HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 08 1982�z i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ;. February 8, 1982 i ` The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met;;i'n,,regular session'on Monday,, February 8, 1982 at 7 :30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock " called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser and City ,Engineer Anderson. Councilman Busse was absent. Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise and pledge allegiance to the flag. F The minutes of February 1, 1982 were reviewed. : ' Minutes Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of February l; 1982 as presented, I seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ' Mayor Stock discussed the request from Ed Dueffert for a Public Hearing for a Road Vacation. i 1 ( Motion by Watkins to approve the request for the Publi'c.Hearing to be held on $ Approve Request Monday, March 15, 1982 at 8:00 PM, seconded by Thorkelson and upon al +vote taken for Public Hearing ' it was duly passed. r EdDa ^tfernt i `1 City .Planner Graser gave a brief update on the Sign`Ordinance.` He stated that` i Staff is going out and contacting merchants exp`lain'ing to them what', wrong ., with their signs and working with them if requested, to conform'to the Sign Ordinance. st The next 'item on the agenda was the Mike Barsness Variance Appeal.: Mayor Stock stated that at the last meeting regarding this, Council asked that a number " of things be checked,out.- ' Mike Barsness was present and submi'tted to the Council,a revised site plan on the particular parcel. He 'stated that the orginal" si#;e'p`lan that was submltted� some of the information was really not clear. Councilman Thorkelson requested City Engineer Anderson to define where the pub ILc a ut=ilities were located ,�.. City Engineer Anderson outlined the locations-of the utllitie's for the Council.° Council and Staff had.many comments. ? Mayor Stock stated that there was a stipulation from the Planning Commission•„ motion which stated that a building permit was not to`be' issued until "tfie ;pu'�I roadway went through. He asked Mr. Barsness for his comments on this,. 3 l Mr,. iarsness felt that this was agood - recommendation and that the public'. - road way should be in there, however, he felt that no one has,really made a commit- ment to when the public roadway would be put in and as a result this lot could be nonbuiidable for unlimited number of years. If for say, a period of 3 -4 years had passed and no'publi -c roadway had been installed, he thought he should have the opportunity of building on this site seeing that there is water ; and sewer already there and that he is paying the,. °;assessments on-this lot. His plans are not to build a home on this lot for at least 2; years from now, ., and the reason he i s making this application_ for this request and variance at „ the present time is that ii;e is in the process of acquiring the property and he wanted to make sure that this p.i ece of property ,;would be bu i 1dab l e with a, satisfactory structure. Mayor Stock felt that the Planning Commission stluplation is an important d factor, however, because of the legal transaction going on, he would like to place a two year time limit, because by then we would know when the road would go in. A r ► pp 10 Set Motion by Thorkelson to v6prove a 10 setback from the road or, a 15' variance Mike'Barsness contingent,that the footings be set at 918, or lower, for sanitary,Sewer purposes and that the 50 variance from the 904 setback requirement would be . maintained and that the contingency for the completion of fhe public road the way the Planning Commission set forth-would also be retained and the 40 x45' structure include the area in which the deck could be 'built. The reason for the 15 front yard variance is because of the large road right of way in this MINUTE'S of the Proceedings of.the'C1Ly Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County or Scott and State of Minncont•i, inc1tidiny aII ac(ount5 noditrd by said Council. r p particular area, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i M Mayor Stock discussed the February 11, 1982 Landfill Public Hearing. The Resolutions for the Opposing of the Sanitary Landfill and the Expressing Concern of the Demolition Sites were read and action was taken. Support & M Mot,ion by Thorke!son to` support and adopt Resolution 82 -3, A Resolution Expressing iAdopt Resol.'Support a and`Concern of the Demolition Sites,; with the change of the NOW, THEREFORE, 82 -3 B BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Prior Lake supports this site when a detailed plar� protection of aquifers and hi hq way access are satisfactorily addressed, k s seconded by Schweich and upon 'a vote taken this Resolution was adopted and passed. Mayor Stock `directed ("tt >'Engineer Anderson to check with the County and if there, Is an 6 n page 3 - 6 tt.)e summary another WHEREAS should be added to the Resolution. ; Adopt Resol. M Motion.by,Wat ns to adciat Resolution 82 -2, A Resolution Opposing Sanitary Landfill, 82. -2 s seconded by Thc a vote taken this Resolution was adopted and passed. r " a Mayor Stock'discussed a I that he had received from the MTC, David Palmquist, asking the City of Prior if the City "''wanted anymore shelters. 