HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 28 1980MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.' ' R April 28, 1980 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on , 4 Monday, April 28, 196b at 7;30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Parks Director Mangan, Finance Director Teschner, City Attorney Anderson and Consulting Engineer Jim Norton. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The minutes of Apri1,21, 1980 w ere reviewed. MINUTES Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of April 21, 1980 as presented, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ' LAKESIDE The first item on the agenda was the dock permit request from Jim Dunn for MARINA Lakeside Marina. Mr. Dunn is requesting 86 slips. The City Manager brief- ly reviewed this item with the Council. Based on the policy of I slip per' 10 feet of lakeshore, staff has maintained a maximum of 54 slips which in- c ludes slippage, gas docks and sery1ce docks. In the past, this has been , dhered to. Gordy Gelhaye has reviewed the dock configuration with Staff' nd with the exception of being over the allotted 54 ;slips, the location is satisfactory. In 1979 all the slips that were at the Marina were not _sed.. There were 42 boats in the bay with the balance being service and ' as; docks. Mr. Dunn has also applied for rezoning of the area, which the {� n o fanning Commission has scheduled. Mayor Stock read the i r= �cei.yed , rom Attorney Nan Miller, who is representing the Grainwood Townsite' 'Assn. he meeting was open to the audience for comments`and_ questions. Mr. Jim unn was present and commented. Ms. Nan Miller was also present, The people t ok ha spe were-hot in favor, of granting Mr. Dunn a dock 9 9 permit for 86 sl ips, ' the also expressed concern on the Y P a ppearance of the area and the safety of the parking areas. 7 tion by Watkins to deny the request from Jim Dunn for his proposal of ., 6 slips for?Lakes'ide Marina,' seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it as duly passed. t Motion by Thorkelson that if Mr. Dunn applies for a dock permit up to 54 ° slips, the City Manager and Deputy Gordon Gelhaye are to review the applica -' tion and with their approval submit the application to the City Council for 't � their approval, seconded by Mayor Stock and upon a vote taken it was passed. Councilman Watkins voted` nay. k Mr. Dunn made additional comments and answered questions asked by the audi- ` ence earlier. He suggested that the neighbors get in touch with him �o. discuss the problems.bnd make some : on.,how to solve the problems. t Mayor Stock agreed with this method and suggested that Mr. Dunn also attemp t to contact his neighbors. SOFTBALL =ASSN The Liquor License Committee met earlier to discuss the request of the Soft- ball Association for renewal of their,,3.2 On Sale license and the request { HOLLYWOOD INN of Robert Boegeman to transfer the Hollywood Inn's 3 :2. /Off. Salve license, Set Up and Cigarette license. City Manager McGuire reported on the meeting, and the committee's recommendation is to approve both requests. Motion by Bissonett to approve the renewal of the 3.2 On Sale license to ° the Softball Association, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. w Motion by Thorkelson to approve the transfer of the 3.2 On /Off Sale, Set Up and Cigarette licenses for the Hollywood Inn to Robert Boegeman, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. WATER SYSTEM The informational meeting for the municipal water system was next on the agenda.. City Engineer Anderson reported on this. t� ' , MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Villas* Council of the Villase of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council WATER PROBLEM The basic problem is caused by iron and manganese tha t-is,in the water which precipitates out of the water any causes the water to turn brown when the flows are increased. There - is some iron and manganese build up in the mains which were installed in the old part of town in 1936, but the degree of build up is- not great. Several alternatives were discussed for remedy of the situation and the only positive method of dealing with the situation is to install a water treatment plant. The water treatment plant was discussed by the Council and they felt that at this point it was premature to install the water treat- ment plantand the degree of the problem did not justify the current expense:. The Council directed the City Engineer to research the possibility of adding ammonia to the chlorine to extend the life of the chlorine and to also research the possibility of injecting chlorine at an intermediate point. 14otion by Thorkelson to 1) direct the City Engineer and Consulting Engineer to _ include in the water plan statements addressing iron residue and manganese - build up ir,'the , .water system and how to handle it, 2) investigate putting ammonia in with the'ch1orine; if that does not work, to report back to the Council, 3) in- <} jection of chlorine in another area, seconded by Watkins and u port a vote taken it" was du`1 Y Passed. x The City Manager was directed to place on the agenda, in 6 months, discussion on the water system. LAKESIDE AVE. Lakeside Avenue paving project was discussed. This item was tabled from pre - { PAVING vious meetings until legislative action had been taken on bond Interest rates - .' Motion b Watkins to schedule a Y public hearing on May 19, 1980 at 8: 00 PM for Lakeside Avenue paving, a report be given on the estimated cost of construction { ; and the bonding consultant be present at the hearing to brief the Council on the bonding market, seconded by Busse and upon a vot0 taken it was duly passed. f - �.81,106ET ANALY, The budget analysis was reviewed by the Council.. : i Motion by Bissonett to the budget analysis for the 1st quarter for 1980, i seconded b Thorkel son and -u Y son a vote taken it was duly passed.. PROJECT 78 -1 City Engineer Anderson requested Council approval for final payment of Project 78 - 1,, Martinson Island. Motion ¢y Bissonett to approve final payment in the amount of $1',19,05.58 for Project 78 -1, Martinson 10and, seconded, by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. - `JIOJ UDOWESE Jim Ludowese assessments were reviewed. 