HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 25 1982MINUTES of th Scott i .`Proceedings of the City Council of 'the'City of Prior Laker -in the County of Jand State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. January ,25, 1982 ` The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday,, January 25, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock calle6,the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock; Counci"Imen Busse; Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire Engineer Anderson, j City Planner Graser and Fina "nce Director;Teschner. i Mayor Stock asked everyone to piease'!rise and pledge allegiance to The - f lag, - rections for The following changes are to be made to the minutes of January 18 1982: a Minutes of I8/82 Page 1, Paragraph 11, SHOULD READ AS FOLLOWS: C'ilty Engineer Anderson stated that the letter he had received from Ery Prenevost denied any portion of the funding for Project 82 -11 and that it is the same ' pot icy of the County that the County does not part i c i pate i n the cost, of concrete curb and guti'er sidewalk. They do - participate in the cost of, grading, base and blacktop on the new construction of streets, however, this project is the construction of concrete curb. in an area where the.bituminouy ;Paving is already in place. u Page 1, Paragraph 11, 'ADD: In addition the City would assume the cost of `$1,000.00 for the :additional blacktop for the construction of the street. utes Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of January 18, 1982 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ku At th "I Cme Mayor Stock called the continuation of the Public Hearing for r 1� Paeasapt , et Curb and Gutter, Project 82 -11 to "orde'r. t Ron Wolfram a resident from Pleasant Street was the spokesperson for the { residents, he stated'that' they met on Saturday and discussed options avail 'able to the residents. All the residents felt comfortable with the ` �{ $18.37 for curb and "Otter, without driveway aprons with 'a 10 year assessrrjent. Motion by Watkins, to approve Pleasant Street Curb and Gutter Project 82-11 r x� 4 ♦ Project Project 11 J contitgdnt that the City iparticipate in the cost of approximatel yl,OOo.00,. , !' the assessment would be spread over ten years, the residents havetthe option to have the driveway aprons put in and that the - sodding and mailbox replace- t ment be done by the residents, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a'vote taken `i `was duly passed: 'Motion by Thorkelson to authorize City Engineer Anderson to prepare -the final' LG Engineer plans and specifications,! for Pleasan t Street Curb and Gutter, 'Project 82 -11,, I pare specs seconded by Busse, and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: Motion by Watkins to adjourn the Rublic Hearing for Pleasant,Street Curb and Gutter, Project 82 -11, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote ;taken it was duly, passed..,' Mayor Stock read Resolution 82 -1, The Rea1"ignment of County Road 21�. �t Resolution Motion by Thorkelson to adopt Resolution -82 -1, The Realignment or County Road,, 21, seconded by Busse ai`d upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The Finance Report for Qecember 1981 was tabled for one week. n; ,City Manager McGuire reviewed the Metro - Transit Alternatives. The Alternatives are, the bus service remain as is, request State Legislature to be withrawn from M.T.C. Taxing District, or provide our own bus service. City Manager, also•stated the pros and cons to these alternatives. 3 MINUT[S of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minncsota, including all account5 audited by said Council. Staff Motion by Watkins to have Staff do a preliminary study on providing an preps relminary pi r el alternative means of transportation, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote for taken it was duly passed. Transport. Mayor Stock at this time called the continuation of the Informational Meeting for the Extension of Pleasant and Walker Street. City Planner Graser was present to review what was presented at the previous meeting. Finance Director Teschner commented on the different ways of financing the project,cost. He stated that 45% of the project cost which was- discussed.at $77,000.00 would be.directly assessed to the immediately, benefited proporty owners, the remaining 55% was to:be assessed back to the'' downtown 'business district based on approximation of $14.56 per $1,000.00�'valuati_on. Both asses —`" ments could be spread over amen year period within the, of 12 interest. s s1 Mayor Stock discussed the process that the Council would follow. If the jJ "° i.n format i on presented at this meeting would be on the positive s ' de thus next , Na order on the