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VANUM Of If*-? PtOC*WiW *f thON111"M Owncil of A* Ville" of FrIw Leke In *A Cow" of Se"mad Sft% of
Min e -in, includi-qoll emwift eLmIlMd"by mW C*6ndl.
Jani y �L 1980
The Common-tounci-I df'tg�' City of Prior Lake met in regular session, on Mon-
day Vanuary 1,,' 1980 'at 7.'30 PM., :Present were MayonStock, Bls-
s0neft, Buss'e, Tliorke1son, �City Manager McGuire, Finance Direi�t6r Teschner
and City Attorney Sulljvan� 4
-, A bsent was Councilman Watkins.
Mayor Stock called the meet-ing to
—ELECTION. CitV Manager McGuireiswore in, newly elected officials, Walter Stock as
�MAYORAOUNCIL Mayor and Don Busse as Councilman.-
ST. FRANC tS Mr.*Mary Oldenburg was present at the'meeting to request for St. Francis
,HOSPITAL EX- Hospital 'a letter or resolution from the Council
PANSION need,to expand the emergency room,.radiology area, intensivwcate unit and
more parking area. This letter or resolution will be submlttedl�to the Health
for their approval of the four million dollar.projeCt."!,4
Mayor Stock directed the Clty Manager to draft a resoli�flon �recommending the
e)(p4ns'i6n of St.. Francis Hospital and present this resolut4on to the Co ncil
at the I r ILnext meet I ng..
The a' pointm6ift,of *4ct,irj mayor f 1980 was tabled t fie Coun
p cl I. Os
next meet ing4�
_.A K"J, CTURAL The architectural design ordinance was discussed.
KS i%,N,,OftD I N.
Motion-by 84.ssonett'-to a'-d6pt the sentence defining the pole buildkpq as pre:-�,
sented, seconded by Thoekelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The folloWing�correctlon Is to be mader to the minutes of December 1.7 :1979:
Page 2, par 9'
a, raph I correction of spelling to the, word Island.
Mot 101 son - to aoprove�the minutes of December' 1,7, 19.79' amended
s conded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly'passed
19W FIRE The Fire'arid Rescue Contracts ware reviewed.
TRACT M n by-qissonett to authorize.the City Manager'and Mayor to enter, Into
agreement with the townships of Spring Lake,and�Credit River for the 1'§80
Fire and Rescue Agreement, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken It
Y ,
Q AAlly passed., The signing of the contracts will take Janaur
ftl at the Fire Hall.
'The treasurer's report was reviewe d. The City Manager commedted on this.
Moti6n"by Bissonett to approve the-treasurer's report for�the month of
November, 1979, seconded by Busse and,upon a vote taken I 6"s.duly passe��j
1,980 GAS Flnance+Dlrector Tesc'hner presented the �id received for gas and d.lesel. 'fuel.
DIESEL �BI.DS One b I d was received from Muelken Oil. 'Tentative pelce&4s of January 1,
1980 arei: 90.9 regular 94.9 unleaded 93.9 premium diesel
15-9 - #1 diesel
Motion by Busse to"accept the bjd from Mue'lken Oil for 1 ��80, seconded by
Thorkelson'.and a Vote taken it was duly,passed.
OFFJCJAC NEWS 140 t I o by' Thorke1son to appoi the Prior Lakd'Ameri'can. as off licial newspaper
PAPER seconded1y Blsso.nett upon a vote taken it was duty s
,and, pas ed.
, ,VFF
)AL Mott,
I C, WANX 'on by Bissonett to appoint the Prior Lake State� Bank as off icial bank for.
o 1986,
�d I
seconded by Busse and upon a vote.taken it was duly-passed.
ATION Mot ton 'by� "Thbrke Vson to appoint the Mayor, ana'Council, as eq z tion com-
uali 'a
�,J, 7 ml t tee, for� secondedby Bissorvett and upo'n a�,vote taken it was duly
LA QUOR LI,CENS 'Motion Busse to appoint,the Mayor,,City Manager, Police Chief and City
COMMItTiE Attorney the L!,,-,quor 'seconded,
at Lic ense, Comml ttee for 1980, by Thorkelson
and upon 4 vote taken 1twas duly passed.
Y_ L
i WNYTU of tM PraaedimP of the Vilkw Council of the V&40, of Meier Lake In the County of Scott and Stall of
MhnesNa, including all accounts audited by said Council.
FIRE MARSHAL I Motion by Bissonett to appoint as Fire Marshall, Bob Mertens at OO and d as
ASSISTANT Assistant,, Lyle Anderson at $100 for 1980, seconded by Busse and upon a vote
SALARY taken it was duly passed.
