HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 28 1980MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
July 28, 1980
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Mon
' day, July 28, 1980 at 7:30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse,
Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Plan-
ner Graser and City Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Bissonett was absent.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The minutes of July 21, 1980 were
MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of July 21, 1980 as presented, sec-
onded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. '
LIFT STATION The matter of the lift station easement was d City Attorney Sul-
EASEMENT FOR ]Ivan commented. City Manager McGuire reported that he has met with Mr.
L. SCHWEICH Schweich and an agreement has -been made contingent upon Council approval.
Motion by Watkins to accept the following proposal with Mr. Schweich and
the City: 1) The City quit claim a strip of land approximately 14' X 160'
from Fairbanks Trail. ,
` 2) Mr. 'Schweich grant an easement along Lord's St. for utility purposes.
3) Cover on the lift station be replaced.
4) City provide a catch basin.
5) Sewer and water assessments to remain as they were originally,leilfed,
y with naz�additional assessments if the property is subdivided.
,.T 6) Mr. Schwei -Q;h install additional sewer and water stubs, if necessary
r (at his. own expense) .
and that the City`Attorney be directed to prepare the legal agreement to be
signed, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
g; ORDINANCE 8o- Oril;inance 80 -3, amending the zoning map and districts, was read by Mayor °
3, ZONING MAP Stock. The area rezoned is the Grainwood plat''wned by Mr. Jim Dunn,
t Motion by Busse to adopt Ordinance 80 -3, amending the zoning map and dis -,
u tricts, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
M ROXANE SV.OBO- City Planner Graser reviewed tie Planning Coemission!s findings and recom- ,y
DA VARIANCE mendation on the variance request frog Roxane Svoboda, Lot 4, Block l,Blohm!s
Addition. They desire to build 46' from the-904 elevation instead of 75',
requesting a 29' variance. The Planning Commission approved•the'setback as
applied for on the condition the trailer is removed. Staff believes this
lot can be.develop'ed with a 50''lakeshore setback. Mr. b Mrs. Svoboda were
° present and'made additional comments;
Motion by Watkins to grant the variance to Mr. b Mrs. Svoboda per the Plan
5 i ing Commission' .s, recommendation, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken
y passed.
MANFRED BEUT ='The variance request from Manfred Beutler was 'reviewed. City Planner Graser f'
LER VARIANCE <commented and presented. the Planning Commissions recommendation. Mr. Beut,
ler Is requesting a variance to „allow f or 5! .side_ -
- . ,k0tb t the i ne
ya rs!
of Lo t_24 �Bot6_ SSaf_f .artd_Plalnrung�,Con 05sion 4oplpd„t1 they
'yround.s. Q no hardship and th e parse ,.being only 5' less than the mininwm t
size requ.i.red by the_o�dnance. 2 =
r .
Motion by Watkins to deny the variance request of Manfred Beutler, seconded
by Thorkelscn and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
JOHN TRULSON The rezoning request of John Trulson was presented by the City Planner. A
REZONING public hearing was held on 7/17/80 by the Planning Commission. The Planning
Commission's findings were as follows:
1) The B -i -.zone Is cons'istont with the pending Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan.
2) The B -1 zone recogni;zes,the existing businesses.
3) The R -2 zone- asap'ropose�would provide a degree of flexi.bilaity in light ”
r� of the existing recreational and commercial uses. Motion was made by the
*, Planning Commission to recommend to the Council to rezone the property.
a l
A map was,presented to the Council on the area'ith the present zon,ay. Mayor
Stock requested this map to be marked ExhibivA and dated July 28, 1980.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Mianosota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
JOHN TRULSON Several residents of the Boudins Manor Association which which is adjacent to the
REZONING property being discussed, did not want the property to be rezoned unless they
could see plans of what is going to be built. Mr. Trulson was present and
made addit.lonal comments.
` A lengtby discussion was held by the Council and they agreed to ask Mr. Trulson
if he would consider a PUD zoning or other alternatives:
Motion by Watkins to continue the matter of rezoning for Mr. Trulson's property
to August 4, 1980 at 8 :00 PM seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.
JOHN TRULSON Motion by.Watkins to table the subdivision request for Mr.. Trulson's property to
SUBDIVISION August 4, 1980, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
„ KEN SWANSON Mr. Ken`Swanson was present to request a variance to repair the existing boathouse
VARIANCE that is on.his property and move it up a few feet. The Planning Commission has
approved his request.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the variance request of Ken Swanson because it
Is an improvement for an existing boathouse, seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed-
. .
;CHANGE ORDERS Change Orders for Projects 79 -1, 79 - 79 - and 78 - were :reviewed. The City
Engineer recommended approval of all change orders.
