HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 26 1979YiNN leka' in the C"WAY of SCOW i/rw sod of eN e�laYMf ___`•__ rhr �r Corwdl,' f November 26, 1979 ` The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Mon - da y, November 26, 1979 at 7 :30.M. Presen were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Graser ,' n , kd{' City Manager'McGuire, City Planner Gr as e , , Financee Dlrector�Teichner an City:Attorney ' r Sul!liven.' Mayor Stock called the meeting to order, The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of November 19 1979; Page 1, paragraph 12;, to the Council, seconded by (remove sen 2" tence in between) 19 , . , on what Outlines were de scribed tonight, 30 days) 3. S; = on the basis of th ( e within Minnetonka ordslli�lnce , • , preparation of the ordinance,. seconded MINUTES Motion by Watkins to 'approve the minutes of November 1 1979 :as amended, seconded by Busse and " upon a vote taken i was din Y Passed. ' MEDICAL Thej request from' the proposed Medical Clinic i n i c for a conditional use CLINIC PRO- " permit was discussed. City Planner Graser made POSAL the presentation, abstained from any discussion on this matter, Councilman BSsso nett Mayor Stock r that the p i. u re quested 19 plans shown tonight be.,aiarkad Exhibit , A and dated November 26. 1979.. 6 - Motion by Watkins to approve the request for conditional use' tingent upon: permit con -1 --the use shall be landscaped to produce a harmonious relations hip with the other professional Sites adjacent A " ` to the northwest, - - the Permit shall not be cancellable or terminable Provided, however, that the use of the premises must be ° according to the terms of the Permit --ghat the drawings that were marked Exhibit A be entered into the record and be adhered to in the processes of construction - -the developer work with the City Pl,anoer in developing a suitable inter- section_on CSAN`39otherwise known as Franklin Trail,At id Secon ded* B usse and upon a vote it was , absta taken, passed. C wncilman Bi:ssonett =" DOWNTOWN' PARKING Mr, AI'Borchardt and Mr. Melvin Borchardt` were present to request a waiver for downtown g y parkin . The wish to is � t MEN A & MRD T self their house located next to Dr. Luklc's office; if a . commercial l or- office type 'business wishes to buy the there will - -, 9 Parkin s ce for t I.and, not be enough g pa hat bus"ess. Clty` Planner Graser commented on this ' matter, y Motion by Thorkelson that the Borchardt family try to negotiate a joint use with Or. Lukk for some side parking that .; would be given as credit to satisfy the parking requirements for that particular building and ., a considered in this particular case for dia diag permit would be and g Parking.�,seconded by Bissonett upon a vote taken it was duly passed. (These are to be guidelines, with A specific proposal cowing back to the Council at a future, date':) ED BIRDSONG 8:00 PM Mayor Stock called the public hearing to order'r' fothe Ed Birdsong - r��Y vacation. The Public hearing notice VACAT10i1 that was printed in the Prior Lake American was read. Mr. Birdsong was present at:this hearing. City Planner Graser pointed out the proposed vacation on a map anal introduced' Introduced the basic request and factual information behind it, Staff recommendation It the vacaiion of this roadway, RESOLUTION Motion by Watkins -to approve Resolution seconded by Bissonett and u _ 1 ' Vacation of Ed Q,irdsong ' pon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion by Watkins to adjourn this public hearing. s a vote to g. econded b Busse ken thl,s hearing - Y and upon ring was adjourned at.; PM. - 1979 AUDIT �; The,1979 audit was discussed. The Council rec eived three proposals 0. H. Mullenmaster i Co for $4250. Irving $5850. Salto for $4500 and Fait = Mathison for The Council directed Staff to,-send a letter to D. H. Mullenwaster t Co, re- questing