HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 24 1980i 4 f � MIN {iTtt of the f +roeeediwN the VIllooe council of the Village of prior take in the Ceenfl► of feolf end Efate of Mien M, Including all accounts audihd by eaid Council. "' November,. 24, 198.0 The Common council of the City of Prior lake me in regular sess'i.on on Nov. 24, 1980 at 7:30. P.M. Present were Mayor - Stock, City Manager McGu re,: Coun -.; Y ci linen „Bissone,tt , Busse, Watkins, Thork,calsocs,,, C; -ty P,lanner' Graser `C ty -En-' gineerAnderson ,:nance'DireG.tor' Te ctiner�anci City.Attorney Rick Lind. Mayor,;$tock called t,he.meeting to order. The,” °minutes„ of. November 17; 1980 1 re reviewed. MINUTES Mc Watkins to the,minutes of November. 17, 1980 as presented, _ seconded b Busse and upon a vote taken it',was dul y p y - pa sad. f NORTHWESTERN i'ty Planner Graser reviewed wi the th the Council .cond,itional use appeal ' BELL TELEPHO rom Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. Northwestern Bell wishes to - CO. ,CONDITIOonstruct a utility building adjacent to County Road 42. This ` _application AL USE APPEAas reviewed by the Planning Commission and they denied the requw.kt because. « he immediate neighbors were in opposition, fear of commerc`alizatton of he area and the proposed lot size was not in- compl.i.ance with the = -- 15,000 :. 1 he q• ft. requ red by the ordinance. r. Dokken, representative from the Northwestern Beli,C �.ompan;y was present to iscuss with the Council what they have been doing to find land to build utility building. r. Dan Dahigren was present; he •.i`s the owner o' -the property,, ne''xt.,to the roposed building site. At first, he agreed to'- et t a build.the'�struc- ture, however, when they - presented : their proposal, he changed his mind. r. Dokken stated that there is a lot: on the east side of-Sand Pointe Addi -, ion that - Denny McW; 1 JJams is wl1 i,ing to ,sell to the telephone, company, waver, that, lot Is too far to run the cables for the'.area, they wish to serve; the cost would be ,expensive. Councilman Bissonett asked how much more -i.t,.would cost to build the struc- ture on that lot; what would the cost be to the customers. �.:. The Engineer for the telephone company stated that it would cost "about seventy thousand dollars which would be spread over a large number of customers.' The Council suggested that Mr.`Dokken continue to negotiate",with °Mr. Mc- m. Williams and to research another site or lot in that particular area and come back and report to the Council'. Motion by Watkins to continue the request of the`Northwestcrn Bell Telephone , Company until December 8, 1980 at 7:35 PM, seconded by Busse and „upon a vote taken It was dul passed. LAKESIDE Lakeside Marina issue was next to be discussed. City Attorney Rick Lind MARINA stated that the trial date.is set for December.], 1980. Bryce Huemoeller, SETTLEMENT ` attorney for Jim Dunn, has put together a settlement memorandum to submit MEMORANDUM Ao,the Council so same agreement can be made so this Item does not have to be taken to.court. Mt. Huemoeller was present along with Mr. Dunn. The sections of the memo- randum were gone over separately and if the Council had any questions` or suggestions they may bring them up after each section. One addition to the memo that the Council suggested was to define full service marina, transient boats and general boat and motor repair serv.i.ce. in section 4.01, the rewording of� the marina shall be exempt from annual compliance with Prior Lake Ordinance.,.Section`4.08, should read signs shall be main- Fx tained with the current ordinance. Section 5.06, the lighting shall not go across the bay. Section 5.08, landscaping shall be in conjunction with the site plan. Section 7, "Persons Bound” 'shall be worked out with the attorneys. Section 6, improvements, dust „free surface'shall be taken out and .stated, all driveways and parking areas shall be installed before June 1,'1981 with asphalt paving installed, no later than June 15, 1982. The blue houseboat is to be removed by Jul I5 1981. i a to MINYTtf of w! -. o e!diejs "ef the Villega CGUndl of the Vii . _ of Frier Loki an the eeuetys of See" s, end StoN of �Mienewte, including ell.acc"nft audited, 17 geld, Cwneil. ' } 1AKESIDE,MAR1 Motion by Bissonett to approve the ettlenerc: r . NA SETTLEMENT memorandum contingent upon ; the City Attorney working out the final deal, as.,suggested and discussed \ MEMORANDUM = by the Council and that the final review and a � pprova)be made by the�Ci�cy Manager, Mike McGutce, =and if the set't!