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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council
June 1, 1981 a
The 'Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday ,I
June 1, 1981 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the
in to order. Present were Mayor Stock Councilmen Bissonett Busse
meeting Y � u _ss ,
Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Plan -
ner Graser and Cit y Attorne y ..Sullivan,
The minutes of May 26, 1981 were reviewed.
One'.'correction is to be made on Page 1, paragraph 8; change possibility to
Motion b Watkins to a p p rove the minutes of May 26 1 81 as amended seconded
Y PP Y 9
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock called to order the , continuat -ion .of the public hearing for Gate-
way Avenue. City Engineer Anderson gave the Council copies of the feasibility
report on project This report .is_ amending the - -storm sewV- f , ,t
Ject ex t for an o utlet north of Gateway Avenue. The estimated cost is
55 8,700.00 .
City Manager McGuire commented on•the meeting that was held with Frank Wicker,
and Jan Gans regarding the drainage of Gateway Avenue onto their property.
They are willing to give the City an .indefinite easement over their property
until _plans are developed for their property and then they will ,grant a
definite easement.
.A letter received from Mr. Bill Henning, dated 6/1/81, was made part of the
record. Mr. Henning, as well as the, renters, are in favor of the alternative
project and understand: that a future assessment hearing will be held for the
storm sewer when it, is put in.
Mr'. Steve .Bock was present and asked the City Engineer about putting in a
narrower road. The City Engineer stated that the size that is proposed is
for commercial areas, with no parking.
Dr. Don Abrams, from the medical center, was present an'd stated that their
concern ;i is that this - drainage = w i 1 l..not . cause :,water.4prob hems... • :
" j
Mr. Bill Henning, owner of the shopping center, was present and asked how
many accesses can there be. City Engineer Anderson stated that when the �.
schematics are being done, the City will get in touch with him.
Mr. Jim Norton, OSM, was present and commented that plans and specifications
for this project can be completed in 3-4 weeks and the completion date for
the project would be this fall.'
Motion by Watkins to approve the amended feasibility report, dated 6/1/81,
contingent upon \further consideration being given to the 10 yr. assessment
period, and authirization being given to the Consulting Engineer to prepare
the final plans aid specifications for Gateway Avenue, Project 81 -1, seconded
by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Watkins to 'adjourn the public hearing for Gateway Avenue, Project
81 -1, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City Planner Graser commented on the Howard Lake Estates revised plan. The
revised plan clusters the 'three lots adjacent to County Roads 18 S 81 with
the access to County Road $1.
Mr. Jim Filippi was present to answer questions.
Motion by Bissonett to approve the preliminary plan for Howard Lake Estates,
seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City Engineer Anderson reported on the landfill sites. The Committee will
T The. Committee has narrowed
n e -Sr. i Comma
meet o June: rd at the Shakopee S h School.
3 p 9
down 4 sanitary landfill sites and one demolition site. The demolition site
is at Prior Lake Aggregates and one sanitary - landfil•I site is;.*t.C,SAH 42.s Ty.
13 in Prior Lake.
MINUTES of this Pnaee@ dings of this Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake In the County of Scott and State, of WOW
Affim Mienesotd, including all accounts audited by said Council. ''
SANITARY Mayor Stock commented that the Prior Lake Association has written a letter
LANDFILL opposing the sanitary landfill site because it is in the Watershed District.
SITES Mayor Stock read Resolution 81 -10, opposing the sanitary landfill site at CSAH.
42 S TH 13 •
r `
Motion by Thorkelson to adopt 'Resolution 81 -10, Opposing the Sanitary Landfill
Site„ seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
s -
DEMOLITION Mayor Stock read Resolution 81 -11, opposing the demolition site at Prior Lake
SITE Aggregates. Discussion was held on this.' The demolition site may be considered
if the dumping site will be controlled and if there will not be a water problem.
Motion by Bissonett to _adopt amended Resolution 81 -11, expressing concerns over
the demolition site, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly
JOINT POWERS The Joint Powers Agreement was discussedcanext. Mr. Bryce Huemoeller, Attorney for
AGkELHENT the Watershed District, was present. Also present were the board members of the
4 '
Watershed District. Mr. Huemoel -ler reviewed the four guidelines that the City
Engineer requested.
