HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 15 1980J­ SEPTEMBER 15, 1980 MINUT1111 of the Pi , ocoodings of the VNI"o Council ofthe Villove Prior Lek* in the County of Scoti Staft of r M&nn*mft, Includin6 all,,eccounft ouditecl by mW Coun.cl The Common 'Coundi I Of _)�he C'l_tY of Pri'dr Lake met I K � 'egtil'ar sess Ion o n Monday, September 8,J980 At 7:30 PM. P'reeent were a ir Steck, Council- YO� men Bissonett, Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Finance Director Teschner and C,Jty Attorney Sullivan. Mayor Stock 'called meeting to order. The minuteis'of September 8, 1980 were reviewed. MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of September 8, 1980 as presented, seconded by Busse and upon a vote it was duly passed. CIVIL DEFENSE Tom Civil Defense Coordinator for Prior Lake, was present at the SIRENS meeting to discuss the ci'vil defense sirens. Mr. Foster stated that he will continue research to find a City that has a siren system with it's own power source and get more information on a remote control system. Mr. Foster stated that there Is 66 action to be taken at this time. Also " present were Bob Mertens, Fire.Chief and Dick Powell, Police Chief who - made a few comments. Mayor Stock commented that he appreciated the ti,me and research, that Mr., Foster,has done, ASSESSMENT -'Mayo,rStock called the'Assessment heartRg to order for Island View 2nd HEARING-ISLAN Addition, Finance Director Teschner summarizdd what has taken place VIEW 2ND before this meeting. Denny McWilliams, developer of this p roject was present4nd"requested some type of assessm' agreement between the City and himself on the conti!ngency, City Manager McGuire explained the,rea- sons for the contingency. The Council discussed this further with Mr, McWilliams. Motion by Thoekelson to deny Mr. McWilliams �rbj4est deleting the 5% con- MTN tingency-on the assessments., seconded hy Busse and upon a vote aken it t w6s dwly Mr, McWilliams stated for the record that he protests the 5% contingency,' Motion by Watklns�, to adopt the assessment roll for Island Vlew In,, the amount of $232,352,12 to bo_divtded among the 10 lots, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken tt was duly pas-sed. Motion by Vatkini� to adjourn the"assessment hearing for Island" Vtew 2nd Addition, seco�jed by Thorkelson and upon a vote,t4ken tt was duly pa s�sed, SAND �POINTE - ASSESSMENT Mayor Stock called the assessment hearing to for Sand Fo.i.nte, A Finance Director Teschner summarized wiiat has taken Flace be-fore th.1 me- - ,HEARING etlmg�, D6nny McWllllamw,�was present and requested an agreement on the contingency between himself and the City. City Attorney Sullivan commented on this. The Council discussed this matter further. Motion by Watkins to deny Mr. McWilliams request for deleting the 5% con-` on the'assessments, seconded by Btssonett And upon a vote- taken It was duly passed. Mr. McWilliams stated for the record that he protested the 5% contfngency-.� Motion by Watkins to adopt the assessment roll for Sand Pointe project l,n thd:amount of $484,335.22, seconded by BI nett and upon 4 'Vote taken It was dulypassed. Moti6n by Watkins to adjourn the assessment hearing for S.nd Pointe pro- a ject, seconded by Thorkelson and u ­duly, ppsr pon a vote taken tt was CABLE T.V. city Manager McGuire presented i on Cable T.V. There Is. a'- I of Informat,lon av�allable thls�subject. Letters have'been to 1� citie's that have own cable sys-tem; Information received on th.i s type Nw of system will be looked tnto., Several re�tdents have calledto City Hall 'and stated thAtilthey. are i favor of Cable T.V. Mayor Stock stated that he will contact the Mayor* of Savage and Shakopee and'get their Council's optnton�, if they are Interested tn formtng A joint agreement for Cable T.V.. Mlowft Prft"dl"$' of Villev* C94nal of the Villelp of Prior 101 1 " Coun the V of Sco" and Stato.of Mlonesoft, IFWojding all Oemoft budiftd by told Council. CABLE T.V. COMMITTEE Councl.1, di-scussed the FRtt!kr of appointipgto zommitt research Cable , .. T.V. foe Lake. AJIA�e CouWc'ilmerf' 1`6­favor�`o were f this Idea. Mayor"1tock.directed the Council to reviewtthe article on duties of' (the a citizen's advisory body and If"there are any additional In- formattonthat,should be ad ad. Also, a I is t 'be- midi - by - d ifiis Councti.,;t c1tizens,1haccontacttthem,� of and interested ate A c6mlittee; the Council should Inquire' if they have any knowledge ibo6t Cable T.V. This item, will be discussed at the next Council meeting on'Oct'' ober 6th. The - reports for the month of August were r' e4lewed. FIRE RESCUI REPORT Motion by Bisson6tt to approvo-the Fire & R-ascue Report, so - by Wat- ionded, kins and upon a vote takenit was duly passed. 01 POLICE REPOR7 p rove the Motion.by Watkins,to a p, - Police Report, seconded by elst onett'.and' Apon A,vote taken Itwas du 7 Jy, passed. Az BLOG PERMIT REPORT Motion by Thorkelson to approve t he Bui1ding Permit Report seconded,by Watkins and upon a Vote taken tt was duly passed. "60G CATCHERS REPORT Motion by Busse to approve the Dog'Catcher's ReOort, by Watkins andt. upon a. vote taken It was duly, passed., COHN � , UAITY o r ,Discussion was, oprestab,lishing an advisory committee for,'bolldiri community cl cl I win' vic cen,ter.'.''The Coun te4 'to submit a flit, of cit( 'to zens the Mayoran4 the appointments'along with an outi,ine 111 be ma de� at the &tbbe I t 6th"Weting. There was no further busl at this time, Mayor Stock 4e;(! �fq r q 'w to adjourn tlits meettkng, t MOtIlOn 6Y"Bus.se to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and up9n'a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 8:39 PM Michael A. McGu,I City Manager­_ T � % -2-