HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 09 1981 6 . MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, incluSI'ng all accounts audited; by said Council. } � November 9, -1981 1 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, November 9, 198`1 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to/jorder. - Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Watkins, Thorkel,son,,tity Manager McGuire and City Attorney Mark Sullivan. Absent was Council ma� Bissonett. MINUTES The minutes of November 2, 1981 were reviewed. Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of November 2, 1981 as presented, seconded by Thorke;l,son >and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i SQUAD CAR Police Chief Powell reviewed the quotes for a "new squad car. Motion b y Busse to authorize Police Chief Powell and Sergeant Schmidt to continuenogotiations with Mahowald Motors and to authorize the expenditure !` for a 1982 Chevrolet Impala Squad Car, seconded by Watkins and upon - vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock then called the continuation of the Public Hearing for Mike t Peters Road and Alley Vacations to order. r Mike Peters was present to Comment. ° MIKE PETERS ROAD Motion by Watkins to adopt Resolution 81 -17, authorizing road and alley vacation VACATION of Fourth Street; Center Street and Alleys in Spring Lake Townsite"as described �} in Resolution 81 -17, seconded by Busse and upon a vote -taken it was duly passed. ., Motion b ' Watkins to adjourn the public Y j pu hearing for Mike Peters Road and Alley y Vacations, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion�by Thorkelson approve the sewer 6_4d water lines to be private and SEWER b based on the City Engineers approval of th!i�se lines and that before a WATER LINES building permit be taken out for the prppOf-ty in question, that the assessment agreement wodid have to be resolved, seconded by Watkins and upon 'a vote taken ' is was duly passed. Willard Brandt and Elmer Moll of Spring Lake Township were present to request' L, that the, City of Prior Lake co -sign an agreement with the township in regard MUS1TOWN,�ROAD- to a culvert under Mushtown Road C'i ty Manager - ,McGuire was di- rected to meet with Willard Brandt. !ii'. . This item to be continued at the next ,council meeting. Motion by Thorkelson to direct the Ci, =ty Manager to send a letter of ' APPRECIATION appreciation to the committee members who worked on the City Hall/Library LETTER TO COMMITT Concept, they a;,ll did an outstanding job, seconded by `Watkins and upon a MEMBERS vote taken it was duly passed.' Mayor Stock then opened dlscussion re: Industrial /Commerical Possibilities for I ND /COMM. POSS I B. Prior Lake. There were many comments by the Council and \Staff . The C 1 ty l Q .. Manager was directed to put down some thoughts on this- to;4c,.and reschedule f it for next week. 1 `1 The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, November 17, 1981: tl Miscellaneous Departments Ames Office Supplies z Office Supplies 3.37 4 Quill Corporation % Office Supplies 44.42 fi Scott Rice Telephone" Utilities 622.83 i Hausers'Super Value% Misc. Supplies 58..65 ' McKinley Sewer.- Se.rvi,ce Repairs 95.00 < _Char,les Tooker' Qlanner 600.00 Lake Auto Supply Misc,, ' 185 .12 Valley Ti Service, Tires, 993 -.62 Prior Lake Lumber Misc. Supplies 89,.61 = MacQueen Equipment ' Line Marker 2,210':00 OK; Hardware Misc. Supplies 1'23.73 Webers Bumper to .Bumper Misc. Supplies ( 140.07 i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. :r General Government Election Judges Salary 1,525.57 J 1 ✓" Steve's Red Owl Supplies 36.24 Pitney Bowes Pre -sort Plate 24.00 " j , Bob McAllister Dog Catcher 320.00 E.H. Newstrom Building inspector '`1,372.00 Jakki Menic Milea e - 4.20 Prior Lake American Pub 118.82 Computoservice Labels` 95.20 American Linen Co. Building Maintenance 86.80 City of Savage Share �f 1972 Bonds:- 2,260.48; ? Orr- Schelen b Mayeron_ Eng. -HtlA Plan Review' 1,001.90 Mayor 6 Council Pay" Salaries 1,024.30 Michael McGuire Car Allowance 275.00 s o { Engineering MN Geological Survey Publication 3.00 Albinson Rental 77.20 <� - - } ICET Certification Fee 8.00' Po.I "ice M% r q , Liberty Photo Service Operating SpPplies 51.09 Uniforms Unlimited Clothing Coast •to Coast Stores Light Timer. 14_ Sri St. Francis Hospital Blood Alcohol 4825 " Gene Smith Mileage 4.80 ° Robert Boo Mileage 4$0 'Kenneth Dehmlow Vehicle Repair 1t`1 Mahowald Motors Vehicle Repair 14 00 _ z Advance Ambulance Equipment 24.29 Fire t% j o Reynol Welding Oxygen 33, '* ` General Tire 1Ares 113.06" Jerry Muelken Reimb. for Workshop fee 40.00 i 1 Park and Recreation {. ",. j MN.UC Fund Unemployment Comp. 218.00" " a - SNakopee"Public Utilities Utilities 8,67 r Prior -Lake " Tire Repair ��\��> 5`:00 ° ; Fran kl i n- Ml sc' Su l i es ^: if uth S.egmund Refund PP 56.19 7:50 'Susan. Schanus Refund \A � 18 . 06 Toni Tieben Refund. 13.00 [sandy Rupp �� Instructor �� X 1,05:00 4 j Penny Borchardt Instructor 168:00 "`Maureen Landorf Instructor 108.00 �` Judy Haugh instructor 136;00 Larry..Siverson _ Instructor 66.00 >. } j• Old Log Thea��,ri Program 243,00 �. NW Nationalr3ank Bond Service Charge 12.50'° ' First Nat ''1 Bank Bond Payment, >> 17,176.25 Silfverston Trucking �. 9 Park improvement 96:1 : � Minnesota Valley Gas Co. Fuel" 5304 Satellite Industries Rental, 65.00 Str, et � A Scot�Co. Hwy Dept. Salt j' 1 ,362'. , 42 + Prior,Lake Aggregates' St.. Maintenance e ; Supp. 1 ,559.53 Wm . Mue'14 e r 4 l Sons I' - St. Maintenance:Supp:: 4'49_.70 s McNama Vivant Paving 10,539 -13 ~ Sewer ? p U ! Metropolitan Waste, Control -SAC Payments 11,31W25 Metropolitan Waste Control 0 Sewer Service tnstall .19,625:51 American National Bank Bond Payment 1,512,50 2 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of.Prior Lake in'the County of Scott and State of 'Minnesota, inc all accounts audited by said Council. ° T 1 Water � r` NW National Bank Bond Payment 2,28375 , � J i Diseased Tree Bohnsack Hennen Stump Removal 60.00 y R b R Tree Experts Tree Removal 1,223.00 Scherer Tree Experts Tree Removal 694.00' Norman Crooks Brush Removed 15.00 Capital Park k Prior Lake 'Lumber Co. Ath. Compl. Supplies -'- 2,726:00 ;` o c. Prior Lake Construciton Fund Progressive Contractors Payment Proj. 79 -20 15,352.50 Debt 'Serv.ice - NW National Bank` ^ Wagon Bridg. Payment 32,341 l " Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meeting Was adjourned at 8:37 PM. Michael A. McGuire. C i`:ty Manager i 0 n Iy , f L J V if