CIVIL DEFENSI Motion b Thorkelson to a " s
Y appoint Tom Foster as Civil Defense p.�rector at $1 "�1 `
DIRECTOR for 1980, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 3 '
x ..t
HEALTH OFFKER Motioi: by Busse to appoint Dr. Olaf Lukk as Health Officer for 1980, seconded by
Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
POLICE Motion by Bissonett to appoint George Algren'to Police Commission for 1980,,
COMMISSION seconded by Thorkelson and upon a. vote taken it was duly passed.'
PLANNING Motion by Bissonett to authorize the City Manager and Mayor'to srgn the,Planning
+,, z CONSULTANT •' Consultant Contract with Charies Tooker for 1980 with an increase to $600 /month,
seconded b Busse and y upon a .vote' taken it was dul passed.
CITY ATTORNEV Motion by Thorkelson to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to,enter =into agree-
ment with the City Attorney, Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan b F'revert, for- 1980'wi`th rates
=4 of $45.00 /hr. for offenses, ordinance violations and prosecution of crimes and all
,..,i other i.egal' services at a rate of $45- $60 /hr. , seconded by Busse and upon a vote
x4 taken it was duly passed. a
r k
BLDG /PLMBG Motion by Bissonett to authorize the. City Manager and Mayor to enter into agre+s�.
-; with Eugene Plumbing Inspector and Building IriSpector, for i;$
1z I with an Increase to $12.50 for each plumbing and buViding inspection, seconded w
by Busse anduupon a vote taken it was duly passed.
TREASURER Motion by Thorkelson to appoint Ralph Teschner as Treasurer for.'l 80 se ond"
Bissonett and u
pon a .vote taken i t was duly ' c e ��by
t, y passed.
FINANCIAL -Motion by Busse to authorize Staff to invest in the finan�ial institution that pays
a vote taken
the highest rates of return for, 19 80, seconded by Thorkelson and "u
t was duly passed.
rt TAEE 1NSPEC- Motion b Bissonett to .a
.,Y Y appoint .Don Johnston as tree inspector for 1980, seconded by
To Thorkelson -:and upon a vote taken tt.wasduly passed. ° -
COINlC,1•L ON Motion by Thorkelson to appoint Bill Bissonett to attend Planning Commission meetings
PLANNING' for 1980, taking Don Bussdlst� posit on, who has done a fine job in the
j years he has
done this seconded b Busse and u l
+ Y pon a vote taken i t west;, pas ;edy:�,rCounci linen
rw � Wissonett abstained.
WAT.ER� .The Council :discussed the problem with the water system in ✓ Prior lake. xt
4 ,
Motion by Thorkel'son to rescind the motion of�"December' 1979 :to authors
the Consulting Engineer to .do a feasibili study on,the water problem, second
ad by Bissonett and upon a vote taken ;it 'was d:uI passed.
aY Motion by Thorkelson to direct the City Engineer to continue working with the Con-
sulting Engineer to investigate the chemicals in our water system and make ann
+a Iep-th�analys I s of the well sites and the information be used toIhold an Informational
meetigg, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken i was duly passed.
GES FOR. Moti on, • by Bissonett that the wages for ,counters and election judges for 1980 be the
3`sQ ELECTION" taste as last year $4.25 /hr., seconded by Busse and._upon a.vote taken it was duly
WORKERS. passed;,
'- PLAilI1i NG CON
Mayor Stock ann!iunced that the Planning Commission appointed John Fitzgerild as their
q Oi' l,.CERS chairperson a0d Sue Warmka as'vice chairperson. -
� � 'TR•i VER Stock - r
Mayor read,a letter' received from Tom Rees , regarding the Minn. River Crossing,
,SSING The Council discussed this.
Motion by Thorkelson to direct the Cit' Manager to J
, y g prepare a letter to Charles Weaver.
'urging the Metro,Counei,l to revaluate their
p.rior,ifles and respond to the- quo;.: -
about what ,to do about keeping the bridge open until something is done
place it Seconded`by Busse and upon a vote taken it was" passed. Carbon
copies are' to be sent to James Daly and "Miy` or's of adjacent commun,itles.
i Mayor Stock read a letter he received from the Mayor's''of Burnsville and Mounds'Vi;ew
regardi the Metro CQUnci 1. • They wi l l conda�ct a, meeting on .January lb at 7:30 PM
In Room 118 at the State Capitol Building,,' Everyone, Is° °invi fed
-2- J. A
p .xa'o."i�xu
' '' -h fu..t. °fib. -G'•� . "s��, -