HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 12 1980MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Viiiage of Prior 'take in the County of Scott and >Stotrof'" Mioneseta, including oh accounts audited by said Council. May 12, 1980 The Common Council of the City of `Prior Lake met in regular session on Son-. i day," May 12, 198,0 °at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen B'issonett, Busse, Thor.kelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Gr,aser, Parks Director Mangan, Finance Director Teschner and } U ty Attorney Sullivan. A- Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The minutes of May 5, 1980 were reviewed. MI- NUTES" Motion b to a pprove pprove the minutes of May 5, 1980 as presented, second- • ed by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. TOWER STREET, Mayor Stock called to :order the public hearing on the block grant application for,paving of Tower Street. Finance Di'rec'tor Teschner briefly summarized the a purpose of the public hearing, Tom McElveen'from Scott County HRA was pre ' sent, and made additional comments. Motion by Watkins that the Council authorizes Scott,County HRA to prepare an "x application for securing the block grant for paving Tower Street and other n work that needs to be done relative to the family housing' project, seconded- b Thorkelson and u pon a vote taken it was du'1 >" Y P Y Passed. CREST AVE. City Engineer '�Anderson reported on the control of the' dust problem on Crest' DUST CONTROL venue.i One of these three substances can be, used; ;oil, chloride ;or organic. binder. Motion by Watkins that the Counc,•i l - endorses the use' of oil for area's A, B.. & =- C; that the City - 'Engineer place additional crushed rock on. Shore Tri. b.that dead. end signs and /or throughfare signs�be posted in the area tc'lkeep I traffic out, Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly`rpassed' EQUALIZATION Maydr'Stock cal Ted the equalization meeting to order. Mayor Stock read' the �* << MEETING assessment notice that was printed the paper. LeRoy Arnoldi was present 1 r< from Scott County Assessor's office to explain the process of establishing i the property's market value.' Anyone wishing tolrevi'ew their assessed �aIZe may make.ao appointment with the assessor and they will recheck, the preperty. 1f this does not resolve the differences, the owner may, appeal`1 \at, the`next equalization meeting. The following ; people had general quest it and have made appointments With Mr'. Arnoldi to discuss the issue .further: l William Didsen, Ron Illston,`Joe Tony Thelen,.Mrs.'Bronson, Keith i lr Dickie, Ray Kerr, Me) Jack Frieck and Mrs. George Algcen. Other 5 kr ` resident attended,, however, they.dld not-comment at the meeting., 11 y 1 ' 1v 1 1 • _ MA, � �. �� Lotion, by Watkins to continue the' equalization meeting on Tuesday, May 27,, M p ` 1'980 at 8.00 PM seconded by Thorkel son and upon a vote "taken it was duly passed.,, 4 y , w A brief,r.ecess was cad.led. Mayor Stock then called -the meeting back to order, LAKESIDE City Planner Graser roported. on ,the s4gh. in �qu�estion at Lakeside Marina. MARINA Since. Mr. Dunn has a legal business. (u�cler the grandfather clause) the sign woul d a1so, be l ega I. ? I t does ,appear that ' the_s i gn does not meet set back ' requirements of 25' from the property ,line. Bryce" Huemoe.11eel, attorney for Mr. Dunn was present to :make additional com- }, merits and answered questions the Council ­'had on the conditions establ`i shed " with statement at their last'meeting. Mr: Dunn, had 5 days to com - rl ply with storage of equipment on the adjacent lot and site blockage on the county road. The equipment by the county road was not on "the right- of-way and was not removed ;and the boat lifts have been sold and are waiting to be picke d up. �5 C 't E Anderso, "re "reported on the dirt y g' p pile on the adjacent •lot: This has been inspected damage or erosion appears to have been done The t j Engineer requested Mr.Dunn o place straw bates /to�` prevent any _erosion ;, Mr. Dunn has agreed to do- this: - y � Ci,tty Planner Graser''s -tated that" the zoning certi.ficate.has been ;mai led to Mr. r,Dunn and he should receive,,i � shortly _rf he hasn't i a -lready. � � �ry n .:"',h ,9 K ./. °� � "ti, a^A 1 � R{ ?? h• F `i.