HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 17 1979MINUTES of 1M I'll'SteedhW of VIN Caval of the VIlal of Ider Lake in the MiaMSeN, iaelul all tweh of Sce0 sad State of aaarNls awliNd by sal Cwneil. ' December 17, 1979 The C j ommon Councii of the Cit , P . Prior flake met in regular session on Monda December 17, 1979 at 7:30 PM Y, Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, Cit y resent were Mayor Stock. Councilmen Bi'ssonett Finance Director Teschner and 'CitManagerne�Guire aity Engl Anderson, T Mayor Stock called the ,meeting to order. The following corrections are to . be made to the minutes of December Page 1. Para rah is 10, 1979: iY 9 p remove Councilman Watkins name from members present and add, Councilman, Watkins was absent. 7: remove the word also and add, on sale license earlier in 1979. MINUTES Motion by Busse tc app the minutes of December 10 1 979 as amended, setonded.by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly Passed. ICE FISHING he ice fishing access off of Lords Street was discussed ON LORDS ST, luestion roperty oxiners have blocked this area with next, The adjacent rea in question a boat docks to h f a road to connect the and.boat,li'fts. Th char have been created by fillg for the const two islands. The section in ruction land is between g uffy and the Leland property, The City At of has reviewed the are y on Lords Street and the land a e rea in between owned b appears as two government fats w i t h received .from ro Property Y " State of Minnesota. etters Mayor Stock read two l P owners in the area stating their vi hose letters will be part of the record, ews on this matter, Mayor stock opened the meeting for comments from the audience, Discussion s held between the Council, Staff and the audience., Councilman Watkins suggested that we ask for a voluntary obstructions on this land,, determine a real removal of a ll then rigidly enforce no parking on Lords Drive. Y will Motion by Watkins to ask for voluntary removal of the obstructions bi. the fishing access, determine a reasonable boundary for- entering and exitin Off the hake and parka ^ the City rigidly enforce no ock.ing both the neighbor and the s g on, Lords sportsmen' Drive and that Proper through their work with the DNR and the State agencies to determine the use and care of the parcel, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly BROWN WATER The Council discussed the eater received from OSM'r. situat.i ail Prior Lake. The reason for the reg t he the brown water - -. Qroblem is the high iron and iron in the ' magnesium content in -the water system.... The treatment of getting rid of the water system is to use iron: removal equipment, Mayor Stock suggested the Consulting Engineer, under the City Manager and the Cit Engineer, guidance of the Y g' Pose::of holding a hearing for the troneremovalfeauibilitY study .for the our- the city water, q Pment` necessary, to treat to ill ty 1980 CIG, LIC The 1980'C'igarette licenses were reviewed. Motion by Busse to approve the cigarette licenses for S' eve's Red Owl Post b208,,Inter City Oil, Viking Liquor', Prior Lake Union 76, Prior � VFW e lobil,.B a D Bar, Hauser's Super Valu, Thorkelson Drug, The Milk Store, Pepper s Pizza, E -2 Store, Anchor Inn, Prior Lake Bakery, Prior Place Freddi'es On The, Lake, Lakers Drive 1n ce, Innings Saloon, Tom Thumb, Prior Laka�palloH ing Liquor Ibllywood Inn,: Extra Center, Yen Yen's Cafe, Snyder Drug, CDai ry B o l l ei Shs pi and the Pizza Factory contingent upon th Proper documents be subm from. lf Club, . b the Pizza Factory, seconded if ` Passed. Y Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly IN • t i ,> MlfillitEt of fbo h+oc� of ibe Vil kpo