HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 19 1981MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scot and State of
Mianesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
January 19, 1981
The Common Council of the City of P "rior Lake met i'n regular session on Mon-
day, January 19, 1981 at 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock
called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett,_,
Busse, Thorkelson and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Planner`Graser and ,+
Attorney Sullivan.
MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of January 12, 1981 as presented,
seconded by Busse.and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
LAKESIDE Mayor Stock briefly reviewed the revised site plan for Lakeside Marina.
MARINA SITE Attorney Bryce Huemoeller and Jim Dunn were to'answer any questions.
PLAN Mr. Wayne Miller, Wagon Bridge'Circle, was present and questioned footnote
#2 on the site plan. Will the Council be approving the proposed building
addition; they may be changed in the future. Council and City 'Attorney
discussed this item.
sMotion by Bissonett to approve the site plan contingent upon footnote #2
reading: Proposed building additions submitted on drawings are for infor- <'
ational purposes only; this does not constitute lapproval, seconded by 1
Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ! "
y he monthly reports were reviewed. !
POLICE REPORT Motion by Bissonett to approve the Police Report for the month of December,
1980, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken /it was duly passed,.'
y FIRE b RESCUE Motion by Watkins to approve the Fire and Rescue Report for the month of 1
December, 1980 and the 1980 summary of Fire and Rescues, seconded by
Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was du,ly passed.
BLDG. PERMIT Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Building Permit Report for the month of
December,, 1980 and the 1980 year end summnary, seconded by Bissonett and j
upon a vote taken it was duly passed. $
DOG'CATCHERi'S Motion by Bissonett to approve the Dog Report for the month of
December, 1,980, seconded by Busse andiupon a vote taken it was duly passed.,
NAT. GAS INCR Mayor Stock briefly commented on the." rate increase of natural gas.
COMMUNITY Frank Wi.cker, Chairman of the Community Center Committee was prese nt ,and
CENTER COMM. briefly commented on the committee. Mr. Wicker- introduced Pat Ferris, a
member the committee, to the Council. Other committee members present
were Marlis Bluedorn and Bob Barsness.
Pat Ferris summarized the commiitee's report to the Council, dated December,
1980, on the space needs for (ity offices, Library and Community, rooms.
The committee requests Counci( authorization to proceed with Phase 11 which
would include Investigating tshe options to renovate and add on to the exist-
ing City Hall, demolish'City'Hall and build a new one at the current itte,
sell the current City Hall and build a new one on a different site or ac-
quire,an existing, building; renovate and add on to it as needed. The com-
mittee would also hire a 11rofessional to assess the City needs in detail,
recommend a solution to the space problem and provide preliminary cost
Mayor Stock requested that an `additional item be inctuded to Phase 11 and
that i's,planning for Civil Defense space needs.
t 'Motion by Thorkelson / that Frank Wicker, Marlis Bluedorn, Dar Fosse, Norm
Erickson, Anita Hage.� Bob Barsness, Skip Reebie. Pat Ferris, Mike Babcock,
Meda Kop and Mike McGuire remain on the Communistt Committee and that
the committee continue with Phase 11, seconded by'Bissonett,.and upon a -vote
taken it was duly � assed.
JERRY GREN . Mr. Jerry Grendaht was present regarding dumping of debris on his property!
the Prior Lake site. Mr. Grendahl stated that he is not the cul-
prit for s,tarti' the dump and Junk yard and is trying to clean i�t,up -and
prevent further� ° '
" MINilTEf of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the 'Village of Prier lake in the County of Scots and State of
Miansysota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Mayor Stock recommended that larger signs be posted stating, No Trespassing
and No Dumping; try to obtain the "license number of the vehicles that are
dumping, then call the Police and the City will prosecute. The City and
Police Dept. will assist any way they can.`"
Mayor Stock commented on the problem of four wheeling at Lakefront Park.
Vehicles are not staying- in the designated driving areas and with the weather
as warm as it is„ the grass is getting ruined.
Councilman Bissonett stated..he will contact the Hockey Association and ask,
them to police the"i r people. City Manager McGuire stated that he will talk
with the Parks Director and ask him to talk to the Broombail Association.
Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a votetaken this:,
U ,;
mieetang .was.adj'ourned at 8;45 PM.
I gyp.
Y, 1 V
Michael A McGuire
y .
City Manager''"`