+,��us! , Y'b,� ;� �+Y +'FY` r� ' ,.& +a, MINIiTlf of the lroceedirp of the ViilaBe C�,aeeil of the Village of trier Lake in the County of Scott and State of SON Minnesota, including ali accounts audited by soirl Council.: _ - LAKESIDE The Council d <i'scussed the. ma* 0 the equipment storage and site blockage. MARINA A motion was made and seconded� give Mr. Dunn five more days to comply. This motion failed due to lack of support. Mr. Dunn is in v of the' Counci] policy statement that was passed IaW week. Mr. Nuemoeller directed to_inform Dunn of the decision. r~ ;. DEPOT RESTAU The requesi .from Don Schoquist, Depot Restaurant; for a cigarette license was reviewed. Motion by Busse to approve the cigarette ,license for The Depot Restaurant, } seconded by Thorkelson..and upon a vote taken it, was duly passed• r „ NEW CITY Cit Engineer Anderson y g presented theinfor!±satien'on the purchase of a °new truck, TRUCK" sander,- plow and-.box. ° Motion by Bissonett to award-the bid �for. the new truck: to Malkerson Motors in �± the amount of 59,788.12, seconded by Busse and upon vote taken it was'duly 3 passed, ci SNOWPLOW, Motion by Bissonett.to aw "a rd the bid for the plow, sander and box to Itasca,; SANDER 6 BOX Equipment Coin the amount of $9;�12.Od,`seconded by�Thorkeison and upon a vote taken It was duly, passed. t � 11W PATCHtN Mayor Stock directed the.City Engineer to take a lock at the intersection'by, F , s i MA IN': b WEST the RR•,end. Main And the West Ave: Rnterseetion„as _�s_.is.. in need of '; � ' ATHLETIC Gity'Manager McGuire reviewed the contract for dead for the 36, acre add ItIon OMP4EX to thei- Athletic Complex. After, preliminary negot�iations�. weree coosp ;leted,,,the Ebeis requested - 9$ because of the current econamy. Staff offered to " ' pay, 8 interest which the:sel;l�ers agree4"io. sg ' Nqt i'an by Tliorke t son to approve the , a" ���� p,yment of,8% interest rate to the Ebel. s for the-,;30 acre addition ,to the Athletic. Complex,` seconded !iy``Mayor Stock w and upon a vote taken it was du 1 y,. passed : r The fo "1Towing invoices 'are scheduled to be paid on .Tuesday, ,May"20', 1980: Mi . sc. Departments ':NSP Ut a l i t i,es $ 2 .02 ` ,981 K. 'Bankers Life. Insur''nce 3 2,170.55 a Amer: Nair' 1- Bank b . Co. Bond �Payment' i 07 5.00 � P CDP Inc' Trus.t ` a r , Co , Ma i,ne r. r � .; ' • �, � ,� PY'1 Ch n � � 200.�� ��.� E: ;G. Pete: Co., °Inc. /' Equi,��, Maint.: tOg'�,t Scot t-Ricq�,Telephgne Co: UtHJtIes U 607," Y ' Weber Au't6NSup'plm Inc. Vehicle Repairs1' r M. V` Gas Co Proiiane 447.02 JAK Office P,roGuctsf Co. OfficeSupph�ies a�; 21.60 Geener41 Government: Duluth Convention b Visitors Bureau Deposit ` '.{ $ 20 Gross ind. Services Bldg; Nalnt °. 'I r,, 0 103. G ��Gomputoservice, Ire. "ent 27k.56 a "Ec�uipm, Gateway Publications; Inc.` P,ubi'i hing� �) ��� 61.21 „ Vniley Engineering Co., Inc Easesment Study - Condon s Wooddale 1,793.00 E. Ji1 Newstrom _ ' +� Bldg: b Pl,mq { Inspector 80x.00 Steve's 'Red Oiyl - Supp1 ies ��1 21 .50 „Linen Supply Co`: l ;I ��Bldg. Maint � 39• °50 ' MCfDA� l °� 10.`00 "_Membership. Engineer+ °Ang: ihe`,�Board,of .b ;LA License $ 3tj j i � r . t i s r ` w �.� p �+ � � � 1d��1 r �' , ",� 7 f w.�,, a