HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 14 1980MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Vilkle of Prim Lake in the County of Scott and S tate o f MiSnO0010, including all occounft audited by said Council. October 14, 1980 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Tuesday, October 14, 1980 at 7:30 PH. Present were Mayor Stock, Council- men Busse, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Enjineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner and-City Attorney Sullivan. Absent were Councilmen Bissonett and Thorkelson. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The minutes of October,6, 1980 were reviewed. MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of October 6, 1980 as presented, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. WATERMAIN City Engineer Anderson reviewed the quote from Richard Knutson,'Anc. for CONDONS TO looping of watermain from Condons to Lakeside Manor. His quote for doing, LAKESIDE KANO the work is $9,830. The Mitchell Pond", Condons and Gateway Shores area is fed by a single watermain. A watermain connection between Hope St. A and Lemley Circle will increase water quality and improve service should a break occur. Two residents from Lakeside - Manor, were present to express concern about what the placing of the pipe will do to their property and if any,damage occurs, will it be repaired. Motion by Watkins to award the contract to Richard Knutson, Inc. in'the amount of $9,830 for the project of looping the watermain and City St aff rigorously observe the work so tho'contractor stays in the required ease- ment and the work is restored to the satisfaction of the two adjoining property owners, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken tt was du']y,passed. SEWER EASEMEN'City Engineer Anderson presented information on the sewer easement in IN BANG=S ADD Bang-s Addition. The outfall line from the old sewage treatment,plant MR. ROIGER crosses a parcel owned by Bob Roiger In Credit River Township. Mr. Roiger would like the City to vacate the easement. S taff feels that even though, thi s A i ne is not being used it may have value to the City in theluture.' Motion by'Watkins to deny the,request from Mr. Bob Roiger for vacation of the easement across his proper seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. S/W EXTENSION Council reviewed the letter from Me. P. R. Hill regarding classification of his building on Shady Beach Trail. City Manager McGuire reported that the City Planni er and Bulilding,,Inspector have looked at the building and recommend it to be classified as a storage structure and not requi-red to be hooked up to municipal services, a 5 yr: defermek f rom'connect Ion or until the time when it will be used, and that the outhouse be vacated and opening be filled. Motion by Busse to grant a 5 yr. deferment upon the connection of the 201X 24 storage building on the P. R. Hill property contingent upon proper_ fill being placed to cover the openfn of8thp outhouse and this storage buildin4 be subject to an annual maintenance inspection, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken'Ift was duly passed. L. SCHWEICH Mr. John Titus was present with a number of other residents from Fish, ' Pt. FISH PT. RD. Rd. regarding their - lake access.. Mr. Lawrence Sch I weich, owner of the property the residents ,use .iii'lake access, is planning to build a on that land. Councilman Watkins commented on this matter also. Council directed the City Attorney to research this matter and give his opinion to the Council as soon as possible as to whether the City can issue the permit. Staff is also directed to take under advisement what the property owners have said at this meeting. The residents were asked to keep in contact with Staff and to keep working with Mr. Schweich.on this matter. GliTEWAY AVE. Gateway Avenue was presented by City Manager McGuire. This, project has been in the 6ak, Ing for the past. two years. 