HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 14 1980, x.. MINUTES of the PnxowhMs of the vW Ceundk of the Vil , ' IaN Inge of Prier take in fM County of Setif ow`; f/alo of a Minnesofa, including all occounls audited by said Council. January 14, lg$o The Common Council of the City of Prior.Lake met in regule- session o:a da January 14, 1980 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen `; Bissonett,,,.Buss.e, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, Finance 0i'r- ector' City Engineer Anderson, City Pianner Grase'r and City Attor- ney Wells Anderson. -Mayor Stock called the'meeting to order. } ELECTED, COUNC) LMayor Stock swore in newly elected official Tom Watkins as Councilman. ; The minutes of January 7, 1980 were reviewed. MINTUES Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of January 7. 1980, seconded by " Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed'. Ra „RED OWL STORE M °� :,' Mr. Steve Bock, owner of the Red Owl Store on Gateway atreet, was present '. -to request a sign to be put on the corner of,Highway 13.and Franklin'Trai4 showing the entrance to the Red '0iir1'' and Snyder Drug Scores. The Council and Mr. Bock discussed this matter, Mayor S=tock suggested that the ' uniform sign ordinance be adhered to. Motion by Watkins that Staff contact the State- of.Minnesota regarding place -' ment,of a reflectorized'sign indicating the location of retail businesses, seconded by`Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.` 'This action was satisfactory_ to Mr. Bock. i - Motion by Thorkelson to deny the request of Steve.Bock to put up -a temporary sign for the Red Owl Center, seconded by Watkins and i " TONY ,upon a vote taken it was'duly passed. ' THELENSL C,it Planner Gras" Y er presented Mr. Tony Thelen s request for a variance - VARIANCE - ;A ppeal . This request was brought before the Planning Commission' 'and was denied:; he is appealing_�to the, "Council. Mr. The len is proposing to remove the existing garage and replace it with a new detached garage. The pro- posed ,garage is q0 to large for the parcel with the total coverege being 1.5% of the ]of. a ':a Motiot by Watkins to` deny Mr.`Thelen's variance request because it can be built"withouCa r variance:, seconded by ThorkelsMand upon a vote taken it was duly'�passed. ., f' COMPREHEiV PLAN The comprehensive Sewer Plan was # presented by Mr. Jim .Norton from OSM. ,! He ; ;BE11ER presented two alternative plans to the-Markley Lake area: i) to increase r the size of Sift station ,f3 in Prior Lake '2)' ask for an increase in the size of the MWCC l ft +station.. The Counc,i=l, Staff and Mr. Norton discussed tFiis matter. A '» Motion bb Thorkelson to Y approve the Comprehensive Sewer Plan authorize tC ,and the addition of $1200.00 to the Plan for`the two alternatives that have been the presented to Council regarding the Markle Lake areal g 9 y � The service area should indicate not only Greenbriar but, also include'the industrial 4t� f `• park, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken Lt was duly passed. M ' COMPREHENSIVE The Comprehensive,Water Plan was presented by Mr. Norton. He i with WATER PLAN Council and Staff alternate plan No. 2, relocating the'.' ell site.' Motion: by, Bissonett to approve the Comprehensive Water Plan dated August,. " 1:979 with provisions that the Council will- select the alternatives at a l=ater date in conjunction with the needs of the community`atthat time, seconded by Watkins and upon:'a vote'taken it was duly passed. ° �g �`RISOlUT10N Resolution 80 -1,' St. Francis' Hospital's Certificate of Need, was reviewed. z< Motion by Watkins to approve Resolution 80 -1, St. Francis Hospital's Cirtifi -.` rate of Need, seconded by Busse and upon a_vote taken it was duly passed. s , wm I_ V A^ U 4kk'# i1:+ ClG�M. i'..!' fb�tRAM1Ckt`' �r�Sai+ r.: k'' 9 bnx ?ai.,+aicli; &£.',Airv..ts'Y't.., ,.Y,••r::vS4C5+`R� mmum,of t1N V►oeeodioNs of the Wing* Ceyneil of tho Village of Fri" lake in the Coun of Scott sod S" of M1"91610 104104110/ Oil Oetouoh oudhod by•wid Council. r HEALTH CENTE The next item on the agenda was a requestfrom' the proposed Health Cent v „ IN PRIOR,_LAKI Attorney, that the Council consider amending their motion of 11/26 regard- FROM SHAKOPEE Ing the medical clinic bonds. There was discussion on this item.,` The Mayor stated, this motion was made ?)fo.r the protection and well -being of Y the community. Any major changes in the plan must be brought to the Council - for their review. Mayor Stock directed City Planner Graser to contact the Administrator of the Health, Center and indicate to him that if there is a difference in the condi -' tions -that have been set forth at the November 26, 1979 'me ing, th t he can b ring f; J the plans to the Council' and the Council will be very ha review PPY to <i the plith hi plans w m. . t VICE;,MAYOR Mot by Busse to appoint Tom W &tkins'as Vice -Mayor for 1980, seconded by Tho.rkelson and upon A }t t vote taken it.was duly passed.