HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 22 1982Y M NUTCS of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of a Scott and'tate of Minnesota including all accounts audited by said Council, March 22, 198 The Con0on Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, March 22, 1982 at 7 :30 PM in the Council Chambers.: Mayor Stock called the ifieet i ng to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser and Parks $ Recreation "Director Mangan. -Mayor Stocc asked everyone to please rise and pledge allegiance to the flag. ,,\ The minutes'`of March 15, 1982 were reviewed. CCR12ECTIONS The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of March 15, 1982. f Page 1, Paragraph 18: INSERT: Indicated he indicated It was very - note- worthy that the interest that we gained in ` 1981 was $416,413.64, ' Page 3, Paragraph 6 DELETE: bound to have ' INSERT: bound to be there is bound'to be some ' neighborhood opposit,on, MINUTES` Motion by Watkins to approve, the minutes of March 15,, 1982 as amended, seconded.by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. INFORAATIONAL ,The next item on the agenda was an Informational Meeting for Dewitte Avenue, NEETING - DEWITTE Public Access. Mayor Stock reviewed the fact that on March 11, 1982 the AVENUE,PU8LI'C < DNR herd an,Informational Meeting with the neighborhood and'so that the ACCESS Council is aware of was said and achieved at the meeting the DNR representatives wi,l review the information, then the people' who are representing j the neighborhood wIII have time to make their pr%esentat I on. Mayor Stock then asked Del Barber to start with the DNR's presentation. " Del Barter stated that fhe DNR was aware that there ,i's a parking problem at this access and that the DNR.has,been constantly looking for additional parking:. The property at The corneri Kent and Dewitte came up for sale, the DNR took a look at,it and it was determined that it would be good additional parki`ngspace for the public access. An option was taken on it, which is good until March 26th, he then turned it over to Paul Olson who has worked on the plan. Paul Olson went over the lan that the DNR had designed for the P g parking area,,, including both theepark area itself and the buffering. Mayor Stock then asked If there was anyone from the neighborhood that would like to make their presentation. Chuck Smerkk spoke in behalf of the neighborhood. HE;r'stated that the Wednesday night before the'meeting'on March 11, 1982, the neighbors wrote down their five areas of concern for the location of the park''ing area, Mr. Smerkk stated that the fifth area of concern is their proposal /to the DNR for a different area to place -`the proposed parking lot. The fii'rst area of concern was the traffic congestion, he brought out the areas/, ways of solving this problem ° to, the Council's attention. The next area „of concern was the number of small cildren i the neighborhood, children da not look before they run out in the street and with the amount of traffic already on the streets it will become more dangerous than it is now if the parking area goes in. The third area of concern was the litter problem, even 'though the girl from the DNR comes out and cleans up the access area, there is usually a; one day wafting period from the 1 i sne its cleaned and the t i me the people use .the access, potential noise 1 and vandalism that could take plate, therehave been problems before where the neighbors have had to call on the noise that got out of hand and also with the peop, "le that use the access now,.have a tendency to borrow items from.the`ne'ighbo' -s., People are parking their cars'and trailers across County Road 12 already and i r What the neighborhood proposed to the DNR was to acquire the two lots that ar vacant, he'further stated that the two lots that they had originally talked t , _the DNR about are not the correct lots, the two that they would like the DNR to consider are,the two lots next to it, which are better as far as location ' goes, because that is wherethe.peop'le park now. The Lots are larger then'the t i proposed: site by the DNR r MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor Stock stated that the minutes of the rReeting that was