HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 09 1981tt I MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott rnd .State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. March 9, 1981 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Mon- i day, March 9, 1981 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock callle the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett i Busse, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City 'Planner Graser, Attorney Sharon Nelson. Councilman Watkins was absent. j One correction is to be made to the minutes of March 2, 1981: I Page 1, paragraph 6; depth.of the stem (wall section) be changed ;to depth of the abutments. 1 a MINUTES Motion by Busse to adopt the minutes of.March 2, 1981 as amended, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ST. MICHAELS City Manager McGuire reported on the liquorlicense committee recommendation f CHRUCH LIQ. on the request of St.'Michaeis Church for a temporary on sale 3.2 license. L IC. f Motion by Bissonett to approve a temporary 3.2 on sale liquor license for St.. Michaels Church, the license fee be set at $10.00,;. and the hours of sale on Sunday, April 26, be from 12 noon to 6:30 PM, seconded by Busse . s a nd upon a vote taken it was duly passed. R. BOMSTA LIQ. City Manager McGuire reported on the liquor license committee recommendation LIC. on the request from Mr. Robert Bomsta for transfer of the liquor- license from Yen Yen Cafe. Motion by Bissonett to approve the liquor license transfer from Yen Yen Cafe to Robert'Bomsta, D.R.J., Inc., seconded by Thorkelson• and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. YEN YEN CAFE Motion by Busse to approve the refund of liquor license fees, for the last REFUND LIQ. three months, to Yen Yen Cafe, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a`vote LIC. taken it was duly passed. POLICE COOA. The Council--reviewed the minutes of the annual police commission meeting. MEETING Mayor Stock accepted the minutes of the;,police commission's annual meeting for the record. HOWARD LAKE�, City Planner Graser presented the request of Mr. DuWade Harris,, Howard 1 ESTATES y Lake.Estatesfor preliminary plat approval. This plat has been brought before the Planning Commission and Council last year. The Planning Commission reviewed this plat at their meeting last week and denied the , ;. �o1at because it does not fall under the exceptions deemed appropriate for . tfie 5 acre parcels. � Mr, Jim Filippi was present to answer questi - ons the Council had on this plat. After discussion on this matter, Mayor Stock recommended'that, U City Attorney check into the matter of the pond area. .,, I Motion:�by Thorkelson to .:direct the City Attorney to prepare a written re- ✓� commendation on the pond, in the plat of Howard Lake Estates, whether this p and area should be included in the-acreage of the parcels, seconded by Bissonett and upon 'a vote taken it 'was -duly passed. -` PL COMP. PLAN City Manager McGuire stated that the Metropolitan "Council approve" the Comprehensive Plan for the City of :Prior Lake. City-Planner Graser, re- ported -that the Metro Council had a few rcCommendations for the City which will be considered at the time of City Council reviewal. -' The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, March 17, 1981;, r Misc. Departments: 0 Delta Dental Plan of Minn. Insurance $ 693.75 r Red Owl Supplies 27.98 G b B OK Hardware Supplies 204.35 Z.J .. Lake*Auto Supply, Repairs 145.60 Scott -Rice Telephone Utilities 610.23 Weber Auto Supply, Inc. Repairs 383.73 Ziegler Tire Service Repairs 11.50 CDP, Inc. Copy Machine 169.66 MINUTU of " irocoodkos of the Village Council of the Viltoge of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stale of -Miens Ma, including all accounts audited by said Council. General Government: Northwestern Bell' Library Ad $, 39.00 ' American/Leader Prior Lake American/Leader Publishing 14.50, r ' Pitney Bowes Postage Machine 69:00 z American Linen Supply Co. Bldg. Maint. 25.38 E. H. Newstrom Bldg. b Pimb Inspector 434.00 Dolores Berens Cleaning L;ibra'ry 51.93 Ames Office Supply Supplies 10.40 -, Minn. Gity Management Assn. Membership 15,00 ' Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 320.00 ,. Police: Gene Smith Meals - School $ 7.50 Coast to Coast Supplies 14 -.20 St..,Francis Hospital Blood Alcohol 23.00 Rob Bee Mileage 4.80 `k Ron Anderson Squad Changeover 200.00 * .E Fire: ` Power" Brake , Equip. u i Co. Repairs $ 43-3.26 fi Minn. Fire Inc. Supplies 18,4:40 , 1 ,Advance Ambulance b Equip. Sales S,uppl ies 356.56 Coast to Coast Supplies 6.90 l Park: Ma 1 kerson Repairs $ 26.00 125,00 Clutch b U- Joint Repairs f` Gopher fence s Mfg. Co. =Repairs 31-251" Bob''s Sport Shop b Trophies Trophies :- 35.00 L ` Nanette Reber 1 Supplies 8.07 ; U,iof M Park Program „:. Pr, f or Lake Lumber .Co. ,. Equipment =_ 11.56. " Kl ingberg. Bus Co. Park Program 100.00 �Naser's Super Vale Park Program ,. 