HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 10 1979MIWM of 60 Ff*CftdiW of 1IIO Vile" ceumn of Iho Vl no of frier tsko is Mo Cevnly of 3eoN sad Soto, of �lawNNs, iadvdi" oil eccoveh wwiihd r1► asid CsYweii. December 10, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake; met in regular se reg December 10, 1979 at 7;30 PM, Present: on were ;Mayor` Councilmen an Busse, Thorkelson, Wat kins, City Manager McGuire, City Planner En g ineer Anderson Graser, City and City Attorney Sullivan, Mayor Stock called. the meeting to order, The following corrections are to be made the.r[nu tes of December 3, 1979: �f Page 1, paragraph 10; Ridges and that a letter , , City Attorney's 13; Sarah Krohn to Sara and Carolyn Tady'tooTaddei�' 2 ' 3; 75 -42, Park Land MINUTES Development, was reviewed. Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of ecember 3, 1979 as amended, n a vote taken it was duly passed. LIQ, LI,C„ ` YEN YEN City Manager McGuire re ported on the liquor license e commissian bleating held earlier in'the evening, Mr, Ralph Gale, representing the Yen Yen Cafe was present at the Council meeting., Intoxicating Liquor license. The TL The S 'e License 'ommissi'on proval, rnidsn ap- ` Mr, Frank Muelken was also present representing Mr. George Pe Plied for the on sale license,also. hrsan who ap -. Motion by Busse to approve the Liquor License Commisslon issue re to the On Sale Liquor'license to Yen Yen's Cafe contingent commendation li cease being nontransferable to another owner without the pecif approval' of the`City Council, seconded by Bissonett 'u and duly passed. pon a vote taken it was JAMES REFRIG- The road ac;:� s to County Road 42 from the James Refrigeration property: was ERATIOIr PRO. discussed next. City Planner Graser presented the facts and findings at the meeting, -City Engineer Anderson .,presented the alternatives`'or the; access as designed by Staff. `a "road Present at the meeting was Stelios Aslanidis representing Jams Refri He stated that the road access he designed has g�reti been accepted by the neighbor - �.. hood and they wish to have that access constructed. The Council made comments and suggestions on what they " cess would be, ey thought the best ac- Members of the audience,; consisting of the'eoudin's Manor neighborhood' and some planai. ^,g commissioners t- also gave road access. 9 Suggestions on the s The Council were in agreement with the access to the James kk Property, via the intersection of Timothy Avenue with no deft Turn and a lag to County Road 42, gentle-:carve Motion by son to approve ;. section of horkel• pprove the Channelization of traffic via an inti 'Ti Avenu a with no lefty turns and that there be, a icurve .gentle ; to funnel the traffic to northbound County Road 42, seconded by Busse and upon .a Vote taken it was duly passed: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Jawes Refrigeration r � equested a cond tional use permit for a POQ Store Lot 5, Block 2, The Planning Commission JAMES REFRIG. considered this at their last meeting and recommended a and restrictions as filedPproval contingent upon the developme pment covenants Motion by Bissonett to geant.ipproval of the #conditional use PDQ Store on Lot permit for the 5, Block 2. the .tames �fi-i -devel ger plat contingent op�nent covenants and upon rr �estrctivas as filed, seconded by. Thorkels upon a vote taken it .was :d on and uly= passe SORLLEN t NOFFIWi iST The City Planner made the The Plannin Presentatiimtc6 Sarlien; and Hoffman 1st Addition. ; 'C hears _ matt approval with contingencies mj�. SLave� IN, 1, �the .re ecr was present at for project • the meeting. ; Mayer Stocky di, acted the City Plannt'r 'to the plat plan'Exhibit A mark and the plan Exhibit B, both ,daited'l2 /10/7 .a, a r MINYTa` of ltte P ia" of Me Yq' k e Cwadl of Me YiNo" of PHW take b IM_ Ce" of Sceft and Stem of M ummele. ledudiwo an aceeeah e"W'__bl/ said Cwadl; SORLi EN: b• n Nation b Bssonett to HOFFMUIN 1ST Addi by contingent u give preliminary approval of the Sorlien and Hoffman 1st 1) pon: the northwest corner must be squared and 25' radi S hown, The property between the corner and radi; must be dedicated right-of- way,, 2)Al20' slope easement be shown on the plat for Lots 1 - 5,, 3)A grading and drainage plan as submitted, be made Part and implemented prior to construction and precautions beftakenrat time of construction to eliminate erosion potential to the south 4)that if there are restrictions and covenants regarding the outlot, �. that it be'shown on the plat for lakeshore use, 5)'Park fee be $858.00 seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. There was concern from the neighbors on what can be done about the drainage pro blem,' Motion by Thorkelson to direct the City Engineer to investigate the drainage problem occuring at the intersection of Northwood goad, island View, and Island View Circle and how it effects the property and to try to resolve the water problem that they have, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. .` LAKERS DRIVE City Planner Graser presented the request from Lakers Drive 1'n for a conditional IN use permit, Mayor Stock requested that . :he plans s at the meeting be marked : Exhibit 1, site plan Exhibit 2, elevation of structure and material and that both be dated 1 / /79.and' made ""f part the record. Motion by Bissonett to approve the conditional use permit for D contingent upon: i).the site plan and elevation plan are part of the record and the 6uiid.ing permit be issued corresponding to these plans', 2)one of the free standing signs.be removed, 3)the parking lot 1 be squared off to consist of at least 34 A Ped s striped paces , 4)the additions shall be painted in a color identical to , compatible with the existing,,structure and that the building material '� be consistant. { 5)that a planting landscaping and plarr be bro ught forth and sub -'. muted at the time of the building permit, { O the du- Asters have some type of screening to contain the kefuse, `. seconded by Busse and upon.a vote taken it was duly passed. ARCNITECTURA .' The architectural design ordinance was reviewed, Ma DESIGN ORD. dinance that the Cit Attorne yor Stock read the revised ` or -, Y Y Prepared, Council 1 110 agreed that the definition of Pole bui "d',Ing in section 4_7_4 shduid be removed. t b �� y Thorkelson to approve Ordinance Title 4.- Chapter as amended, seconded 7, Architectural' Design by 6issonett and ' u pon a vote taken It was duly passed, TURN The Engineer Presented " y x " E .. ON Fililf 1 a t;N the engineering contract for turn i anes on Hwy, 13 v Notion by''Busse for the continuation of the first : Project regarding-the turn lanes or y. 13. seconded by Thorkelson t and u up on vote taken it was duly passed. 6 1979 AUOIT ,. City Manager McGuire read a letter received from Arno Kriesch of Nullenmaster t CO. 're rdi � ng 9 the 179 audit for the. City. ! Notion by Bissonett to approve D. M, Mu l:leniaaster s Co. as the:Cit s i seconded by Busse and u Y' 979 auditors, Pon a vote taken it was duly Passed, :1U1104E RE- Ci Engineer�Anderson re Staff ha PLACEMENT viewed the Bridge Replacement. Program with the Council. PROGRAM s been working with a structural � '' "KO firm, Bakke, Inca The farm hex c Pp. Ballou and, HcFarlin,' { ovleted approximately one half f P, o the work to prepare prelimin- : ary plans and Staff recommends 3. 00 , Payment of 1 8.: S .5 to the firm.. � ' . Notion by Bissonet��� ' to a in the amount of 1.1 PProve payment to Bakke, Kopp, Bai'lou and McFarline, inc. , 583 ,00 for the engineering services for the Bridge Replacement Program and also to approve the funding not ' to exceed a cost of the completion of the plans and submitting them to Mn/Dot $Ose•OO for and upon a vote taken it leas duly passed. �' seconded by Bus ICE FISHING The City Manager reported that he has received a number of PROl1LEM ,fishing access onMartinson P the ice Island.. , Mayor Sto i MWkTINSON to drive on for ice fishing, there w be another access for the ISLAM) Point ck stated that when the ice is safe from public $a f -2- d U k MINUTES' of