HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 19 1979MINUTES of tl» Me iags of rNhse C"adi of 0. rile of Prior 1ola in the CoYa1y of SeeN - •ad >a•M of M.wae�, iwdrr"a .N �iNd rl► +aii` Cowed. c . ?' ovember 19. 1979 The Common Gun` 1 of the City of Prior Lake day, meta in regular session on ` November 19 1979 at 7:30 PM, Present were Mayor Stock, Counci Bissonett, ilusse, \Thorkeison, lme Watkin City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser and i;ity Att , )rney Sullivan s , Mayor Stock'ca li ed. the meet in to order. MINUTES lotion by Watkins to approve the minutes of November 1 1. 4 79 /; " r> f Busse and upon 3. a Grote taken it was duly ,, seconded by y Passed . PL. STATE BONJI'NG BANK The Prior Lake: State Bank commercial, Devel from last week's a�eetin �pmenL Revenue Note was continued 9, The Council regarding received a letter frow the bank item #10� of Resolution 79 with Mr. , Bars�ess, from the bank, and'? tated in � add Mayor St o letter, the bank intends the W have ava i l abil..,.a co+ un i t basis that they have; had i past in the �'� y on the`sawe. , Motion by Watkins 'to enter into record the November 15th letter f Prior lake State Bank in rom th e answer to question ten on Resolution 79 -25 second - eo by Thorkelson and upon a vote: taken it was duly passed, Councilman Thorkelson conaiented that the most i mportant ;reason for approving this particular issue. is that'�the bank is the bond is. approved or not, Mr._Barsness maaddentheP buil a new structure if lved .appro V nit; the money to finance the structure will Point that if the bond is coalman i ty and make Dome from oAside the f;a present funds available 'in the bank for loans within our .com ity. If we don't pass the bond, the Y will finance thru other resources, t amount of money will be tied up and not available for loans in the communi RESOLUTICN 79 Motion by Bissonett to adopt Resolution commercial- devel'o 79 relating to the $$30,00Q,0Q pment revenue note for the Prior Lake State Bank. seconded by :Busse and upon a vote taken it was dul Y passed, L1Q. LIC. VIKING 11Q, City Manager McGuire reported on the liquor license ooaraission meting held earlier this evening, Mr. John eld .Casey,, a resident of Prior Lake. who present at the meeting, is interest was requesting. ed in purchasing Viking Liquor and is transfer of the off sae liquor license to his name. The Iiq- uor license commission recommends approval. Motion by Watkins to approve . the transfer of the Viking Liquor Off Sale license to John Casey, contingent upon the insurance be filed ' and other docuats to with the City Manager, seconded by Busse and upon was duly passed, a vote taken it. INDUSTRIAL/ COMMERCIAL Dr. Howard Olson was Present to make additional- ooawents on the. tnduy,��.ah_ °� commercial revenue bond, He BONDING would 1 ikc the, moratorium on the. appiicati'on for revenue bonding i so t ro businessmen in�`� 1 Prior Lake can bring forth their input,under_Council guidance, and make suggestions for commercial/industrial revenue bonding,, Mayor Stock stated that.this is a reasonable request for future projects,. A caws ittee can be made of councilmembers and business people. Notion . by Thorkelson- to and that Ma put a 60 day moratorium on May or Stock a Committee appoint a business p revenue bond, .of s People and council- members to review and ma!G re conxidation to the Council, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The Council may submit names to the Ma of business People they! fee can serve on a committee. Ma or Stock i l w l_ commi ttee.: t then. contact them to establish a GREEN OAKS ASSOCIATION CULVERT UNDER Nr, Dave Roseth. President -of Green Oaks reque Association,, sts t to change the check in the amount of he Council MARLIN CIR. Marian Circle t using it for establ'ish�ng ditch t'hevert under with rip rap, culv s aa1t8�u f of tiMf take M 111! G11a1y of Salo %ft of GREEN OAKS Motion by Busse that the City approve the $300.00 check for use in ditching ASSOCIATION and, controling of water in Marten Circle contingent upon the City receiving .