_ment memorandum y" �- ' is not resolves -t J rha , Manaaers_satisfaction ", thc will proceed to court , seconded by Thorke i son and) u a vote . pon xa��!! i_t:�was duly passed..- 1980 AUDIT Ralph Teschner, Finance Director, made a few h comments regarding ,the 1980 Audit. GEO.- HAHSEN Mot ion b Wat C y ' kins to award the 1980 Audit to.,the: low bidder, George M. Hansen`" Company in the amount of $5,800.00, 'seconded-by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed; `' o .COUNTY RD 12 Ci y Manager McGuire reported on the letter received from:.thefCounty Engineer !SPEED LIMIT regarding the speed limit' on,County Road the Count is 12., This letter is infot7national and y pursuing thi -$ matter, however, it has been determined. that this area oes not qualify as an-urban district. ` WATERSHEDtU IS, ouncilman Watkins /reported HEARIN PUBLIC cn the Watershed District hearing that was held on Sat. Nov 22nd. The Watershed District is g oing ahead with the protect. He requested the. City Enginear to analyze the 902.5 level: and if it Is at the safety:,ievel needed., for public uti es.- SIGN ORDl,NANCE Mr. Howard Clausen, had talked to Mayor St USE ock regarding the sign ordinance FROWARD CLA that was, reviewed last He week. asked two questions: 1) does=the sign ordin -" ance provide for agrandfather c lause -and 2 can them "be'a "the set back. -Mayor variance granted Stock requested the City Attorney to coiirment these i on questions at the December 8th meeting, " # SCHWE�I CH FISH PT. RD.. Marlis Dluedorn questioned the Council as to why the buildingpermit on. the lake TBLDG . PERMIT {.. lot on Fish Point Road was being held up for 6 ' "Mayor Stock re- months. sPonded that it was the City Attorney's that opinion because wb knew that there 5 r was a potent�tal_ <.Wnersh,p pr he felt that it was the Ci +ty�3 "obligation r . , to af`l6w rbssonable time to work this out. it does not mean tha; the Cit y agrees with one party or the other, but it t Ives 1Y - "sim than enough ,time to work, some:thln out. MP The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, December 2, 1980: Misc. Departments: Kiingberg Excavating, Inc:- Improvements Minnegasco µti Uti1<i"ties, 308.56 Locomen, Nelson, Sullivan & `'Cole ; +.Attorney "Fees 6 Bankers ` ` Life ,387.50 Minn. Valley Electric Co -o Insurance 2,120.46 P Utilities` NSF -Utilities Air Comm, Inc. 3,272.94 =< Muelken.0il Co. Repairs 239.50 Gas 4 ,101.50` Delta Dental° Plan of Minn. Insurance 693.75 .� # General Government: "., Jerry. MueT ken " Damages $ 42.00 E. H. Newstrom Bldg. 8 Plmb, Inspector. 868..50 Clary Business Machines Co. Equip. Repair Mi1)ar /Davis Co. - 4 7.50 Supplies f� Judy Jepsen 5 Cleaning Supplies 25.75 St ' Red-Owl l � , Suppi 1es 27.86. � Wes. Hukr i 6de Retainer Refund 00 Eldeen k,Construction` Retainer Refund 100100, Banitt Construction .00 „ �, � ', `' �� " t � Retainer Rfund y PP y. MldWest Veterinar Su 1 Inc. Dog Tags 40-70 1 40.70 "`4 Plannin2: ;x. v 7 U of M Registration $ 60.00 r -2- 4..,: , Novr 24, 1980 < MINUTBf of the Pmc*W iap of the Villeoe CevnelI of the Village of Prier take in the COURV of fcen awd !late of MlaaesNa, iweludi" all ""aft Owl"d by said Canaan. �t Police: Don Streicher Guns Inc. Repairs $ 73.95 State of Minnesota Supplies Stearns Oil 15.60 n Oil Uniforms Unlimited > Supplies 19.'4 64.75.... Park Water Products Co. Repairs Valley Engineering Co., Inc. Park Work 37.38 `- 850.00 yc , Street Prior Lake Aggregates, Inc. Sand $ 9 .Scott Co. _Treasurer improvements J. L. Shiely Co.. 1`27,69 Class 5 Itasca Equip. Co. Repairs 22.96 Viking Steel Products, Inca Equipment 5.00 1; .894.15 ,Sewer GopKer Glass Co. �Repai'rs S 64� .110 Water: Valley Equip. Co. Repairs Serco Laboratories $ �1,�5..61 f Water Tests Van Waters 6 Rogers Chemicals 121V00" 274 .71 0 i seased Tree :. Scherer Tree Service Nursery Tree Removal Prior $ 300,00 .Lake Tree Removal 1,51500 \ ' Sand P6inte Construction Fune .: OSM Engineering. $ 1 .968.71 -_, Martinson Island Sewer and Water4Construction Fund: OSM y 7 I Engineering $ 3,841y0 Prior Lake Nursery Norm Traxler'Residence 5,165400 1977 Wagon- Bridee Sewer and Water Construction Fund Klingberg Excavating, 'Inc. Repairs $ 168.80 1977 Spring Lake Sewer and Water Construction Fund: �.: 9 J� O$M Engi in9 Weer $:: 524 ,84 Debt Service Fund: y e Klingberg Excavating,'Aiic• Digging in Services $ 11000 Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett�and,upon taken this meeting was ;adjourned at 10:40 PM. a vote % 1 _ chae1 A. McGuFre ;� Manager tr � y n _3_ 1 x s dip,