� on Mayor Stock reported on the meeting he attended with the Cit E WATER LEVEL,��- the City Manager at the Capit gineer,and with the the Governer's aid, the Prior Lake Watershed'District and the DNR, the EPA, the high water State Watershed, District�rejardlng level in Prior Lake. They told the CitY'Szrepresentatives that there wasn. any money avai hall I t, if th an emergency'because o f th f, M City does have, 00fing they w ill h 1 n any way they can. LAKESIDE Lakeside Estates was discussed. ESTATES, Mr. Cy Schweich wos,present. Motion by,Watkins to approve the request to have Valley Engineering do th Inspection fsrLakeside Estates, A seconded by giss taken it was duly Passed. I The City will hire Valley and upon a vote will report to Engineering 'j the City. and they CH ARLES WEA- A letter Was received Charles Weaver, Chairman of the Metro Councti. VER METRI A commin I ty meet I Ing W be he I d Oct.. en 23 a t 7: 30 PM, CO I UNCIL City Hall. t the Savage Local Urban Affairs, has,contacte&the Mayor,and stated thwth*� has recilved it"s grant for park develo Pment on.Watzi,s Point. Cho ries Tooker ml few comments regarding the public hearing., Tile following Invoices are scheduled to paid-on.Tue Sd*Y, October Z 3 16 1979: 41sc. Departments:, Q Quill Corp. C c COMPutoservice, Inc. Office Supplies 22-43 IbInson Sewer S Water Billing 553.55 Rental .1 Dental Planl Minn. Insurance 401-00 It'll Communications 6 48-75 t Sc Equ Repair 359.63% Scott-Rice Tel*ph6ne C6,j6,_ Utill'Itles :Insurance [A I In Services 504-67 W %W Insurance a bar Auto Supply, Inc. 19,270-00 I I C I Repairs CO Mal Repal I rs Metro Alarms, Inc. 144 Monitoring 34-00 Becklus, Ourt Own Nardware Repairs 36-25, Genera I Government: JAK Office Products co., Supplies Prior La" American $ 'Publishing �Grfts Ind. Services Bldg. Maint. City of Savage. 67,48," Amer. Linen suppl Co. Bonded Indebtedness 2,523iL76*� Bldg.' haint. Stanley Cermak 19-75 Retainer Refund. 100.00 James SPI*ker, Retainer Refund E. N. Newatrom 100.00 Robert McAllitster Bldg- 4 Plmg. Inspector 1,056.00 OSM Z �Dog Catcher 270.00 Z�Englneering 607-59 _14,nn I n2.* American Planning Association Sulip I I ev­ Charles Tooker $ 14 -05 Planning 525-00 Police: Lake Auto Suppl Liberty Photo Service,, Inc. Vehicle Repairs $ 7." , 'A I r Cam. nc. Supplies 1�1 52.69 Equipment, Repairs 39-48 Fire: 'Electric Servlfce, Co. Repair Sirens General TIWServiee, 498.00 Mn. Equipment Repair "11. Emergeficy Care Assn. Membership 25 50.00 MN41Ta of the Feecoodk The Yg1eN C�w eN do the VNIeN of ltiK "WIN M t1N by mi Cwety of S.. Md S.. of 1� Park j Prior Lake Lumber Co, Sr rs Improvemey� s $ 202.40 C i° y of Prior Lake Imprtoveme`nts 33.40 Shakopee Public Uti.lit;"ies. Quality Waste Control k SAC Charges Utilities 2.975.00 9.00 ; INC. 'Klingberg Excavating, "Inc. Valley Electric Refuse IWu l i ng Sand; Pointe Beach 66.00 ; Co. Sand Pointe Beach 75,00 686,33 Street 5�. :Joe Kane A- Mueller b Sons Grader, Grader BT Mix $ 390.00 ,# - Edward Kraemer s- Sons,`Inc. Earl F. Andersen ;Assoc,, Rip Rap 900.00 16.08 Inc, Airsignal - Si ns g 310,00 Ar-Jay Equipment Co., Inc. J. L.- ' Shiejy Co.- Equip Equipment ment 28.00 26.04 ti Ess Bros. t "Sons, Inc. Rock Repo irs . 143.65 ` 47-50 McKinloy Sower Service Mw,CC Pum p i ng Installment $ 210.00 10,846.19 Ater: C- lutch's U -Joint Burnsville, Ihc, 14�1kerson Repairs .Mater Products Co, Sarco'taboratories- Repairs Meters 1479.36 11;668, }, Water Tests 12.00 Diseased Tree Johnston's.Prior Lake Nursery Trees S 1,505.00 Hurt inson 1 s land Save . C)and Mater Construction Fund: Kenneth R. Storm a t a l Condemnation,' $ 9.645.00 Sadd Pointe Construction Fund: { CSM Oebt Service Engineering $ 5,036.08 Fund lfhe 1st Natl, sank of St. Paul 1 locthwestern 'Natl. dank of . Mpls Bond Payment Bond $11,400:61 PaytAant, ;X5,721.25 lotion by Watkins to _adjourn, secon by Busse and waettng was adjourned at. 11:05` PH. upon a vote taken this �+ Michael+ A. McGuire ci Manager 1 jw • NINUM of the hac 1 ices *f'** ViN"* Council of the Vil)eee of Prier take in the County of Soo* and State of Mianeeete, iaduriue all acceuatr audited by said CewWl. 