HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 04 1981MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake In the County of Scott ,and State of, Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. May 4, 1981 iry ( The Common Council of the Citi of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, May 4,, 1981 at 7:30 PM._in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, k Y; Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Plan - ner Graser, Parks Director Mangan and City Attorney Sullivan. The minutes of April 27, 1981 were reviewed, o 14. MINUTES Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of May 4 1981 as submitted, R seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. DARRELL HAST- Mr. Darrell Hastings was present to discuss with the Council access on the ' INGS ACCESS north side of Prior Lake. _Mr. Hastings has talked with Mr. Del Barber from the DNR and the DNR will not "be putting in an access on Prior Lake 'for _an- other year or two. Mr. Hastings requests the City to consider an access where the beach is located, 'I Mayor Stock commented that when he worked at Sunset Beach, which had swim- - ming and a.aunching areas, t,didn't work very good. Parks Director Mangan also commented that the beach area is very shallow and now, <especially dur- , ing weekends, boaters are docking their boats 10 ft. away from the shore and swimming in to use the beach facilities. Another problem is that the " residents that live along "'Shady Beach Trail do not want the 'traffic on their road. Motion by Bissonett that.the Council submit a letter to the DNR requesting them.to proceed with an additional access on Prior Lake and the existing access on the south end of the lake be marked clearly defining parkins,, := seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: JAMES REFRIG. City Planner Grases reviewed the hardshell for James Refrigeration with the HARDSHELL Council.- Concept approval and preliminary approval were given in '1979• , The preliminary plat is different than the` hardshell, however, not signif- scantly different for a rehearing. The preliminary plat had Block l divided l .: into three lots rather than five, as shown on the hardshell:' Lot 4 of the hardshell'is in frontage, which is a minimum of 150'. The suf- fix in the street name must be Avenue rather than Lane. All right -of -way dedication liar been approved. Mr. Charles James was present to make additional comments. He stated that 'Outlot A;,B, b C - are fee title deeds and quit claim deeds have been signed. City A.ttorney"Sullivan commented that the quit claim deeds would have to be looked over and be approved, by Mn /DOT and the County.,. Mr. .lames stated that he was in contact with the State on this and quit claim deeds would `(> be alright with them. i 1 Motion by Bi'sso'nett to. appr..ove the hardshel l for James Ist Addition ,contin- gent upon: I) the development covenants and restrictions be applied against every use In the subdivision, 2) the proposed berm between the B -and;R zone be constructed prior to is- suance of a building permit. The entire plat_,be graded and seeded prior to issuance of a building permit, 3) park dedication fee be paid prior to releasing hardshe'll i the amount of $17,500.00, 4) d "alopers agreement be signed to releasing, of'the WAshef] ., , prior 5), devel'oper submit to the City a marketable title on the platted outlots for highway right- of -way, : 6) 25$ of the estimated pro j ecV,c6nstruction cos.t.,to.!be deposited is $67,769 seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CY SCHWEICH City Planner:Graser presented the conditional use permit request from'Cy 'CONDITIONAL Schweich for three duplexes on Cty. Rd. 12. The Planning Commission held , USE PERMIT` a public hearing concerning this application on 4/2/81.. Their findings were, theA ndividual lots are extremely smalt and possibly a build'ing'per- mit would not be issued for each lot because of the size. Children would not have any open space to play. The agreement for a density of "five units may not be appropriate, but two twin homes and one single family home be allowed, MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of, s �w Minnesota;, including all accounts audited by said Council. CY SCHWEICH Mr. Cy Schweich was present and basically agreed with the Planning Commission's actions.' Mr. Jim Weninger was present. Mr. Weninger owns Lots 9, 10, b 11 and he would like the lake to be protected from runoff and the two homes safeguarded when filling. The _property owners of Lots 13, 14, 15 and Lots 27 & 28 were present and request- 4 ed the Council to deny the permit for twin family homes. U Mayor Stock directed the City Planner to mark the building elevation drawing Exhibit A and the duplex proposal draw,i.ng Exhibit B and date them 5/4/81. Motion by Bissonett to approve the conditional use permit request for two twin . homes on Lots 31-34 only; no more than 2 bedrooms be permitted for each unit;- s , the front yard set back shall be at least 25'; to deny the conditional use for a ' twin home on Lot 30, and to only permit a single family home with no more than 3 bedrooms with set back from the road being 25'; a drainage plan be submitted with building permit application so that proper drainage is planned; hammerhead driveways be placed on all lots where the driveway comes onto the county road, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was..duly passed. ORIVE -IN PRO- 'City Planner Graser presented information to the Council on the drive - -in prop- iPERTY petty and establishing a development district. Councilman Bissonett stated r that he has a business interest