held on March 11, 1982 will be placed on file in the City `Manager's office. ,. The informational meeting was then opened to the public for any questions or comments that they might have, k i Del Barber stated that the had investigated the neighborhood's Y 9 g proposed site and stated that Paul Olson was the one that had done the investigation on site and reported on the details. Paul Olson stated that the lots that they investigated were the Imts that the neighborhood thought were the correct lots; not the'ones that are really the correct lots. He stated that the lots that they did do the investigation on was not a good site because of the amount of water that the Tots hold;and that the Tots are not buildable sites. Mr. Snterkk apologized for not being aware of the correct lots and that he had found out about the mistake today, however, if there is a concern for an area y % that holds water and floods it would be the, DNRIs proposed site. Pat Worrell stated that the upper area of the DNR',s proposed site has been turned over to the City„ as a pz. k area. '. Gale Klingberg had comments for the Council also. Pat Worrell further stated that the neighborhood's proposed site is only 2# blocks from the access and that he has walked that many times and it only takes s approximately 11 minutes to walk it,. l Mayor Stock thanked the DNR for giving everyone an opportunity to express them- selves on proposal and asked the DNR to give 'a high priority rating to the nei'ghborhood's concerns and that the Council has authorized the City's Staff to - -_: work wi 'th,the DNR to acquire. another access on Prior Lake. He then asked the Councilmembers if they had any comments -. Councilman Thorkelsoi ";'stated that he agreed with the neighborhood about not having the parking area in this particular site, in addition, the flve dollar f `" i parking tl.cket is not going to stop people from parking on the street, why can't they be towed away', this would be better enforcement of the law.:` City "Manager McGuire stated t - they have been towed on occasion, but most of the 4 1,. ' time the problem is that thFw iolator has left prior to the towing, .but it is "+ { something that will be looked ir►1`o. DrIR INVEST:` Motion by Thorkelson t5 request the DNR to investigate the other sites that MATE OTHER" were proposed tonight; prior to, the option, seconded "by.,Schweich and SITES upon a vote taken ,,r was`duIy passed. Mayor Stock tharKed�.tl��e nei hborhood the Prior La g ." ke Sportsmen's Club and the DNR for comina,`in'th1s evening. 'r1IKE PETERS The next item on the agenda ,was the Mike Peters Subdivision, City Planner SUBDIVISION Graser reported on this. The plat map for the:,Mike ieters Subdivision -was marked as Exhibit "A ", dated ' :.� March 22, 1982. i i Mayor Stock asked how the Ystagnant water would be removed from the lines. i, City Engineer Anderson stated that what Mike Peters is proposing to dpi is to (run I separate sewer and water service.so there would be four sewer and water, lines running back and that would eliminate the stagnant water problem. 1 Councilman Busse was,coricerned about the street that would go through the deve! ment. ji Councilman Thorkelson was concerned about a around for �Jthe p,Uowing and "purposes. other y f APPROVE - lNk�tion by Busse to approve the subdivision contingent upon the utilities, t6 be � 'SUBDIVISION Placed would be four seperate sewer and water lines and that they are to �e private, that the plans and specifications be a 6 approved by the City ty Engineer :betor.•:z i nsta l I a -' r . is s tion and that the access to the lots would remain private, that'an asphalt driveway be placed on the right-of-way aad - it should not be less than 22 Teet -'`in width and ;' y MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. nor should it be closer than 5 feet to any property lines, seconded by Watkins . and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. City Parks Recreation Director`Mangan discussed the Park Charges for-1982.' Council had questions and comments regarding charging for the parks. City Manager McGuire reported on the Amended Orderly Annexation request, he stated that nothing has transpired since a year ago, fh are proposing f- that Mayor