The City Attorney commented that he has no objection to the agreement, and Attorney
Sharon Nelson has a written opinion stating that she has no objections to this
Motion by Bissonett to authorize the City Manager and Mayor to enter into the
Joint Powers. Agreement with the Prior Lake /Spring Lake Watershed'District and
" the City of Shakopee for the purpose of the outlet for Prior Lake,,,seconded by
Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. A
MARV EGGUM City Attorney Sullivan commented on the Mary Eggum settlement. He stated that
SETTLEMENT the settlement of $26,500 be assessed for storm water on all the that Mr.
E9gum owns.
[ Motion by Bissonett to approve the settlement of $26,500 for Mary Eggum's
subdivision contingent upon the amount being assessed on - those lots owned
r i by Mr. Eggum.
Motion by Bissonett to adjourn, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken this
meeting °was adjourned at 8 :32 PM. '
Michael A. McGuire
s City Manager
7 -2 r�
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villspe of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
June 8, 1981
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
Monday, June 8, 1981 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called
the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse,
Thorkelson, Watkins,, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson and At-
torney-Brad Eggum.
The minutes of June 1, 1981 were reviewed.
MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of June 1, 1981 as submitted, sec-
onded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was 'duly passed.
SEALCO'ATING City Engineer Anderson reported on sealcoatng of city streets. He stated
STREETS that an emulsion product, CRS2, could be used-this y"v at a - savings to
the City of approximately $2000.
Discussion was held on sealcoating of streets in the future., Mayor Stock
recommended that when the CIP and budget are being made for 1982, Staff
should look into the possibility of assessing for sealcoating on an indi-
vidual basis:
Motion by Bissonett to authorize adverti 'sement for bids for sealcoating
for Project 81 -12 for June 22, 1981 at IOAM`and the final decision on
what streets will be sealcoated be brought to the Council for final ap-
proval, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
GATEWAY AVE. City Manager McGuire reported on Resolution 81 -12, .easement conditions for
RES.'81 -12 Gateway Avenue. A meeting was held with Frank Wicker and Jan Gans, and
they agreed to give the City the easement.
Discussion was held on the - esolution and one correction is to be made,
paragraph 4, add,until the property is either "used_ or developed" -
Motion by Watkins to approve Resolution 81 -12, Gateway Avenue Right -of -Way,
- as amended, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was passed.
Councilman,Bi,ssonett abstained.
EUSTICE ADD. City Manager McGuire requested the date set for roadway vacation in Eustice
ROADWAY VACA.'Addition on July 6, 1981 at 8:oo PM;
The City Engineer is directed to research if there will be a need for an
easement for sewer, water and storm sewer for the property being considered
for vacation.
Motion, by
Thorkelson to schedule the public hearing for roadway vacation
on July 6, 1981 at 8 :00 PM in the Council Chambers, seconded by Bissonett
and upon a vote talon it was duly passed.
n -
M/M GARY Mr. S Mrs. Gary Zywotko were present to thank the City ¢or having the branches
ZYWOTKO cleaned up and for�r ?utting up the stop sign at Shore Trail and Sand Point
Beach. Mr. Zywot{ also reques ed if the City could put Sip a dead end sign
to discourage people from driving in ttio neighborhood. Also requested was
putting dust retardent on Shore Trail.
The City Engineer stated that one application -will be put down and any
further applications the residents wifl have to pay for,
DULUTH AVE. Discussion was also held on- widening Duluth Avenue and the poss'ibil4ty of
putting a walkway or bikeway to connect to the athletic complex and trail
. --
The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, June,16,1981:
Banker's L
e Insurance $1,336.87
Delta Dental Insurance 693.75
JAK Office Products Office Suppl 35.20
Lommen, Nelson,, Sullivan E Cole Attorney Fees 6 ,327.75
Scott Te l ephoneti
-Rice 4t. U.t i i.i t i es 634,19
Hauser 's Super Values f Misc. `Supplies 28.07
Computoservice Seder E Water Billings 757.99
MINUTES of the f recNdings of the Village Council of the Villago�of Prior Lake in the County of Scott aed State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Misc. Depts.
