HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 15 1979. , this would not justify the cost of preparing the plan for the . 4; ._ to get property where it was available. 6; . and the Council will then take action. , MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes Of'October 1 9. 979 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. - CIG. 'LIC, The cigarette license application for Snyder Drug was reviewed. This SNYDER DRUG application ii for the remainder of 1979. 1t is to be renewed in l `I . 980. Motion by Busse to approve the cigarette license for Snyder Drug, seconded v� by Mayor Stock and upon a votz taken it was dul - y .passed :. UQ. ORD. The proposed amendment for the liquor ordinance,. from the City Attorney, AMENDMENT was reviewed. The City Manager read the followin added to Ordinance 3 -1 -4 to amend it: 9'Paragraph that will be Any liquor license issued in excess of the number authorized by Statute 340,11 Subdi. 5A shall be limited to issuance to hotels or awtels or to restaurants which have a seating capacity no Less than 50 persons and derive ,no less than 50% of their gross income: from the sale of food. In the case of an application for a - new establishment, a license may be issued based upon the projections, however, the same must be verified through an examination of gross receipts of said establishment prior to reissuance,- Councilman Watkins commented that something should be added to state that hotels or motels or restaurant shall be:devel'oped in areas of zoning. correct The Council discussed this and decided that no new liquor licenses would be is to a premises that does not have ' ro P per zoning, This is to to Ordinance 3 -1 -11 and added to the present amendment, ` A grandfalAer situation would have to be provided for existing licenses. Motion by Watkins to adopt amended Ordinance 3 -1-4 contingent upon the additions'that were made be part of Ordinance Thorkelum and upon a vote taken it was' duly a s se d.,, seconded' b `'. y passed. Mayor' Stock. directed the City Manager to prepare a statement s sting the Counc!i.l's intent on this referendum and to be published in the paper, TkE HARBOR City Engineer Anderson informed the Council that Ettcon Utilite s, Inc, has derided to da The Harbor' i No art ion, is necessa pro The bid; is to-be honored as awarded., ry.,on. the Council's part. HOLLY COURT The costs for sewer and water for 'Holly Court was next on the agenda. The - Ci'ty Engineer reported the_cost would be approximately $86,000. Tha�Council and Staff discussed this matter. Mayor Stock recommended this matter be tabled until the Spring of 1980, at which time the Council will review the sewer and water inc. ,tailation, HOLLY COURT Motion by Watkins to table this matter of reviewing sewer and water for ' '`"' Holly "Court_ until Apra 1` Of 1980 and for the City Manager to schddule it at that time, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. t 1 ° MlNUM of ike_li"Ce"i"" tf taw VMM* Cewncn of 1M Vi h ' Ilooe � !Tier !eke M the Cwe of ScMt a and State of MMwue/e, iodudipq all ecswMS evdiled 'y seid' Cwndl. ,a October 15, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake m met in regular session on October 15, 1979 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, J Bissonett, ThorkelsonWatkins, City € 9 Consulting Engineer Not Manager McGuire, City .Engineer Anderson, i S and City Attorney° Mayor Stock called the meeting o 9 order. The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of October 9 9, 1979; Page 2, paragraph 13; the council discussed the referendum. Delete the,_ rest of the sentence. f P Page 3, paragraph 1- , . , there is 62,000 sq. ft. of surplus office spa 12; , , , correct spelling of Vallez, and Wolam, t, ' P Page 4, paragraph 3• I IWHMT of 1M P"padinp of Ceuneil of 1M .Vi1 logo of F6W take in fbo County of Scott and State of g MianocMe indudiag all eeeoun/s audfd by said Coundl. PRO. STATUS Consulting Engineer, Jim Norton presented to the Council the report on the { construction projects and the status of each project, The Council had questions and made comments on the projects, SNOW PLOWING The snow plowing agreement for Inguadona Beach was discussed, The City AGREEMENT ON Engineer said he talked with the residents of that area and advised them they INGUADONA'BC should stick to the one wa y street and not to - during the winter season. Park their cars on th street Motion by Thorkelson to approve the snow Plowing agreement with,inguadona L- Beach for a fee of $150 that.the circle will be, plowed and sanded and the two spurs by Jones and Jensen's will not be plowed or sanded and if the cars are parked on the road the agreement will be terminated, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 1980 S C W The 1980 developers eq k En DEVELOPERS gineer made commentsrregardingrthee and water REQUEST would like City financing,.. Mayor Stock recommended that the take no action because the met have set forth, but because they have developers thetCouncilat we hould review their individual requests 30 days from now and the City'Eng.ineer will contact them and tell them that if they have not not be considered for l in`that per# iod of time, the financing will -p .I 6REENBRIAR lotion by Bissonett to-give the Greenbriar PUD first phase and Prior PUD Hi hlands a O day extension seconded b Watkins and u PRIOR' HIGH it was duly Y y Y Passed. pon ,a vote taken ,. LANDS The monthly reports were reviewed by the Council. FIRE t RESCU Motion by Watkins to accept the.Fire „and Rescue Re September, seconded icy Busse and u port for the month of upon a vote taken it-was duly passed. T i n TREASURERS lotion by Bissonett to accept the Treasurer's Report for the monthr of .