thew to send the Council a letter answering; some of the Fait Mathison's proposal, cl in 4, sMNYf� e1 the Fft"eam" of *A VW"P Comm of she Vi"60 of Frw Lek* is the C"" of sew sod stile of � ,� � n+N+e . iededhy eN eriNed w` seW Cweeii,. Ir 1979.AU01T _ The actual awarding o, x the: audit. for 1979 was tabled until a later date. ,- u FIREWOOD ORO the: Firewood Ordinance was tabled unt6 next week.: ALLAN MILKER MayoF Stock recommended thatL Mr., Allan Wilker be a r .. PLAN,- COMM- COWwIssion to replace James Speiker._ appointed to She Planning Motion by Thorkelson to appoint Mr. Allan Wi'iker. o the Planning Commission to replace Mr. James Speiker, seconded by Busse )rid upon a vote taken it was duly passed . City Manager McGuire will contact Mr. Wilker and give him the necessary materials for his position, - i - JIWES DUNN ., The letter from James Dunn :regarding his lissessments was discussed. :ASSESSMENTS Motion by Watkins to request the City`Att`iney to prepare an opinion on this letter and send ,a recommendation to tWi. Council, the Ccrunc i 1 wi i 1 then ; answer Mr. Dunn's request, seconded by Thorl�elson and upon was dui a taken it v �- Y passed. ` 'IOR CONMITTE Mayor Stock will be accepting recommendations. . for appointing nuaabers fc�r the IDR` committee: The following invoices are scheduled to. be. paid`on Tuesday, Deceiuber A, 1979: Misc. Departments: IBH Corp. , Minn. gas .. Service Agreemknt $ 2 00 Ames Supply go Utilities 19(A Amer., Cast iron Co. Equipment 139 ; NSP Repairs \ 21145 ` Valley Tire Service, Inca Utilities 2,613.19 COP, Inc. Tires" 1,127.16 JAK Office Products CoPY�Machine 203.31 Office Supplies G't i3 OK Hardware 6.80: Supplies 44.74 Delta Dentai of Minn. Insurance .Scott County Sheriff 622.80 Weber Auto Supply, Inc. Radio Maintenance 309.60 Repairs 424.0E �< General Government: Stets of Minnesota 1979 Statutes Supplement $ 40.,tJ0 ' Revenue SHariay Advisory Service Bulletin �t Int'l City,►ianagement Assn., Dues 188.50 r t< ' De velo p me nt Retainer Refunds 400.00 . gi Developm m e a n t nger Retainer Refund 100.00 " Coastruclion Retainer Refund John Ma 1'00.00 fey Lawrence Schweich Retainer Refund 600.00 Retainer Refund Klehr Construction 100,.00 ICHA Retainer Refunds 300.00, Publication °- D Berens 6.75 .. Cleaning Library: 52.56..,- �— ineeri na Radisson Arrowhead j Conference C�E..A. M. - Printing = 144.51 .00 Potic 1` Rob Boa Clothing.Al'lowance Rich Kiu9herz $. 153.00 Cane Smith Clothing Allowance 153,00 Clothing Allowance <Joe Oe 153.00° nboom Clothing Allowance', 153.00 lee Rabetart Clothing Allowance Denny Leff 153.00 tea, Steve Schmidt Clothing Allowance 153,00 = Dlcka`Powel1 0 Clothing Allowance 153• -00 Clothing Allowance NMI Industries, Inc., Equipment, q E ui _ pment. `: •549.50 C S K S" '{ iN`�eew�Na O"dwW by NId ri Fi re: E. C. Peterson Co., Inc. Reynolds Weldtn Supply 1 Co. Equipment Maint. °� S 29,35- Bob's S Equi pment Maint, Sport Shop p Clothing 62.40 Quality Waste Control inc. Refuse Hauling 91.00 22.00; Street: :> I Minn., Valley Electric Co -op Utilities General Welding $ 69.79 Earl F. Andersen b Assoc., Re S9 srs 164,75 32,57 Sewer • ` G. L. Hennen Const. Co., Inc. Repairs MacQueen Equip. Inc $ 795.00 . Repairs 40,47 Water: a Brown s Cris, Inc. Improvements Hach Chemical Co, $'1,1.07,50 31.79 Diseased 'Tree: Norman Crooks, Inc, Tree Dumping $ 30,00 s Sand Pointe Construction Fund: Instant Testing Company Testing OSM $ 195.70 Eng'i'neering 15 ,355 .10 j Martinson Island Sewer and Water Construction Fund' OSM Engineering sta. Testing Company Tes ti g $14,898.27 498 ri Mavn aul I P Damg s es ,,20 200.00 ; �Misc, Construction Fund: M ON Engineering $ 2,28907 AP _ Notion by Bissonett to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken. this meeting was. adjourned at 8:34 PM.; 1 "'Michael A. McGuire x ' City it Manager ,P i _3_ A u` and be adhered to in the processes of construction