HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 10 1980z MINUTES of
the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of hior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said,CounciL
March 10, 1980
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
Monday, March 10, 1980 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, Ci Manager McGuire, City Engine -
er Anderson, Finance Director Teschner, City Planner Graser and City
Attorney Lind.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The minutes of March 3, 1980
were reviewed.
Motion by BuAse to approve the mintues of March 3, 1980 as, presented,
seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City Planner Graser briefed the Council on the James Allen subdivision
proposal on Franklin Trail. Mr. Allen purchased Lot 3, Block 2 , Bluff
Heights Addition assuming he could d the property as shown on an
attachment received by the Council prior to the meeting. Mr. Sandburg,
owner of the adjacent lot to the west, was successful in obtaining a
variance from the Council for a similar division. This proposal does
not comply with the terms of the City Subdivision Ordinance nor Resolution
!J8 -21 which allows division by meets and bounds under prescribed cir-
Mr. Clarence, Van.Zee was present representing Mr. James Allen to make
6 ,
additional comments on this proposal. The Council and Staff also dis-
cussed this matter.
i .,
Motion by Thbrkeison that proper apptication'of this subdivision pro -
posai be made to the Planning Comn+ssior+ in accordance -with the Slo-
division Ordin'a'nce,'a1`so`,that the adjacent property owners be nor`ifled
of this. proposal,:seconded-.by Watkihs` and ;upon a vote taken it was passed.
Counci 1man Bii A'son`ott voted' nay.
City Engineer',Ande.rson presented information on the•,water level of Prior
' OF PR10R .LAKE Lake The Watershed D+str'ict has ,,set a meeting for. ,CSaturday, March 22nd F„
at I 0�`PM at the .Jr,-' High School . There WlI l be di ° �scuss�ion'on upstream
storagef,,of we`t'r'onutton and Spring- I:akes and also the pumping>
-bf water` out) of Prior Lake. y;
Ci;t Cia.gi nee r Anderson reviewed Holly Court sewer, water and paving. s
y am;
Stiff w s re ue, ed b the Council to. review the
p, q st Y installation of sewer` ;
mater and paying for Holly Court. T, current owner does not desire to
be the develo er of the
p project- Since this i'nstaltatian is not rnandi-
tory. for Lakeside Estates !property to the .East of Holly, Court) to con- '
tl:nu „e, -the status of the current bond i ng,> market , is poor, Stafif, recom-
mends no action to be taken. j,.
Motion,by,•Blisor,petr_ that the matter.ef Holly Court sewer, and paving
be',tabl'ed the bond market -would `become more favorable and the Council
il would ;revi this` matter again in one year, .March;' 1,9$'1, or sooner if it
is requested by the owner., secondetl 'by,Watk.ns and:;upon a vote taken it
was drily `passed. ;`a
y . ' .'`
�, r. , o n Mack was- present to 'requestCounc�i l approval of a On Sale 3.2
H, a1t,Liq`uor L.iceos.e for,, St.- Michael 's_ Church. A dance! is going to be
r LIC.
he'l,d, on, .Saturdity night, March 15th anti, they wish to have beer.
Motion by Bi,ssone„tt to approve the On Sale 3.3 Malt Liquor License for
St'.'Michael'; `Church for one day, March 15, 1980. = Mr. Mack was requested
to `of
.- ;contact Po11 ce Chleif' DI'ck Powell to inform him this dance and that
They have, "a 'liquor "license, seconded by Watkins and upon a'vote taken it
was' duly pas ' sed'.
Mr LeRoy Hauser was at the meeting wi�thza request from the Shakopee City
Cocnc11 the ;Prior Lake Ci Counc il' „to : approve a bill for an act re -.
garding carnival ,ride acci'dentsl” They wish the Prior take Council to
adopt •a resohution supporting this bill. Mayor Stock read the intent of''
the bi11
Motion b Watkins `
Y to support the- Shakopee`Cty Council in this endeavor
` 80 *08
and �Respitit +on''!810 -8, supporting the bi7.l protecting carnival and °ski.
riders, be adopted, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it
4LL passed.
',q -1
1 , yv
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the village Council of the Village of, Prior take in the County of Scott and Siam of -
Mianosoto, including all razounts OuditOd byaalcl Council.
DISEASED Mayor Stock called the public hearing for assessments on diseased trees to
TREE ASSESS. order and read the public notice as published in the Prior Lake American.
Finance Director Teschner commented on this. There were a few corrections
to be made to the assessment roll, and the hearing should be continued so that
Maureen Jandorf and Ed Martini's assessments can be discussed further.
