HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 02 1981 1Z
MARTINSON ISL. City Engineer Anderson reported on the letter he received from the Con
BRIDGE suiting Engineers on the Martinson Island Bridge. The most important item
is the thickness of the wall at a point slightly above the waterline and
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Pillage of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
March 2, 1981
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Mon -
day, March 2, 1981 at 7:30 PM. in'the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called
the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett,
Busse, Thorkelson,, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Parks
Director Mangan and Attorney Sharon Nelson. Absent was Councilman Watkins.
One correction is to be made to the minutes of February 23,'1981:
Page 1, paragraph 13; Remove second sentence, Mayor Stock commented..that
Td b d f b t k
the second most important is the depth of the abutments. Hor,i- 1
zonal vertical cores would have to be - taken. The recommendation of'.
the Consulting Engineer is that if the decision is made to obtain core
samples and do an investigation on the existing bridge, the two phases
should be performed.
One resident present stated that the bridge should be left as is. Othe,'r
questions were asked by residents that were present.
The City Engineer, with the Consulting Engineer, were directed to contact
Thor Vathne, who helped with construction of the bridge, to find out more
information on the bridge.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the horizontal corings to be taken thru
the bridge wall with costs of this project not to exceed $150C,. seconded
by Thorkel ^on and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
GRAINWOOD Mr. Gunner Zvonners was present to give_ petition to the Council. This
AREA PETITION petition is from the property owners of ° Grainwood Cirq;le and North Grain -
wood who object to the 50' wide road proposed by the City and request that
all condemnation proceedings cease. This petition dated February 10, 1981
was accepted by the Council on thisi� date. Mr. Zvanners stated that the
resident's object to the road because it would increase traffic in the
area, more noise from the cars, there would no longer be privacy , motor -
ists would litter the area, uninvited people would take up the parking
space, the area would no longer be safe for children, the soil is'satur -,
ated and water drainage is poor, they do not want' their taxes increased
for this project.
Mayor Stock stated that this road would give access to the back lot owners
in that area. The City has been notified that the road has been blocked
and is impassible. The City also requires the road to be open in case
the emergency vehicles need to net 'in, and to ultimately loop the neigh
b hood
r •
Mr. John Johnson owner of two lots in North Grainwood, asked if it makes
any difference if the majority of the people want the road.
Councilman Thorkelson stated that the whole purpose of this condemnation
proceedings is that a road existed there and private parties decided to
block other private parties from access to their property.- The City has
no choice, I -feel, but to proY'ide an access to those private lots.
S Y�
these units show a use or prosecution . . . e a en.
Motion by,Thorkelson to approve the minutes of February 23, 1981 as
amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Ms. Candy Smith, Counselor at Prior take Senior High, was present to dis-
cuss the appearances of Father Martin on Chimical Dependency. Police
Chief Dick Powell and Liaison Officer Joe VanDenBoom were present also to
support this program. Ms. Smith stated that she >needs; volunteers to help
sell tickets to-the program - scheduled for April 7th to the community. . She
also needs to raise money for Father Martin =to speak at theSr., Jr. b West-
wood schools. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to prepare a.'resolu-
ion supporting this program.
Motion by Bissonett to adopt Resolution 81 - 6, supporting the chemical
81 -6
dependency program and to submit the resolution to the local newspaper
and radio station, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly
MARTINSON ISL. City Engineer Anderson reported on the letter he received from the Con
BRIDGE suiting Engineers on the Martinson Island Bridge. The most important item
is the thickness of the wall at a point slightly above the waterline and
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Pillage of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
March 2, 1981
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Mon -
day, March 2, 1981 at 7:30 PM. in'the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called
the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett,
Busse, Thorkelson,, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, Parks
Director Mangan and Attorney Sharon Nelson. Absent was Councilman Watkins.
One correction is to be made to the minutes of February 23,'1981:
Page 1, paragraph 13; Remove second sentence, Mayor Stock commented..that
Td b d f b t k
the second most important is the depth of the abutments. Hor,i- 1
zonal vertical cores would have to be - taken. The recommendation of'.
the Consulting Engineer is that if the decision is made to obtain core
samples and do an investigation on the existing bridge, the two phases
should be performed.
One resident present stated that the bridge should be left as is. Othe,'r
questions were asked by residents that were present.
The City Engineer, with the Consulting Engineer, were directed to contact
Thor Vathne, who helped with construction of the bridge, to find out more
information on the bridge.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the horizontal corings to be taken thru
the bridge wall with costs of this project not to exceed $150C,. seconded
by Thorkel ^on and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
GRAINWOOD Mr. Gunner Zvonners was present to give_ petition to the Council. This
AREA PETITION petition is from the property owners of ° Grainwood Cirq;le and North Grain -
wood who object to the 50' wide road proposed by the City and request that
all condemnation proceedings cease. This petition dated February 10, 1981
was accepted by the Council on thisi� date. Mr. Zvanners stated that the
resident's object to the road because it would increase traffic in the
area, more noise from the cars, there would no longer be privacy , motor -
ists would litter the area, uninvited people would take up the parking
space, the area would no longer be safe for children, the soil is'satur -,
ated and water drainage is poor, they do not want' their taxes increased
for this project.