ti -the developer work with the City Planner in developing a suitable inter- '} section on CSAH °39 otherwise known as Franklin Trail,' seconded by Busse and u` ' pan a vote taken it was Passed. Councilman Sissonett � D01NTOWN: ` Mr, Al Borchardt and Mr, Melvin Borchardt were present: to request PARKING for downtown wataver AL s MEL L parking. They wish to se "t 1. thei r house - Ioca'ted; gext, to ukk's office; if a cormiercial or office type Ype bus i ness w i shes, to t hcl, ,land 1 there wi'l`l not be enough parking space for that business, T Graser commented on this matter. Motion by Thorkel 'son that the Borchardt family try to negoti.ate jorrr�.o�,e with Dr,' Lukk for some s ide t Parking that would be given as credit the parking requir t6 saisy �` !• ements for that particular buildin and a considered in this particular case for diagonal g Perm it wou,id and upon a vote taken it was dui parking, seconded by Bissonei,t 1 y passed. (These are to be guidelines, with a pacific proposal coming back to the Council at a future date.,) 8;00 PM_' Mayor Stock called the public hearing to order for the Ed Birdsong public hearing I, ED BIRDSONG roadway'vacation, The g *, ;VACATION Lake American notice that was = printed in the Prior Mr, Birdso9 can was read, n was Planner Graser present at this hearing. City pointed out the proposed vacation on a map and the basic request and factual information: d ehind it. Staff ecommendation recommendation, 1 ' is the vacation of this roadway, RESOLUTION, lotion by Watkins-to a 79-41, Ppr'ove RtsQlutioh 79-41, Roadway Vacation of Ed Birdsong seconded by Bissonett and upow a.vote taken it was dul passed. Motion by Watkins to adjourn this a vote taken this hearing was adjourned �ate8r20 hearing, second Busse and upon, 1979 AUDIT The 1979 aud it was. discussed., The Council received three proposals D,, N Mullenmaster l Co. fo $5850. r $4230, Irving Balto for $45o0 and Faiths Mathison for The. Counci IA I rected 'Staff to send a letter to u _ questing them to send the councl a letter answerincylsomeer ins Fait -Math son's proposal. Of the claims N MINN72S of" 1M Phceodiags of Me Village Ceuneil of 1ha Vi ll"O of Prier f ilmiw 11a county of Scott and Skdo of . M1%3*o` a, indudinl all Ggammts audited by • •aid Cwneih ; ; , l d , v 4 4 I November 26, 1979 J The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met inreguiar sessio hk. ; ' B Bissonett, Busse, Thortelson30Watkins,eC e'ty ManagerYMc6uirek�C.tynPlanner Graser,, Finance _Director Teschner a and City Attorney.,Suliivan,., r ` b Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The follo0i'ng corrections are to 1 l - 9, 979: 1 Page 1., paragraph 12; • to the Council, seconded by (r sen- ' 1 2� fence inbetween) 3. (with 30 days) 5; _ _ on the bcsis "`of the Minnetonka o ordinance ,- ` preparation of the ordinance,'sectwided , MINUTES M Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of November 19 1 \ seconded by Busse, and u upon a vote taken i' y passt was dui p assed. 9 MEDICAL The request from the proposed Medical Clinic. fJr a conditional use rmit was CLINIC PRO- discussed. City Planner Graser m / POSAL a made the presentation. Councilman elssonot'i' Mayor Stock requested that the plans shown tonight be' marked Exhibit !'All, and dated 'November 26, 1979•t'1= Motion by Watkins to approve the request for a conditional'use ' k tangent upon; t pE r� r i con - -the use shall be landscaped: to produce a harmonious reIations'hip wi`tn to the northwe;�t_ � � the use of the premises must be according to the t d, Fww��:ver P tav $ de the - -that the drawings that were m marked Exhibit A be entered f 1 MiNYfEt of ISM h oeoodiftp of 'be YNbi o Council of the Viilaoo of prior Leh* in tbo County of Seep end Step of . 