HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 08 1982INSTEAD; OF INSTEAD, t ;FIRST NIGHTERS LIQUOR LICEWSE GRANT T&4PORARY LI;�UOR LICENSE TO FIRE ''GHTERS 0411 iiiiORMAT IONAL �MEETINu b r jn a is pr we would hold a Public Informational Meeting inv,'rting people that use the transportation facilities to come and express their views and opinions, seconded by Watkins,,and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. Mayor Stock then asked City Manager McGuire to comment on the Temporary t1quor License for the First Nighters /Prior Lake Players. City Manager McGuire stated that this temporary liquor license was for a 3.2 beer;license, would be held at St. Michaels Community Center on Friday, March 19, 1982. He also requested that the fee be waived. Motion by .Watkins to grant the Temporary Liquor License and to waive the ;fee for,the Prior Lake Players on Friday, March 19, 1982, seconded lay Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock then ca!led the Informational Meeting - DNR Public Access to order. t J MINUTES of t the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County`of'' . ,.x Scott a and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. March 8, 1982 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, March 8, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers; Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilman Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson., Finance Director Teschner and Parks and Recreation Director Mangan. Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise and pledge allegiance to the flag. The minutes of March 1, 1.982 were reviewed. MINUTES I M Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of March 1, 1982 as presented;, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CONTINUATION OF I T The next item on the agenda was the continuation of the Informational Hearing THE INFORMATIONAL f for Pleasant Street Extension. ' HEETIWG FOR PLEASANT, STREET C City Manager McGuire reported on the progress of this. He stated that the County Road 21 Realignment has been approved by the County Board,�therefore, S t the Pleasant Street Extension should be a secondary priority to County Road 21, and wait until the construction timing and the =cost ar,,,,e known. l ,. M Mayor Stock stated that he and City Manager McGuire had appeared before the j Scott County Board of Commissioners and requested the County Board's „ ' a „ ` B Bridge to the direction of 35W. At the County Board 'they did approye the blanket condemnation for the Railroad Right of Way that was necessary for ..o them In the rural area of therCounty. He felt that the County Engineer and j the Commissioners will give consideration to`'this'in future C.I.P,'s. +.` D Dr. Olaf Lukk stated that he agrees with postponing Pleasant Street Extension. CONTINUE TO WORK M Motion by Thorkelson that the reaffirmation of the City to continue to work ?Orl ACQUIRING THE o on acquiring the Right of Way for the Realignment of County Road 21 and that R a at the time of planning the - actual construction of Pleasant Street would also -! i b be reviewed, seconded by Schweich and upon,a vote taken it was duly passed, `Parks and Recreation Director Mangan reviewed the alternatives for the Metro Transit. I Counc'jL had questions, and comments. ? C Councilman Thorkelson felt that an Informational Meeting should be held fora those people ghat use the bus. COST OF PRIOR LAKE M Motion by'Thorkelson to direct City Manager McGuire to inquire with consulting RUNNING LITS OWN f firms about the cost of doing studies for Prior Lake running its - trans TRAWCDMTerTnu.' o or`rat i on and whe' th t ` INSTEAD, t ;FIRST NIGHTERS LIQUOR LICEWSE GRANT T&4PORARY LI;�UOR LICENSE TO FIRE ''GHTERS 0411 iiiiORMAT IONAL �MEETINu b r jn a is pr we would hold a Public Informational Meeting inv,'rting people that use the transportation facilities to come and express their views and opinions, seconded by Watkins,,and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. Mayor Stock then asked City Manager McGuire to comment on the Temporary t1quor License for the First Nighters /Prior Lake Players. City Manager McGuire stated that this temporary liquor license was for a 3.2 beer;license, would be held at St. Michaels Community Center on Friday, March 19, 1982. He also requested that the fee be waived. Motion by .Watkins to grant the Temporary Liquor License and to waive the ;fee for,the Prior Lake Players on Friday, March 19, 1982, seconded lay Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock then ca!led the Informational Meeting - DNR Public Access to order. t J MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. r Mayor Stock stated the order that the meeting would take, he would 'introduce the representatives from the DNR, upeg the completion of their presentations.