` >; a letter from adjacent property owners along the waterwa y path stating that the City would not be held responsible for water overflow, seconded by Wat- ' kins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Th2 monthly re y ports were reviewed. FIRE t RESCUE Motion by Watkins to approve the Fire and Rescue Report for the month of- October, seconded by Thorkelson �. and upon a.vote taken; it was dui Y passed, - PONCE Motion by Thorkelson to approve the 'Police Report for the month of October, seconded by Sisscnett and up a vote taken It was duly passed. CATCHER Motion by Watkins to"approve.the Dog Catcher's Report ` €or the month of October, seconded b Bissonett i' y and upon 1 1106 8L06'. PERMIT a vote taken it was duly y passed. : lotion by Busse to approve the Building Permit Report for the month of October, 1 seconded by eissonet.t and upon a vote taken it was duly ,passed, . T*E SURERS: `� Motion by Watkins to approve the ' Pp Treasurer's Report for the month of October, � seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. G1ANT,1,FOR MUNK IPAt,1T1E The letter from`internationai Systems. Inc. was reviewed. Their services are finding grants, for municipalities. The fee for ' Prior lake is $19.000 r, based upon ,the 1 ly 970 popui'ation figures. The Council accepted this letter as 1 iefor ona matiC'- data and will review it prior to establishing future: years "budgets.. * �u,# 44 t JAMES ItEFRfB, EIYlT1ON t Mayor Stock called the public heaving to order. The hearing is con - tinned from October 22, 1979 on the James Refrigeration subdivision Cty. M2 ` ' and TH 13. on Rd'. # City Planner Graser reviewed what transpired on the October 22, 1979 meeting. , tt Stalios Aslanidis, representative of James Refrigeration, was present at the` meeting and made additional }F comments on the project, : Other wtambers of the audience made comments, on this item.. Motion -by sissonett to a g approve the James Refrigeration subdivision contingent upont 1) Park dedication be established at $17,500 r cash in lieu of land dedication and an easement be granted along Cty. Rd. 42 for the approximate 255 ft. in length ' and 27 ft. 'i in width, -�1 hat" James Refrigeration be in agreement with the placement of the berm be* the B -1 ` zone,.and the residential neighborhood and the necessary outlet be provided for storm drainage in the berm,„ 3a- the highway access on Cty. Rd. 42 be 'confirmed within 30 days by the Ci unc.il and arangemens c - Planning commission and CtyfCounworkable with the neighborhood, seconded. b � y Busse. Discussion fo l l olled this motion. t Charles J ames,of James Refrigeration was, present at the mneeti.ng and at this time, he"expressed his feelings regarding the It project. Mr. Aslanudis felt that the Council should make the covenants that were submitted by James Refr,i at the -last meetin x, a 9 part of the: ordinances for 8 -1 zEm ;:fig, ' q Coun cIinei n G iss on ett and Councilman Busse accepted the _ amendment, to the previous motion that the devel, opens covenants and restrictions as submitted by Janes Refrigeration be given as the basis of conditions that would be established for: conditional, uses for the B -1 �i property,os platted and upon a vote taken this was condit Council man Thorke1son voted nay, 1 9.00 PH Motion. by Watkins to adjourn: P ubli c j .hearing:on James Refrigeration.• subdivision, seconded by Busse and upon a voce, taken it was duly passed. ` The- applicant, Jams Refrigeration, $ out an application for conditional use 'for the deiielopiment of a PDQ, Store on lot 5 lotion by Watkins that the conditional use be referred to the i for their '`review panning cownission and recommendation be given to the Council on what outlines were tow described tonight' seconded �. by 8issonett and upon ,i a vote taken it was dut (within 30 days): y passeed. riNye at "h K take is she C of See�t eOi > itif Oe OM eeee�m` y *, HIGNHOOD NOUSaNG The Hu pro Famil Housing prOJOct was discussed next. The City Manager 1 gave his presen`r•'oR and re commendation. . Mr, Zejdllk was present at this meeting and thel-recommendstion.is acceptable to him. C Motion by Watkins that the fee schedule as, outlined by the, Cty Manager