Mayor Stock stated that this road would give access to the back lot owners
in that area. The City has been notified that the road has been blocked
and is impassible. The City also requires the road to be open in case
the emergency vehicles need to net 'in, and to ultimately loop the neigh
b hood
r •
Mr. John Johnson owner of two lots in North Grainwood, asked if it makes
any difference if the majority of the people want the road.
Councilman Thorkelson stated that the whole purpose of this condemnation
proceedings is that a road existed there and private parties decided to
block other private parties from access to their property.- The City has
no choice, I -feel, but to proY'ide an access to those private lots.
S Y�
MINUTES of the Tirc 6din#s of thwVNingo: Couneit3of fho4VMa§* —of Vrior lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnosolo; ipcludinpallraocounts uudited by said Council.
The City has put in sewer and water back in that area, and we have the ease-
mencs for that purpose. Because of the actions of private individuals, it
is necessary for the City to takethis kind of action. I don't see how we
can change that position at this point.
Other residents were present from the Grainwood area to express their opinion
on this proposed road.
Motion by Thorkelson to continue to pursue the action to acquire the public
right -of -way for these lots, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed.
The next item discussed was the railroad corridor. Mrs. Tufte was present to
address the Council and presented a petition that was circulated last summer.
This petition is supporting the trail to be built on the abandoned Milwaukee
- Railroad bed between Shakopee and Cleary Lake Park for non- motorized vehicles.
This petition was accepted by the Council on this date.
Mr. Gunner Zvanners objected to the trail. He stated that last year peti -"
tions were submitted to the Commissioners in Shakopee against the trail sys-
te m.
Mr. Bob Cavil] was present and he supports the recreational use for the trail
Mr. Al Carlson was present and stated that he is in.favor of the trail.
Parks Director Bill Mangan pointed out that the trail acquisition would start
from the Wagon Bridge to Cleary Lake Park. This would help kids on bikes get
to Cleary Lake .Park safely instead of hay.i.ng to cross County Road 12.'
Further discussion on this -,matter was held and others in the audience stated,
their, opinions.
Motion by Thorkelson to adopt Resolution 81 -5 requesting the Scott County
81 - 5 -
Comm "ss i oners to acquire the abandoned railroad right-of-way from the Wagon
Bridge to 91 and Phase 11 to acquire an alignment north of the Wagon Bridge
to the Minnesota River, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.
X13 E•12 INTER
City Engineer Anderson commented on the problem on Highway 13 and Cty. Rd. 12.
intersection. Iry Prenevost`will be reviewing the intersection for discourag-
ing vehicles from crossing through the ditch.
Marlis`Bluedorn was {resent to thank the Council on behalf of the Dollars
for Scholars Committee for the resolution supporting their program.
"City Manager McGuire reported that the new squad car has arrived.
Motion by'Thorkelson to approve payment in the amount of $8,730.00 to Mahowald
Motors for the purchase of a new squad car, seconded by Busse and upon a vote °
taken it duly passed.
Councilman Thorkelson requested the City Engineer to take care of the washout
in the road on Main Avenue..
Councilman Bissonett withdrew his support on Resolution 81 -2, RE Reduction in
8 -2- C. BIS-
State Aids. He stated that many citizens stated, to him they felt the Council
was being partisan in politics. He feels the resolution was like a slap in
the face to the governor. He stated he does feel that the government belt
should be tightened,,at all levels.
Mayor Stock stated that this budget cut will force some cities, that didn't
have alot, to book into other ways of raising dollars, such as raising property
Engineer Anderson stated that all the lift stations in the City are
uniform. When the light is off the lift, station is working, when the light
is on the lift statiCn is not working properly.
City Engineer Anderson reported on the request for the City to enter into an
''` -SCH-
agreement for a Maintenance Easement i:n the Schmidt & Widerstrom Addition.
the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the Coun
of Scott
and State of Minnesota, including ll accounts audited b said Council.
9 Y
by Bissonett to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to enter into
an agreement for easement purposes for Lot 4, Schmidt E Widerstrom Ist
Addition, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Parks Director Mangan stated that a county board meeting will be held on
Tuesday, March 3, "1981 at 10 AM in Shakopee pertaining to the trail.
Motion by Busse to adjourn, seconded by Bi <ssonett and upon a vote taken
this meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.
Michael A,McGuire
City Manager
r .