HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 19 1980f ' ` MINtiTEf of the ProeNalinos of the Villa" Council of the Village of ; Prior take in the Councy of Scott andaStpte• of ; Mianosota, including all accounfs auditeo by said Council. May 1.9, 1980 Th• of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Mon - May 19 1980 at 7 :30_PM._ Present wer`e'ka or Stock, Councilmen Bissonett r Y. Y Y � a 1 � Busse,, Thorkclson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire," Parks Director Mangan, Finance Director Teschner, Assistant Engineer Raaen and City Attorney Sulliva k to Mayor`Stock called the meeting to order. The minutes of May 12, 1980 were 1 :reviewed.. The fol lowing- corrections sro to ,be' made t6 Ahelirilnuta ,;of „May ti, 1980 Pa e* 2' g paragraph- 7;.... look at the intersection by the RR and Main 8 the ' West Avenue intersection as it is in need of,,.. paragraph 8; ... Ebe'ls requested % .interest rate'. correction of the word economy > MINUTES Motion by „Watkins; to approve the minutes of May 12, 1980 as amended, second- ed by "Busse and up=on a vote taken it was LAKESIDE MARIN akeside'Marina dock permit application, was reviewed. City Manager McGuire reported on the progress of the marina's "compliance with the state- Et + s=ent. 1) removal',,of the boat and other items on the adjacent lot has been done 2) the dirt "pile on the adjacent lot has been' inspected and resolved. " - 3) docks and. boat lifts that were stored near Cty. R&. have been removed , d ?} from, the as :of 4:30PM.ths date. j ,area ;. City Mariagm r McGuire.'iiriefly exp:i:ai =ned the plan submitted - =by Mr. Dunn. Mr. i3unn hay proposed 56 boat sl IOs - and`' a` gas` service dock Fifty - four of the s1l ips wi VV be for rentai' and �o ie slip will be used by the Deputy Sheriff, the r,em Ii ng skip wi is not ;used. The service dock will be used as a service � 1anc oA y, nothing will be stored at this dock. Mr. Dunn, who was present, - made ad di'tIonaI comments on his proposal,.' i The City Manager read a letter from a Bloomington resident who.; 'rents boats. From the Marina and hetated that the marina should have rental service. y He i concerned g hat this service may be .eliminated. The•Fi'ty Manager and'Deputy Sheriff felt that ther plan Mr. Dunn subm ;tted Is t in canpliance with 'the guidelines set by the Council. I� ;Comments were made by .other members=. of the audience regarding this issue. P Motion by Bi'ssonet,t "'that Mr. Dunn's plan Or ;ontal slips and service dock be marked Exhib�lt A with today's date (5 /19/80) and made pa-Cof the_record "' contingent a upon:- l-).the length of the service dock be deter,ined by Deputy w Sher, iff Gealha 2) the maximum allowable slips for rental' service e1 54 �b one unit be used by the Scott County Water patrol ��I ?'. � 1 3) • 4) authorization is given.to City Manager to issue a dock permit % 5) the fuel service dock,,havi, signs posted aLtowing only transient bolts seconded by Mayor Stock and upon a vote`takem` it'was' duly passed., e lf LAKESMi AVE. Mayor Stock called the'public'''heari,ng to order for Lakeside Avenue pay I ng. The 'inotice' that was _pub] fished, M the paper was: read. Mayor Stock bi*I fl ummat what,ha`s` taken place soy f�Y; with -this issue Assistant ngineee Raaen presented the information on construction costs for this pro�ec;t and p pointed' out- on a map where the storm, sewer would be placed and what ,area , 9 , ♦ , wouId be paved. �4 ' Many residents of the area were present a this hearing: The majority of the,`residents that commented at this hearing were not in favor of paving " Lakeside Avenue. Mr. Gilbert Anderson suggested that�' the pipe for ^the r o storm drain would be enlarged,", so',,the silt would run through instead of clog - gang it, up, it may solve: the water Some of ,tile residents in Mr. fl. s problfm. Anders'on's area agreed that it may help to try this. . One resident than spoke in favor �of the .project stated that the paving would!, help, t'Ie dus..t lilem. Anotlj�er rai;dent commented that paving the street would "increase the traffic flow and speed, he is against'the project. Another comment was that the cars would not go'any faster than'they already are; they z ; speed` is "whatzstirs up the %Just.. Mr. Eugene•Simpkins "suggested that maybe , , r one or two applications of c 1 could help'the dust problem,_ --this =was done ecal last .year. Ow rest =dent r led this be,i.rtg�- don 4nowever,' the „oi 1 helped r » for only 3 = 4' weeks.., and -the ,dUs't was back again. k �.0 ; ���� }; ':.' NAP- �A}'YIE