In the f $26,202 be absorbed b th Y e City the developer pay approximet- ely t, the time of the 0 permits and that` *, assessed over an 8 r, amount of $10,800 be Y period und'r normal procedl`zes, `� 111 son and u seconded by Thorkel- Pon a vote taken it was "passed- Councilmen Bissonett abstained!. DESIGN CRITER" IA • Mayor Stock made the floor for discussion,presantation for the design criteria andr,opd.thO • c •\ City Planner Eraser commented on: this matter and,statad -that the Planning Coweission has discussed this problem, I Me Provided the, Cow' ordin- I with ances on what other cities are doing about. this.' and Council commented on this abet also on the structur on Nl the audience �Y 1 3.: Motion by Thorkelson to direct Ordinance on architectural and ,C►ae City Attorney, to` pry,o a pr i esthetics design on the basis o� L just read oft and that the staff vity Attorney on an A Manager °provide input to the O his preliminary p ` ' by i�atkins and u of the ordinance seconded pon a vote takan it was duly Passed,' TUW'WES ON N 1 GNMY 13 The letter from Mn /Dot'iegarding turn banes along Highway 13 was, reviewed. Motion by Watkins; to author ze City Engineer t: to negotiate the final agreemen with -the State' highway Department for the Of improving the eight intersactjojvs and, the. " turn lanes - on Highway seconded by Thorkelson and up* a� vote `taken it was. dol, 9Y 1 "3' Y 'passed. �. FIREWOOD ORD. The Firewood Ordio ncc'.was tabl unt il next }week. Dr. 'Howard Olson was `rc GATEWAY AVE. add it �1 parking spaces,Gn> regarding the Gateway Avenue. in obtaining ` Co4iiC i i s ThO ,� ugaOS + -ed that Or. Olson take this matter to the Planning Commission., problem in ` Th do trot. anticipate getting: it approved'. , Notion by Watkins to adjourn s this meetl econded by dissonett and upon a vote taken ng' was adjourned at 9 :56 PM. Al t , Michael A. McGuire' { City Manager ,. • s —3— 1 , t MINUTES of fho rrocwdiMs of fho Vii kpv Ceuneil of the V"kg* of Prior lake in tho County of St" and S%fo,of Mian seta, including ny all aeeounh audited, udihd by said Cet+neii: � November 19, 1979., " Common Council of the City of Prior Lake � d The met in regular session on Mon- aY> November 19, 1979 at 7.30 PH. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen, Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, ` Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser and City At Sullivan, Mayor Stoik ca)e the meeting to order, MINUTES Motion by`Watkins to a Busse and a pprove the minutes of November 13, 1979, seconded pen a; vote taken it was duly Passed. by n r PL STATE BANK The Prior Lake State Bank BONDING commercial Develo ._ from last week's meeting, The Council aRlett� No j received om he banktnued regarding Item 10 of Resolution `79-2$, Market. r Analysis. Mayor Stock talked with Mr. Barsness, from the ,bank,_and he stated that in addition to letter, the bank intends to the b have available a community room on the asis that they have had in the past. same :Motion by Watkins to enter into record the November l5th letter f Prior Lake State Bank in rem the answer to questm 'io ten on Resolution ed by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was dui 79'25,.seco d- y passed; Counclinan Thorkelson commented that the th most i_ i mportant reEson for approving is particular issue is that the bank is build a new structure if the bond is approved or not, F1r, Barsness madentheo approved, the money to finance the structure will point that if the bond is communi and make come from outside the present funds available in the bank ank for loans communi if we; don't within a th pass the bond P i n our nd hey 3 will - thru ' other resources , and that amount of money will> be tied up and not available for loans in the commun i ty, RESOLUTION 79-40 Motion by Bissonett to adopt Resolution commercial develo 79-40 relating to the $830,000,00 pment revenue I note for the Prior Lake State Bank, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. LIQ, LIC, VIKING LIQ. City Manager McGuire reported on the liquor license commission earlier this evening meetin Mr. John Casey, a resident of Prior held Present : at o the r L ak , e, who was meetings. is interested i n requesting transfer of the off sate liquor license Liquor and is, uor license comniss' is name. The ion recommends a liq- approval. 