part of the Council would be a motion to prepare a feasi "f�ility sue' study for the construction cost and.method of financing. if the Courcil excepted the feasibility study, they then would establish a public hearing the project. ��r ' Mayor Stock at this time opened the discussion to the public. Ni Robert Johnson a' owner of a house on the corner of Pleasant and Main, stated Vj that the way the percentages were divided up he would suppo'e - I pay apart of ' V the 45%. He�wouad like his house to be taken off the assessment, seeing that it is a house and not a business, also that he does have.'a business and would be paying 55,;6 of the cost against that business. He felt that the assessment a + E against the house be eliminated and if 'i it .ever became a business it be deferred , y ..until; becoming a business. He also questioned the purpose of the road, he could notpl see where the road could' help the business community. Mayor Stock replied to his questions, he stated that Pleasant-,Street would have . all the movements of left and right hand turns' so that there were 9 more accesses into town, at the time of County Road 21 going thru there could be possible f. ,curtailment of movements at Pleasant, at the present time Pleasant Street would /be put in with all movements that the intersection could haver Lidy Flom also ,a resident'on Pleasant Street asked,iif Pl easant Street did go ''�thru: would it,,increase; the traffic on Pleasant if County Road 21 was.noVthere. Mayor Stock stated that there might be an increase in the traffic, however, he ` felt that the people that were going,.that direction are funneled in that " direction.already via another intersection. .^ -_ C.i t y Engineer Anderson further stated that there would not be a dFast'ic change for either direction. He felt that a detailed traffic study would have to be done to determine th i s /�' v Mrs, Flom asked if the,55� would be levied only against the commercia4ly zoned properties along Main Street. ' l t City `Engineer l Anderson 'stated it would basically include the, areas on'Main Street a which are businesses.:_ its to her own residence it would not incaude the areas where the concrete curb;and gutter is proposed. Dr. Olaf also had questions and .comments for Council and Staff. ,He felt' ti Lukk fht it ld,.h "ot handicap anyone as far as` downtown properties; if Pleasant was " toawait until Cc;'Unty Road 21 comes in and see what happens then. He stated that it was an awful .lot of money to spend on a temporary, road. . Q Bill Sando';told Council and Staff that he felt ther�Pleasant Street Extension should be done,.his. concern was.the assessmentl�basl.s of 551 to the downtown area r was totally inequitable. Councilman Watkins made comments to Mr. Sand's questions. q Claron Ottman a concerned resident had questions for Council and Staff. I> Ron Wolfram a resident on Pleasant Street was concerned about small children being on .they. street. ` u I MINUTES of the Proceedings' of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Gina Tupy commented on how congested traffic was by the hardware store, and was very much in 'favor for getting Pleasant Street extended as soon'as ' possible. She felt that not only would the downtown area benefit from "the extension but also the lakes, churches and everthing else in Prior Lake. Harry Tupy also felt that Pleasant Street was needed now. He stated that, for many years he had fought for better parking, better streets and he had, not received any support or cooperation from the other businesses. Jerry Maxwell stated that this town needed a shot in the arm and if County Road 21 or Pleasant Street is what it takes it needs to be done." 1 " March 3i Continue Inform. ,Motion by Watkins to continue the Informational Meeting or( `8, 1982, at 3/8/82 7.35 PM s oded b Thkl d t tk it , - ecny Thorkelson an upon a vote taken was duly passed. ,.Meeting ( Mayor Stock stated that the City Manager and himself wou appear before the County Board and would be able to comeback with a better feel of what .r their decision would be and their method of follow -up. r Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to have the Industrial /Commercial Advisory Committee analyze in their minds the need for the extension of Pleasant Street as it would relate to County Road 21 and also the timing of each and with that, more information could be put together for the continuation of the meeting. �I , G Councilman Thorkelson stated that when Commissioner Ha "ffermian`was present ii ` at the last meeting,: he had not indicated that there was much support.on the 4 �; ' t " " art of the other Count Commissioners for this P Y project, and i f any of the } residents felt strongly about it he suggested that they,:contact any County