- all questions would be until They had completed, the Council would then i [Is to statements from the public as to their position, the public would = then be able to ask questions and then finally the Council would have an opportun to discuss their views. Mike Markell, Access Supervisor of the Department of Natural ;Resources ' reviewed the purposes and proposals of the DNR. He went over the six sites that the DNR had looked at for the Public Access location, he stated both the pros and- cons,`for each proposed site. Duane Shodeen, Regional Fisheries Supervisor for the seven County Metropolitian Area, stated that his department -has been conducting surveys on Prior Lake i since 1948. He reviewed the different types of surveys that they had done and gave the outcome of these surveys. Within these surveys were the times when Prior Lake has the heaviest boat traffic. Scott Bracke, a Landscape Architect presented detailed planning designs t' of buffering and landscaping purposes. Parks and Recrrl"ation Director M,,angan had comments for the Public and Council., 1, Mayor Stock then opened the meeting to the public for statements. ' Mr. Gary Zywotko, a concerned resident on Shore Trail, was i'n disagreement 1 iri th the DNR's proposal. Mr. Brad Haycraft a resident on Asii Circle, commented that he was in `favor { of the boat access. rv; Steve­Potas a resident from Watersedge Trail agreed with "'the people that there Is not enough areas to launch a boat,` but he felt that another area should be looked at. r 3 Pick Smith, Minnesota'State Bass Association stated that everyone is in favor of a Public Access but nobody wants it nextdoor to them. He, further stated that h group favored the site, ; Mrs. Nancy Zywotko felt that the boat Launch would be to close to the swimmers ar Sand Pointe Beach: i Jerry Wilmes commentf$d regarding peopl,e out of the swimming area, people who: live on the lake don�.'t even use the la'ke,on Saturdayls and Sunday's { ,because of k to much traffic on the lake.'and the.problem with parking on the street. Gary. Zywotko wanted'to make a comment for Janis Zvirbulis in regards'to inverse condemnation. He felt that'thi,s is what the DNR was going to -do to the g 9 _ Zvrbulis °property. �. °. Howard Carlson also had comments in regards to the traffic on the only ,road d that goes.back to the housing development and -.the beach, people that do live back there can''`t even get through. He felt that i' people. -could launch their boats they would be parking both cars and trailers out on the street after the; 14 parking slots are full. Mayor Stock then stated that at this time we 'would go to the questions and answering session. Mrs. Wil,mes asked what would happen to the 30' easement. Mike Markell stated that they have some`rights to 14. " Maris Stolcers wanted to know how wide'the ramp was going to be, how far "from the swimming area - loading and unloading. Scott Bracke stated that the ramp would be "12' w "ide in the water, going down ' to that point itiwill be 20' long and 14' wide. Parks and Recreation Director Mangan answered his question regarding the distance from the swimming area. 4 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Ciky Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of 4 Scott and State of Minnesota, includinq all;.accounts audited by said Council. 4 Gary Zywotko stated that with the way the wind blows off the;.Iake, (south- easterly) there would be a problem with the boats drifting towards shore. Jerry Bonneau wanted to know how close the turn - around would be to his property and also what they would do about the noise problem. Mrs. Zvirbulis was concerned about where the people would get into their boats once they launched, she thought they would be letting; their boats drift to the property and board from there. . Mike Markeil stated that they could put'in a dock for temporary loading and. 1 unloading. Guna Konters was concerned with the increased amount of oil and gas going into the Jake and garbage being thrown into the lake. t> Nancy