'City Manager McGul-rerecom- mended condemnation n - proceedings to start and negotiations continue with the property owner.. tif MINUTES of'the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Luke in the County of Sea" and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by sold Council. x GATEWAY Motion by Watkins to authorize the.City.Attorney to kroceed wi ®r AVENUE for purpose of. sec ur i n9 the might -9f-ways for- Gateway Avenue,_so. constr be completed b y ss 1981, seconded by Bue and upon a vote taken it RETAINING City Engineer Anderson reported on'the retaining wall on Fish Point R ,WALL ON the Norbert Traxler prop"er'ty "The existing rock wall deteriorated pa =k�°.S: c� FISH PT. R0 due to the `fact that it is a rock wail and also to the lowering of the street. Two firms submitted bids for the repairs. Bids requested were for repal�ri -ng the existing wal'i at $2100 and for replacing the rock wall with a wood wall and resloping portions of the ° yard to eliminate part of the wall, this cost is $5165 Although the %wood wall is more expensive, it will be less money in the, long, term. } ry t Mr. Traxier was present to make comments on this matter. Motion by Watkins to table this item until October 20, 1980 and have Staff # make available to the City Attorney the agreement sent to Staff by Mr; Trax`ler F and a little more time be 'spent on determining the condition of' existing T" wall, seconded by Busse and 'upon ° a vote taken it was dul passed. KENNEL Mr. 6 Mrs. Richard Z�ierhut were present to discuss with CountII,"the kennel LICENSE license. Their neighbor, Mr. Ron Corwin, owns a kennel, has a license and ral5es pure bred; dogs. Mrs. Zierhut stated that she works nights and the dogs bark constantly and it's hard to sleep during the day. Mrs Zie �" ~x presented a petition to,the Councii, which other neighbors have signed, against the noise the dogs are: making. The Counci 1 accepted lairs petition..r - - =' . 'Mr:'Ron Corwin was also present and commented that some of his dogs are de ` barked and he:,has placed his dogs on the far side of h.is property away from the Zierhut's house so they do not disturb her. Mr. Berger, a neighbor of Mr. ; Corwin was present and stated that Mr. Corwin's dogs do rot bother him D s . and the;dogs do not bark constantly. Mr. Corwin presented a petition to the Council from neighbors that stated his dogs are not a nuisance. Y"Thc CouncII � t accepted this petition. � i n Mayor `Stock stated that at this time there is no action to be taken. Mr. Cor- win does have a kennel license which expires ,in the Spring of next year. At that time, Mr. Corwin's kennel wil: be inspected and the kennel ordinance will be reviewed. Input from both°the ill ' kennel owners and residence w be accepted and the City Manager was directed to contact them when a` public sting is . S ( n ^ scheduled THELEN'S City Planner Graser` presented the <.request of Tony Thelen, Thelen's ist Addition, 4 iST"AODN. for preliminary plat and hardshell approval.° The Planning Commlision has held a put l is hearing` :z:nd has <<given, approval `for the preliminary plat. The park = dedscation °fee has been set `at $1;224. 