1 M Motion by Thorkelson to -have CJ:ty Manager McGuire inform David Palmquist that Dav'ld P1ar*4 t the City of Prior Lake has adequate shelter sites and thatithe City is not . i MTC', interested In participating in the 1982 construction of such sites`in the City f f ! o of Prior Lake, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, i Mayor Stock received , ,a p r t to 'hold a Public ' l;nforma`f iona.l` Meeting: Motio Thorkei.son to Ci E Anderson y , y g Orepare a ' F e a s i b i l i t y Study iPrepare a and,then o meet ,with the residents, The City would require that there be a ' �Feasibi,'Iity R Right of V,`* and that the street be ;paved, then come back w -ith his findings to the Study ROW C Council and if there is still a positive feeling then 'the Council would seta hearing da e, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' t . Mayor stoc� had two further announcements one, night, 7:00 PM at the Senior, H i'gh School L r ' 1 L t 1982 at 7.3Gi �u tg1 i The, fo.I Iowi t I nvo i ces`N to (M 1 15C DEPART�4ENTS I' 4 M CK ,Hardware I '�Veber's''Bumplar to Bumper Repair Supplies 146.61 IV 'Prior ;Lake lumber,Company Misc. Supplies 369.1 -1 C it Jr ; ; L Lake Auto Supply '. >> .: `' Reps -ir Supplies 535482 j j ' ' `Insurance Servi 'Insurance 2,47Q „y r i Scott Rice Telephone Company Telephone Service -' X 626.24 A,l,b i nson r � � 'Re" al o 52.60 , ; ;,Act i on ` Ovr r, head Garage Door Company Repairs �� "' 836.10. •rComm, rn,�c�: - Rep airs 565.16 Internat4lona Harv6ster, Repairs 1.;O60. -. Computoservice, lnc. Computer' Serv. & SupF�i ies ' 766.48, x, a a Charles Tooker PTaniier: "° -' 6f . .U0 ' ' Q State Treasurer, PERA'- City Portion 4,403.53` ;State Treasurer F lCA -City Portion J ,668. E34. " w a GENERAL GOVERNMENT'S w a Red Ow l good $,ret es . Supplies 19.47 i i Supplies 1.56 ­ F J Judy Jepson Sanitation Supplies 25.75: b b E k i Nwstrom a Bu,t'1 ding 8 Plu I nspec. 428.00)' r f f „ OSM � „' R ,McAI'I i �' ,��” k k''rtor�.Lake F,mertcan Publishing - 22,.26 �. p pi'tney= r3owes Pcstage� 24`.00 `S�a Su'bscr i''ption ��, `` 13.00 5 5l , f fir for L,ii 6 t4ry Club ivembersh i p Dues 75.50 . N Novi rgth Service Reg. Fee 35.00 _ _ l 51 t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minllesola, including all accounts audited by,;said Council— GENERAL GENERAL GOVT. cont. Dolores Berens Library Clening 50.'00 American Linen Supply, Building Maintenance 77.79` 'at�r Mayor 8 Council Pay Salaries 1,050.00 Mike McGuire Car Allowance 275.00 �yl Petty Cash Supp lies 76.73 CONTINGENCY `r i i z, Holmes 8 Graven Legal Services 613.84 ' t r ; ENGINEERING Brunson Instrument `'Company Supplies .� r' - n�� 14.21 Ab � Copy Equipment �Suppi ies 10.31 Fabric ' i ec h . Cou.vzseg : Reg. Fee j( 15.00 I t I POL r,E i� T 1 Gene Smith Mil eage 4. i �t Gordon Klingbeii 1 G.A. Thompson Mileage 1 Printing Sup' Ties _4.80 159.'00 $ ' `M.P.H. Industries, Repair,Supp� �Iles � 47.80 i. Dave's Towing 8 Auto Body Repairs 25.00 Mahowald Motors Repairs �� 266:44 Dennis Leff Reimb. for Reg. Fee 40.00 Tri County'Law Enforce Aid Assn. Membership Fee 25.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT „ Conway Fire'8 Safety, I.nc. Sappl i-es 139,80 Velishek Service Dept. Repairs% 93,83 SPARK DEPARTMEN r Minnesota Toro, Inc. 'Repairs ° 542.35 5 .' M -V Gas Company Fuel ' �` Sh'akopeo? Pu i s Ut.i i i t 1 es U t i l i t i e s 8.!50 � Satellite Industries Rental 65.00 Nancy�Peterson Refund i0�00 Jan Refund' 10.00 N`s �athy'Svenby Refund 10.00 L. Cy Danes - Refund 13.00 Alice Bettis. Refund 13600 " gear. Cebattos Refund 8.00 i Joan Johnson' Refund 1:00 a ` Cheri Hophekirshberg Refund` ;1.00. Beau Schneider Refund Vernon Beinhotn Refund ,5,50.E 6.00 Debbie Miller Refund' Janine Aibachter Refund 13.50 ., Valle Sorts . Y P B i) I room a is 64,95 n Maureen Jandorf Instructor 96�:00 Hennepin County Park Systems " " P'ark "' 25.50r Orchestra Hal I j Park Programs 33.00 Minn. Paris 8 Recreation Assn'. Reg. "Fee 135.00 1 h I ' STREET DEPARTMENT ^ Repair International Harvester' Parts 9. J5 LaHass Mfg. ,`S Sales Repair Parts ', 40.24 Shakopee Ford Repair Parts 4.70' Val leyEquipment Repai.rParts -- 102.12'` SEWER DEPARTMENT Metro Waste Control Conn., „ Installment 19; '318.58 1 WATER DEPARTMENT VanWate Rogers Chemi 1,67,03 ff `MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State'of Kinnc,ota, including all ;accounts audited by Said Council. u� ? W ATER DEPT'. cunt N� Layne Minnesota Company Repair Supplies 22.6t' i ~. Water Products Repair ,Supplies 102.54 s =' HiLite Electric Repairs -r ,1,185.29 Metro Alarm, Inc. Repairs 44.72 Wenzel Mechan'ica;l Repairs " 46.37 State Treasurer Fee 5.00 r` DEBT SERVICE American National Bank 8 Trust "Fish Point 5,164.00 NW National Bank of Minneapolis Spring�,Lake 116,791.75 'Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote -taken this ' a meeting was,adjourned'at 8:37 PM. �. , y , J 1 }` Michael A. WGu ire _ ., City Manager 0 T J5 e, r r i I. i [ of a i r g W