Commissioner that they may know and; also they are strrongly 'influenced by groups like this sh6wing up at County Board Meetis, he felt that it would ng 'be good if ipeop -were to attend. r � City P I annex .Graser presented Mike Barsness s Var i aJ ' Appeal. Mike Barsness was pres-sn'rµ - rcomment on the Council and Staff Table Mi ke Barsnes Mot1on by W tk i ns o table e Barsnesss Variance Appeal for two weeks — t tbl Mike ' �. " Variance Appeals _`o15rthat Staff can prepare findings on the other lots and relative <decks related to this variance, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a votq: taken it was duly asked-. The next item on the agenda,was the•reviewing of the Rezoning of Lakeside 7 Estates. • Councilman Schweich asked to be excused because of personal connections with" the Rezoning of Lakes i'de Estates. " City Planner reviewed the Rezoning of Lakeside Estates. , Cy Schweich, was present for comments. Mr. Schweich was directed'to present the Rezoni'ng.and Conditional Use request to the Planning Commission first and then; return to the Council after it was = t reviewed by`the Planning Commission" " The Following invokes are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, Janaury 19 1982: Invoices to -be` Paid MISC.-DEPARTMENTS = { � NSP U t i l i t i e s _ S 4,'S44.71 . Mn Valley Electric Utilities 446.69:' ; Minnega Utilities 1,619.,35' , Thorkelson Drug' Film Processing 215.00 - Delta Dental Plan Insurance 610.50 Snyder Drug Office Supplies 27.50 f Ames office Supply Office Supplies 392.95 l Copy Duplicating Products. Copy Rental 190.98.," s Valley Engineering, Professional Services 415.00;; JEM Blacktopping, Inc. Repairs 515.00 o Schweich Construction Co. Repairs 106.87 i SBA Properties Repairs 340.00 MINUTES of t Proceedings of the City Council of the City of- Prior.Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including aII accounts audited by said Council. CO NTINGENCY: Singewald Building $ Roofing Co. Roof Repai , Road Machinery 3 Supplies Co. Road Grader Repair GENERAL GOVERNMENT .iWrti�r`.ir 9,900.00 3.,002.31 University of Minnesota Workshop 20.00 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Service Fee 312.50 Lommen, Nei -son, Sullivan 8 Cone Condemnation 113,50 Creative Graphics Supplies 7.30 David b Nancy Elliott Supplies "" 84.70 Revenue Sharing Advisory Service Subscription 55.00 " Scott County Auditor Service Fees 46.68 Midwest Veterinary Supply Dog Tags 50.00 Orr- Schelen Mayeron Professional Services 770.74 Lawrence Schweich'' L,i'brary Rental 400.00 Mary Lannon Cleaning 21.85 Ramona Hennen Cleaning 65.65 Bev Appenzeller Cleaning 87.50 -i ENGINEERING Copy Equipment, Inc. Quality Wood Supplies 16.20 P.` Stakes 8 Lath 44.00 I Brunson , I nstrument Co. Leveling Rod 24.91 1 Radisson Arrowood Conference 137.77 POLICE 4. L betty Phot Service Film A rComm, Inc. Radio Repair 45.00 Mid -State Towin9 Towing 30.00 Kennedy Transmission Vehicle Repair 534.50 Dan='s ICO Vehicle Repair Doves ,Tow i n ' 9 Vehicle Repair 75.85 Scott COL'hty Civil :Defense ,uction 640.00 Prior Lake Fi_re Department F r ?- Prevention �fi0.00 ° MaIkerson Motors VehicIe:RepoPr 43.80 PARKS 8 RECREATION I i ` }`<< Action Overhead Garage Door, Inc. Bui;Idin Repair 9 P 101.00 a tiFe_Industrie Rental b4. 17 " - j Go p her en.ce Chain Link 79.77 ` A B Sporting Goods Co. Gym Mats M-V Gas Co. Utilities 4 Mary Bettner Park Refund 9.00 ° Sherily Kaler Park Refund 8.00' R Melanie Sprank Park Refund 17.00 p Helen CLson Park Refund 11.00 p Mae Stellijos Park Refund 9,00 Sylvia Conrad = Park Refund 9.00 o Sherry Knutonx, Park Refund 9.00 Roxy Consoer' Park Refund 15.00 Mice Battis Park Refund 15.00 Lucy Dalsted Park Refund 7.50 Elaine`Paukner Park Refund 7.50 Stacey Mc6uire Park Refund 10.00 , STREET Harold's Repair Shakopee Ford Equipment Repair 10.25 Vehicle Repair .40 ?ohnsack 8 Hennen, Inc. Snow Removal 3.322.00 jy hjtro Fone Communications i West Weld Co. Pager 32.00 Su Lies PP 51.27 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Stale of Minnesota, includ'ing all aceounts audited by said Council. i SEWER s Klingberg Excavating Repair 180.00 Ricmar Industries Supplies 96,25 McKinley Sewer Service Pumping 55.00- Prior Lake Electric Lift Station 842.80 ;- i WATER VonWaters & Rogers Chemicals 110.24 Water Products Co. FrULt Plates 87.50 CONSTRUCTION FUND ' Bakker Koppe S,aIlpu Engineering 103.30" I M Orr- Schelen- Mayeron Engineering 1,394490 Councilman Schweich asked that the City Snow Plowing Policy be reviewed. Mayor Stock went over'the policy. so' n � With no 'other announcements, correspondence or questions, motion by Watkins,, to adjourn, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken this meeting was' t adjourned at 10:56 PM. h r i i 4 u , �tt Michael A. McGuire City ,Manager 4 i 1