Zywotko .'asked the member of the Council if they remembered stating that there wolj�'i d never be a boat launch at this site. City Manager McGurie stated that he was not a member of the Council but he was'present at 'the meeting when Sand Pointe was discussed, and .that he did , not recall any agreement that the City PaCk Land in quest !on "woui'd not be� x o used for parking, in fact some of that land has been used for overflow,} ` parking for the beach and he did `not recall, any agreement what the use would l be. ;f , } F She then asked Councilman Watkisn. i ' Watkins stated that he recalled that we said that _there would be no boat ,! Y launching from Sande Po irate Beach. She then stated that Bill Bissonett'stated that they could use his statement since he could not be present at this evening's meeting:- He that there ,. would be no boat Launching ever. - ,_ f'{ , g C`t Y ,Nana er McGuire stated that he was refering to Sand Pointe Beach, = *tnd that wavi the position that we have always held; -: Mayo,r.Stock stated that he was going to let the questions and comments from i the public on for 10 more minutes when the Council would have to voice the r v mews. John Budley from the Prior Lake Sportment's Club stated that the local club supports this project and would like to see a'public access go in. Mary Bonneau- stated that she didn't think thatany of the people that came here, had the idea that we didn't want people on the lake, we agree we do, need an access, the reason that they're here is to ask the'Councilmembers to { not go back on''their word from 3 years ago and tb think of the safety points c .,' at Sand Pointe. r ` Fred Fey stated,that the Council did not romi'se the would not p y put an access a. :. on Sand Pointe Beach , there is no access` Sand Pointe Beach, this fs.on a different se he also wanted to speak on hehalf of the Prior Lake r Sportmen's that,are 'hare., granted there„is problems where ever you go you have pigso you'll have<themwhere ever you put an access, you will always have people who don''t care but right= .now the garbage problem is being <,handled pretty good, compared to how it has been ,in the past, the Sportsmen's Club 'a is a great group of guys and they pick up Iot of trash on the'lake, which E they not have to do. i One resident asked why West Avenue could be considered for an access. • Mayor Stock replied that this was one of the sites that were looked at and that the Ri of Way going down to the 'lake is approximately 50' wide there is residents along the side, of, the street, one side of the street'* P land, very similar to the situation of North Shore Crest area. The topography at the present time is very steep to the east and the DNR has look d at this He then area. asked Mike Markell to comment on why that site is not feasible. ` Mike stated that the biggest problem was the width of the street for parking purposes and turn- around area. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. City Manager McGuire commented,also on this, he stated that West Avenue is. - a dedicated roadway,as it gees. -,into the Iai:e at which Dint it terminates p and there may be a problem with taking a dedicated roadway and making it i into and access. Marlis Bluedorn questioned the Council, what was Watzel's Point Park be,i.ng s; used for. Parks and Recreat i on D i rector Mangan stated that Watze I s Po i nt has been acquired and is up for development on a grant for a building similar to Sand Pointe Beach and docking in the bays, the road running from Red Oaks Drive to Watzel's Point itself as part.of the purchase_ agreement �is to remain private. Mayor Stock then closed this portion and turned it over to discussion of the Council. If the Councilmembers had any questions for the representatives to ask them and basically what our u decision would be is whether or not the City would want to participate in the parking agreement of the park t property that the City now owns. Councilman Thorkelson asked that if the DNR went ahead with this would this access be put in this summer. Mike Markell stated that it probably would not be this summber but probabl 1, next spring.' Thorkelson then asked Parks and Recreation Director Mangan if he had looked off into the safety questions as far as the beach is concerned and as far as the Oil slicks that could develop at a launch site. Councilman Busse asked if (here was going to be any additional parking besides the 14 slots