4 , October 9, 1979 ' The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Tues. October 9, 1979 at 7 :30 PM, Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, . Consulting PZahner Tooker, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Sullivan:, Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of October 1, 1979: Page -1, paragraph 9; correction of speilirg, for Henning, Hansen and Revak Page 3, paragraph 8; correction of spelling L for Henning, Hansen and Revak 15 yr, assessment. Ne_also stated that these Y percentages and 15 yr. assessment are contingent . upon the road being paved this year, 12; , The City will proceed with a feasibility study; MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of October 1, 1979 as amended, seconded by Thorkelson, and upon a vote taken it was -duly passed'.": ROGER: SCHOSER Mr. Roger .6:. hokck was present to discuss with the Council a drainage; problem on his,F.vroperty. On the east side of Frost Point DRAINAGE PROBLEM Road, where he lives, there:is a holding pond. This pond is overflowing and water is ' coming onto his He requested that the City check this out. Mayor S'toc,c rescheduled this until October 22 at 8 :00 PM and the City Engineer siioutil check this out and report to the Council; with hi .recom- menda t i ons'. PHONES TO ` Bob Mertens Fire Chief, was present to discuss with the Council adding more to fire FIRE BAR phones the bar. There are 20 phones at this time and the new system will add 10 more phones. The additional phones will increase the phone bill by $19`•50 /month. Motion by to approve the fire bar for 30 phones`, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CHARLES DEVE Mr. Charles DeVet was present at the meeting to discuss with the Council his sewer and water `T connection. Mr. DeVet has contacted someone that w ill place a pipe, under the creek so Mr. DeVet can hook up to sewer and water, however, the contractor stated that the job is very difficult and with the water levet being so high it will make the job mere difficult. Mr, DeVet asked the Council for an extens,ioniof time to hook up so the water level wl'll have a chance to lower. Mr. DeVet realizes that he must take.: this route, putting,the pipe under the creek, to be able to hook up to the sewer and water. Motion by Watkins that the hook up be deferred until August 31, 1980 for - Mr. DeVet and the situation be re- evaluated at that time, seconded. "by Sissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, Councilman Bissonett commented that the water should be monitored from time to time for seepage. The gray water situation was also discussed. Motion by Thorkelson that the gray water situation be solved by connecting the gray water system to the sanitary septic system, seconded by Busse ;. and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. MI um of *0 of tM. VNIeN Ceram of tM Vi lift, of Prier•tiske in the Caunb of Sc** a,wt Shfe - . iadwliao al l eeceuAlt endiNd of br aaid Cwaeil., ANOTHER.SIGN Mr. Steve Walker was present to discuss the possi FOR BROOKS- other sign advertising the Brooksville Mall, Mr, Wal ker bility of ker fe t the Putting VItIE MALL is a need for this sign because Pan e t there the area,, of the competition of other centers,in Staff denied this request because there is already one free s:tandin in the area, Hausers Super Valu. S, \sign Keith Thorkelson felt that there are too many signs in the area ahead You can't read any of them., 1 f y, businesses eel it is,more important you. have Po Lana. to than: the mall, dentify the TOM Watkins commented that we permit a sign on the necessary' Premises a` to locate the Premises and