tM �rocoodi �� nos ' /� cif tho Villaoo Council Of Me Vi o of Prior Loko in th* County of SeetF and Ss�ato q _ of Mianosota ,ineludino all ceeounts audihd'by said c ounc il . December 10, 1979 tf The Common Council of the City f Prior Lake met in regular sessoh on Monday December'• 10, 1 Y 979 at 7;30 PM, - Present were Mayor Bu resent ' Stock, Councilmen Bissonet' Watkins, City Manager McGuire., City Planner Graser., Git Engineer Anderson and Ci Sullivan, y t s. Mayor. called the meeting to order. The following corrections are to be,.made to the minutes of December V 3, 19 Page i 79: g paragraph 10; Ridges and that a letter,,, .;City Attorney's nion 13; Sarah Krohn to Sara and Carolyn Tady,ito'Tadde,i• 2' 3; 79-42, Park. c MINUTES Land Develo Pment, was reviewed, by Thorkelson ' +� ,Motion to a seconded by.Bus' and u pprove; the minutes of December 3, 1 979 as amended, pon a vote taken it,.was LIQ. LIC.. duly passed. City Manager McGuire ;. YEN YEN reported on the liquor license COMM ssion,ine g h ear the evenn eld g, Mr, RaIPh Gate, a represent,ing'the Yeti; Yen Gafe present at the. Coun'c.i.,meeting. The Yen Yzn. Cafe„ is a 1 i � k Intoxicating L;iquer ` £or an On Sale iicense, The Liquor License Commission 9ecommends proval, a . p M.r. Frank Muelken was also present representing Mr,, George Pehrson who a'N_ Plied for the on sale. Iicense,als' 0. Motion by Busse to approve the Liquor License Commission .recommendation to issue the On Sale Li quor license ` to Yen Y en" Cafe„ contingent upon this Li- cerise being non - transferable to another owner without the of the City a n o her ow Council, seconded . s Ikckfic� approval and duly passed. upon a votetaken it r was 9 . JAMES REFRIG- The road access to County Road 4' from the James Refrigeration r u` EIiATiON PRO. discussed next. Ci Plainer property Graser was the ' meeting, City Engineer Anderson n ofnthe a road e prsented the alternatave access,. as desine; ' gd by Staff Present at the meeting was Stelios Asianidis representing James Refri erafi He stated that tFie road access he_desi o ned has been accepted _by the nei hood and they,`w. sh to have that ghbor access constructed. . The Counci'i made com nis and' su x cess would be, 9gest'ions on whot ,.they thought the b :est..ac- ' r neighborhood andsoomeCPlanning commessaonerssalson9a the Boudin's Manor road access. g,, suggestions on the The Council i'n agreement with the access to - the Jamesp ro intersection of Timothy Avenue with no left turn and a'gentle c urve ing to County Road 42, Motion by Thorkelson to approve `the channeli'zation,'of traffic via an inter- ' section ' of Timothy Avenue with,no left to funnel tht turns and. that there be a gentie curve upon i to northbciund 'County Road: 42, taken' seconded by', Busse and a vote; taken'it was duly passed. CONDITIONAL,. � James Ref r.igerat ion `cond USE PERMIT " JAMES REFRIG, requested� a i't iona 1 use Lot 5 Block 2, Permit for a PDQ Stare on The Planning,COpsnission "considered ' meting and rec ommended, this a thEir last. onmended approval contingent upon the and restrictions as filed. development covenants 4 ti Motion by Bissonettl� Y -to grant approval of the conditional use permit for the PDQ. Store Lot 5, Block 2,,af the James, Refrigeration dev covenants plat conti'n9ent u pon and restrictions as filed', seconded by Thorkelson pon a.,vote: upon a,vote token. was, duly passed, and SORLIEN S` HOFFMAN .ST ' it The City Planner made The Plannin 9 Come`rssion he ld caepubIic,hearinglon� Roffman n. this aPProval with contingencies. Mr. Steve Harvey, ds \; J was the present at ,�the meet in ~, Y. engineer for the project,'; the plat plan Exhibit �j A;and thhi drainage pian B,iboth drier to mark �- ated 12/10/79.; , ., r„ q = Ir i MINUTES of Me Praeaadinp of the Village Coundl of iha Vil � �o of Priar lake in 1be County ai` Sealy Ond Stall of " Mienes ta, indudi r v ng all aa:ounh audilhd by said Camdl, , SORLIEN s Motion by Bissonett 20 give preliminary approval of the Sorl ien and Hoffman lat UL I E N 1ST Addition