Stock and City,Manager McGuire meet with them iiext"Monday along ' ! with Spring Lake Township Officials,'County Board, Members a t - the Municipal, Board. They are proposing two things, one - the increased area,' and two - that Mushtown Road be taken over by the City of Prior Lake from the point of the northern park down to the southern portion and that it be Improved with a hard surface of some sort. There were many comments form Council and Staff. Mayor Stock stated that he andt ity Manage'F McGuire would go and meet-with € them and present their case. ` ' Mrs. Bradley stated that 'she was having a problem with Fred Schweich, concerning his structure at Freddies�on the Lake, he has moved a cabin ln also is ` storing the construction quipment on the lot, she is trying to'seil her house l and the real estate peop l , that have A ooked at her house are tolling her that . i -h order to sell, she has o take a $10,000.00 decrease in her asking price. She wanted to know what the Council could do to help her with Mr. Schweich. Mayor Stock d i rec•'fed staff o investigate the overflow p ; i ng areal h , -e'the _ construction equipmenf is b ing stored on the Schweich proper=;-- nd the update on the .moving of the cabin on,wkeeIs and `aIso with the Scherer property, then back to report the Council at tlio.�next meeting which will be April 5,, 1982. - INVOICES. The followin r payment y, p , g )i nvo ices are, scheduled ed for a menu on Tuesda A i ` I' 6 1982: A rtr MI SC. DEPARTMENTS Del Dental Insurance 69375I� ' Bankers Life Insurance 2,375 :35I' Qt i I,1 Corp. �' ,i Office Supplies 62.52,,, ' Coast to Coast I, Misc. Supplies 40.61 +, Snyder Dur Y 9, misc. Supp I i es 71.91 Creative Graphics Printed Supplies 142.05- Mi:nnegasco Utilities 1,022.2$ ^ Minnesota Va Electric, Utilities 426,.91` a NSP. Utilities 4 102.77 { CDP, Inc. Copi,er.Rental and Supplies 178.95 Albinson Machine Rental 40.00 Lake Auto Supply Repair 8 Maint. Supplies 194.74 Scott County Sheriff Radio Maintenance 411.'76 { ?i Warner Industrial Supply' .Repair Supplies 68.41 State Treasurer City's Share of'FICA 1,653.73 State Treasurer City's 'Share of PERA 4,081..68 Ames Office Supplies Misc. Supplies,` .22.94 I GENERAL GOVERNMENT Petty Cash Misc. 71.52;' I Hawsers Super Va l u Misc. Supp, %lies 51.35 �Lommen, Nelson, Sullivan b Cole Attorney ; = ees 5,465.40 GSM Engineering Fees 726.77 George M. Hansen Co. Auiting Fees 3,600.00 i . Lawrence Schweich, Library' Rental 400.00 ^ t Ehlers b Associates S'emina'r Fees 15.00 Ramona Hennen Ci ,la l i Cleaning 110.00 , Bev AppenzeJ Her City!'HaII Cleaning 110.00 Dolores Berens Library Cleaning $ Supplies 51.50 t i• Ed Birdsong Retainer Refund 100.00 ENGINEERING ° > a l 1 t Target Stores Suppl 16 99 1.k ,> F 4-i; .TES of the Proceed;i,ngs of the City Council of the C ity of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State"of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.. F, f , r POLICE DEPARTMENT ` - Ben Franklin Stores Pictures Developed 41.8 Mobil OiL Co. Diesel Fuel 33.01. ;fit. Franc i s Hospita Blood Alcohol:Tests 50.00 Dan's Auto Repair Repairs 46.42 L',aker's Auto Repair Repairs 219.65 w1howaId Motors Repairs _ 428.95 1 FI RE DEPAR L Conway Fire Safety Co Lin�tex Extinguishers 120.58` Corp Supplies 44.45 Fire! Chief Magazine 7 Subscription 18.Q0 PARK' RECREATION Ma l k 4 r, son Repairs lJ 30.90 i CIaIripont Transfer Freight Charge 24,64 l M i nnes,ota Joro, Inc. ±eve ' Red i Repair Supplies 468.18 .S LouiselAnderson � Supplies Park 10.30 i it B. Johr4son- Program Instructor- 168.50 }, Refund 3,50 e Debbie�'Babcock Refund 16.00;, ' Vernon .Be i nhorn Refund - 14.00 STREET D EPARTMENT r, Shakopee,Jord Repair Supplies 3.42.90 t Carlson Tractor Repairs and Repa Suppl 232.75 McGuepn Equipment Repair Supplies 3315:1:; Bettye T i,�tus Itasca Equipment Refund for Towing 30.00 Repairs 43.60 Metra,Ala�-m , Rental 48.00 Metro F6ne Rental , 32.00 f WATER V t Van Waters b Rogers Chemicals 277.27 North Central Section AWWA School Registration' Fees 90.00 SEWER b WATER 'FUND Commissioner of Revenue Sales Tax 17.40 Motion' by Watkins to adjourn;, seconded by Thorkelsonland upon a vote tar(an this meeting was adjourned, at 9:25 PM. „ Michael' A. McGulre Al City Manager I P o _ i a