1 `
Motion by Busse to approve Change Order #2 for Project -1
' J 79 , Sand Po i n t.,;� In the
amount of.,$371.25, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken It was duly
Motion by Busse to approve Change Order #1 and #2 for Project, 79 -4, The Harbor,
#1 in the amount of $2,285.00 and #2 in the amount of $1,727.00, seconded by
Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve Change Order #3 for Project 78 -2 Fish Point Road
In the.amount,of $1 ,138. 25, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken It was duly
Motion by Thorkelson to ,approve Change-Order #1 for Project 79 -5, Woodview de-
ducting the amov:it of $5,023.10, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken itµ. was
duly passed:
Motion by Thorke.lson to approve Change Order #2 for Project 79-5, Woodview in
amount of $5,897.00, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it duly passe''.
ST. SIiEEPiNG Mayor, Stock requested,lhat the streets be swept because of the recent storm.
PL FIRE RES Mayor Stock:sumnarized the letter he received from Doug Tietz, Scott County
Sheriff expressing his appreciation to the Fire Chief for all his help, in
SCOTT_;CTy. searching for the recent drowning victim.
DISPOSA 'S;ITE City Manager McGuire stated that the disposal site for,leaves'and =free limbs will
4 iFOR.TREES , 6 be closing on August 4, 1980.
NORTHWOOD RD. Mayor Stock read the letter he received from John Gallagher, Northwood Road Asso-
ASSOCIATION ciation Presldent, thanking Larry Anderson for all his help in getting the 'DNR to
clean up,. the area.
'PUBLIC ACCESS Mayor Stock stated that he wi11 be attending''s meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
„ TO THE LAKES The subject they will be discussing Is the public accesses.ao Prior and Spring Lakes.
Mayor Stock will make a suggdstion of making an area similar to'Lake Geneva in Wis.
The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, August 5, 1980
Mist. Departments:
Scott County Sheri Radio Maintenance
Delta Dental Plan of Minn. $ 411..76
Snyder Drug Insurance :695,75 g
JAK Office Products Supplies 7.08
Albinson Supplies 111.94
Lake Auto Supply Rental
Re airs 56.80
G "b B OK Hardware Sup 333.19
ppli 312.
Earl F. Andersen b Assoc:, Inc. Signs � Gym Center
All 772.12
Jim Allen Retainer Refund 100.00
Creative Graphics Printing 261.80,
League of Minn. Cities- Dues 315.00
Paul W. Wermerskirchen Abstract Research .2956` J "
Datco Specialty Lighting Co. Repairs 129-56
Cool -Temp, Inc. Air Conditioner 1 ,330.00.
Grendahl Mechanical, Inc. Air Conditioner 1,251.74
Nelson Travel Service Convention ' 242.00
OSM Engineering- 925,34'
City of Burnsville Ordinances $ 10.00
Wally John son Planning Commission 110.00
' Police:
T Gerald Muelken Notary Service '
'( 45.00
rd Klugherz Wire New Squad 270.00
Lyle Grimmer Washing Cars 162.00
_St. Francis Hospital P' Blood Alcohol 40.00
'* Air Comm, Inc.
Repairs 40.18`
Dakota County - Police Training
Training 260.00
c x
Minn. Emergency Care Assn. Membership $ 75.00
New Prague Lumber 'S Ready -Mix Co. Repairs `
Harry;C. Schultz Repairs $ Sj, "15
„�. McDonai d s Park "Program
Quality Waste Control, Inc. Refuse' Hauling 112.00
J • �I
Bloomington Locksmith Co. Repairs 57.00
.,. Frank J. Wicker Appraisal 600.00
Valley Equip. Co. Repairs
°. b 29.41
.: Street
Minn. Valley Elec. Co -op Utilities $ 95.00
Prior Lake Blacktop, Inc. Rental 112.00
Warning Lites inc. - Rental 53.20
Valley Sign Sign. 96.85, d
Waldor Pu •
Kathleen Spielman - Damages g $ 548
Mrs. Herman Busse 214.00..
:t #r Flahert E ui Damages .. 421 .81
y q pment Corp. Repairs 45:28 .
Busse Electric Repai -rs 228.30
" Van Waters b Rogers Chemicals $ 203.15
Hach,Chemical` Co. Chemicals 66.16
Serco Laboratories Lab. Analysis 269.00 .`
Water Products Co. Repairs 771.08
" Diseased Tree:
Norman Crooks, Ent. Dumping $ 53. "
Sand Point Construction fund:
OSM Engineering $ 124.83
_ 3_
a i
P t
MINUTES of tho Pr*cs"Ingt of the Village Council of the V
Village of Prier lake in the County of Scoff and $tote of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Cou
General Government:
Lyle Bakken 8 Bob Waiters R
Retainer Refund
_ $ 1
tr _
1101INUM of tM heeeedhps Of the Village Council of the Village of Frior Lake the
County of See" and State of
Mieneseta, including all accounts audited by said Council.'
Martinson Island Sewer and Water Construction Fund:
OSM Engineering
$ 880.81
Misc. Construction Fund
OSM Engineering
S 153.68
Debt Service Fund
The First Nat'l Bank of St. Paul Bond Payment
$ 24,07
Amer. Nat'l Bank b Trust Co. Bond Payment
- 300.00
Motion by Thorkelson to adjourn,.seconded by Busse and
upon a, vote 'taken this
meeting was adjourned--at X9:45 _PM.
Michael A.
City Manager
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