HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 17 1980MINUTES 'of the proceedings of the 1'�go Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and ttah`of
Mianeseto „including all accounts audited by said Ceuneil.
i March 1980
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on',Monda
March 17, 1980 at 7;30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett,
Busse, Thorke son, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City.Planner
Graser, Parks Director Mangan and City Attorney Lind. Councilman Watkins was
absent. _
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The minutes of March 10,:1980 were
Motion b Bissonett to a
Y pprove the minutes of March 10, 1980 as presented,
seconded by Busse and upon a,vote taken it was duly passed.
City Planner Graser briefed the Council on the rezoning request from Dr..
Babcock. The applicant is requesting to rezone 1.2 acres located "adjacent to
and northeast of intersection Hwy. 13 and Franklin Trail, SE from B -3 to'B, -2.
The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on 3/6/80 with the recom-
ndation to deny the request.
ion by Thorkelson to deny the request on the recommendation of the Plannin 9
omni ss iorn because
1) B -2 zone is a central business district zoning
2) lot sizes and setbacks differ vastly - between B -2and B-3
3) the present B -3 zone provides adequate guidelines and opportunities for
the development of the shopping district from FranklinzTrail, SE to Tower
St., SE, seconded'by Busse and'upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Council and Staff discussion followed regarding the Planning, Commission recom -'1
ndation of amending the zoning ordinance to include,,offices and banks in
the permitted use category under B -3.
Mayor Stock directed the 'City Manager to contact, Babcock for his input on
Y `
this matter and for;the City Manager to report Back to the Council next week.
The cond`ltional�..use permit request from Mr. John Packer was tabled until next
week, March 24, 1980,:at 7 :33 PM.
RIDGEMONT AVE 9 nee _E City En `i 'Anderson presented the Ridgemont,Avenue alignment.. Staff feels
that the City maintenance crew should'do the majority of the work on the
City's portion which is everything on the west side of the intersection.' If
this were let with the turn lane project, the cost would be substantially
higher as the turn lane project would be dealing with, small quantities in
,high traffic conditions which will yield a high unit price.
Motion b Bissonetttoa
Y ,pprove the plan as presented for CSAH 44, Hwy. 13 and
Rid Ave. and one island being moved 18' to the east as discussed by the.
engineer, r seconded by thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by'Thorkeison to authorize the City Manager and 'City Engineer and Mayor,
if needed, to- , enter into an agreement ofP subcontracts and to direct the City
Engineer to proceed with the work on the wes � side;of the intersection with
the City maintenance -crew 'doing the project, seconded by Busse and a vote
: upon
taken it was duly passed.
COMPREHENSJVE Mr. Jim'Norten, OSM, was 'present to discuss the comprehensive-sewer plan.; He
has talked with people from MWCC and they discussed the °lift station at Mark -,
” a,
ley Lake; This lift station was designed to handle the natural flow within '
the City limits, excl'ud'ing areas outside of Prior Lake to.the south and east.
The City Engineer commented that at this point we should adjust the Compre-
hensive Sewer Plan, to disregard the MWCC lift station and show.'the- proposed
GreenbriaY going into*our lift station.
The Council was in favor of this action.
The storm water study was rescheduled until April 7th,- however,`the City
En briefly highlighted some of the important points. The reasons for
preserving alot'of ponds is to prevent pollution of the. lakes in the district
and the ponds act as a buffer. We do not want to have high ; water problems on
the ponds so an outlet should be placed.at each one of the ponds to control
the water level.
y '
11111INUM of
Of thO VIIk** Council of th* VillqP oftrIwAake in the County of Scott and1tato of,
Via - s —,
includi all
r4 accounts audited iby soM Council.
ATHLETIC COMi Parks Director-Mangan briefly highlighted some important points of the
athletic complex. The Council discussed the option of,purchasing the 30
acres adjacent to the 40 acres itriady obtained for the athletic complex.
M0 tion� Bissonett to direct the City Manager to contact the Alvin Ebel
representative and to reaffirm the dollar amount and terms of a.contract
that the City could enter into, seconded by Thorkelson andiupon"a vote taken
it was duly passed.
The Council discussed the sale of the 1937 pumper. The City has received
an offer of $500.00 for the pumper.
Motion by Thorkelson to advertise for blds on April 7th for the,iale of the
1 pumpe'r, by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
BUDGET TRANS- The budget trahtfers were reiiewed.
Motion by Bissonett to trans $25,565.82 from the 1979'Fire Department bud
get to the 1980 budgpt,,.�5_econded by Busse and upon a vote taken,it was duly
Motion by Thorkelson tu' transfer $52,806.66.from the 1979 Street Department
budget to the 1980 budget, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was
�Themonthly reports were reviewed.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the Fire and Rescue reportas submitted,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote-taken it was dulry passed.
Motion,by Thqrkel"son to approve the Pol 1,ce Report as submitted, seconded by
B4ssonett and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion by Busse to approve the Finance Re po nt as submitted, sec�
onded by
Bissonett and upon a vote taken i't was duly passed.
Motion by Thorketson,to approve the Building Permit Report,as submitted,
seconded,'by� Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.,
Motlan,�by Bissonett to approve the Dog Catcher a s submi'tted, tecondid
�by Busse and,upon a vote taken,it,was My passed.
V -1
Mayor Stock directed, the City manager to check withrthe C I v4T Defense Director,
din Foster, and get,a6 updated...ieport on the eq4ipment analysls�
1 Aasat
The Councilreaviewed a letter received from Jim Dunn, regarding Lakeside
Mvr4na. The, 1. 1 accepted this letter, dated'3/10/80 regardl a,
Marina, for the irecord and.to.maek this letteras Exhibit "BY to beDattached
with "A that was accepted on February �5, 1980.
Motion by,Thorkelson to direct the City'Manager to send a letter to Mr. Dunn,,
'by �reglstered mai stating that,.the Lakeside Marina (i" of the is
A) a non
b) the owner or' owners.are hereby notified that the uses of the property to-
day shall be equal to'or less than the uses as of the date current
owners 'acquired the property,
a.paragra0h be included in this letter from the zoning ordinance stating
-the non-conforming use provisions - 3 - 4,
A the Counci.1 of the City of Prior Lake grants to the; owner or owners of
Lakeslde�Marina 45Aays In which to.br'ing the property in comp 1 1 ance w'i th
said ordinance,
e) on May 2, 1980'the property shall be inspected by a staff member and a
report by the inspector shall be submitted to the Council,,,on May 5, 1980,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was,�'du,ly passed.
The City Manager reported'that the City Attorney has notl 'fied the owner of
the Auto Body Shop on c1daning up the property. The o� of the Shop had
stated that he Is negotiating with a contractor and 'it my take some tine.
City Planner Graser, that the.cohtractor has been hired and is working
on getting rid of the used parts.,
The City Manager will report back next�,week on what is being done on the Shop.