HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 27 1981MINUTES of the Pro,r_cedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of ,"- Scott an d State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. July 27, 1981 r The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, July 27, 1981 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order: Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Busse, 'Thorkelson, Watkins, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner,.'Parks Director Mangan and City, Attorney Sharon Nelson. The minutes of July 20,, 1981 were reviewed. MINUTES Motion by Busse to.approve the minutes of Julyj20, 1981 as presented, seconded' by Thorkelson, upon a vote taken it was duly passed., NEW STAFF 'Rosanne Campagnoli and Sue Warmka of the Prior'jLake.American were present to PL AMER, announce to the Council, that they are working In Prior Lake. Sue Warmka will n be covering the Council meetings and Rosanne Campagnoli will be covering,the school board meetings. Mayor Stock and the Council welcomed them back. , GORDON Police Chief Dick introduced the new officer, Gordon Klingbeil, to the KLINGBEIL Council. Mayor Stock swore Mr. Klingb.e,l; in as a police officer. '31 BOND- Steve Mattson, Juran b Moody, was present to discuss bonding needs for 1981 ING.NEEDS -w_)th the Council. The projects that will be, f,R"nded $1'10,000.00 General a ' Obligation Bonds are Gateway Avenue and,,Condon's Street. Motion by Bissonett to authorize -the Mayor andl'City Manager',to enter into an agreement with Juran and Moody, Inc, to purcha,e $110,000.00 General Obliga- tion Bonds of 1981 with interest of 10.75% from 11983 - 1989 and 11.00% 'from 1990- 1991, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote>takeil °It was duly passed. is 2nd QUART. ? finance Director Teschner commented on the 2nd „'Querter Budget Summary.- _ BUDGET r' Motion by - Watkins to accept the 2nd Quarter Budget Summary for 1981, seconded by.Thorkelson and 'upon a vote taken it was dully passed. RESOLUTION Mayor.Stock read Resolution 811 -15, Commending Cindy Westerhouse for service 81 -15 to the,\City, Motion by Watkins to adopt`Resolution 81 -15, seconded,by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. W *dMPREHEN- IVE PLAN Mayor Stock called the public hearing to order for the Comprehens,i.ve Plan. City Planner,Graser that commented on the plan and stated the Met {opolitan ` Council has adopted Prior Lakes Comprehensive '[Plan. Staff arecomnends = approval of the plan, i Consulting Planner, Charles Tooker, was present and commented that additional funds may be available to the communities that estimated,low budgets for work pr, Paring =the comprehensive plan. City Engineer Anderson outlined the storm water management plan and reviewed ' the storm water management map. Attorney Sharon Nelson commented on,the implementatlo� of the plan, the drai nage plan and existing - ponding areas.' Motion by Bissonett to continue the Comprehensive on Public Hearing tc August 17, 1981 at 8 :15 PM; the base map can be conformed to the City 'Engineer`'s find- ings for storm water and updated to the current zoning district, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ' BRAD City Planner Graser presented the request of Brad Rothnem for preliminary plat ROTHNEM approval. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this request and recommended changes to the�'plan. The developer has complied with the °Planning Commissions recommendations. Staff ,approves the plan as modified with the sug- gestions of the Planning Commission, which is, the rubbish pickup be moved 15' from the property line; burming and plantings be used to screen patios; Block 1, Lot 3 be moved further to the center; parking area to the garages be defined by a curb; 5 additional parking spaces be developed along the northern portion of the roadway. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the (ity of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ;!BRAD ROTHNEM Councilman Thorkelson commented that he does not E-upport the ;plan and feels that 'PREL. PLAN the patios should not be facing the center, thi,s "does not give the people 'privac�c the utilities would be very expensive because the lines are very long, the garage doors should not face the residential area on Franklin Trail and there ? y is no need for two accesses Franklin Trail. Mr. Ron Swanson, Valley Engineering, was present to comment on this plan. He ' l stated that there were many plans drawn for this area and this is the plan that the Planning Commission approved. i ` i Tom Foster, Planning Comm: stoner, was present and commented that the Planning r Commission felt this was the:best plan. I i =; Mayor Stock stated that the problem that he sees is that the two streets duplicate costs, and for.these family units, there should be more parking. Pekhaps 10 ad -. a ditional- pokking spaces could be added. F Mr. Swanson agreed upon this. fit, - Motion by Watkins „to table= the preliminary plat request of Brad Rothnem until August 3, 1981 seconded by Bissonett r I and upon a vote taken it - was duly passed. RIbGEMONT b City Engineer Anderson reported that the work being done on4Rldgem6nt and 44' sh -. ~'d 44 