Coundi of the Vilkaoo Of Prior Ceko in fMa County of Scots and Sto" of "o. indudino all'aeeouMa oudikd by and Council. STORM WATER The matter of the storm water at Northwood Road and lSland; View Road inter ISLAND VIEW NORTHWOOD b section was resolved prior to the meeting. No action is to be taken:, , The road grader was discussed. The necessary repairs will recommends totaL between ROAD GRADER $5,500 and $6000.and can be accomplished by Road Machinery - 1!, Company. Staff recommends approve] and SuPP! ie '. s Motion by Bissonett to authorize the repair of the Austin Westen kxitnr Grader in the amount of $5,500 - $6,000, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 1 Motion by Watkins to authorize the money be funded from the contingency fund, for the road grader, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was du) .ed. 1 98O'STREET City Engineer Anderson re 9 reported on the 1 80 street .mai program dealing Y pass MAINTENANCE sealcoating and patching. PRCGRAM with Resolution RESOLUTI 79'43, Authorizing participation in the suburban p ON system, was reviewed, The Council discussed this resolution and tem�w�] 79-4 be brought up for Council review in November of 1980 for the Cit` 1 the Police . Chief to give Lhei:r: °evaluation of the system, Y Mafia ger and Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution suburban seconded authorizing participation in the pos recruitment system, econded by Busse and upon a'vote taken it was -duly , Passed. The month] reports ports were reviewed. Motion by Watkins to approve the Police Re t was dui port for the month of November, seconded POLICE by Busse and upon a vote taken i .� Y Passed. BLDG. PERMIT Motion by Bissonett to approve the'Buildin seconded by Thorkelson and u 9 Re port for the month of November, pon a vote taken it was duly passed. FIRE b;RESCU Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Fire and Rescuer Re °y port for the month of November, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. DOG CATCHER Motion by Watkins to approve the Dog Ca seconde tchers Report for the mon of November, d by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. TREASURER Tile, F i'nanc i a 1 Re c port�was ,tabled until the Council's nex regular meeting, ARCHITECTURA The letter from the City Attorney was discussed regarding the architectural y DESIGN ORD.- design ordinance. This item was fabled until the next meeting," FIREWppp oRD1 Councilman Watkins brought up the Firewood Ordinance that was weeks ago. He asked the reprint pas w few ek explaining that the Counciillpwas notcompletely satisfied with f thi s s we few `r _however, they had to s ordinance, pass it in order to receive shade «tree grant monies for the residents in Prior'Lake, PROJECT 76 -t The City Engineer requested Council approval for payment to Fisher for project 76 -1, Spring. Lake. Construction Motion by Thorkelson to approve final 76-1, Spring lake, in the amount of payment to Fisher Construction for project vote taken it was dul 530,092.97, seconded by Bissonett and upon a Y passed - Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meting g was adjourned at 9:25 c- Michael A. McGuire City Manager i -2- NNUM of the preceedinp of *0 yulle ConAeil of the Viil"e of trier , Miwnesea, induding all acceuMs awlited take in the Ceram of Scott and Stale of by said cwwg " _ The following invoices are scheduled: to be paid on Tuesday,:. January Msc. Departments 8, .1980., Radio Shack Minn. Gas Co. Supplies $ ' Itasca' Equipment Cu, Utilities 23,88 614.76 Lake Auto Supply. I Equipment Minn. Valley 1 ec, Co - Vehicle Repairs Utilities 231.S8 89.39 W Ind. S applies T Services p Equipment 363.68.x. B mLiferY Police Secretary, 508.S6 CDP Inc,. Insurance 412.50 Y,946.8S Weber Auto S NSP uPP Inc, COPY Machine Vehicle Repairs 194.52 GF,B OK Hardware Utilities Supplies 27.42 2 ,798.26 General Goverament: 81.35 Juran 6 Moody, Inc. Dorsey, Nindhorst, et P rofessional Services t 4 al Attorney Fees JAK Office Produ C �' 550.00 ' .r_ Midwest Veterinary Supply Grayarc Company, uPp � Inc. Supplies y D og Licenses- 1,218.25 S 3,26 y, Ames Office Supply Supplies 34.81 L&S Howes S applies 31.09 Curtis Reinhold Retainer Refund 15,57 Don Fellon Retainer Refund 100,00 Mike Ka,tnegieter Refund . 