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MINUTES of the PreeNdinp of the Villoge Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of,
Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Councll.
October 6, 1980
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Mon -
day, October .6, 1 "980 at 7:30,PM. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
Bissonett, Busse, Thprkelson,,Watkins, City Manager McGpire, City Planner
Graser, City Engineer Anderson and City Attorney Su11i'vap.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The minutes of September 22, 1980
were reviewed.. ;
Mot.i.on,by Watkins. to app,roye the minutes of September,22, 1980, as ;presented,
seconded by Busse, and upon a vote, taken it was duly passed. y
Mr. Charles James, James Refrigeration, was present to request alteration
f the roadway in the
plat located at Highway 13 6 CSAH 42. He wishes the
access be changed from Timothy Avenue directly to CSAH 42 through the plat.
different turn lane, layout for CSAH,42, provide full mpvement:, has
been proposed. This new Layout is acceptable to Scott County,-Mn/DOT and
Staff. r_
everal residents of the area,we.re in attendance and,had quest.i.ons on this
ew proposal.
.i y
representative of the electric company was '
p y present. He stated that this
ew proposal,restricts ,usage for,,further expansion to the south and REA in
ashington must concur with this plan; they will present this proposal to
ashington as a favorable endorsement if the Council approves the plan.
Council discussed the new proposal and all were in agreement of the new
Motion by B.issonett to approve the new alignment that is proposed by James
Refr-igeratlon on „County Road 42, contingent up gn:
,i)that,ahe REA substation. be given the right of - ingress /egress through
,.. ._
one freeze /thaw cycle on Timothy ,Lane to „their ,power station after
the construction of the proposed street.
2)the corner of County Road 42 and Timothy be given the access to
Timothy and that ,t4o.street, as _i,t is, abandoned,, be,,sodded.
.3),the- .consent of :the REA ,for rig�lt -of -way •extensors ,between Timothy and
the proposed right -of -way, seconded by Thorkelson and upon 'a vote taken it
was duly, passed:
Steve.Bock,was ,presen.t_to make a,few comments, Qn ,the Gateway Avenue situ-
ation. City Manager. McGuire reported that there ,is A ,poss[4i l i,ty of a
right turn .lane .Qnto, Highway -13, ,however, ,ful -1 `access, is ,not ;practical and
thci,,cost wQul,d .be between e ZO- ,Z5,OOQ. _ ,Bryce Hue moel l,er :was repro-
senting the•Happy, Hollow Corporation corporati,on feels that the 25'
strip that would be taken from their property for the road right -of -way
would damage the property, and "they, are not clear on the benefits they
would get from the road. The corporation is requesting staff reviewal of
a plan they have for three building sites.
Council discussion was held and they felt that this matter has taken a
considerable amount of time to resolve.,, ,
Motion by Watkins to grant a one week extension, until Tuesday, October l4,
1,980,4t 800_PM,,during time the,_developers,s contact Staff on
October 7,, 1980 with their.prQposed ideas and ,at the,Council. meeting, on
° .
the 1,4th haveal.l, doquments,or;aasements for ,the right- of - way extension
of Gateway Avonye_ ready, seconded by,Busse and a vote,taken it was
passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained.
City Planner Graser; presented, he requsst prelimnary plat approval for
- .5
Lake Estates. The water area consisting of'7 acres makes the devel-
of- thi,s_`parcel difficult utilizing common division practices since
to the .buildable areas of two lots is virtuall mp ossible.
y i
sewer and water, becomes available to the plat and redivisfon into smal-
lots is lnninent,, several factors come to bare. Subdivision into small:,er
will be virtually impossible due to topography and location of water
Utility service to the three center lots will,,be extremely costly,
not cost prohibitive.
tho rreaadiegs of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnosoto, including all accounts audited. by said Council:
Mr. Filippi, representing Mr. Du Wade Harris, was present to answer questions
and comment on this plat.
Mayor ; Stock received a -letter opposing the plat from Mr..& Mrs. William
•Ries, which was read aloud at the meeting and requested..this: letter to be
made part of the record.
Motion by Bissonett to_ deny ` the preliminary plat proposal of Howard Lake
Estates based on the Planning Commission's findings and to.recomnend that
Mr. Harris and Mr. Filippi work with Staff to try to develop an alternative
plan by using some of the acreage.that can be developed in us.ing the philosophy
that was indicated two -three weeks ago, that .the ]rand actually. can be used in
another fashion, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
SIGN ORDINANC The sign ordinance was tabled to Monday, October 20, 1980 at 7:35 PM.
Resolution 80- 18 ;.RE:- Authorizing Execution of Funding. approval under Title I
80 - 18
of the Housing 6 Community-Development Act of 1974, Designation of Depository
and Authorization of Signators- was reviewed.
Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 80 -1:8; RE: Designation of Depo0 tort' and
Authorization of- Signators, seconded by Busse avid upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.
Resolution 80 -19; RE: Authorizing Execution of 'a contract between the City C#
80 - 19
of Prior Lake and the Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authori was
Motion by Busse to adopt Resolution 80-19; RE: Contract between the City of
Prior Lake and Scott County HRA, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed.
Councilman Thorkelson commented that now that the funding will be available
for Tower Street in the Spring, and If the curb and gutter wil.l.be an alter-
ate bid, a public hearing should be held before awarding of the'bid so the
project can be done properly.
City Engineer Anderson agreed -to this procedure. Mayor Stock thanked Council-
man Thorkelson for all his work in getting this grant for Tower Street.
Mayor Stock mdde his recommendation on the committee for Cable-T.V.
Motion by Thorkelson to appoint Ralph Teschner as acting chairman -until the
-first meeting is called to order, Jim Hoeppner,- Alexander Kupers, Dan Ran-
dolph and Mike - Saarela to the committee for researching -Cable T.V. and the
Mayor contact three others-if they wish to.be on this committee, seconded r4 ,
by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock made his recommendation for the Planning Commission vacancy.
Motion by Watkins to appoint Tom Foster to the Planning-Commission, effective
Immediately, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it wasduly passed.
Mayor Stock made
Y his recommendation on the committee for the community civic
Motion by Watkins to appoint Frank Wicker;pMarlas Bluedorn, Meda Kop, Anita
Hager; Norm Erickson and Mike McGuire as acting chairman to the committee
for researching the- community civic center, and the ,Mayor contact three
others if they wish to be on this committee, seconded by Busse and upon a'
vote taken It was duly passed.
City Planner Graser presented information on individuals who fail to take' -
out building permits. Council discussed this matter and suggested that a
policy be developed. This item was tabled for - October 20, 980.
Resolution 80 -20; RE: Authorizing County Auditor. levy taxes for certain
" 80 -20
bond issues was discussed.
Motion by Busse to adopt Resolution 80 -20; RE: Authorizing County Auditor
to levy
taxes for certain bond issues, seconded, by Watkins and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
the Proceedings of the Vilhpe Council of the Village of Prier Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
The City Planner presented the 'information on Harold Bohlen and his request
for a conditional use permit. -City Planner Graser has issued a temporary
permit for the construction of a pole barn, which is in an R -1 District.`
The recent ordinance - states that such a construction is permissable only
upon Counci approval. The applicant owns and has most of the 30 acres
under plow and the building will be used to show and house animals. This
land, following the recommended Comprehensive Plan, will be rezoned A -].
Mayor Stock would like the Council to approve the applicants request and
whether the applicant should be charged the fee to come before the Council
for conditional use because his property is agricultural in use.
The Council agreed that Mr. Bohlen should not be penalized because he wants
to continue with agricultural land.
Mayor Stock stated that for the record that the City Planner; is carrying
out the rules and regulations in Coming to the Council with the conditional
use because the property is an R -1 classification. This land already has
an existing pole barn and the land is being used as agricultural. The
pr p procedures were taken. The $50. fee should be refunded and the zon-
ing should reflect the land use.,
Motionby Watkins to approve the request of Mr. Bohlen and rafund the con-
ditional use fee"'that was collected, seconded by Thorkelson andGupon a
vote taken it was ,duly passed.
The election judges and „counters were reviewed for the November election.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Judges and Counters for Ward 11 as
per the memo dated October 2, 1980, seconded by Bi`ssonett and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed'.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the Judges and Counters for Ward as
per the , memo dated October 2, 1980, seconded by Mayor Stock and upon a
vote taken it was duly "passed.
Civil Defense 'Coordinator Tom Foster reported on the civil defense supplies
In Prior :Lake.`. The school did not have any supplies and the old bank
buildinSL had a few supplies that were dated back to 1964. The Civil De-
fence Director of Scott County stated that there were no funds available
to'replentish the supplies in Prior Lake. Mayor Stock ` suggested that at
the next r.i defense meeting he will attend with Mr. Foster and re-
west now supplies for Prior Lake.
Councilman Thorkelson asked how the situatiow should be handled at the
Brooksville Mali regarding the soot and ash rising from the incinerator.
Caincilman Thorkelson reported that he has received a complaint about a
home Rutgers, that the resident is bringing equipment home from work
and leaving It in his driveway. Council discussed situations of this
nature with home occupation permits. further discussion will be held-
at a later date,
'Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken
{ _this meeting was adjourned at 10:06 PM:
Michael A` McGuire
City Manager