'Mayor Stock `directed the Ci Planner"' to make the preliminary drawing 'for the Council as Exhibit A and dated Oct. 1 1980. The City Engineer: stated that the plat meets 'al. the requirements. Motion by,Watkins to approvd the Thelen's ist Addition preliminary plat and fiardshsll contln'gent, upon the park dedication fee be 'paid at the time the hevdshelI is released, in the amount of $1,224' and the -developerybe aware that he has an obligation to control any water, rgag -off and to prepare or that,:�such as straw bales ; or whatever the terms °of the engineer are, seconded by Busse IF and upon a vote taken it was dul passed.' �EXCAVAT, Council'oreviewed the ordinance of Excavation and Recla�nation: �Clty„ Planner j RECLAMi1TION Graselr commented. This ordinance is to have the'City Engineer oversee filling ORDINANCE an..±e��.avatiop and to give out permits for this.' City�Eng�neer Anderson com- o - o Mon s ° that there is a need for this ordinance. .f City Council directed the City Attorney to review this ordinance along with Staff to rey) ew And this'item was tabled until October - 20 1980. CABLE T.V. Mayo Sto COMMITTEE' ' ck)made "his rec(ivmendatlon on the. Cable T_, V. 'oommi.ttee. a s ,• - Mot ion by Watkins to appoint to the Cable T. V. comm ittee Barry Meyer, Jose"s a. vote taken i'`was' duly. �,Carips,, and Gene. Nei, seconded by Busse'an d upon' t )N. passed. „ -2- r o 0 r A f MINUTIS Of the I'Mcs"ino of the Village Council of the Village of Prioj Lake In the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts, audited by said Council. rU, COMMUNITY CEN Mayor Stock made his recommendation to the Community Civic Center TER COMMITTEE commi t tee. Notion by Busse to appRint �o the Community Civic committ6e, Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Pat Fe -Skip -Reeb I e and M I ke Bikbc _k oc_ _ co e� nded� by Watkins and upon a vote taken It was passed. RESOLUTION Resolkion Accidents on Cty. Rd. 21 were reviewed. 80- Motion by Waktins to adopt Resolution 80-21, Accidents on Cty., Rd. 21, and the City Manager subm[t this resolution to.the proper 'Ichannels, seconded by Busseand upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 1979 AUDIT- Finance Director Teschner reviewed the 109 Audit. An audit r6commenda- tion was that a fixed asset Inventory will be conducted in the of 1981 and in the fiscal year of 1980, audits will lie'reported cVn a modified accrual basis. Motion by Watkins to accept the 1979 audit and a copy beplaced -in the Library, City Hall afi'd Prior Lake State Bank, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CARPETING IN Mayor Stock commented that to replace the carpeting in the Council Chambers, I L ROOM, it would cost approximately $2,000; this item Will have to I t'. o we AORGENSON C ity Attorney Sullivan:stated that the Jorgenson hearing is scheduled.for - AR I NG Friday, October U7, 1980. HE TOWER ST. City Engineer Anderson stated that a public hearing should be scheduled Discuss+on was PROJECT TOR for the co'ncrett.curb and gutter from Duluth to Toronto. ONTO DULUTH held on the length of curb and gutter to Toronto. Motion bylusse that�the City consider concrete curb andgutter In the 4­�;X area that,isclast0fled as commerciaL, seconded by Watkins and upon a t vote tak 1 6�, .�qas duly passed. FINAL PAYMENT City Engineer Anderson requested Council approval for final payment to TO CdkTRAC�T contractors for projects concluded this year. Motl'on by.Busse to approve final payments to the following contractors: Project 78-2i Fish PbInt Road, to McNamara-Vivant Contracting Co.,, Inc. L In the amount, of $20, Project 1846 4, Fairlawn Shores., to Pro- *ess I ve Contractor s Inc. -the amo�,nt of $69,141,,94 in Project 78-5, �[sland�VieW, to Richard Knutson, Inc. In the amount of i$23 862.2� Pro- A ct 791, Send Paint, to Richard Knutson, Inc. In the4nlou nt of $I� 1 820. 