�� September and correct the balances next month, seconded by.:Busse and upon a �w vote taken it was duly passed. 0 06,,CATCNERS Motion by Thorkelson to accept the Dog Catcher's Re , Port for the month of Sept- amber, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul passed.. POLICE REPOR Motion by Watkins to accept the Police Re :? ,. Port for the month.of September, Seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. AIRO BODY =t The Counci'1 discussed parking of cars o.7�the street in front of Mobil Service �lgttl_PARKI Station and the cars on the lot at the_bod sho LOTS Y p Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to research the body shop and Mobil. Councilman Watkins added, along with notorious blocking practices. RESOWTION Resolution 79 was reviewed, Paul Re'inboldt i r6 79'37 MWCC fad lit,ies, s requesting to .connect to the Motion by Busse to approve Resolution 79 Connection to ?WC facilities, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed:. g STEPKA STORK The City Engineer re SEhER PROBLE th i ported on the Stepka storm sewer situation. The work on P Pe is being done today, a Councilman Watkins y Page it there is a Pointed out that in the League of Municipalities magazine, on good article on th impact of suburban shopping malls. , -2- y0sw QYaeil of iM W&W of hiN Iraka is !M o e The following invoices are scheduled to`be, paid on Tuesday. 1979: F y, October 2j, © Sand Pointe Construction ' -Fund: Richard' Knutson, Inc.' �< Contract Payment 023,523,43V Martinson Island Sewer and'Vater Construction Fund:" ,•• Richard Knutson, Inc. V ment Pr Contract Pay $ 1,3 2 rogressive Contractors Inc. h `ry r " ,99.25 Contract Payment 53,591.10 McNamara- Vivant Cont. Co., Inc. ;. Contract Payment 45,278.68. *{., Motion by Bissonett to adjourn, seconded by Watkins and 'u� this meeting was adjourned' at 8 :37 PM. Pon a vote taken .; a ` Michael A. McGuire Ci Mana g er x` .. t, SM fir 0 C S.. . 4w ..... ...... x. r. x t, ar u. J ' 3_ i �4, � µY MINUTES of the Pro"ed' of the Village Council of the Village of Prior taka in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. October 15, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on October 15, 1979 at 7 :30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Bissonett, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson,' Consult Engineer Norton, Finance Director Teschner Sullivan. and City Attorney- Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The following corrections / be made to the are ; to minutes of October 9, 1979: / Page :?, paragraph 13; -' the counci discussed the referendum, Delete the . rest, of the sentence. 3 Page 3, paragraph 1; , there is 62,00o sq. ft,. of surplus office space. 12 ; correct spelling-of Vallez, Rothnem and Woifram. Page 4, paragraph 3; this would not justify the cost of preparing the plan for` the- 4; to get property where it was available. 6; and the Council will , MINUTES then take action. ; l Motion by Watkins to approve ' pp a the minutes of October 9, 1979 as amended, y seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken It was duly Y Passed., CIG. LIC. SNYDER DRUG' The cigarette license application for Snyder Drug was reviewed, This �~ application is' for the remainder of 1979. It is to be renewed in 1980. Motion by Busse to,approve the cigarette license for Snyder Drug, seconded by Mayor Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. L1Q. ORD. AMENDMENT The proposed amendment for the liquor ordinance, from the City Attorney, was reviewed, The City Manager the read followin added to Ordinance 3 -1 -4 to amend it: 9 Paragraph that will be Any liquor license issued in excess of the number authorized by Statute 340.11 Subd. 5A shall be limited to issuance to hotels or motels or to restaurants which have a seating than 50 capacity no less persons and derive no less than 50% of their gross income from the sale of food. In the case of an appti'cation for a new establishment, a license may be issued based upon the projections, however, the same must be verified through an examination of gross h receipts of said establishment, prior to reissuance. Councilman Watkins commented that something should be added to state that hotels or motels or restaurant shat] be developed in areas of correct zoning. The Council discussed this and decided that no new liquor licenses would be issued to an y p remises that does not have proper . : ro er coning. Th is is to ` be an amendment to Or 3 -1-i1 and added' to the A grandfather situation wound have to be provided for Present amendment. existing licenses, <+ Motion by Watkins to adopt amended Ordinance 3 - - 4 contingent upon the