100.00 Gantt Construction. Retainer RefuRetainer nd" . ; 100 00 Paul N, Prior Lake American' Retainer Retainer Refunds Copies 100.:00 200.00 M -V Gas Company Publishing 1. OSM M -V Gas 41.84 Engineering 1 ,158.39' Plannin 366.03 Pitney Bowes Meter Rental �ng ineerin r- $ 23.95 Brunson Instrument Co. _Sbundways Equipment County Recorder Albinson, Equipment Copies 26.99 �, . 9790 .1 Supplies too Police 39 1 Malkerson Motors, Inc. Motorola, Inc, Vehicle Repair M. S. Kennedy Tran Co. y ransaission P agers Supplies S 144.00 502,96 Burnsville Prtg. Co. St. Vehicle Repair Printing 2 8.50' 51.66 Francis -Hospital _Liberty Fhoto Service o Blood Alcohol X7:30 Sibley Inc. Supplies 20.00 Equipment 44.76 Fire 2.55 Fire Marshals Assn. Air Comm Inc. Supplies , Scott Co. Repairs $ 30.00 Prior Lake" ►1 76 ,, Fire Service Units Repairs 105.00 1,400.00 Prior -Lake Fire Dept. Supplies PP ,17.75 r 3.00 0 Park Quality Waste Control Kathy Osborne' Refuse Hauling Park Program; S 27.00 7.50 c 1 S�If�N fE! of 'the s h afted ,0 0 of the Viikege I of the Vin"a of Pdw Lake in the Cous aaeata, iaeladMg all saeuwts audited by said Coaadl. if Scott h and State of Diseased ,,T ree ,, Marsh Tree, Inc. Scherer.; Tree Service Tree Removal Tree Removal 3,402.00 , + Street Prior Lake, Aggregates, 8gre8ates, Inc_ Class 5 Hennen Excavating I- ro y Lawrence Schweich ements S 88.22 540,00 Metro' Alarm, Inc. �proirements EarTF. Monitoring Andersen Assoc. ° 15oOQ Signs 36.'QO Mater 345,.28 Van Waters , F� Rogers 1 Chemicals Sand Pointe Construction Fund; 130.38 , t Engineering $ 9 5 Martinson Islind Sewer and'Nater Construction � ' Fund,.` OSM ` Engineering Misc, Construction Fund; $ 7,474,7S 1 0SM Engineering 1977. 392.44 l rin Lake Sewer -and Mater Construction, Fund - Wilt F, Shoemaker, et al. Condemnation ,Larry E. Pomerleau et al 930.00' Condemnation r 1,20o. x . v i 0 -4= 7 , l u s Pose of holding °a hearing for the ironeremovaifea study for the Pur the city water.. q uibility pment necessary at y to treat noor t L+l ++ac- du1,1�A sit, \ YaLJ aad e t • 1980 CIG. LIC The 1980 Cigarette licenses were reviewed. Mote by Busse to approve the cigarette licenses for Steve `s Red Owl, VFW Mobil Post ,6208, inter City oil Viking Liquor, Prior lake Union 76 Prior La ke , 8 b O `Bar, Hauser'; Super Pepper's Pizza;,E -Z Store, Anchor lnn, Th or k Lake Drug, The M Store, F On The Lake, takers Drive In,,, Y = 'Innings Saloon T Prior llorl ing Liquor, Hot L 1, n, ;Canter, Yen Yen'soCafe, Snyder Drug, Caigis: Resort e Shopping D Cou >Ex ra Y Queen, Brooksville Shoppin and:ahe Plaza Factory conting u ntry Hills Golf Club, the Pizza Factory, seconded b Pon the proper documents be submitted from Passed. by and upon,a vote taken it was duly i '" Procoodin�s of the VINI Council of the V Village of P ' ' it n lake in *0 County of Scots and Sfato of Mianosola, neludinN all accounts a „ audifW b „ December 17, 1979 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in r regular session McGuire, City Engineer Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Sul.liVan, l Mayor Stock called the meeting to order, The following corrections are to be made to the m