'Ludowese 's ' parcel in Govt. Lot b ad- jacent to Lot 1, Maple Park Shore Acres was inaccurately determined for Pro- ject 77 Staff is requesting a reduction in assessments of .016 acres 040.00):and 10' frontage ($756.1,0) from the current assessment :roll. Councii` discussed this issue and felt that reduction was given at the-time of the assessment hearing. Motion,by Watkins to table the matter of Jim Ludowese assessment for one week, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. DRIVE -IN The dcive-fn^theater property was discussed next. City Engineer Anderson and 1 T4EAT:ER PRO. Building inspector 'Gene Newstrom inspected the property. They reported that the structure is a safety hazard to Children and the screen should be removed. ` Councilman Bissonett stated that he is representing the owner of the property. He has talked with the owner, Howard Gelb this afternoon and read him the memo from the City Engineer. Mr. Gelb has authorized me to 'go ahead and do whatever is necessary to remove the debris. I am now in the process of doing that. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to write a letter to the owner of the drive -in theater and notify him of the document from the City Engineer and the 1 comments made by Councilman Bissonett. -2- i o April 28, 1980 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. , SPORTS ARENA Councilman Bissonett presented to the Council the proposal of an indoor arena. ��This item was proposzd 2 -3 years ago and the Council agreed to support arena and donate sewer and water. The school district has" agreed to donate the property to build the arena on. This structure will `'be built from contributions. Motion by Watkins to table this item for one week and Staff review if the i City can engineer the sewer and water connection: and finance the construction of sewer and water, seconded by Thorke son and upon a vote taken it was Passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained: YELLOW BLDG. ColA Thorkeison requested that someone contact the owners of the' yellow = building on Hwy. 13 and inform them of the City's sign ordinance and enforce it. They have four signs leaning against the building and.a flashing sign in the window. CHUCK DEVET City Engineer Anderson re Y 9 ported that Chuck DeVet has started the work to 'q hook up to sewer and water. The Watershed District has sand bagged so ' # water cannot run into the creek. This gave Mr.;DeVet the opportunity to za start his work. RESOLUTION 3 Mayor Stock read Resolution 80 - 10, Prior Lake Clean Up Week., 80 -10 Motion by Bissonett to approve Resolution 80 -10 Prior Lake Clean Up Week, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was: duly passed. >`' ' > PROCLAMATION Mayor Stock read a, proclamation regarding Respect For Law Week, May LAW WEEK 1 -7, 1980 and signed it. Copies were given to the local newspapers to be published. JAMES Mayor Stock read the letter received from Charles James, James Refriger- REFRIGERATION ation requesting priority for installation of utal i it es. This letter €< was dated and. made part of the record, Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to contact Charles James and let; him know the procedure that must be followed for utility Installation and also that this J pro'ect cannot be started until next .year. NORMAN Mayor Stock ,reported on.the meeting he attended with City Attorney Sullivan, ' CROOKS City Engineer Anderson and Norman Crooks on the Shakopee_ Reservation. : One h of the ;quest•ions that came up was relative to establishing a precint or voting'on the reservation. I requested at the meeting for John Jacobsen P of the Election Division of the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office to reply through Mary Ann Schultzsted who is the Field Solicitor for the U.S. Dept.;;' > of Interior. I received a letter with their response: Mayor Stock summar ized this letter and requested ,it be made part of the .record... 8 N CENSUS COMM. Mayor Stock congratulated the Census Committee for the fine job they did for the census count. The minutes, newspaper articles, etc. they put together will be sent to the Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Census. * The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, May 6, 1980: k,. Misc. Departments: Albinson: Rental Supplies $ 89.96 Mobil Oil Credit Corp. Repairs 6 Gas 496,74 JAK Office Products Co. Office Supplies 153.44 'Lake Auto Supp Vehicle Repairs 47.22' 66 B OK Hardware Supplies 33.42 Delta Dental Plan of Minn. Insurance 648,15 OSM Engineering 1,868.30 Contingency: OSM Engineering, $1,734.93 r Planning: Ind. School Dist. 719 Phone Calls $ 5.99 Franz Eng. Reproductions, Inc. Equipment 58.06, - MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Cs Police: MPH Industries, Inc. Repairs $ 4.00 St. Francis Hos P ital ' School 00 WOO (� Steve Schmidt Records 22.78 Uniforms Unlimited Supplies 74,70 Fire Dyna Industries, Inc. Equipment $ 175:00` U of M State Fire School 200.00 Fire Instructors Assn. of Minn. Supplies 7..00 ' Parks: „ x New Prague Lumber E Ready -Mix Co. Improvements $0,358-55 i Solheid Candy 9 Tobacco Co. Concessions 330:96 Minn. Toro inc. Repairs 41.94 Kokesh Supplies 185.09 The State Chemical Mfg. Co. Park Maint. 834.27 Gopher Fence b ,Mfg. Co. Improvements 5,520.00 ; Street: " a Susan Minor Towing $ 20..00 Earl F. Andersen E Assoc. Inc. Signs 53.37 The Zecof Co. To61 s 52.65 Clutch a Trans. Service, Inc. Repairs 1,20 t Green Oaks Assn. Ditching & Controlling M 300.00 Electric,Service Co. Repairs 146.36 J. L. Shiely Co. ,, Rock 15.13 ✓� Airsignal International Rental 28.00 Ziegler Tire Service Repairs 187,34 Water: �., Amer. Cast Iron Pipe Co. Repairs $. 256.71 Water Products Co. Meter E Repairs 364.38 Hach Chemical Co Tri- State Drilling Chemicals 1, 3 38 ,. b Equip. Co. Improvements - 6,562.00 Sand Pointe Construction Fund: Aw l . Instant Testing Co. Testing' $" 66.00 �. Mlsc. Construction Fund: �. Instant Testing Co. Testing $ 15.00 Martinson Island Sewer & Constructi'un Fund: zt Instant Testing Co. Testing, $ 25.00 OSM- ' Engineering 86: John F. Singewald, Sr. Repairs 160.80 Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a_vote taken this meeting, was adjourned at 10:45, ! Michael A. McGuire f - City Manager