contingent upon shown. The property b tween the corner e and c rade must be dedi�cred and 25' radi way, 2)P20' scope easement be shown on the plat for lots 1 -5ated right -of 3)A grading and drainage plan,, as submitted, be made part of theL record: and implemented prior to construction and precautions be taken at time of construction to eliminate erosion potential to the south 4)that if there are restrictions and covenants regarding the outlat, that it be shown on the plat for Lakeshore use, 5) park:¢dedica ion fee be $858.o0 seconded by Busse and'upon a vote taken it was duly Passed. There was concern from the neighbors on what can be done about the drainage problem. ' Motion by Thorkelson to direct the City Engipe'er to investigate the drainage problem occuring at the intersection of Northwood,. Road, Island 'View, and ew Circle Island Vi ? and how it effects the y propert, and to try to resolve the water problem that they k ? have, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,. IAKEItS_DRIVE City Planner Braser presented the request from takers Drive 1n for a condition iN use permit, Mayor Stock requested that the plans shown at the meeting be marked { Exhibit 1, site plan and Exhibit 2, elevation of structure and..material and that t both be, 79,and bemade dated 12 /10 /, „part of the .record., Motion by issonett to a a by approve the conditional use permit for Lakers Drive In contingent 9 Pon: ijthe si te pl B an and elevation plan are part of the record and r >' Lhe Suildi'ng permit be issued corresponding to these pl,ans', 2)one of the free standing signs,be removed, � 3) the stri Parking lot be squared off to consist of'at least 34 Ped spaces= 4)the additions shall be Painted cOmpatlbie with the existing structure and n color identical th a t thebuiildingmateriali '�' be consistant,, 5)tha,t a planting and landscaping plan be brought forth and sub - mitted at the time of the buildin ' g permit, O the dumpsters have some type of screening to contain the refuse, � y passed s seconded by Busse and upon,a vote taken irr was dul', ?` . ARCHITECTURA The architectural design ordinance was reviewed. Ma or , ,, , dinance that the City Attorney Y Stock read the revised or— DESIGN ORD. Y prepared, Council ' agreed that the definition of Pole buii`ding in section 4 -7 -4 should be removed. tr f rS z ibtion by Thorkelson to a as amended, seconded by BPssonettrandace Title 4, 'Chapter 7, Architectural Des gn N pon a vote taken it was duly Passed; TURN LANES " ' City Engineer presentedlthe engineeri - ON WY' 13 ng contract r for turn lanes Hwy; 13. t Motion by Busse for the continuation of the first fcir tlr+Y• 13, seconded by'' Thorkelson, and upon AUDIT vote taken - it r wasrduly passedrn lanes 1919 l City, Manager McGuire , read a letter received from Arno Kresch of Mullen. f ,'= regarding the `1979 aud, t for , the C ty master S CO Motion by Biss onett. to approve D. H. Mul & Co. as °the City's 1978 auditor s' seconded by lenmaster C Busse and,upon a vote Laken it was duly passed, s ' SllID1;E !fE- City Engineer<;Anderson reviewed the Bridge Replacement Program PLACEMENT Staff has been working with a structural' firm, Bakke,'Kop °9 B PR06RAM a with the Council.* Inc. The firm has completed a o, _ou and McFarl in, f� 'arY plays and Staff rmpletendspproximatejy one half'of the work to prepare prelim _ payment of $1,583.00 to the firm. Notion by Bissonett to 'Ap prove in the amount _of 1 8 PProve Payment to Bakke, Kopp, " Sallou and McFarline, $ ,5 3. 00 for the engineering services for the Bridge Re) �t Program and also to ,approve the funding not to exceed`a total cost of p the completion of the plans and ,,, seconded`by Busse. upon a vote taken it was duly passed and u submitting-them to Mn /Dot $3,,OQQ,,6y for . / n J ICS FiSHIN& The City Manager PROBLEM fishing reported ported that he has received a number of phone calls on the ice ON access on Martinson Island:. Ma . c is safe MARTINSON to drive on;for ice fishing, there will be another taccesshforwthe publi'c Sand �r "'ISUWD Point. -2