< J STATE AID `�. ALLOCATION City City Engineer Anderson reported that the State Aid allocation for 1979 was , $11 I and. for 1980`is $133,085400.: EXPENDITURE The cont in enc a enditure and transfer authorization of funds was reviewed. t 6'. T,1ElWSFER - AUTHORIZATI Motion by Busse to approve theconti,ngency "expenditure and trans #er authoniza- •. OF FUNDS Y . 1. tion of funds as follows: Pj '500.00 transferred to General Government - Experts& Professional Services - y , Plumbing inspector% ! 500.00 transferred towGeneral '66ve6ment - Expert 4-Professional Services - $ 398.,62 Tri= StateDrilling Building insfector S 353.49 Atp` Electric ,i °;;2,000.00 transferredto Parks .8 A ecreat on -' °$ 80.00 Duatie Johnson Concessions $1,462.10'OSM', $3 ►991.42 OSM $1,540.06 OSM 5 a $ 664.94'Typographic Arts $1�21845. Dorsey Windhorst Y $ 88273 Muelken`0i1 Company $1,158.39 A-4 Gas- ­k$ 778.28 Ansurance .S,ervices „ $x,896.15 Muelken 011 $2, 523.00 Va Eng'ineoring $ 290.30 Coulter, Hei son ' 'Sullivan i Frevert seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. _T0�400Y City Planner Graser presented to the Council recommendation from the Planning P Comm ission regarding the'Body Shop by Klehr Field. Ibtion by Bissonett, directing the City Manager to tend by certified mail a letter, stating specsf Ica I ly under what •ordinances the City is taking ' k ,their act ion b y, giving notification to the owner of the,body Shop that he must " ;'contact the C,i ty Manager wi thM; 10 days to request time on the Council agenda. . I f this action Is not taken,` he wl I V face prosecut ion,'' seconded rby ThorkeI son and upon a vote taken It 'was duly passed. The fo11`owing °invoices are scheduled to be 'paid on Tuesday, January 22,:19$0,: ' Misc� Deaatta�sats: ^ I nsu randiZ:;Sery I ces Insurance $ '902.15 JAK Office Products Co. Office Supplies. Bankers Lifer 9.40 ' g Fw Insurance •2,069,28, Creati =ve Graphics Printing 411.25 W X ' T rug Drug Supplies 91.77.' <, Prfor Lake Lumber Co. Repairs & Maintenance 244.81 Albinson Rental 40.00' De to Dental Pian of Minnesota Insurance 622..80 'Scott- Rice�1ele ,� phone Co. Utilities 476.91 Earl F. Andersen & Assoc., Inc. Supplies; 36.30 ° qu li Corp. Office Supplies 130.23;' NSP ` Utilities 211.02 frI 3 , , 4. -2- U 6 a P a �C.�e c R t a o o n MINIIiTlf of the `PnewdinM of tM vMop Cwwl of fho Village of Prier Lake In the County of f feett and $to* of" L Miweess"i lodadine all occOW s oudWa b add Coondl. L General Government: ' L L Lynn Temporary Service Y Po Y T Temporary Employee $ $ 4 403.55 Pos tage achine 2,167.85 Muelken Oil` Company Gas & Oil 2 2,946.15 Judy Jepsen C Cleaning ,Supplies = 1 15.45 , S Steve's Red Owl -`" S Suppi ies 1 1 1.75 � � League of Minn. Ci ties D Directory 6 6 .00 Robert McAllister- 'Dog, Catcher ' ' 270.00 ' E E. M. Newstrom B Bldg. & Pimg' Insp. 6 696.00 Linen Supply Co. B Bldg. Ma'int. 1 19.75 Gross Ind. Services B Bldg. Maint. 6 6548 Information Publlshers, -Inc. S Shakopee Director y 2 2 0.00 Berens Construction 5 100.00 Revenue Sharing Advisory Service H Handbook` :Da Specialty Lighting Co. S Supplies` ' 5 53.92 PI'_ � � It = H Hftnnepin Technical Centers R Registration $ $ - - 1 05,,00 Horst'Graser M Membership b Mileage 7 79 +00 w E Enitneering: Copy!Equipment, Inc. E Equipment $ $ 1 17T•93 � �' x CEAM " Membership 5:00 { ;1 ;Police: a I Dennis Leff M Mileage. ' 'S 1 14.85 St. .Fran c i$,Hospital B Blood Alcohol 2 20.00 Liberty Photo Service, inc. S Supplies 3 3;04 r r r C Sullivan b Frevert A Attorney Fees 1 1,603.00 „ Dod\Streicher-Guns, Inc: Equipme 2 2 66 . 3 i re: k# M Volunteer Firemen's Benefl-t.Assn. M Memberships $ $ 1 12.00 � �Y# Minn. Rescue s First Aid Assn., Inc. M Membership 1 15..00 Minn. State Fire Chiefs Assn. M Membership 4 40 .00 ' ' =° M Minn. StateL Fire Dept. Assn. M Membership 3 30;00 Air Comm, fmc. c if • 4 " x i�� ,+�'.rr����°h"`rmrc�.•`*^,.,.. �- a.�.4wa�n+i,.w,.w,w„,..�,.��w w .<+.•..,.•,..acvra�w�+,w.ms+µw INROM Of 66 FISCO 118" Of +ti. vllkv. C9wwV of dw via a of, Frier- k h,+h. Ceunq of $Cwn aaa sh..4. Mh"99kh ledudi±y.0 qudUedfir�y s.w Cwedl. * M Water Serco Laboratories Water Tests $ 12.00 ' n D Diseased Tree: ' j Prior Lake Nursery Tree lispection $ $ "575.00 Sand Pointe Construction Fund: ` E Encon,Utilites, Inc. Contract Payment $30,655.57� s p a a Martinson Island Sewer later Construction Fund: Progressive Contractors, Inc. Contract Payment $ $- 7,289.64 177 Wagon Bridge Sewer 6 Water Construction Fund: OSM Engineering „ $ $ 6,39,5.42 Debt Service Fund: . . . Amer. National. Bank a Trust Co. Bond Payment`; $ $ 405.00 ^r ' M Motion by Watkins to adjourn, by Busse and upon a v votntaken , , this meeting was adjourned at 9:07` , ,. }m p p y x. ➢ ➢ r t ' ' Michael A. McGuire, C i ty. Msnager r r� i � tt ft E T N !u 4 { * t { ♦ Y Y