additions that were made be part of Ordinance 3 - 1 -11, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to prepare a statement stating the Counci intent on` referendum and to be published in the paper. THE HARBOR City Engineer Anderson informed the Council that Encon Utilities, Inc, has decided to do The Harbor pro No action is necessary-on- Co il The bid is to be 'honored as awarded. part. HOLLY COURT The costs for sewer and water for Holly Court was next on the agenda. The City Engineer reported the.cost would be approximately $85,000. The Council and Staff discussed this matter. Mayor Stock recommended this matter be tabled until the Spring of 1980, at which time the Council will review the sewer and water installation. HOLLY COURT Motion by Watkins to table this matter of reviewing sewer and w Holly Court until April -at, � of 1,980 and for the City Manager to schddule that d sec time, seconded by Busse and u pen a vote :. taken it was duly passed. / MINUV's of the P ceodi of Me Vill 1 • Council veil of IWI the Vil oe of P swr La ke` i n the County S h► f _ a State of Mlanewla, including all accounts audited by said Council. PRO. STATUS Consulting Engineer, Jim Norton, / Presented to the Council the report on the construction projects and the-. status of each project_._ The Council Council had„ q uestions and made comments on the projects. w SNOW PLOWING The snow plowing agreement for Inguadona Beach was discussed. The City AGREEMENT ON Engineer said he talked with the residents of that area and advised them th INGUADONA BC should sti'!ck.to the one wa Y = y street and not to park their car's on the street during the; winter season. 4 Motion by Thorkelson to approve the snow plowing agreement with Inguadona Beach Association for a fee of $150 that-the circle will be plowed and sanded r' and the two spurs by Jones and Jensen'S!I i will not be plowed or sanded and:, f the cars are parked on the road the agreement will be terminated, seconded- by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.; i'980 S,s W The 1980 developers request- sewer and water was reviewed. The City En DEVELOPERS gineer made comments regarding the - developers that have indicate ;! REQUEST would like City financing. d they J: Mayor Stock recommended that the - Council take no action because the r� developers-_ have not met all the criteria that we have ,set forth, but because they have made their, intent known, the Cou rom now and the Ci Engineer ncil hould review their individual requests 30 days f will contact them and tell them that if they have not s iod of time, the financing will not be considered f complied in that per; I I or 1980. GREENBRIAR Motion by Bissonett to-give the Greenbriar PUD first phase and Prior PUP Highlands a 30 day extension, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken PRIOR HIGH it was duly passed. LANDS S The monthly reports were reviewed by the Council. F - I i IRE b RESCU Notion b Watkins to acre t.the,Fire and Rescue Re Y p port for the month of September, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed., ° TREASURERS Motion by Bissonett to accept the Treasurer's Report for the month of September and correct the balances next month, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed'. w DOG CATCHERS Motion by Thorkelson to accept the Dog Catcher's Re ember, seconded by Busse and upon a -.vote taken it wasrdu�or the month of Sept- y passed. POLICE REPOR Motion by Watkins to accept the Police Re p seconded by 'Busse and upon a vote taken itwas duly h passed h f September, i AUTO BODY S The Council discussed parking of cars on the street in front of Mobil Service MOBIL PARKIN Station and tFie cars on the lot at the god sho the LOTS City Manager to research the body shop and Mobil., Councilman Watkins along with notorious blocking practices. RESiOLUTION Resolution 79 - 37 was reviewed. Paul Reinboldt is requesting to connect to the i 79 MWCC facilities. Motion by Busse to approve Resolution 79 -37, Connection to MWCC facilities, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote` taken it was duly passed. STEPKA STORM The City Engineer reported on the Stepka storm sewer situation. The work on SEVER PROBLE the i p pe is being done today.. Councilman Watkins pointed out that in the League of Municipalities Page 8, there is a good article on the impact of suburban sho magazine, on PPing malls. + -2 r o........i � MINUTES of tho ftoeoedi"s of the V111696 C*Undo of the Vii loco of !Mier !eke in h A Gunty Mione�eto, lnt ludi oil v 1. nY oeewwts audilW by' said Corlid of Scott and SfeN, of . The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, 1979 October ` 2 _3, Sand Pointe Construction Fund: Richard Knutson, Inc, Contract Payment 023,523 ` � e Martinson Island Sewer and Water Construction Fund: Richard Knutson, Inc. Progressive Contractors, Inc, Contract Payment $ 1 8,299.25 McNamara Cont. Co., Inc. Contract Payment Contract Payment 53,591.10 jt 45,278.68 f t Motion by Bissonett to adjourn, seconded' by Watkins and upon this meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM. a vote taken rf • E` r° l Michael A. McGuire ' .. City Manager s k �v R "� a .. w . _ v . o �� ....,•