004 Project 79 Anna Trail, to McNamara Inc. InI\ Amount of $10,149.,20;,,and Project 79-4, The Harbor toEncon Ut"Lities,in the amount of $10,346.46, seconded by'Watkins and upon a vote taken It was d0y passed. The fi�) lowing Invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, October 21, 198o: Hise..'66partments: NSP Utilities $3,261.26 CDP' Inc. Copy Machine 198-53 Prior Lake �"V Cd*utoservl`ce,', Inc. Sewer & Water Bill 667.69 Vehicle Repairs 10-30 coast to Coast Supplies 16-37 Alb 43-00 Supplies Renta PHor Lake Lumber Co. Repates Suppl'ies 138-53, 6� Bryan Rock Products, Inc. Repairs 113.27 scott-Rice telephone Co. Utillt'ies 64'6.52 Weber Auto Supply, I nc. Repairs 815,.54 Lake Auto Supply Stearns Oil Re' a I rs 1 188.25 Oil 121. 9,6 Ames Office supply Office Suppr - ies 2.37 - Bankers Life - 46 Insurance 2,120. 4� - 3� .4 1 { z _ MIMUTlf of tho PreeoodkNp of 1ha Villegd Coundi of the Village of Prier Lake is the County of Scott and S" , of Minneseta, indudis) poll accounts auditid by oaid CevtAdL General Government: OSM' Engineering $ 1,152.11 t Harold D. Bohlen Refund 50.00 'Michael McGuire Convention - 278.98 x Gross Ind'. Services Bidg. Maint,. 110.03 Prior Lake American /Leaden Publisfiing 33.50 American "linen Supply Cor' Bldg.. Maint. 20.65 Sterling Codif Inc. Code Books $4.48 E. H. News trom `' Bldg. b Plmg. Insp.' 1,187.50 " Bob McAllister Dog Catcher` 270.00 Engineeri Scott Co. Surveyor's Office Plats �S 13.00 Brunson Instrument Co. Equipment 11.51 ` ' Plannin g: f Sue Warmka Planning Commission $ 120.00 J ' Franc , 4,HospIta1. Blood' Alcohol $ 20.00 Steve Schmidt Conventl on 15.54 "1 Dick Powell Convention z 19.13 r Rich K1ugherz i'a 1eate 7.20 Rob :Boe Mileage 3.60 Malkerson Motors Inc. Vehicle Repairs 75.21' Air :Comm, Inc. Equipment Repairs 200:84 ►�,J Advance Ambulance t EquIOment'SaIes Supplies $ # ,18.98 Gopher Welding Supply Co. „ Supplies 5.30` Wenzel Mechanical Repa'irs 17.50 < Minn. Fire' Lnc. Equipment 080.28 i Parks: *� ` Mi nn. Toro, Inc. :, _ Repa i rs $ 28.53 kS, a pea, Pubi 1p, Util i`tias'Comm. Utilities 17.79 P1ar Lake Aggregates, Inc. Athletic Complex x,742: - BtJ Glass SeyvIce Repairs 129.18 ` Peterson Forage. Seed Division Seed '' 5,005.Q0 Street: v . Dan's 1E0, r..t �� Repairs $" 4.50 Wm. Mueller S. Sons, BT Mix' 544.00 m ry Inc., Va11ey ,T Ire t Auto..5ervico, Inc. Tires 1,378,.00 'Airs�igr4l a ° ''Rental 28.00 White Construction Co. 'Andersen Repairs 493•00 Earl F. Assoc., I:nc. Signs° J. L. Shlel Co. -Rock 48.68 Tom Stebenalor Repairs ;12.00 ' r General Welding <, Repairs - xiacicl us Hardwa re Repa is r -s - 62.75 i, "Sewer • � � r � Schrader' Block Co.' Repairs - 40_.00 < Riohard Knutson; ° Inc. Repairs 722.00 installment , 12,768.80 P \�? Elk R Iva r Concre;re� %Products Repairs = 6.00 > {rater �,. Servo I labora., or iel Water Tests $` 12.00 � E +imaa F � emley,��L ° ehr, Inc. Watermain 1 256.58 r t ,1c m.r -4- o - , 5 t }. 10/ 14/80, i .. MINIiTlf of tM IN imp of fM Villago COUMii of the Vilkegs of Prior Lake in IM Coutiry%l of Se" and &W% of MinneseliFi including all seeounft audiNd by odd Council. t r } Diseased Tree: I Scherer Tree Service '° Tree Removal $ 2,073.00 L b L Tree Service Tree Removal I 365.00 Martinson Island Sewer b Water Construction Fund: OSM Engineering $ 1,833:4) Instant Testing Co. Professional Services 686.00 Sand Pointe Construction Fund: Instant Testing Co. Professional Services Misc. Construction Fund: $ 36150 L OSM Eng i nee.r_ i ng' $ 61;'47 h Debt Service Fund: The First Nat!1 Bank Paul Bond Payment S 7,228.00 Northwestern Nat'l Bank of Mpl s. Bond Payment The First Nat'l Bank of St. Paul Bond Payment:.. 5,108.75 ti1,0b4.11 ° Ed Mazanec Refund1;20.$0a , Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse andL upon a vote.take'n this meeting was adjourned at 10:11 PM. 3 a b Michael- A. McGuire c " City Manager rJ C t v 9 ^ r Z V R r r i "• s ki r ., .; ,.... � z: t f F u .r