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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of ;
Mien9seta, including all accounts audited by said Council.
December 22, 1980
�. The Conmon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Mon-
day, December 22, 1980 at 7 :30 PM. Present were Mayor Stock,,Counc°ilmen
F Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson,.Watkins, City Manager McGuire, Parks ( Director
Mangan, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner`and City Attorney
Sul livan.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. The minutes of December 15, 1980
r were reviewed.
The following are corrections to be made to the minutes of December 15th;
Page 1, paragraph 14; In the event the boundary lines of the City of
Prior Lake are changed after 1/1/81, then the additional parcels_.sha l be
assessed under this agreement, if approved mutually by .Seatt. County and
Prior Lake, seconded b Bissonett and u '
Y pen a vote taken it was duly passed.
ASSESSORS Motion by Watkins to rescind the motion of the December 15, 1980 minutes on
y x, AGREEMENT the assessor agreement, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed. l -I
Motion by Watkins to approve and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to
enter into the assessment agreement with the County Assessor dated 12/22/
80 as amended, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was dul „ l
.' passed.,.
3 Page 1, paragraph 1 Change 1981 auJit to 1980 audit,
MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes'of .December 15, 1980 as amended,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. i
JIM PRCHAL City Planner Graser briefed the Counci'1- on the variance appeal of Jim Prchal.
VAR. APPEAL,`; The Planning Commission discussed this variance request at their meeting.
The7r findings were, o deny the request because there was no hardship in
volved and a two and one -half car garage could be constgjcted without a
Mr. Jim Prchal was present and stated that his plan for a larger garage would
allow him to have both cars in the garage and enough storage space._
Council discussed Mr. Prchal's request andagreed with the Planning Commis-
sion's findings, that there is no hardship involved and an alternate plan r
could be designed for the garage.
Motion by Watkins to deny the variance request of Jim Prchal for the addition
of 18 feet to a 4 foot side yard, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed,
RESCUE RATES The rescue service rates were reviewed. " City Manager McGuire - presented the
information on service rates from surrounding communities. Staff recommends
an increase to $75.00 /rescue run.
Motion by Thorkelson to approve the $75.00 increase for rescue runs and to
review the rates in 1982, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.
JOHN FITZ City Planner Graser presented the information on the John Fitzgerald con
GERALD CON ditional use review. The City Planner commented that the Planning Commis
DITIONAL USE Lsion reviews these matters and makes their recommendation to the Council,
REVIEW however, the applicant sits on the Commission and in his opinion, resulting
in a conflict of interest, has requested the Council to conduct concept re-
Mr. Fitzgerald and his architect, Mr. Skip Sorenson, were present. Three
plans were presented to the Council for their, review on the townhouse devel-
' opment; they stated teat Scheme C was the best`of the three plans.
Mayor Stock directed Mr. Sorenson and Mr. Fitzgerald work together on
Scheme C, which the Council agreed was the best of the three plans, and to
X develop it further to show the lake elevation, traffic pattern and to meet
with the neighborhood and discuss Scheme C with them.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County, of Scott -and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
The Treasurer's report was reviewed for the ".month of November, 1 -
9 80.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the Treasurer's report, seconded by Busse r
and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i
.:_ N
Finance Director Teschner reported on the rates for individual Connections
to sewer only. The City currently charges a flat rate of $8.00/2 month
billings.- The City's meter usage by the MWCC greatly exceeds the gal-
lons recovered thru sewer and water billings. Staff recommends that a flat
rate for sewer be increased to $25.00/2 month billings, to more accurately
reflect the average usage.
Motion by Bissonett to amend the ordinance to show the 'increase of $25.00/
2 month billing for sewer rate, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to send out a memo
with the next water billing explaining the reason for�.the increase. j
The service contracts for 1981 were reviewed.