IMPROVE. lbe completed i the end of this week or the beginning of next week. PLEASANT AVE. Mr. Ron Wolfram was>present to request that .Pleasant Avenue have curbin g. RB CUING Mayor Stock said that Duluth Avenue will be studied for walkways and bikeways, and Pleasant f3 I J r Avenue may be considered with this project. i City.Engi.neer Anderson stated�tha -t he will get ='costs for this ,. project and hay* a' meeting with the neighborhood. Mayor S:tgtk directed the City Engineer to prepare a feasibility study curbing for Pleasant j� ! Avenue and report back to the Council in two weeks. °• �' � The CJ MARTINSON ISL y Ergi.neer -asked about the Martinson Island Bridge and if the bridge} is to BRIDGE be repaired or conformed to current standards. Mayor Stock stated that the cracks are to be repaired, a- better rath systembe pu up, the bridge be painted, ,also.that"a report ; be - made to <the`Counci1 on the -of lhef structure and She maintain cost to, the bridge. o l Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to work with the City Attorney on a writt� ^. statement ° on the legal liability of ,y Y the bridge. - The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, August 4, 1981: Misc'. :Departments: e = 'I �. + Minnegasco Utilities S 65.58 a °.' NSP Utilities 3,b85.21 MN Valley Eiactric Co -o? Utilities 415.95 Insurance Services insurance' 576.00 i Hawsers Super Valu Misc. Supp. 73.01 i Delta Dental P Ian Insurance Creative Graphics 693.75; .. Printing Prior Lake American s 272.95 Advertis ing 73.98 'Jeff Scherer Retainer Refund 100.00 ' JAK Office Products 'Office SuppNes 42.46 State Treas. PERA 3,443-14 State Treas. - Social Security 1,589.20. - General Gove.rnment : _- Scott County Treasurer Maps $ 1 2.00 Scott' 'County Collections Assessing Services 12 00:00 Robert McAllister Dog Catcher ' ICMA Conference Registration 220.00 "Lawrence Schweich 75.50 Library Rent MN. Bd.” of Peace Officers Fee -� � Aw oo f 10..00 �. Engineering: , Co Equipment P q p Supplies $ 12.00 } -2- l July 27, 1981, ; MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City CouncII of the City of Prior -Lake: in the County of Scott and State of.Minnesota, including all accounts audited by, said Council. ' Planning: County Recorder Copies $ , 5.00 Horst Graser Expenses 36.80 Police EK Liberty Photo Service Film $ 87,2$ 4 St. Franci Hosp ital Blood Alcohol 46.00 ,. Terry.Muelken Maint -..b Repair 10.00 # Mobil Oil Co. Maint.: s Repair 14 A7 ' Fire Rapt. Advance Ambulance Supplies $ "255.97 6 Parks b' Rec.reat ion: The Pierce Co. General Supplies $ 10.95 Solheid Candy b, Tobacco Co. General Supplies ° 880 .00 Prior Lake 117611 Repairs i 1 ";.00 Linda irgens: Mileage &:60 Sandy, Carlos Mileage 5..96 Air`Comm Radio Repair 20'.58 Coast to Coast Supplies 15:51 Harolds Repa Repairs 98.50 ' Valley Equipment Co. Auger / 360,..00 a Qual Waste Control' Refuse Hauling, . ]02.00 ' Silfverston Trucking Park Repairs 23.91 ' 4 J. L. Shiely Co. `'' Supplies i 42.53 New`Prigue Lumber 6 Ready Mix Co. Supplies 44:70 tl Klinglierg,Bus Co.- -Sus Charter 4 68.06 ; Karr Johnke Salary - Playground Leader 586.25 . • Lisa 1r ens 9. ; Salary- - "`" ;k_ 586.25 - M4r9y Hunt Salary - �� 586.25 Sandy Carlos Salary - " 1�. 586.25 , �. O.oug las K t re l l Sa,l ary _ " 586.25 Tia 'Krueger Salary -- �� 586..25 Valerie Cari.son Salary - " 586.25. w.. Ruth' P,oweii Salary - Ti.ny Tot Leader 93.80 ' Jeanne Shaw Salary - " 87:.10 ShaNT Bunge Baton instruction 90.00 Br'sidget Kelly Refund 25.00 Jenny ReebIa Refund 25.00 Xetstin TschIda Refund 25,00. - Ardra Tschi Refund 25,00 Karin Mesha Refund 25:00 .� Tracey Taft Refund 25600 - F Lea +Poorer: eau Refund 25_.00 _ Michelle ,Kocher Horwegian'American Cultural Inst., Refund Supplies 2r 30.00 ! Terry Miike Refund 18.00 Streets: 3M Co. Supplies $ 102.00 Richards Oil Co. Repair; Supplies- Streets 660.00 ' Earl F.Anderson Co. Signs 13959 Dan's ICO' Repairs 12.75 Kiingberg Excavating_ Supplies 210.00 Prior Lake Motors Repairs`: 88.90 Metrofone 'q, Equip. Rental 28.16 Hayden- Murphy Co'. Equ 481.50 D' Water: Van Waters b Rogers Supplies 236.93 Mach Chemical Co. Supplies - 11'4.86 Layne Minnesota Repair Supplies 238.50 ° -Dynamic Systems, Inc y - =-r Renai;r `S�ppiies 178.57 MINUTES of the 'Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the'County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts'audited ` by said Council. 1 Sewer Davies Water Equpment Supplies $ 60.33 x McKinley Sewer Service Pumping r= 65:00 1. J. Sewer Service Repairs 18`.50 : Waldor Pump Repairs 6 Maint. 110.25 Tri -State Drilling b Equip. Supplies Diseased Tree: Prior Lake Nursery b Garden Center Tree Removal $2,155.00 Scherer Tree Service Tree Removal 940.00 ` Norman Crooks, Enterprises Hauling 120.00 h Capital Park fund: \° Silfverston Trucking >. Park Reoai`r.. $ 967.46 George's Used Equip. Supplies" 1,285.00 J. L. Shiely Co. Park- Repal;rs 2,367;14 Klingberg Trucking Park Repairs 227.30 Debt Service: fi First Natlonal Bank of St. Paul Eagle Creek -Bond Service. $ 77.40 '. Charge 4 Motion by'Watkns to >adjourn, `seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote 'taken this , a meeting' was adJ'ourned at 1;0:00 PM. } k r r v .v Q) � Michael A. McGuire F City Manager 'i I L , ,