if )t is can't dircctional sign can be put up. We. Permit any more signs,, our ordinance states that there can only be one sign per business If the sign that is up there doesn't do the then the one that is there should be modified. job Motion by Watkins to deny the request of Steve. Walker for Putting u 0 gn advertising Brooks siville;Ma)1,, seconded v e Wa lk er lson and i g p a taken it was duly passed, Pon a vote: It was mentioned'ta Mr, Walker that they may wish to find _a private consultant that can design a sign for them to be in c � or- dinance« compliance With our- VFW BINGO a The Gambling and Bingo application w GAMBLING PER at this time was reviewed b is $$0 /yr, for bin Y th e Council,' The fee Bingo and $0 for Gambling, 'Motion b .. Y Watkins to approvethe Gambling and Bin VFW and the fee for the 90 Perini be $0 nor Gambling and application for the $50 for Bongo and ` In 1980 the fee ed re- evaluated, second'ed'by Busse and upon a vote taken It was. duly. passed, _ FEE FOR. The fee for the City code book CITY CODE was discussed.- The City Manager u es' BOOKS S50,OO be charged and $10 be charged for an uPdate'fee, 99 Led that Motion; by Watkins to charg6 a $50 fee for the City code book and $10 supplement fee each year, seconded by Thorkeison and upon:a vote taken it .was duly Passed. i LIQ. LIC., The Liquor License committee met before the Councii meeting tonight and the following items need. Council approval: 1) Steve's Red Owl, the new building, applied fora License 3.2 Off Sale 2) A referendum be put on the ballots for the e l ection i regarding 1i n Nov. (, ,.•i liq uor licenses c lotion by Bissonett to approve the liquor License ,a Red Owl, seconded by Thorkelson and u 3.2 Off sale to Steve's <- pon a vote taken it was duly passed. °R LICENSE The Council discussed the referendum. The intent for the referend` REFERENDUM um is if The City Attorney stated that'the language b. baftots.,�ar ,. , Shall the City Council beallowed�oldssueepon �lehlfcen I for,the.saleof intoxicating liquor at retail inexcess of the number now Permitted by law. ?" The ordinance could be amended i t pa any additional licenses which wound only be effecctiive he� provide- Passes. Y e Motion by Watkins that the subjects proposed by the City Attorne lined) be Put on referendum for this fall's election and Y that out- � ifi'cations to the liquor - control • ordinance be Prior t that mod ThorkeJson. A discussion on what should be published, seconded by The City Manager stated that ahotel /motel c omplex orca food establishment � 1 �, Manager on liquor /food percentages will be researched by the Ci I A meeting with the recommendation by Staff on this ( will be held next week. Upon a vote taken it was duly passed. -2- I i homes n favor of developing _a district; everyone should work together in the downtowm area and:attract. more people so,,they won't leave. John Dennis.is:in favor of a district. Prior Lake is at 't cris mer- chants are leaving the downtown area. A beautiful down;town area should' be created. Ron Wolftaft commented that this district should not be moved in our homes. The City ; helped move out Red Owl, the bank and the post office and now they want to try and keep everyone ,in;the downtown.area, Why didn't they think of that sooner: Allen Borchardt representing the VFW Club.. He stated the club put in a $20,000 parking lot, however, they don't own it. When a district does come through does the club have to`pay another $20,,000 for parking lots? Councilman Watkins commented that people like the VFW, Dr. Lukk, etc. who have adequate parking provided would not have the same financial' responsibility as some`othelswithin the district. Councilman Bissonett said he is in favor of expenditures for City funds for a downtown plan. -3- r z MINUTES N the Meoodko" of tho Viilaso Council of the Village of Peden Lek* in tho County of scow gad State: of Y Minnesele, including ail oceeunh audited by wid Council. RESOLUTION' 79 [Mayor Stock read the petition received from citizens regarding surplus = office space. He also read resolution 79 -25 regarding industrial/ s coocir..rcial revenue bonds. The Petition stated that office space is be- coming aveilable in the near future and many citizens are concerned because the City Council is discussing plans for development an�[ expansion of office: space. All this office space creates new office jobs,'co be filled, Altogether there is 62, 000 sq.. ft of surplus office space. Motion by Watkins to accept the petition received here tonight and•make it part. of the record, seconded h-F Bis'sonett and upon vote. taken it was duly passed. NEW BANK BLDG, a NED. CLINIC' Bill Sando was present. He stated that he questions the need for the City to be participating in financing.of QUESTIONS''. the the new bank building and 4the new ,medical center l.s'the: City Making the best use of the 1DR's. Y, He felt that the City should be` interested ' more in the industrial area than commercial, something that would really bring growth to Prior 'Lake., John Dennis was present to make comments about the resolution regarding the guidelines for the revenue bonds. He suggested that a few changes be made. 'DOWNTOWN DEV u Mayor Stock called the public hearing order for the.d evelopment DISTRICT district and read the public hearring- notice printed in, -the Prior Lake American. City Manager McGuire lead the presentatid discussed previous efforts, costs, maps and the result of those efforts. Consulting Planner Tooker discussed the proposed district, it's uses and character. He also discussed the concept of a development pment distric City Manner Graser covered the legal aspects of 'a development district and some of the advantages and dUsadvantages:. r Aftep,• the presentations were made the .public hearing was,: opento anyone who -!nad questions or comments. Pat(Heaney was present at the meeting and had questions regarding the development district and how it would affect him as'a property owner. Dr. Olaf Lukk stated that a development district is not needed and why." J'im Wllez slated that: in order to make a development district work, the people need to have dollars in thei r minds. The Council should 1 imi,t revenue bonds to industrial usage because it does not.create retail' j competition. Brad Rot homes n favor of developing _a district; everyone should work together in the downtowm area and:attract. more people so,,they won't leave. John Dennis.is:in favor of a district. Prior Lake is at 't cris mer- chants are leaving the downtown area. A beautiful down;town area should' be created. Ron Wolftaft commented that this district should not be moved in our homes. The City ; helped move out Red Owl, the bank and the post office and now they want to try and keep everyone ,in;the downtown.area, Why didn't they think of that sooner: Allen Borchardt representing the VFW Club.. He stated the club put in a $20,000 parking lot, however, they don't own it. When a district does come through does the club have to`pay another $20,,000 for parking lots? Councilman Watkins commented that people like the VFW, Dr. Lukk, etc. who have adequate parking provided would not have the same financial' responsibility as some`othelswithin the district. Councilman Bissonett said he is in favor of expenditures for City funds for a downtown plan. -3- r I I` MlNltftt of fM pwowk p of Mo Ville�o Council of the Village of Rrior take is the Ceaetlr of Scott an d ShNo of t l Miaaotole including all eaoaMs audited by mid Council'. DOWNTOWN DEV. DIS. Councilman Busse - Some interest was shown here tonight for e distric't plan., ` however, there were more against it. don't 1 I feel we should get into it at this point. Councilman Thorkeison - am not in favor of doing something if there are not. more positive attitudes it. about The City shouldn't spend any money, 'There are many changes that are going to affect the district. The railroad aband- onment, the County has some interest in that. The park systems want to put in trails. To make a program work, the support of the community is needed. F have received several telephone calls from people with positive comments, ver, we only heard from two tonight.