in this item and removed himself from the 1 ' $ qpy pi) table to participate from the audience. The owner of the drive -in property is in the process of developing the property. ' The City has an opportunity to participate in the.redevelopment of a.portion o:f the City's commerical area. A signif'icant'problem is the relationship of this property to major streets. The undesireable private frontage road between \` } Toronto Avenue and Franklin Trail will have to be addressed at some date. Staff 'has had an opportunity meet with the property owners. The work involved J n this project is immense. The league of Minnesota Cities provides, a service of doing a feasibility study, which would cost approximately $2500. Motion by Watkins to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to enter into an agree- i ment with the League of Minnesota Cities for a feasibility study and'the amount { i - not to exceed $2500 and Staff support the League in;tlis study, seconded by „ Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was passed. b FRED SCHWE,ICH parks•Director Mangan presented the request of Fred Schweich to renew his dock DOCK PERMIT permit. Mr. Schweich has purchased a.70' strtp of land adjacent to the east of U�t f his property and he would like to put in 44 slips plus a service dock. Staff feels that this would be an-expansion of a non - conforming use and a public - hearing-would have to be conducted. The last dock permitlwas issued in 1978' " and Council allowed 28 slaps. Mr. Gordy Gelhaye was present and stated that 1 those 28 slips have not created any problems or interfered with anyone.' Councilman Bissonett abstained from voting because he has a buslness interest. �i cr.t In this item. Mr. Schweich was present and made .a few comments. , �' present and stated that the road in than area is not Mr. Fritz Hannaman. was adequate and adding more slips would create more traffic.. Mr. Thomas Sylvester, Roanoke St., and John Fitzgerald, Orchard Circle, were also present and commented on this item. w Motion by Thorkelson to grant a dock permit 'to Fred Schweich for 28 slips, on-the 241 of 'Lakeshore, 21rs'lips be used for rental and 7 for trans -it, and:to grant i a serv'i'ce; dock that may be located along the boat ramp launching site, seconded by Busse ;and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' 1 1 COUNITRY H11LLS City Manager McGuire commented on the liquor license transfer of the Country IGOLF CLUB TRA Hills Golf Club to Betty Lou McKush. The liquor license committee recommends {NSFER OF LIC. approval. The set up license has not be applied for, however, it will.bej 4 in the 1981 -82 year. ii Motion -by Thorkelson to approve the transfer of the On /Off 3.2 license to Betty Lou McKush for the remainder of the year,. seconded.,by Watkins and-.upon a vote taken i* was duly passed. -2- -3- May 4, 1981 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council -. COUNTRY HILLS Motion by Busse to approve the cigarette license, to expire 12/30/81, to CIP 1C. Betty Lou Mc Kush, Country Hills Golf Club, seconded by Thorkelson and upon Fes. a vote taken it was duly passed. VILLmac SANITATION City Manager McGuire presented the request of Village Sanitation for a re- REFUSE HAULING fuse hauling permit. They request the permit for roll off containers only, for the remainder of the year. The $25.00 fee has been paid and the insurance has been received. j Motion by Busse to grant the refuse hauling permit to Village Sanitation ' contingent upon the bond being received, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. r SEWER ADVISORY Councilman Watkins reported on the Sewer Advisory Board meeting. There were BOARD MEETING 7 people from MWCC present and about 9 people from the 22 communities in the southwest sanitary sewer area. Councilman Watkins stated that he asked them about the billing. The representatives from MWCC stated that once the billing „ is sent out, the amounts cannot be Changed. However, if a community attends-. the public hearings, which are held before�bi1'1ings_are mailed out, then be something can be done. There are three public hearings scheduled for the third Tuesday in July, August, and September. Councilman Watkins stated that he'wi'll be unable to attend these public hearings. Mayor Stock staged that he will make a ,recommendation at a future meeting. CABLL "V COMMITTE ^- CitrLManager McGui requested, for the Cable TV Committee, that monies are FUNDS needed to purchase envelopes and print flyers fora s, ey'they will be con - ducting within the Gi 1 by Watkins to approve the request,of the Cable TV .Committee, to use j money, up to $275.00, from the contingency fund for printing of flyers for -.- their survey, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CULVERT AT CTY. RD Mr. Jim Weninger commented on the culvert at Cty. Rd. 12. When the sewer,and 12" water was Installed, the culvert was not put back at the original level. ' 1 City Engineer Anderson commented that the culvert was placed as low as the - 1(' existing level of the drainage area. Motion by Bissonett to send -a letter to the County Engineer requesting the culvert size be addressed as to the 100 yr. flood and if the culvert is at the optimum level, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it`was duly 4 s 'passed. WPI 'ALITY Mr. Weninger also updated the Council on the water quality management meetings MAF,,,._., MEETING that. he 1i 4ttendIry.;There will be a ,-.meeting for public input sometime in ' August in Prior Lake. , Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken ..- this meeting was adjourned at `10;02 PM. I Michael A. McGuire City Manager n J v f i -3-