Motion by Bissonett to renew the contract for the City Attorney with Lomnen'
CITY ATTORNEY Nelson,>Sullivan E Cole
and the rate of $45 /hr. for prosecution and $45 -60/
hr. for other services remain the same,' seconded by Busse and upon a
taken it was duly passed:
Motion by Thorkeison to renew the contract for the Planning Consultant' ='
with Charles Tooker and the rate of$600 /month remain the same, seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Building Insp.
Motion by Watkins to renew the contract for the Building Inspector with
Newstrom and increase the rate to $14.00 /inspection, seconded by Bissonett
and_.upon.a vote taken it was duly passed.
Plmb. Insp.
Motion by Busse to renew the contract for the Plumbing Inspector with Gene
Newstrom and increase the rate to $14.00 /inspection, seconded by Bissonett
and upon a -vote taken it was duly passed.
:Dog Catcher
Motion by Bissonett to renew the contract for the Dog Catcher with Bob
McAllister and increase the rate to $320 /month, seconded by Busse and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed.
a r
I "Lawn Tractor
Parks Dept.
ParkS` Oirector Mangan reviewed the bids for the lawn tractor. The highest
- was Tom Stuewe4 from Cologne, with $515,00: F
Motion by Watkins to accept the bid for the lawn tractor and - award it. to Tom
Stuewe, Cologne, in the amount of S515.00, seconded by Bisscnett and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed. .-
Civil Defense
Mayor Stock reported on the civil defense meeting he attended last week. Book-
were passed out to the Council that Mayor Stock purchased at the meeting.
These booklets entitled Emergency Plan, are to be updated each -year by Civil
Defense Director Tim O!Laughl_in.. Emergency medical training for all rescue
And ambulance workers was discussed along with the possibility of a radio
activated siren system. Mayor Stock stated that emergency medical training,
such'as training, should not be necessary for volunteer workers and
the new siren system.i,s something to look into for 1982.
The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, January 6, 1981:
M1sc. Departments
- Shakopee Ford Vehicle Repair $ 126.50 "
NSP Utilities 3,281.77
M - V Gas Co. Propane 1,256.70;
Minn. Gas Co. Utilities` 734.83
Minn. Valley Electric Co - op Utilities 379.01
Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 7.50
COP, Inc. Copy Machine 198.78'
Banker's Life 2,120.46
Mobil Oil Credit Corp. Gas & Vehicle Repairs 145.53
Muelken Oil Co. Gas 1 ,443.6?
ror Office Supplies 62.27'
Prior L
Prior "76 Vehicle Repairs 48.30
G&B OK Hardware Supplies 74.52
December 22, 1980
of the Froceedinlis of the Villoae Council of the ViIIW of prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited b said Council.
General Government:
Prior Lake American /Leader
$ 31.00 '
Valley Engineering Co., Inc.:
Judy Jepsen
Holstad Associates
Cleaning Supplies
21 .50
Mini -Audit
Cont.in enc :
$ 50 83.35
Er. ineerin
A ction Messenger, Inc.
$', 16.50
St. Francis Hospital
Blood Alcohol
$' 23.00
olmsten Ice Rinks, Inc.
AK Office Products Co.
$ 57.
F ire
Scott Co. Civil Defense
$ 16.00
Emergency Fire Rescue
Coast to Coast
$ 48.89- -1
Brock- White Co
$ 32`.5.
b l
Klingberg Excavating, Inc.
$ 1`50':'00
Van Waters 8 Rogers
Ziegler Tire Service
Serco Laboratories
Water Tests
Sand Pointe Construction fund
Prior Lake
Blacktop, Inc.
Jordan Avenue
$` 400,00
Martinson Island Sewer and Water Construction Fund:
McNamara'-Vivant Contracting Co., Inc.
•;Fish Pt.'Rd.
$ 350.00
Debt Service Fund:'
f ,
Amer. Nat'l. Bank S Trust Co.
Bond Payment
$ 310.00
Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon
this meeting was adjourned at 9 :02PM.
a vote taken
A. McGuire
City Manager