Motion by Watkins to continue this hearing on diseased tree assessments on ,
March 24, 1980 at 8:00 PM for the Martini and°Jandorf parcels, seconded by
Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Bissonett to adopt the corrected assessment roll received this even-
ing with the exception of Maureen Jandorf and Ed Martini assessments,- seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was'dul
y passed.
INGUADONA BCH Mr. Bill Brastad was present on behalf of the , inguadona Beach Association to
ASSOCIATION reque'st` the Council to accept the existing fourteen foot wide street as a public
tree`t with two way travel designated as an alley.
City Engineer Anderson reported that he and Councilman Busse met with representa-
tives of the Association. The Association was advised that the mi'nirrim, the City
' could accept, with two way travel, was that the existing fourteen foot wide pave-
ment be widened to the minimum recognized width of eleven feet or -a total of 22
feet. Also that minimum street ram would•be fourty feet in width with a clause
that existing buildings could remain for a predetermined length,of time with-
in the r..o:w. Also storm sewer would have to be installed. Viewing the area,
it is possible to construct the twenty -two foot wide street, however, provid
f ing off- street parking would be difficult due to the topography'of the'area.-
j Mayor Stock suggested that Mr. Brastad take a proposal to the Association that
s there be a 22 foot paved road with extension of Pershing Avenue and a 40 foot
right -of -way with the "'reme,ining, street being made inio,♦a one way and leaving the
`W 14 foot surface.
YIELD SIGN Marlis Bluedorn was present to request that a yield sign be plated at the inter-
AT FISH PT. section; of Fairlawn Shores and Fish Point Road. There have been many near acci-
'RD! _dents because many drivers do not know who has the right-of-way :and drive right
through thinking they are in the right.
Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to place a yield or stop.sign at the in-
tersectlon of 'Fairlawn Shores and Fish Point Road.
{ The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, March 18, 1980:
Misc. Departments:
Prior Lake Excavating, Inc. Repairs $' 859.29 ^`
Valley Equipment Co. Suppl b Repairs 26.98
Standard 'O,.ii Gas 6 0i "1 6, 335.06
Al b i nson "' Ren to l 6 -Supplies 75.18
JAK Office Products Co. Office Supplies 38.08
r' Earl F. Andersen &`Assoc.= Inc. Equipment - 6 Supplies ;,1,761.20
M-V Gas Company / `` Propane 824.60
Scott -Rice Telephone-, Utilities 557.79
Bankers Life 1, Insurance 1,973.66
Continency Fund
Cyril J. Schweich Lakeside Estates $ 4,875.00
General Governments
Pitney Bowes `: Postage Machine $ 176.50
Al Lentner Retainer Refund 100.00
Gateway Publications, Inc. Publishing 46.82
The,-. Company Supplies 14.31
American Linen,Supply Co. Bldg. Maint. 19.75 ="
Gross Ind. Services Bldg. Maint. 886
Prior'Lake Lumber Co. Bldg. Maint. 41.65
E. H. Newstrom
Bldg. E Pl 'inspector 662.50'
a br , l
s ,F
y i
II Mluta of Ike preceediffiw of ,Na VNI"O Corndi of " Vilkfte ef,.Prier Lake M the Caany Of Sedtf asd tteN of
Min So Induce ON Ocseunh rudU , ,by aid Cewmdl.
Denni Leff �''. M i 1 eage
$ 20.55 '
r - a
Rich.Klugherz f
Rob Boe
Joe Van0enBoom
Air Comm, Inc.
Smith's Garage
Repairs f 93. 10
Vehicle Repairs_ 80 ^,75
r y
�< �Grossma
Veh1cie Repairs
$ 106.80
s park:"
Weber Auto Supply,' Inc.
Vehicle Repairs
$' 18.12
r Street.:
MacQueen E u,i'
q pment, Inc...
$ 95•`92
Prior Lake Aggregates, Inc.
46. 7
AIrsignal International
Metro Alarm, Inc.
State of Minnesota
$ 12,760.80
'Northwestern Nat'l Bank of Mpls
- ' s 'Laboratories
Bond Payment
$ 7,58$.75 f
Water Tests
Sand Pointe Con struction Fund:
7 F
Instant `Testing Company
Professional Services' $ ' 397.20
Debt Service Fund
' Northwestern Nat -'1 Bank of Mp)s'.
Bond Payment
$ 93,00
Northwestern Nat'l Bank of Mpls.
Bond = Payment
"Northwestern Nat'l Aank M is
Bond Pa yment �
Northwestern Nat'l Bank of Mpls.
Bond Payment:
National CIt Bank of M
Y p1s.
Bond P' t
aymen �
- 1 250.00.
{Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded
meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
by Busse and upon
a vote taken this
< ks
4 _ k
Michael, A.
:' .
City K nager
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