Albinson Machine Rental $ 40.00
Stearns-Thompson Oil Co. oil ' 584.64
Lake Auto Supply Repair Supplies 162.99
Prior Lake Lumber Misc. Supplies 34.16 a
Minnesota UC Fund Unemployment Compensation 936.62
Charles Tooker Planning Consultant: 600.00
„ M,ichael McGuire Car Allowance 275.00`
Red Owl Stores si$pii?s $ 46.50
Bob McAllister Dog Catcher 320.00 826.00,
E. H. Newstrom Bldg. inspector. , -
Pitney Bowes Supplies i 18:93
SW Suburban Publishing Legal Publications 206:24
Assn. of Metro Municipalities Dues 190.00
American Linen Supplies Bldg Mai „nt. 20.65
Gross Industrial Services Bldg M4int. 84.98
Chose Associates Architectural Servicis 872.77
Lawrence Schweich Library Rental 400`.00
Scott County Surveyor Plat maps $ 4.00
j H. A. Rogers Co. Supplies 4.53
Action Messenger Messenger Service 39.65
Mahowal'd- Motors Repairs 522 I 1
Fire: �r�
Volunteer Fire Relief Assn. Disability Ins. $ 96.00
Air Comm Repair 60.00
Easton Hearing Repair Roof 247.00
Rueben Mueller Training Reimbursement 85.00
J`i:m Weber Training Reimbursement 85;00. # d
Gerald Simon Training Reimbursement p1i5.00
Park b 'Rec. Dept.
a l
NW National Bank r Bond Payment $ ,16,607.50
Weber Auto Supply i Supplies 13.17
Coast to Coast Supplies 13.61
Valley Equip. Ca_.. Supplies 23.76 i Y
Total Sports �. Bases 41.50
Lake Side P 1 umb f.t;` Repairs 53.
Sears Roebuck ,pP
Park Sup p l ies 355.93 0,
B b K Small Engine Service Used Mower and Oil 54.$0
State Chemical Mfg. Chemicals 1,172.49 t'
1 P'r'ior Lake Electric Material's b Labor /Memorial Pk. 307.90
Prior. Lake Nursery Plants 16.50
Cross Nursery Plants 4 60.00
Shakopee Public Utility Lighting _. 8.50 { �
x. NW' Bell Telephone Phone Service, 78.24
Bloomington Locksmith Install lock. !iy 1.33.95
Prior Lake "76" Tire Repair 15.00
Miracle Recreation ".rip, 'Playground Equip. 6,901.60
. Klingberg Bus Co. Bus Charter 30.00,
S b $ Arts b- Crafts Disc. Art Supplies 162.65
Joni Tescnner Cancellation Refund 9.00
Mary Hernandez Cancellation Refund 9.00
' Steve Buda' Workshop 25.00 .
Streets: a Y
Su 1 ies $ 94,31
Prior Lake Aggregates
William Mueller Supplies 324.00
i J. L. Shiely Supplies 645.17
Road Machinery E Supply Co. Repair Supplies F,86.58
Viking Steel Supplies '75.57 r
Kl i.ngberg Excavat i nv,; Machine Renta 210,.00
F: lI
the Proceedings of the City Council
of the City of Prior Lake in the County'
of Scott
and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Aid Electric.Service
Repair Supplies
$ 38.46
Roto. Rooter 4
Repair Service
Metro Waste Control
Sewer Service Charges
NW National Bank
Bond Payment '
$ 6,450.00 -
American Cast Iron
Repair Supplies'
Serco Labs
Water Testing
Diseased Tree:
Norman Crooks
$ 45.00
Debt Service:
NW National Bank
Bond' Payments
�Amerlcan National Bank
Bond Payment
Capitol Park Fund:
T t
J. L.' Shiely Co.'
Park Repairs
$ 3,389.22
� r
Sand`.Pointe Construction Fund:
Richaed Knutson, Inc.
Estimate No. 4 s Final;
$ 14 ,963.55
Motion by Watkins to.adjourn, seconded by Sissonett and upon
a vote taken
this meeting was adjourned at 8:10
air j.
. V
Michael A. >'Mcduire
City Manager
G ,