minutes of Decemb Pa e 1 er 10, 1979: z° 9 :Paragraph 1 :', r remove Councilman Watkins name f rom and add, Councilman Watkins w was absen in 1979. p Motion by Busse to approve Pon a vote taken it was du1 979 as amended, 'ICE FISHING Y Passed -. he ice fishing ' access o off of Lords Street was discussed next, T T created by fil ling l <` property, The City Attorney has reviewed 'theearea h ert ea in b property owners in the area the� h r views r ead two letters ese letters will be part o of the record. Mayor, Stock opened the meeting 'for. c comments from the audience, was held between the Council, Staff and the a audience, D Watkins suggested that we ask for a voluntary re moval o of " Drive, Y Motion by Watkins to ask for voluntary removal of the o obstructions block rigidly enforce no exiting both.the neighborhood and ` r t that use and care of the Y B WATER - Y received from OSM regarding the 'br situation � Prior Lake, The reason for the problem i is the; high iron and of the Mayor Stock su y Mana it y, ggested the Consulting Engineer, under the ger and the City Engineer guidance of t the r MINUTES ef` the Proeaed lags of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Loke in the County of Scott a Mlanesoto, including all eeeounts audited by said" Ceuaeii, and State of"" STORM WATER The matter of the storm water at Northwood Road and` Isj and +�' NORTHWOOD b section, was resolved .+ew Road inter ISLAND VIEW R Prior to the meeting, No action ,is "io be; taken: The road grader was discussed. The necessary re'� ROAD'GRADER $5,500 and Y -pairs will total $6 r e c d can be accom between y- Road Machinery and `Supplies Company, Staff recommends app plished b rove]. Motion by Bissonett to authorize the repair of the Austin'Westen Motor Grader in the amount of $5,500 - $6,000, seconded by Watkins and u n Laken it was duly passed. Po a vote Motion by Watkins to authorize the money be funded from the c r for the road grader, second seconded by Busse and upon a vote. taken- it fund P � Y Passed.. 198Q STREET City Engineer Anderson reported on the 1980 street. maintenance r + MAINTENANCE sealcoating and patching. PROGRAM p ogram, dealing with Resolution 79 -43, Authorizing RESOLUTION system, was reviewed, The Council + discu ion in the r ub 79-43 be brought up for Council review in November t h s Police recruitment- luLion and this item w %11 980 for the City Manager and the Police Chief to give thecr� of the system. Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 79 -43, authorizing participation in the' suburban Police recruitment system, seconded. by Busse -and it duly passed. upon a vote taken was ` ; The monthly reports were reviewed. Motion by Watkins to approve the Police Report a' by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duirt for the month of November, seconded Y Passed. - ' BLDG:. PERMIT Motion by Bissonett to approve seconded by Thorkelson andupon Building month of November, Y Passed, ' FIRE & RESCU Motion by Thorkelson to a November, seconded by Busserand the Fire and Rescue 'Report for, the month of ` u pon a vote taken it was duly passed, i DOG CATCHER Motion by Watkins to approve the Dog Catcher's Report for the month.of November, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was dul TREAStiRElt Tfe; Financial Re ' Passed: Report was tabled until the Councii!s next regular meeting,. r ARCHITECTURA The letter from the City Attorney= discussed regarding the architecture `DESIGN NO. design ordinance, This it was tabled until the next_meetin 1 I l FIREWOOD ORD Councilman Watkins brought up the`FUrewood Ordinance that wa g weeks ago, explaining that the Council was not He asked the s passed a few Papers`to reprint the news