1 Motion by "Vatkins to approve the transfer of the Viking Liquor Off Sale license to John Casey, contingent upon .. pen the insurance and other documents to be filed with the City Manager, seconded by Busse and upon was duly passed. a vote taken it INDUSTRIAL/ Dr, Howard Olson was present COMMERCIAL BONDING- to make additional comments on the industri al/ commercial revenue bond. He would like the.Councii moratorium to consider a 60 day on the application for revenue bonding so the businessmen in Prior Lake can bring forth their input, under Council guidance, and make suggestions for commercial /industrial revenue bonding. Mayor Stock stated -that this is -a reasonable request for future projects.. A committee can be made of councilmembers and business people, ` Notion by Thorkelson to put a 60 day moratorium on commercial revenue bonds and that Mayor Stock appoint a committee business of members to review and make recorrrcndation to the ouncProple and council - Biasonett and u • seconded by upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The Council may submit names to the Mayor of business serve on a committee. People they feel can Mayor Stock will committee. then contact them to establish a GREEN OAKS ASSOCIATION CULVERT UNDER Mr, Dave Roseth, President of Green Oaks Association, request to change the. check in the amount of s the Council $300,00 for MARLEN C1R, installin a culvert under Marlen Circle to, using it for establishing w ith ;a ditch h rip h leading rap, to the culvert e- o iiA1NYTEt of the tracood k` in" of the V11kpe Cpuneil, of *0 V11600 of FdW take in th* County of Swtt and StaN. of Mian""61 lRduding all aceounh awdited by said Couneii. GREEN OAKS Motion by Busse that the City approve the $300,00 check for use in ditching ASSOCIATION and controlin of water in Marlen Circli ent u � 8 e cont pen the City recei a letter from adjacent property owners along the waterwa the City would not be held responsible Path stating that ponsible for water overflow, seconded by Wat- kins and upon a vote taken it'was duly passed... The monthly reports were reviewed. FIRE s; RESCUE +lotion by Watkins to approve the Fire,and Rescue Re r f or the October, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote takenitwas duly p pa ah sse y . POLICE, Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Police Re seconded by Bissonett and upon, a vote taken it�was dul m onth of October, , y passed... Motion by Watkins to approve the.Dog Catcher's 'Report for the month of DOG CATCHER October, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote 'taken it was duly passed., BLDG. PERMIT Notion by Busse to approve the'Buildin 9 Permit Report October, seconded by Bissonett and u for the month of pon a vote taken it was duly passed. TREASURERS Motion by Watkins to approve the Treasurer's Re yi port for the .month of October,. seconded''by Thorkelson and'upora a vote taken it was duly passed. GRAIITS ,OR The letter from internatisnal, Systems, Inc. was reviewed.. Their services -. y £ t*IC PALITiE are finding grants for municipalities; The. fee for Prior Lake is $19,000/ Y r based upon .the 1970 population fi§ures: The Council accepted this letter as informational data and will revie%4 it prior to establishing future years budgets. 8:00 PM Mayor Stock Cai :e d. 'the, public hearing to order. The hearing is con - `� . JANES AEFRIG tinued, from October 22, 1919, on th ERATION 42 e James. Refrigeration subdivision on Cty. Rd. , and TH 13. r City Planner Graser reviewed what transpired on the Oc -tober 22, 1979 meeting. j Stelios Aslanidis, reprasentative of James Refrigeration, was present at the meeting and made addi tional comments on the project. Other members of the audience made comments on this item: Motion by Bissonett to app g F pprove the James Refrigeration subdiv7sion contingent upon: I) park dedication be established at $17,500 cash in lieu of - land dedication an N. an easement be granted along Cty. Rd. 42 for the approximate 255 ft. in length and 27 ft. in width, 2) that James Refrigeration be in agreement with the placement of the berm be* the B -1 zone and the residential ne ghborhood,.and the necessary outlet be provided for storm drainage in the berm, 3) the highway access on Cty. Rd'. 