- ' yor Stock - Only two people here tonight are in favor of the pian,.,however, this would not justify the cost of preparing the plan for,the district. i would'like.to see an area developed and concentrated efforts of improving the downtown area so the businesses would stay in the area. As of tonight, 1 feel that we do not have enough, information from the businessmen that are actually going to be effected by the action. 1 do not think the City shouldr , z" spend the money °it takes to prepare a detailed plan. A district is necessary and more comments from the Staff would be welcome. ouncliman Watkins - Without reconstruction and .replanning the downtown area is going to d1minish, Red Owl ' and the bank went out to get property wherezk is available. This is going to happen more and more and 1' don't now what we can do about it.' Ire need the support of the community, we ' of going to tell you what is good for you and is what going to happen. ith the comments i have heard this evening, 1 am not in favor of a downtown this time: plan at f` ere was more discussion at this time by the Council and Staff. Motion by Watkins to table any further action on the develo pment district:and ' recommend that the downtown businessmen rou 9 p get together and,approach the Council when they feel they have.a plan of action and the Council will then take, , action, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was passed. Councilman Bissonett voted nay, WOODVIEW i �1 Woodviow ADDITION' Addition was reviewed. Construction will begin this fail and be cam- pleted July 30, 1980. ` iMotion b It to ap prove the plans -for W y oodview Addition, F seconded`�oy Watkins id upon a vote taken it was duly passed. M►Ption by Busse to advertise for bids for Woodview Addition on Novembr 2., 1979 a !`11;00 AM, seconded by Watkins JTh and upon a vote taken f 't was duly 'passed. ' rt HOLLY COURT Thl� Council discussed the feasibility report of Holly Court sewer and water., Mot''on by Thorkeison to table Holly Court until the next meeting and ask the Cltr 1 Engineer to cane up with the costs for a stub off to Lot 1 Block 1 and sanitary sewer to Holly Circle. The i3. watermain from the west edge to Albany and a \breakdown of the cost from Albany to the east'.extension of blacktop from the east to the west, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote was duly p4�ssed, ,� WARD r}1 t ,f2 Motion by Busse to approve the Ward ,fl judges for the November i979 elect's on, Nellie Lannon, Anita Hager, Karl is,Bluedorn, vJUDiES' Clare Muelken, Erhard A el- m Emily Aberg, Kathr ne S lv ' i pe4ker, tael Muelken for Ward f2 Gertrude Sylvester, = Sue Cook Mathilda SchmStz,,� <,M' % Earl Abrahamson, Arlene Cates, Pat Pitschka, Donna St y and Dorothy Wes,.* d e by „fsecon Thorkeison and upon a. vote taken it was duiy7wsed. WARD /l.iw1�2 i COUNTERS Motion by Busse; to approve''thi Ward ,fl counters for the November 6, 1979 election, Michael Mc Mary wire, Kay Olexa, <Blll Bissonett, Marcie Williams, Ed S iker Ward #2 Ali -e Mueller„ Millie Klingberg, Judy Jepsen, Keith III ' Thorkelson and Bill Mangan and'the election clerk has the authority to add or delete names p for the counters and judges, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken itfwas duly passed'.