HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 11 1981i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. I May 11, 1981 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on'Mon- "' day, May ll, 1981 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stocl called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, Thorkelson, Watkins, City Aanager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser and City Attorney Sullivan. The minutes of May 4, 1981 were reviewed.. MINUTES Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of May 4, 1981 as submitted, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. j PERMIT FROM At this time, City Planner Graser commented that the permit from the DNR, DNR FOR L. for Lawrence Schweich's vaHance, has been received and the Planning Com- SCHWEICH mission granted him a variance. City Manager McGuire commented that a six month moratorium was placed on issuance of a building permit. The :six months have expired and the building permit will be issued providing all 1 the conditions of the DNR and Watershed have been met. HIRING ADDI- Police Chief Dick Powell and Sergeant Steve Schmidt were present to discuss TIONAL PATROL with the Council hiring an additional patrolman. Chief Powell compared MAIN Prior Lake's police force with the cities of Savage and Shakopee, he also explained the work load of routine investigations, officers vacation times, school that musttbe attended,etc. All this contributes to taking up alot of man hours and leaving the department short of officers. City Manager McGuire, commented that hiring an additional officer has been { budgeted for this year. Motion by Watkins to approve the hiring of an additional patrolman in July of 1981, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CONCRETE ',CURB-Councilman Thorkelson commented that the curb along Franklin Trail is bitu- ING:ON CITY minous. City Engineer Anderson stated that--nothing in the developers agre- STREETS ement or plans. and specs. indicate that concrete curb and gutter/must be k used. fi Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to look at the plans and specs and to establish a policy where concrete curb and gutter should be used. REZONING HRG. Mayor Stock called the public hearing to order,.on rezoning of the Jame JAMES REFRIG. Refrigeration property. Mayor Stock stated that the public notice was printed in the Prior Lake American on April 29 and May 6 "' 1981. City Planner Graser reviewed the rezoning request with the Council'. Mr.. James requests that Brock 2, Lots 1 -5, James 1st Addition be rezoned from B1 to B2 ". Mr. Bob Levy was present representing Mr. James. Mr. Levy ,;stated that he has met with the neighbors of that area and discussed with them the reasons ' for the rezoning request. He suggested that a contract be signed permitting retail sales, eating E drinking places, offices & banks, personal and pro - fessional services, commercial schools, and motor fuel stations,- incid'ential to convenience stores under the B2 zone. Mr. Del Rogers, 14400 Rutgers, was present and stated that a better use for this land, at Cty. Rd. 42 E Hwy. 13, would be apts. and condominiums. Mr. Keith Schroeder, 14131 Timothy, was present on behalf of the Boud;ins Manor Association and they oppose Block 2 being .rezoned from BL to B2. Mr. Schroeder presented a petition to the Council from the Association that - opposes the rezoning. Mayor Stock accepted this petition and made it part of the _record. Mr. Schroeder asked the people in the audience, who are op- posed to the zone change, to stand. Several people stood up. Dave Topinka, 6810 '140th NE, was present and stated that this B2 zone is a second 'choice. At the first zoning hearing, the Council approved..the� B1 zoning, this is what the.people wanted and the Ccuncil is representing the people. ' City Manager McGuire commented that if covenants are applied to this area, this would give the City control of the area. STREET U GHT POLICY 1 At this time, Councilman Watkins was excused from the meeting. City Engineer Anderson reported on the street light policy. In 1976.., the Council established a street light policy that lights be placed at critical points, such as main L,,Xersections, or heavily traveled streets with poor horizontal or vertical alignment. The City would provide the safety aspect and the residents- provide security, the security lights could be put up. . I Councilman Thorkelson stated that some of the security lights that are up now are not appropriate, there is too much glare, The City has more of a rural setting, and too many Lights would make more of a_larger city effect. -2- a MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of w Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council JAMES REFRIG. The Council discussed the matter of rezoning the area from B1 to B2 and all REZONING N °G. were in agreement that the zone should remain as B1 with retail business being listed under BI. " Motion by Thorkelson to deny the current request of rezoning, from Charles James, for Block 2, Lots 1-5, James lst Addition, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. PARK DEDICA- Bob Levy requested that Council give the developer some relief to the park 'TION FOR JAME dedication fee. The Watershed and State are getting land without any cost 1ST ADDN. to theq from Mr. James; therefore, Mr James's acreage has been reduced'. s Mayor Stock stated that Mr. Levy call the City Manager and set a meeting date with the Engineer, Planner, Parks Director and City Manager to analyze ` the costs and make a recommendation to the Council. Motion by Thorkelson that the final payment for park dedication and developers agreement fee be postponed until a future date, but no later_ than when the first building permit is applied for, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i ` SIGNALS AT City Engineer- .Anderson stated that the `funds are available for the signals at 42 t 13 Cty. Rd. 42 and Hwy. 13. Motion by Bissonett to adjourn the public hearing on James Ist Addn., seconde° ' by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. q i l Mayor Stock called for a one minute recess. RUSS TJERN- The next item was the Russ Tjernlund rezoning request for part of the railroad LUND KEZONINI property. City Planner Graser reviewed the findings of the Pl anning Commission 'REQUEST OF which held a public hearing on this item on 4/6/81. The Planning Commission's AR PROPERTY f ndings:.,were, the Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan calls for a trail utilizing_ - the railroad right -of -way; the trial concept has been part of the City's Compre -° hensive Plan since 972; the City has been consistant in it's zoning application in respect to the trail concept; the land use information with respect to the trail corridor is readily available at City Hall. The value of• property should be predicted on the permitted uses, anticipated uses are purely specOlative; i the County and City are attempting to proceed with planning and acquisition of ' the railroad property for trail purposes. Motion was made to deny the request, it carried unanimously, Mr. Bryce Huemoeller was present representing Mr. Russ Tjernlund, who was also ' present. The request is to change the zone from Cl to Rl. This would be in consistency with the neighborhood because the property is by the lake. The plan is to build a house on this property, this would get it on'the tax rolls and help to pay for special assessments. There is no time table on the park Land, it will take about 5 years before anything is going to be done. i Mr. Russ Tjernlund commented that thb•,neighbors in that area do not want a trail in that area and it is going to take awhile- before a trail goes thru even if it is approved. The City Manager commented that a petition has been submitted from 300 -400 peo- pie in support of a trail system and that negotiations were still in progress to acquire the land. The Council discussed this item and all agreed with the Planning Commission's findings to deny the request to rezone the area from Cl to Rl'. Motion by Watkins to deny the request of Russ Tjernlund' to rezone the area by the railroad property per the Planning Commission's findings, seconded by Thorketson an,4 upon a vote taken it was duly passed. STREET U GHT POLICY 1 At this time, Councilman Watkins was excused from the meeting. City Engineer Anderson reported on the street light policy. In 1976.., the Council established a street light policy that lights be placed at critical points, such as main L,,Xersections, or heavily traveled streets with poor horizontal or vertical alignment. The City would provide the safety aspect and the residents- provide security, the security lights could be put up. . I Councilman Thorkelson stated that some of the security lights that are up now are not appropriate, there is too much glare, The City has more of a rural setting, and too many Lights would make more of a_larger city effect. -2- INC- ' May 11, 1981 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County $:.. of Scott and State of Minnesota, 'including all accounts audited by said Council. 1 The Council discussed this matter and decided that the policy should be -j left as it is. Three residents were present and commented on this item. s The following invoices are 'scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, May 19,• 1981. Misc. Dept. I i Scott -Rice Telephone Utilities $ 647.01 Prior Lake Lumber Equipment 292,.,23 Hausers Super Valu Supplies 15.22` - t I- JAK Office Supply Supplies 3.22 a E. C.'Petgrson Co. Maintenance 88.85 *; Weber Auto "Supply Repairs 112.28 Klingberg Excavating Maintenance 358.00 Bankers Life Charles Tooker Insurance 2,120.46 600.00 Planning General Government: x I Lawrence Schweich Library Rent $ 400.00 Gross Industrial Services Bldg. Maint. 84.98 International City Managment Assoc. Supplies 37.00 ICMA Training Institute Supplies 42.50 MUNICI -PALS Membership Fees 5,00 Amer. ,Linen Supply Co. Bldg. Maint. 20.615 Prior Lake American /Leader Publishing 79.83- Thomas Muelken, Auditor Library Tax 2,171.40 a Don Johnson Carpet Rack Bldg Maint. (202.00 ; OSM Engineering 5,181.80 Mpls. Star 6 Tribune publishing 59.50 David Lawson Retainer 100.00 Patchin Appraisals Inc. Insurance Appraisal 3,200.00 Robert McAllister Dog Catcher- 320.00 Contingency I Close Associates, I C. Architectural ServicESZ $ 500.00 Computoservice, Inc Supplies 94.13 Creative Graphics Printing 186.93 Planning: American Planning Assoc.: ;, Membership Fees "$ 75.00 Police: Lee Rabenort Mileage $ 19.20 Gene Smith Mileage 9.60 Rob Boe Mileage 9.60 G; A. Thompson Co. Equipment 17.80 Mahowald Motors, Inc.- Vehicle Repairs 85.58 Fire: t, ,Uniforms Unlimited Clothing $ 112.25 F Park: Gopher Fence -E Mfg. Co. Repairs $ 160.00 Bryan Rock Products, Inc. Park Maint. 1,336.18 Prior Lake Motors :Vehicle Repairs 589.50 `} General Sports Equipment 22.00 Prior Lake Electric Park Maint. 71.05' eaa Scott Co. Human Services Park Program 39.50 f Lori Magnuson Park Program 22.50 ° Sandy Rupp Park Program 6.35 >, f Sand; Carlos Park Program 7.50 ' Robin Stuttgan Park Program 4.00' ' -3- Scott Carver Air Truck Fire Equipment $ 500.00 ,`:a'sh Gen. Gov.. Petty 'Cash 50.00 �.L. Postmaster �RMRS Gen. Gov. Permit: 40.00 System Misc. Postage Deposit 2,200.00 American'Nat'l Hank Misc. Bond.Payment 737.50 J $ q t r Northwestern Nat'l Bank - Parks Bond Payment 12.50 lot Nat'l of St. Paul Parks Bond Payment 7,176.25 \Coast to coast. Misc. Equipment 11.06 � a F 4J � CY t v � 'v.,� }■ . 7 a ; �1 1,4 r [.' �r �� -� '� Al 1 r � ti sv � � J , hx } � } A\ )k , s r ,h A I! .Y [3 7 r �)7