1MMw0110N, loduding Oil;oaeueti audited by mW Cow" I. 1979 AUDIT The actual awarding of the audit 1979 was tabled until °a later da "te. ELREWOOD ORD. The Firewood Ordinance was tabled until next w =ek, a ALLAN WILKER layor Stock recommended that llr, Allan Wiiker b appointed to the Planning PLAN. COMM. ;.Commission to replace James Speiker 9 Motion by Thorkel'son to,appoint Mr. Allan Wilkey to the Planning Commis to repiace Mr. James Spaiker, seconded by Busse and upon a vote 'taken It was dul y passed. City Manager McGuire will con act M r. Wilkey and give him the necessary materials for his position, r, -JAMES DUNN The letter from James Dunn regarding hts assessments was discussed. ASSESSMENTS Motion by Watkins to request the City Attorney to pre i + u pare an opinion on ` this letter and send a recommendation to the- Council ,_ the Council w i l l th answer- Mr. Dunn's request, seconded' by Thorkelson and u en was duly passed, upon a vote taken it ADR COMMITTE Mayor Stock will be accepting recoamendati.ons pp for appointing members for the I OR's committee. ' The'foliowin,g invoices are scheduled to ', be id o pan ~ uesday, December 4, 1 ` 979: . a Misc. Departments :, IBM Corp. Mirtrt.` Gas C Service Agreerttnt $ 286.00 Ames Office Supply Utilities Amer;, Calf: Iron Cc. Equiprreilt r 139.00 # t , NSP Rcpaits 211' V ll'y' Tire Servi ce, Inc -, Utilities ' •75 1c 2,613.19 COP, Inc T: t-es6 1,127,1.61 . 4JAK Office Pf'oducts� Copj' Machine ,� 203• .Il Office.Supplies' "G "� b B OK Hai, clrare 6. 80, ,. �DefIto Dental lan of Mlnn, Suppldes 44.74 I nsurance, 622.80 1 kSc� +fit County `sheriff Weber Auto Su 1 'Rad to k4 41tenance � 309,60 ` " PP y, Inc Re p a 1 s p , r ' 424.01 General. Government: State f o Mi I s nnes��ta la /9 Statutes Supplement y Re��nuie Sharing,\,Advi.so,ry Service 8;ul Sta S, pp $ 40.00 ; in City ttfl -t 27.00 t y Rana germ, Assn,, fees L t I Thai l ing Enterprises �` 18&50 / Retainer Refunds 40Q.00 'Q * "1 Mernie- Development Retainer Refund �. X14 De ngerudConstruction 100.OD Reaner Refund 100.��) s John Mahoney ti Retainer Refund )' Lawrence Schweich. �t 600.00. =K1ehr�ConstrucLion Retain ,� er Refund 100.00 1CNi1 r Re miner Refunds 300.00 p �. ubl "`'cation Mores Berens` y 6•fi5 Cl;eaning Library 52.56 t �� t ; En IneerIn 16Jsson Art,�*head Cc.lferepce $ 144,51 �.E • A• M. Primt 5.00 Police: } �� ^Ibb� Boo Cl othtn i Rich Kiuglieri 9' lowance . $ 153.00 Clothiriq Ailowance_ Gene Smith 1 53.00 sm Clothing :Allgwance Al ;Joe Van0en8aom'' Clothing Allowance 153.00 eeRabertort Glothin Al owa` 153.00. Denny Leff g nce 153.011 Stele Schmidt Clothing Ai lowance 153:00. i Cl:othirt i' Dick Powell g. Al lowance 153.00 industries, �Iln Ciothi ng _Al 1o�iar aye l'53.00�� � � N 7, 1 Equipment .509.50 ` 'AUNUM of Ih0 preteedhw Of !M VilieN Ceuaeif a7 'tM VI �y Sftwo 8yo of Pdw lake iw tka Cone of Scw�t and - MiaaoaN., ieelwliM ell reaanta awliNd by sold Cwaell. ' = Fi re: 1 E. C, Peterson Co,, Inc. Equipment MaiRt.. Reynolds Welding Supply Co, $ 29.5 „ Equipment Maint. Bobs Sport Shop 62.40 Quality Waste Contro4 Inc, Clothing Refuse Hauling 91.00 22.00 Stree Minn. Valley Electric Co -oP Utilities General Welding $ 6 9.79 Repairs Earl F. Andersen b Assoc., Inc. Sign's 164.75 { 32.57 Sewer: a �a� v �N G. L, Hennen Const. Co.;, Inc, NacQueen Equip. Inc. Repairs S 795.00 y Repairs 40.47 'i Mater: Brown S Cris, Inc. Improvements Hach Chemical Co, 5`1,10 7.50 Chemicals Di 31.79 , seasea Tre Norman Crooks, Tree Dumping $ 30.00 r Sand Pointe Construction Fund.- =° ` Instant Testing Compa�iy Testing 9 $ c ` d .. OSI Engineering 195.70 15,355.10 Martinson Island Sewer and Water Construction 1 Fund: - OSM Engineering, Instant Testing 9 Co+npany jesting. 14,898,.27; of Marvin. Paul Damages = 498; 20 200:00 ' Misc., Construction Fund: r , �QSM ft { ,, Engineering., $ 2,289'07 r lotion b y B i ssonett to adjourn,; seconder.: by Busse and taken this meeting was adjourned at 834 PM, upon a vote ,�, a te', r A _- Michael A. McGuire City , ty Manager m f y _ rr . ,