1.67 �Tl Solheid_Candy S Tobacco 'Co. Concessions -' 298,05 7" l - Sewer: MICC Installment $ ;16,247.70 Neenah Foundry-Co, Repairs 280.00 4 Street: West !�lehd Supplies °$ 72.95'K J Prior6L"ake,Aggregates, 1 1'nc. Class 5 Equ I 71- 74 131;•90 Olson Equip. Co. pmerh Newman S i gns Signs 280;30 Scott�CO Treasurer Taxes , "etro Fon"e' Comnwn..i,"c, ations, Inc., ,. Rental 30.21 (McQueen Equip. Inc'. Repairs 207.70 2 Water.: fl Van Waters b Rogers` Chemicals $' 113:08 Deko Factory ,Service, Inc. Equipment 35.05 Water Products, Co. Repairs 846.33 s -Northwestern Natl, Bank of Mpls. =. Bond Payment 7.436.25 . ! Layne Minn. Co. Repairs 98.51 a x Diseased Tree. k Tree.lnspector Workshop Workshop $ 20.00 k Debt-Service Fund: Northwestern Natl. Bank of Mpls. Northwestern Natl. Bank Mpls. Bond Payment Bond Payment $. 52 ,434.50 170,937.50 ii of Northwestern Nat]. Bank of Mpls. Bond Payment 90.00 r No.rthwestern:Natl. Bank of Mpls. Bond Payment 12,904.40 .- `... lotion b Thorkelson to adjourn, Y seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this `'� _ meeting was adjourned at 8:26PM. -2- Michael A. McGuire, City Manager , I MINUTES of thr Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Seats and Sk" of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. " March 16, 1981 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, March 16, 1981 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City i Planner Graser and Attorney Ted Sullivan. �t The minutes of March 9, 1981 were reviewed. MINUTES' Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of March 9, 1981 as present - -td, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. BUD MILLER City Planner Graser made a presentation to the Council on the conditional 'E! COND. USE use request of Bud Milker. The parcel is located northwest If intersec- ' tion Highway 13 and Anna Trail, SE. Mr. Miller proposes the, use of rec -- 1 reation equipment, sales, service and repair for this parcelY. The Planning Commission has met on this•subjoct and approved the condi- tionai use permit with the following stipulations: 1) fence be placed ., about 20' back from Highway 13 6 80 parallel with Highway 13 2) the , storage area be lighted 3) the sign ordinance be complied with 4) the ` grounds maintained 5) minimal; landscaping between the fence area And the "highway 6) landscaping plan be submitted to Staff and implemented' prior to June 30, 1981 7) parking lot and storage area be paved by June 30, 1982. Bud Miller was present and commented on the intent and use of the pro- perty.. The Council had questions for Mr. Miller, however, the main con - n cern was the fence being parallel to the highway. The Council accepted the recommendation of the Planning Commission, however, the item on mini - $. =' mal landscaping should be defined and a time limit should be placed on the conditional use for - reviewal. #F. 4 ".0 The Council suggested that Mr. Miller work with Staff and- sketch a plan for the fence area that would designate "a separate area for storage and a separate area for boat sales and _display that would be away from the lit highway. A;plan should also be drawn for parking, landscaping .nd the type of lighting that is proposed -to be used. Mr. Miller is scheduled to come before the Council with these items on Monday, March 23 1981 ll' i at 7 ;30 PM'. l L L ft. :FEE City ManagerMcGuire reviewedthe fee schedule with the Council. The *�= SCHEDULE S Liquor 'License Committee recommends the following changes for the 1981- ' l 1982 liquor license fees: Investigation Fee - On Sale 3.2 to 8100.00 6 Off Sale 3.2 to $50.00; Off Sale Intoxicating to $150.00; Club to $650. and Cigarette to $15.00. The other license fees remain the same: •' Mr. Gary Allen, representing the VFW Club, was present to make a few comments. °Motion by Bissonett to °approve the fee schedule for liquor licenses and cigarette license submitted for 1981 -1982, seconded by Watkins and vote taken it:was duly passed. 1981 PROJECT City Engineer Anderson reported on the 1981 projects: REPORT HOLLY COURT - "as resent and requested that this ktem ,be Holl Court Mr- Schwe: ;.ch r3v _ p q_ ' tabled. Motion by Watkins to table the Holly Court item until April 6, 1981, seconded by' Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. f GATEWAY AVE. Gateway Avenue - Mr. Frank Wicker owns the property and agrees that it should be completed. Motion by Watkins that plans for Grteway Avenue k begin Immediately and a feasibility study be done, seconded by Thorkel- son and upon a vote taken it was passed. Councilman Bissonett abstained ° because Mr. Wicker is his business CONDOM ST. Condoms Street - A feasJ.iili' ty study has been completed. Motion by Wat_- {\ kins that the easements be reduced= to' wide and the project public k, hearing date be sew for April 27, 1981 at 7:30 PM, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote,aken it was duly passed. ">t