for cars /trainers. i City, Manager McGuire felt'fhat if this did do, that the parking lot should be paved, otherwise there could be a severe dust problem for the ,adjacent property 9wners; secondly, some type of agreement made with the adjacent property owners l as far buffering and thirdly, try to a6 uire the 30' possibly by swapp.i;ng;it so 'that "it would be ''on the cother ,side or possibly splitting it 15 on each side. Councilman Watkins stated that he felt that the DNR and the City has a very definite obligation to develop free public access to the lake, but it should not be a bandaid solution and he felt that this had a number or flaws. He ra felt that the biggest flaw�was the proximity of the access to the `swimming i beach and also to the adjacent properties. He felt that public safety was foremost and damage to property is important ut secondary,. Public safety aspect of that beach could be dangerous. One"' po I nt that he had ° -' heard the term "deal" used, he stated that we do not make !'deals", we make dec i s i orK at a p u b l i c c meeting which i's in front of God,. and everybody, so we make statements, statements which are a matter of record, we,.do not make deals. Councilman Schweich had comments, he stated that everyone wants lake access, but of course nobbdy wante it next to them. He asked the DNR would there be other chances for accesses on Prior Lake. Mike Markell stated that they would try, but this is one of the,last °practical sites. Mayor Stock asked Mike Markell if he could give an opinion or would he need a legal opinion to determine what the Zvirbulis.'property impact would be, could ;he make any comments on this at this time. C" Mike Markell. stated that he could not make any comments at this time, that I he would need a legal opinion' from the Attorney General. = h E r� Mayor Stock then asked him if the subject of purchasing the property from the Zvirbulis' has been brought up.; Parks and Recreation Dirsctor Mangan stated that about 2 years ago it was mentioned, Mrs. Zvirbulis stated that she did not remember anyone talkng to her in regards to selling her property. i. x. a MINUTES ' of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State i of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor StoeK felt that the legal opinion on the Zvirbulis property.shoutd be presenl%,d and looked at. lie further stated that he wanted to go back . and researclj the minutes, that it has been awhile. Ne.felt that we should. take lrt #..`ice a core time and investigate in- depth, requested the DNR to get the legal the opinion on property involved, Park Director take another look at and also evaluate the on basis of the other cornmunties that have boat launching and swimming areas in their community and Their relative relationship and also the City Manager and Planning ii our office prepare a summary of the actions that were taken in the zoning and subdivision of r the McWilliams property and then get together and see where we are at. He asked the DNR if this was Possible and what kind of time frame they wer >a i n, ` Mike Markell stated the the option expires March 18, 1982, but they could try for an extension, otherwise that would be the day that they decision. y r Councilman Thorkelson stated that he felt that it is important that i t we find an access and we've looked at alot;of sites and as everyone said none of them 1' are going to be ideal and the neighborhoods always object-, so he feels that we it ,1 owe to the rest of the people of Prior Lake to Zook into this a little further as Mayor Stock has stated. " ' One thing that he has" a problem with is spending,hhis kind of money to provide an access and ©n;i have 14 �.� Y parking spaces, it also doesn " seem reasonable to take anymore of Sand Pointe Beach Park Land to provide parking space for cars' and hailers, that is not all that big of a park and, for the amount of people that use that park that °is not a ppropriate', if these sites are, acquired we have to look at the possibility of acquiring add flpnai parking somewhere else so that it is not taken away from Said Pointe Beach. Mayor Stock agreed with Councilman Thorkelson' and asked, DNR to check with) Parks and Recreation Director Mangan. at additional sites. { ' CONTINl1E MEETING OW MARCH 15th Mayor Stock stated -•that he would continue this meeting on Monday, March Ii 15, 1982 at 8?:0 PM.' TWING CONTRACTS Next item on the agenda was the