eM�C�MNf6W4:•�(k n. �A��A•MK'ie �. "r.t .RSe{�i.i4v'�'.a �.,.:'f�49"`:a ",r�whj�"�r 1 f1 fie. + i MINUTES of the Proceedingu of the Village Council of the Village of Frio' Lake in the County of Scott and''$to% of Minnesota, including all accounb audited by told Council. LAKESIDE AVE Someone else suggested that putting up stop signs may slow down the trafficl and help control the 'dust. Motion by Watkins that the paving and storm sewer project for Lakeside Avenue' as defined by this public hearing, be dropped, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. cl Motion by Watkins that the storm drainage characteristics of Lakeside Avenue as it runs north and south to CSAH 21 be studied by the Ehginiaering,,Dept. with the out- r look that maybe some weirs in the ditch ;could prevent erosion across the property to the north and west. Then a. eport on this'study be submitted.,to the Council at the June 9th meeting at 8:00h and, the people , in those to attend, seconded by Bissonett. and upon a vote taken it�was duly passed. ' �'1 Motion by Watkins to adjourn', seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken�thi's public hearing was iidjourned. A 5- minute racess was called. Mayor Stock then calle(1 the meeting back to order. i` STOP SIGNS Mayor Stock� the Ci;`ty Engineer to review they equest for stop signs to be CITY STREETS placed at Colorado and Lakeside and Lakeside and Birch. HIGHWOOD HOJ ity'Manage�`r McGuire stated that the abutting property owners ofrthe�: family hous = ^n SING project have requested the matter of sewer easement_fror the area ^be tabled 2<: for one week. Motion by Watkins to table for one week the matter of sewer easement for the family } housing project, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ATHLETIC Parks Director Mangan presented the information on the bids that were "received for G ; COMPLEX the grading of the A`thi,etic Complex. The - low bidder was Aggregate, Inc. All bid documents are (n `order and' Staffii recommends awarding the'bid to Prior Lake .: 6 Aggregate, Inc. Motion by Thorkelson "'to award the bi ',d for the grading oft the Athletic Complex to r° �' Prior Lake ;Aggregate;, Inc. with the bid amount being $44,800, seconded by Bissonett 7 T and upon a vote taken it was`dul:y passed. =HOLIAAY City Manager McGuire reported on the request of the Holiday Stat onstores for a,, s STAT1 NISTORE variance. The Planning,Commission had denied 'a 25' front yard variance for the in- ' v j stallation of a pump island canopy at the intersection of Hwy. 13 and Center St. Mr. Jerry Jensen, representative the ,Holiday Stationstores, was present and made additional comments. Mr. Allan Walker, planning commissioner, was also present to define the action of the Planning Commission. Motion,,byiWatktni_;that the ;variance appeal from the Holiday jected and'.the Planning Commission's recommendation be honored,seconded by Busse and—upon a vote taken it was passed,, Councilman Bissonett voted r MEMORIAL OR The Council considered the dust, control . Memorial Drive. Residents - have re- quested dust control on Memor'"ial Trail due.to traffic generated from Memorial Park. The cost for two applications of oil ii " $660.00. Motion by Bi ssonett to authorize two appl icatiors._ of oil at the cost , of $660.00 on " Memotkpl Trail, -- seconded by Watkins and 'upon a vote taken it was.duly passed. , ST.• PATCHING 'The Council reviewed•.the quotes, "for street patching. Four street areas require bite- , patching, Franklin Trail, Brooks C,irc'le, Timber View St. and nguadona-Beach. Circle. '., Motion by to award the contract`to Rad Weber Blacktopping, Inc. for patching of Franklin Trail in the amount,of $1800, Brooks Circle,in the amount of " $800, TImber'.11 -ew St.,in;the amount of $2300 Inguadona Beach'Circle in the amount „ ! f 4,1156 seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly 'pissed. , . ;x t ! The monthly; reports were °re ° v;ewed._ Motion- by Bissoneft to approve,the "Police Report as submitted for the month of ., POLICE REPOR Apr, t seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it <was` duly passed. — 2 a' ii' 9i MINUTlS of the Prec"dinps'of the Village Council of the Village of 'Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stet of, Minnesota, Including a1I accounts audited by said Council. FIRE 8 RESCUE Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Fire and Rescve;Report,as submitted fo.r REPORT the month of April, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duty .. passed. c FINANCE REPORI Motion by'Watkins to approve