42 be confirmed within 30 days by the City Council and at that time develop workable: arrangements with:the neighborhood, planning comnission'and'City Council:,, seconded by Discussion followed this motion;, Charles of James Refrigeration was present, the meeting and at this time he expressed h;s feelings regarding the .project. Mr. Aslanidis felt that the. Council should make the covenants that were submitted by James',-Refrigeration ar ;he last meeting a part of the ordinances for B -1 zoning. Councilman Bissonett and Councilman Busse accepted the aMndment to the previous motion that the developers covenants and restrictions as submitted by James Refrigeration be given as the basis of conditions that would ve` established for conditional uses..for the B -1 property as platted and upon a 'vote'�'taken this was. Passed. Councilman Thorkelson voted nay. -t 9:00 PM Motion by'Wathins to adjourn the. public=hear.ins on James Refri era:tio subdivision, seconded by Busse and u g n l t pen a taken it was duly passed. The applicant, James Refrigeration, filled out an application for conditional ti ' use for the develo development of a PDQ .Store on lot 5. Motion by Watkins that the conditional use be referred to the planning commission for their review and recommendatioii be given to the Council on what outlines were described tonight seconded by Bissonett and upon a vo 'taken it was duly passed;. (within 30 days) -2_ I MINUTES of the preceedior of Me Vlilage Council of th vi nes* of Prior take in the county of Scott sad state`ei Mioneiota ineiudina all a"eunts ardihii by seW council. i ^ ,HIGH4100D The Highwood Family Housing project was discussed next. The City Mana erg HOUSING gave his presentation and recommendation, 9 Mr, Zejdlik was present: at thaw meeting and the eecodat on is acce tab ' mmzn p le to him. Mo ti on by Watkins that the fse schedule as outlined by the City Manager in the a $26,202 be absorbed by the Ci ty , + a 9 a the developer a t th time of r Gw� ely e Pay pProximat- the aoE assessed over an r, Permits and that then amount of $10,800 be ` 11 son Y period under normal Procedures, and u seconded by '= Thorkel y1 upon a vote taken 'it was passed. Councilman 8 ssonett abstained'. DESIGN CRITER Mayor Stock made the presentation for the design 1�1 floor for discussion. criteria and opened the City Planner Grater commented on this matter and stated Commission has d that the Planning iscusse:l this ances on what other cities are doing about this,�dNember',ordin- ' and Council commented ;on th s of theaud ence is and also on the strut ure on Highway 13, Motion by Thorkelson to direct the City Attorney to prepare a pr limjn��ry ordinance on arch itectu�l and esthetics design on the basis just read and e►o n % = of t that the staff and City Manager provide input to the,City 'Attorney on his ,pre] iminary preparation, of the ordinance seconded ' -r, by Watkins and upon`a vote taken it was duly Passed, TURN LANES ON The letter from Mn /Dot re r HIGHWAY garding turn lanes along Highway 13 was. reviewed. Motion,by Watkins to aWthoriza the City Engineer to negotiate the agreement with the State of Minnesota Highway Department for'the final Of improving the eight intersections pw�po$es and the Turn lanes on Hi seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it 9 Y 3, was'dul. Y passed; FIREWOOD ORD. The,Firewood Ordinance was c tabled until next week, Dr. Howard Olson :was present regarding the Gatewa Ave GATEWAY AVE, additional parking spaces. Y nue in obtaining 3 , Council suggested that Dr. Olson take this matter ThO Y do not any anticipate to the Planning Comm issi`an., problem in getting it approved: , Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and u this meeting was adjourned at 9: PM. Pon a vote taken E Michael A. McGuire City Manager I 1, _3_ ,