�� t -4= i ': i The fol lowing invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, October ..16 1979: Misc_. Departments: 1 Quill Corp. Office Supplies lies i� ComPutoservice, Inc. 1 $ 22.43 Aibinson Sewer s Water Billing 553.55 �k`r` `' Rental 1 06.114 Dental Plan of Minn. ° 40,:00 K-R Communications Insurance Eq P '648.75 pment Re a: � Scott -Rice Telephone Co,,. q ir 359:63 Utilities °` ' I Services " 504x;87 it ' Weber Auto Sup Inc. Insurance, IT,27C.00' ICO Repairs. Repai I; 53-02 Metro Alarms, Inc. rl 1 6�.39 �� Moni'toring ,55.00 Beckius Our r= Own Mardkare, Repairs �� 6.25 General Government: `A JAK Office Products Co i j 1 Prior Lake American Supplies 1 .:. $ 4. i,6 Publishing Gross Ind. Services 84.12 Bldg. 9_- 1,a i nt. �!, . �, Y of Savage ` 67.48 1 j` Amer. Bonded I ndebred pe;; s r. Linen Supply Co. Brig. Maint i " f _ 2,5231 �1 'Sta ey Cermak ef��'f 19! Retainer R Imes Spieker' ����'� 1 ,1 •75 l ,100'.00 f H. Newstrom ReCainer Re tykt»i x100.00 Robert McAllister[ Bldg. S 'Qlm i;l Inspecto.r' 1;0,56.00 Dog C OSM D atcher l', _ f� Engineering 2i'0.00 s rt 6Q,i �1 Plan nInSL- American Planning Association Supplies' �' �} i Charles Tooker $�� 14.15 f P l aii.n i ng � ;! .525 . CIQ Poli ce: Lake Auto Supply 1�eh i`cte Re a. rs 7.66 Liberty Photo Service Inc.: p supplies 1. su Air Comm., Inc. 52.69 , Equipment Repairs ! fire: 39.48 1' Electric Service Co. ; General Tire Service Repai Sirens, Equ i pmen t Repa i ` 'r ' $ 498.00 Mn. Emergency Care Assn. Membership 11.,25 1! 50.00 t' Aii MINUTES of Nio iMec«dige of /M V iNe" Council of Mo Village of Prier leke in the County of seen e MieneNN. i "elwl Wall eceevnls ewlittwii by said Cou%dl. end s WATER LEVEL the Manager at C Capi aitwithhthetGovern r City Engineer and t + the Prior Lake Watershed D r 'th t the ONR, the EPA, - C C the high water level in P Watershed D Distr ict. regarding wasp t any money ava,ti= fable, however, if the City d - c in9 they will help in any way;they can. was discussed; Mr, Cy 'Schweich was `. ESTATES s prese.lE, `r Motion by Watkins to approve the request to have Engineering do the inspection br Lakeside Estates, seconded b taken it was duly passed, T by Bissonett and upon `a vote the City. t and CHARLES'WEA A letter was received from Charles Weaver, Chairman of the Metro Council. VER METRO A community meeting ill be held o COUNCIL City Hall. Y g on;Oct• 2 at the Savage Local Urban Affairs Chas contacted the Mayor and stated the t the City park d '! Charles Tooker made a`few c comments regarding the public Bearing• L l J » tS MINYIIES ef, tice h*mdiw of the village Cevne l of age of hi" tag Village i Lake is Me wMela. isdudins ail eoeevnn audited by Commy of Seat end State of mom cwneil. ' T rk rior Lake Lumber Co. Sears Improvempents _ $ 202.40 City of Prior Lake t Improvements 33.40 ' Shakopee Public Ut,11ities ,SAC Charges �iiities 2,975,00 Quality Waste Control, INc Klingberg' Excavating, Inc. Refuse Hauling 9.00 66.00 Valley Electric Co. Sand Pointe Beach 75.0Q Sand Pointe Beach 686.33 Street Joe Kane eller s Sons, Inc. Grader BT Nix Edward & Sons - $ 390.00 900,00 Inc. Rip Rap Earl F. % b Assoc., Inc. Signs - 16 .0 8 Airsignal Ar -Jay E4�uipment`;Co., Inc.: Rental 28.00 a J. L. Shihly co Equipment 26.04 � Ess Bros . '� Rock . � Sons, `1 nc. Repairs 143.65 47.50 Sewer: j McKinley Seer Service MICC Pumping M$ 210.00 Instal meat t 1 0,846,19 Water: _._ F j i Clutch & U -Joint Burns'ille, lnc.` Repairs Malkerson ", $ 114,61 '. Water Products CO. Repairs 1,079.36 Meters Serco Laboratories 11,668.00 Water Tests 12.00 0 1seasect Tree Johnston's Prior 'L ke Nursery Trees Martinson Island Sewer 1,505.00 and Water Construction' Fund: �" It _ Kenneth Rt. Storm et ,a1 Condemnation $ 9,645,00 Sadd Pointe :Construc; Fund:. OSM <• �� Engineering $ 5,036.08 l� Oebt Service: Fund: }i The 1st Kati, Bank of Sst. Paul Bond Payment ` liatl., Ban M ',Is. Bond- e $11,,400.61 1J Pa 1 P Payment. X5,721.2 5 f,) �. Motion by Watkins, to acliourn, secondE:d b Busse meettng'.was adjourned a`t 11:05 PM, y and upon a vole taken this P �, Michael A McGui re i' City Manager