the Finance Report as submitted.,for the month ki of April, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken i t was duly, passed. r r�BLDG PERMIT ,, Motion b Bi`sonett ta..a y pprove the Building Permit Rzport as submitted for 'REPORT the month of April, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken It was duly passed. \ DOG CATCHERS Motion by Busse to approve the Dog Catcher's Report as submitted for the REPORT month of April, seconded 'by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 1 FARMERS 8ARKE1 A letter was received from.the Scott- Carver Economic Board requesting ` Council approval for their Farmer's Market this year. They a l s o request - 4 R nm permission to their`si.gr. at Hwy. 13 and Center St: Motion by Bi'ssonett to grant!�the Scott - Carver Economic Board permission to set up a Farmer's Market this year and to put ,up their sign, seconded by- Watkins and`upon a vote takenr`it was duly passed.; ' y ' SUNSET BEACH A request was received to vacate a roadway in the Spring Lake, Sunset Beach ROADWAY - VACA. area. Mot ion: by Watkins to set the roadway vacation hearing on June 23 ', 1980 at 8:00 PM with the approval of >the City Attorney, seconded by Thorkelson and �.. upon a vote taken: it was duly passed. PARKING ON The Assistant Engineer was requested to'check out the parking situation on LORDS ST...' Lord's Street by Manitou Road. PLEASANT b Council man ; Thorkil.son stated` ;that* a, few residents' have: tatted, to'fiim and `µ} PARK STRIPES requiss;tad; the ' s tti pgs on.. P l easant 6_ Pa rk Avenua`s ' bd repainted..-" ` Lv REPORT ON ti The City Engineer was directed to submit to the Council a summary report of r LAST fRS., last year's projects. .PROJECTS Assi,stan't Engineer Raaen reported that the take level is at 901.8 as of LAKE'LEVEL oday' "s date. Parks Director Mangan requested Council direction on- requests, he'has re- g 'YACHT CLUB ceived;on allowing boat traffic at Sand Pointe Beach to 9 t_'io the Yacht ISLAND Club Island. The Council directed Staff to analyze the situation and research what.can be done to get to, the Island without using Sand Pointe Beach. MINI ENERGY Finance Director Teschner requested Council_-approval for 1 a' °mini'energy 'be E AUDIT audit to conducted at the City and Fire Hall. This audit is 100$ funded by State. the After Council discussion, a motion _was made, due to lack of a second the " matter was dropped. ' 7 Motion by Watkins to adjol rn, seconded `by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken'< < this meeting was adjourned At 10:30 PM. . Michael A. McGuire ,? a City Manager s J "t ? 1 ' o -3 { / y c 04%s II ..{�9k'x9HM14M+M$. rAM'° /�:M�4Ft' vi�.i$R�,Pa�e' -• 1 t t :.. , • • MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake In the County of Scott and State of1s> , ' Minnesota, including ;all aecouhts audited- by said Council. Misc. Departments: " !!! Delta Dental'P1an of Minn: Insurance $ 648.75 Tri -State Drilling S Equip. Co,. Sewer Repairs 1,420.00 - `� • Coulter, Nelson, Sullivan b Frevert Attorney Fees 2,690.94 ,f Minn.` Valley Electric Co -op Utilities 424.51 Minn. Gas Co. Utilities 163.05 ` G b B Hardware Supplies 153.89 � Mobil Oil Credit Corp. Vehicle Repairs 394.95 , , Lake Auto Supply Vehicle Repairs 1$8.23 General Government r Creative Graphics Printing $ 25.45 Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 270.00 ` Engineering: :< Larr y Anderson Meals $ 16.05 ' a1= Xerox "Corporation Equi zi 468.36 Police ' Gene Smith Clothing Allowance '$ 138.00 Steve Schmidt Clothing All owancq 138-0 0 q Lee Ra6i port !'lothing A1lowarice 00 Dick Powell' oLhIng Allowance 738 ,00 Rob Boe Cl :othi;�g Allowance 1.38.,00 -Joe VanDenBoom Clothe g Allowance "° 138:00 Rich Klugherz Clothing'; - Allowance'., 138:00j-.`. 'Dennis Leff; _ Clothing Allowance 1,8:00 4, Liberty Photo Service, Inc. Supplies 181.1 Fire: United Fire FightersrAssn. Dues, Park: M -V Gas, Propane 7 $. 24$.00P N - Co." Prior.., lake 11 76" Vehicle Repairs 9.00 'FebCon,,'Ia. improvements 750.00 Gopher Fence S Mfg. Co. Improvements 11500.00 Lindall Sod'Co. - improvements 1;4.00 7 { , , Street = J. L. Shiely Co. Rock $ 886.66 „ n Itasca Equ..p, Co.` Equip, Repairs 5.50 WAte r` ' Van Waters 6 Rogers Chemicals, $ 273.65 Water';Products Co. Repairs 592.26 Consolidated Pimg. G Htg. Co. Repairs' 173.10 Amer. ,Cast Iron Pipe' Co. Repairs 136.46' 'Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a'vote taken'th is. ,meeting was adjourned at: 8:30 PM.`` Michael A. McGuire a City Manager j 0 0 s 4,. - - ,, �. � , mss• �4 �, a _ - } �w