release of last week c however, they had to completely satisfied with this ordinance, pass it in order to receive shade tree grant movie the residents in Prior Lake. � for > PROJECT 76 -1 The City 'Engineer requested Council approval for payment to F' for Project 76 -1, Spring Lake. Fi sher Construction Motion by Thorkelson to a pprove, final payment to Fisher Construction for Project 7 0 - 1, Spring Lake, in the amount of $30,092.97, seconde& by Bissonett. an vote Luken it was duly passed, d upon a Motion by Watkins to adjourn,, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this me was adjourned at 9 :25 PM. cling sn Michael. A. McGuire City Manager -2 -' MINUTES of the Procs,"Ines of the Vill '!1 V Council of the Vill090 of Prior Lake in the Minnesota, Including all accounts County of Scott and State of audited by said.: Council: ^ The following in Yoices are scheduled to be Paid on Tuesday. a z x i Mis�e artments January 8, ig ! V' Radio Shack' Minn. Gas Co. Supplies Itasca Equipment Co.,, Utilities Lake Auto Supply Equipment $ 23.88 614.76 Minn, Valley Elec, Co -o P Vehicle Repairs - -` IYarns Utilities 231.58 89.39 s / Lynn Teer Ind. Supplies Equipment mporary Services 363.68 Bankers Life Police Secretary 508.56 CDP, Inc, Insurance: 41 2.50 F Weber Auto 5 Copy Machine NSP uPP Inc, Vehicle Repairs 1,946.85 194,52 Gf,B OK. Hardware Utilities 27,42 Supplies 2 ,798.26 General Government:, 81.35 Juran f, Moody, Inc. Profess Services Dorsey, Nindhorst, et al JA K Office Products Co, Attorney Fees $ 550,;00 AMR Midwest Veterinary Supplies Gra a rc mpany SuPP,1Y Dog Licenses Y Co Inc. 1,218..25 53,16 , Ames Office Supply Supplies 34.81 , S L$S Homes upplies 31.09 Curtis Reinhold Retainer Refund IS-S7 Don Fellon Retainer Refund 100.00 ' Retainer Refund- Mike Kannegieter 100.00 Gantt Construction Retainer Refund. 100,00 Paul t we Retainer Refunds rmerskirchen 100,00 Copies Prior Lake American 200,00 M -V Gas Company Publishing 1,SO OSM M -V Gas 41.`84 Engineering 1,158.39 Planning 366.03 Pitney Bowes Meter Rental in Eng -- r ng . 23, 95 f Brunson Insrument Co, Souncways Equipment " County Recorder Equipment Albinson \l Copies 26.99 97.90 Supplies 1.50 Police 39.18 Malkerson Motors, Inc. Motorola, t tc. Vehicle Repair W S, "Dar1e g y Co. S 144,00' Supplies Kennedy Transmission 502,96 Burnsville Prt Vehicle °Repair g. Co. 28,50 Printing St,' Francis Hospital 51.66 Blood Alcohol Liberty Photo Services Inc. Supplies Sibley 97:30' 20.00 Equipment 44.76 Fire 1.SS Fire Marshals Assn, Air Comm, Inc. Supplies Scott Co, Repairs $ 30.00 Prior Lake 1176,1 Fire Service Units 105,00 Repairs Prior Lake Fire De Dept. 1,400,00 '17,.75 + t . 3.00 , Park Quality Waste Control Kathy Osborne Refuse Hauling $ Park Program 27:00, 7.50 MINUM of the Proceed A" of the Villa • p Council of the Village �t o Of, Prior lake in the county Mia necala, including all accounts % sold of Scott and State o f _ r audited by Couneii. Diseased Tree: Walsh Tree, Inc. Scherer Tree Service Tree Removal $ Tree Removal 323.00 .; { Street; 3,402.00 r . Prior Lake Aggregates, Inc, Bohnsack Class g. 8 Hennen Excavating l ' S `88,22 Lawr'ence,Schweich mgrovements Metro Alarm, Inc. Improvements 540,00 Earl F. Andersen F Assoc, Monitoring « Signs 150.00' 35.00 A � Water 345.28 rr Van Waters $ Rogers Chemicals Sand Pointe C onstructio 5 130,38 ' n Fund .�' OSM" 3i Engineering M artinson Island' Sewer and WateC'� 6 astruction S 9,915.15 4 Fund• -; OSM Engineering z - Misc. Construction Fund .; $ 7,474.76 •�, , 0SM Engineering 1977 S rin Lake Sewer,and,Water 392.44 Construction Fund: Walter F. Shoemaker, et al Condemnation Larry E. Pomerleau, t s et al - Condemnation $ 930.`00 1,200.00 ) r � i f -4- o; �