HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 20 1981MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.. C July 20, 1981 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on ;a Monday,`July 20, 1981 at 7:30 PM in Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock:, Councilmen Bissonett,'' Busse, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Grayer, Finance Director Teschner, Parks Director Mangan and Ci =ty Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Watkins was absent. MINUTES The minutes of July 13, 1981 were reviewed. a 4 The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of July 13, 1981:: =i ` P3, Paragraph 4; Delete, authorized the removal of the pilings from, { add:..spent $1,000.00 widening the channel by.... P3, Paragraph 5; Add, the funds be taken in an amount of $500.00 from the contingency fund... Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of 13, 1981 as amended, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. PRIOR VIEW The continuation of the,public. hearing fur the request of Prior View Rezoning REZONING was called to order by Mayor Stock.. CityEPlanner Grayer presented the infor mation on the utilities.available and thi traffic element for this request. He also the information the developer for T i presented and staff recommended the development and zoning agreement. The developer was there to 'comment on this. ' Motion was made by Busse to ch,inge the zoning for.the R -3, approximately 45.5 acres, shown in the exh=ibit, "and that the''18.4 acres be zoned,intQ the 6 -3 - classification as per the development and zoning agreement, along with the amendments to 'the permitted 'and conditional uses, seconded by Bissonett'and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion by Thorkelson to adjourn th.e public hearing for the Prior View Rezoning request, seconded by B' ;sse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. LORDS , ST " City Engineer Anderson,icommented on the Lord,'s Stree 1_Bridge Study. There BRIDGE were several_ residents';present to comment on this. Mayor Stock recommended that two representatives:.of the neighborhood take copies of the study and circulate them in the neighborhood, discuss it"and report back to the Council August 3, 1981 at 8.15 At,,this time the City will also review the cost of maximizing the lifei,of the'existing bridge: BIDS FOR City Manager McGuire reviewed the results of the bids for the fire truck. Two 1 TRUCK bids were received: American LaFrance, 55 foot, l$199,721.00,�'alternate 75 foot. +$5,868.00 /General' Safety Equipment, 50 foot, $184,825.00. Bob Mertens,'Fire Chief was present to comment. _ Motion by Thorkelson to reject the bids, contingent that the Council and Staff if at a time a General Obligation Bond would be proposed, tha't the-- f- re-truck cost would be considered -as part of the General Ob igation`6unding, seconded by Busse and.upon a vote taken it was duly passed. _ j ISLAND VIEW City_Eng�neer Anderson reviewed the quotes for Island View Extension. Quotes EXTENSION -- r y received are as follows: McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co., Inc. - $9,411.75/ ,- Be1DS Buffalo Bituminous; - .$10,377.40 8 Preferred' Inc. - $10,922.20. Staff recommended awarding to McNamara- Vivant in the amount of $9 411.75.�� Motion by Bissonett to award the contract to McNamara- Vivant, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken ; it was duly passed; t DULUTH AVE. City Engineer Anderson requested that the quotes for Duluth Avenue' sidewalk l f SIDEWALK be tabled for 'two weeks. , � �f _ TEMP. BURN Parks Director Mangan presented a proposa -i.,to open a temporary burn site.- The " ITE site would be managed by City Staff , and is'propos'ed for August 1 through August 31, following the proposed guidelines: i' 1. Hours would be: 7 AM to 9 PM Monday - Thursday f i' 9 AM;,to 6 PM Friday.:!; Saturday - Closed Sunday 2.� No branches larger than 4 inches. i 3. No building.material of any kind, o w 4. No applicances, tires or junk. i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of "the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, inclUd:ing all account; audited by said Council. 'TEMP. BURN Motion by'Bissonett to approve the temporary burn si=:e with the stipulations, that SITE are proposed, seconded by Thorkelson, and upon a vote taken it was duly pass s FLOOD PLAIN Mayor Stock opened discussion on the amendment to the Flood Plair Ordinance, ORD. The Staff recommends that it be. changed from the 910 elevation to the 909 elevation, feeling this is adequate protection f_ m flooding. Motion was made by Bissonett to eliminate the F foot freeboard from the flood plain elevation on both Prior Lake and Spring Lake, 'seconded by Thorkelson, and upon a vote it was duly passed. ;G. LINDSTROM City Planner Graser,received two petitions for road vacation. - -0ne from -Gary "S G WE KAND , Lindstrom and one,from George Weiland. Both were reviewed. . IROADWAY ;,VACATION Motion by Thorkelson to schedule a_public hearing for August 17, 1981 at 7:45 PM for Gary Lindstrom and 8:00 FM for George Weiland, seconded by Busse, and upon j a vote taken it was duly passed. P. L. MOBIL City Manager McGuire reported that the request for a cigarette license for Prior CIG. LICr Lake Mobil "was withdrawn. POLICE REPOR - Motion by,Busse to approve the Police Report as submitted for the.Month of } 1981, seconded , by- Bissonett and upon .a vote taken it was duly passed. �F s_`K�REPORT Motion by Bissoie:tt to approve the Fire and Rescue Report as submitted for the,00nth of June, 1981, seconded by Thorkelson, and upon a vote taken it was`duly passed. TREASURERS Motion by Blssonett to approve the. Treasurers Report as submitted for the Month REPORT of June, 1981 seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ,BLDG. PERMIT Motion by _,,Bissonett to approve the Building Permit Report as submitted for the,} REPORT Month of'`June, 1981, seconded by Thorkelson, and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. DOG CATCHERS Motion by pissonett to approve the Dog Catche.r's Report as submitted for the It duly E REPORT Month_of.June, 1981 seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken was passed. City- Engineer,Anderson presented anamcnded proposal for the "intersection of SAVE. ' RID4EMONT- Ridgemant,;and CSAH 44 to improve the safety factor, requesting an amendment of the .approval - of las weeks drawing. Motion was made by Thorkelson to rescind the motion of last week and the approval the plan for TH 13 CSAH 44 and Ridgemont AY.., adopt, the new proposal mar'._ - Exhlbit'l, dated 7 /20/81 as the plan for the construction of TH 13, CSAH 44 and Ridgemont, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: v Ft. - tPLANNING :COM. - CJty- Planner. Graser stated that at the last Planning, Commission meeting, Al tCHAlRP-ERSONS Alker was elected Chairman and Dave Roseth,, Vice Chairman. i CHECK FROM Parks'Director Mangan presented a check inr the am�c,4i "it of $322.99 from the :; Prior Lake` Jay Cee's to help with` the field development at. the Athletic Complex, to the 6 ounci a S1: -14 Mayor Stock then presented` 81 -14 commending Mark Weber, Editor of } RES. the Prior. Lake ,fyneri'can, which is the City's Off ic.ial'Newspaper, commending him for he work he has done on behalf of the citizens'ofrthe City of Prior Lake. s, o° -< Motion was made by Bissonett.to approVe,Resolut -ion 8 -14, seconded by Thorkelson, and upon a vote takew.it was duly passed: i Motion by�Bissonett to adjourn; seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken 1t was au'1y passed. .The meet1ng -was adjourned it 9` PM. Michael A.'McGuire i City Manager " � j -2- �� I 1 i