Towing Contract. City Manager McGuire it^ reported on this. re _ . Motion,by Thorkelson to do as we did before>,and have the City ' Manager and Police Chief write up new specifications for the contract and that the bids vqu.ld,be requested on that; also to readvertise the bid for towing, seconded by.Stock and upon a'vote taken it was duly passed. �. Councilman Thorkelson had one comment for the Council, regarding the Snow Bi,rd Ordi nance, if we could get signs put up stating our`'ord It was agreed that a sign would be put up in November of each year for one month. ' INVOICES The following invoices are scheduled for payment on Tuesday, 'March 16 1982. MISC. DEPARTMENTS Delta Dental Insurance 666.00 ;. Creative Graphics 66.00 Office Supplies Ames Office Supplies Office Supplies 1 7;.52 i Lommen, Nelson, Sullivan & Cole Attorneys l 7,328.00 Charles Tooker Planner ' Scott -Rice Telephone 600.00 P Telephone Service 685.41 OK Hardware Misc. "Supplies 101.85 Albinson Rental Mobil Oil 40.00 Fuels and Lubricants 110.56 Prior Lake Mobil-,, Vehicle Repairs 3.,47.44 Dan's Auto Repair Vehicle 'Repairs 180 *77 Lake Auto Supply Repa.ir.Supplies 469. y ,46 .70 M-V Gas Co. Fuel 1 0 Weber's Bumber to Bumper Misc. Supplies 95.82 i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City C6 of the City of Prior Lake in the,,County of Scott, and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. GENERAL .GOVERNMENT I Hauser's!Super Valu Supplies 32.5E. >' E.H. Newstrom Building 8 Plumbing Inspect. 43'w.00' Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 320;00 Ralph Teschner Mileage 20:jq .f Prior Lgke American; Ad 19, E Minneap(.Iis Star. Ad 87.7 "i". League of Minnesota Cities Directory "' 10.00„ American Linen Building Maintenance 86. 18 Mayor and Council Salaries 1,050.00 ` Mike McGuire Car Allowance 275,00 ENGINEERING Bloomington Rubber Stamp Co. Supplies 7,50 i Copy Equipment Co. Supplies 45. 17. PLANNING z Greater Mpis.. Chamber of .Commerce Conference Fee !`., `49.00 ' POLICE A LrComm, .� I 6c. Repair- Parts 12.00 VaI.Iey TireL 8 Auto Service Tires y "707.13 St. Francis Hospital' Blood Alcohol 100.00 Alt Richard, Klugherz Mileage 4,80 Dave's Towing 8 Auto Body -50, 41..50 f Laker's Auto' Repair Repairs 169. + 00 . Mahowald Motors Repairs 233.47 s Jim SingewaId L Repair & Ma'int. Service 42,00 Hennepin Co. Police Training Fees 56;00 i, °j s. : Government Training Service Fees 150.00. FIRE Uniforms Unlimited Supplies 129.10 Advance Ambulance Supplies 316.79, :Hennepin Co. :Vo -Tech EMT Tests 60.00 PARKS , Lumberjack Shack Supplies 43.29 I Prior Lake Lumber Co. Supplies 9.54 C Mi nnesota Toro Co. Repair Supp 75.04 : Shakopee Public Utilities Park Lights 8,50 Scherer Tree Service Repairs 80.00., The W�. (3ordoriL Smith Co. Tire 37.05 ; Gop`er' Fence Co'. S Removal i,} 400.00 Satellite Industries` Rentals I: 65.00 ' Bloomington Officials Assn., Recreation Programs 840.00 The Trophy House `? Recreation Programs y 35.00 Steve's Red Owl Supplies 12.14 Cathy Peterson Refund 15.00 Maureen Jandorf Salary ; 204.00 Sandy Rupp Salary 28.00 Lisa Arslanian Salary 73.50 Carol Bundgaard Salary 210.00 Syd Lund Salary - 63.00 V Lisa Brandt Salary 64.05 Janie Albackten` Refund 17.50 QV - _ o STREETS W.G. Pearson Street Repair Supplies 389.45 j Itasca,Equipment Repairs 651 Metro .Fone Rental 32.00 Minnesota Good Roads Subscription 40.00 Bohnsack 8 i;annen °Snow Removal 3,254.00 Busse Fertilizer Service Snow Removal, 570.00 r 2 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, incfuding all accounts audited by said Councif. " r i SEWER i Metropolitan Waste Control Installment Payment 19,318.58 l WATER r Water Products Supplies 611,29 Serco Water Testing 21.00 l " General Welding Pipe Thawing - 90.00 x Layne Minnesota Repairs 473.02 Parott- Construction Inc. Repairs 1,846.50" NW National, Bank Debt Service 7,283.75 . .° PRIOR LAKE CONSTRUCTION n General Fund Transfer of Admin. Costs= 680.11 OSM, Engineering Services 2,069.07 CAPITAL PARK Gene.r_a,l Fund of Admin. Costs 21`.61 �. DEBT SERVICE, General +Fund s Transfer of Admin, Costs 17,746.20 NW National Bank Glendale- Princ. Int. 3 Bank 162,724.50 NW National Bank 0 Condonsf' Lakeside Int. Bank,, 12,393.80 { NW Nati"onal,Bank Martinson Island I nt. Bank 47 835.50 I ` Motio, by Watkins to adjourn, .seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken this meeting, was ad &ned at 10:48 PM. o y ;k Michael A. McGuire City Magager Q I f tJ I c i i 0 F s �