HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 26 1982MINUTES of the Procegoings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in. the County or ; I Scott and Sta�Le of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. t April 26, 1982< The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on ' Monday, April 26, 1982 at 7 :30 Min the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock Councilmen Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire and City Attorney Fred Hass. i Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise and pledge allegiance to the ` flag. The minutes of April 19, 1982 were reviewed. ' CORRECTIONS The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of April 1982: Page,, 1, Paragraph 18: SPELLING Bruce Johnson.- ' i Page 2, Paragraph 7: SPELLING occurring .. Page 2, Paragraph 12 & 13 DELETE bids i INSERT q uotes q Y % MINUTES i�iotion by Busse to approve the minutes of Apri I 19, ,1982 as ambndedy, seconded , by Schweich and ,upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The the 3 next item on agenda was to re.0 the proposed Park & Recreal %.n PARK RECREATION; charges. ;ily Manager McGuire reviewed this item. City Manager McGuir k CHARGES ti read a memorandum from Bill Mangan, dated April 22, 1982, explaining the different fees and charges that the Park &.Recreation Department was recommeni.i ng. ^ Mayor Stock requested that under the "Athletic Facilities ", ii would state as follows: "For Meek .end ,,tournaments (adult teams only) non-resident " would pay $25.00 per field /per day plus a surcharge of $15.00.,per team ^ entered. The' Prior Lake League Softball teams wif1 be fenc ng.2 fields this t year an� 2 more fields in 3 years. Since th' i;s. 'wou i d amount to, a $10,000 donatiop, I would recommend - �hai; they be allowed 3 tourr�iaments per year for , the next 3 years without charge,. He then asked Bruca Johnson if he had any comments regarding the charges. Mayor Stock then asked if there were any *, other comments. There wire some comments regarding the $15.00 surcharge, it Was felt that this should be dropped so that more people would,want to participate in tournaments held af1the new fields. i . Council stated that it could be negotiated it it was causing with other teams wanting to get into tournaments. , ADOPT.PARK & Motion by Watkins to adopt the Park,.$ Recreation Charges as corrected, , RECREATION - CHARGES second by Schweich and upon`�a vote taken it was duly passed.t�, _ Jim Rill a member of the Prior Lake industrial /Commercial Committee reviewed JIM HILL - INTERIM the progress of the committee and what the Interim-Re . port out ihed. He = REPORT o further stated that the cost that would be accrued would not be ;money, but ' the use of the City Staff as far as the City Engineer or City "PI'`anner for consulting or the use of the City's copier and or typing,of final'reports. J y " , Councilman Busse asked to�be excused from the meetin ' g at 8:00 PM A Mayor Stock stated that he had received requests from Bill Bissonett, Dave Englehardt and Dick Balow to resign from the Industrial/Co mmerci I Committee; 1 ,\ !.. ACCEPT RESIGNAT ION Mct i on b Watkins to accept g Dav;e y pt the res i,, nations from `Bi I I Eli ssonett " IBILL $ISSONETT, DA EEnglehardt and Dick Balow from the l;ndustrial /Commercial Comm'ittee,'seconded ° rENGLEHARDT &DICK: by Schweich and upon a vot e taken it was duly passed. , tBPlO�" ^ntt iD, UST. I C0�1' Mayor Stock asked City Attorney .Fred Hass to review the .Pawn - Shop, Ordinance , i that had been drafted. , ppit auuN UROINACE L ., City Attorney Hass stated - that in response to City Manager McGuire's request for an ordinance, he submitted a proposed ordinance. He furthe staed `that r t 1 i there ;a re not any specific state regulations directly effecting this area. E" en checkin w Wh g with other communities, Maplewood's ordinance in this area is one of the most ' comprehens -ive and manageable ordinances: l MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of 3 , Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor ;Stock asked if there were any comments from the audience, to please .,. state ,the i r name for the record and if referr i ng to the ordinance state what section. i% Marvin Koch the proprietor of the Main Street Exchange reviewed the ordinance, there wer, a some areas in which he was concerned. Page ,3, Section 4, he stated that tie takes pictures of the 'item and the person, which is on a,tape and can be viewed only with a 3M viewing machine. He wanted to know if this was +` good enough for the reports that had to be handed in to the Prior Lake Police. -Page 4, Section 5, „on the ninety day redemption, he stated that the problem created there is that if you have to hold the items for ninety days it would ' triple the area in which the items are'.held. He felt that if they are not able ' to regain the property within 30 days, they certainly would, not in 90 days. ,. ,i,. Page6, Section I, the interest rate of :33% he wanted checked into. The rest of the ordipance was acceptable'tohim. Mayor Stock asked. City Attorney Hass if 2 weeks would be enough time to do the research. and work with Mr. Cook regarding his questions. � TABLE PAWN � ' Motion by Watkins to table the Pawn Shop Ordinance until Monday, May 1.0, 1982 SHOP OROTN at 7:30 PM, seconded by Thorketson and upon a vote taken it was,duly passe -% i s MY 10th I Council had many questions both the Pawn Shop, portion and the De_Je''r`-s r x in Second Hand Goods portion of the ordinance."”' TMayor Stock asked that the Pol' ce Department be involved in this and City Attorney Hass would come back in 2 weeks with any 1 nformation regarding the 111 rd i nance. Fayor Stock then ; asked if there was anyone that would 'I Ike time on the''a'genda. J LAWRENCE L'Clwrence Schweich was present concerti i ng n;e i ghborhood camp I a i nts to •the sma I I SCHWEICH homes he,was building on Fairlawn Shores Road. After some discussion,.Mr'ScfiweIq, ' ' was rerni nded that this item was schedu I ed' for the May ?3, 19132 Council Meat i ng ". ZAVOICES� -The following invoices are scheduled for payment on' Tuesday, May,4, 1982: MISC. DEPARTMENTS Delta Dental Plan insurance 693.75 lW Bankers Life Insurance Z,417.63 t Copy Duplicating Products, Inc.' Copier Rental 8 Supplies 339.20 Minnesota Valley Electric ;Co -op Utilities 420.67 "NSP., Utilities 3,968.75 M nnegasco Utilities 7 54.42 1 L.,Shiely -J. - Repair Supplies _ 441 .47 Ziegler Tire Tires & Repair 99.28 Mob i I" D 11 Cued i t Corp Gas 8 Repairs 72.94 '•k State'Treasurer -FICA City Share of FICA 1,665.26 State,Treasurer -PERA City Share of PERA 4,040.20 'Co. o 1 „ t Mue'iken Oil Fuels R Lubricants 17,896.81 GENERAL GOVERNMENT „. George M.'> Hansen Co. Auditing" 500.00 Prior lake American Printing & Pub 34.85 Creative Graphics Printing &Pub "fishing 75.53 Munici -pals Dues 3.00 Ramona`Hennen Cleaning 87.50 Bev'Appenzelier a Cleaning 87.50 Dolores Berens, Cleaning / 50.00 Petty 'Cash Mi'se. Supplies 47:21, OSM Engineering 2,241.41 I Lawrence Schweich Library Rent' 400.00 ENGINEERING I ; Albinson Supplies - 91 PLANNING E` ' Nelsons Office -Su PP Y Office Supplies 16.87 Minnesota Planning Assn. Dues °_ 20.00' :, j MiNUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior V La kc in_:the C;unty of p k Scott and State of Minnotota, including all accounts audited said Coun6,i1. 4 POLICE Kapak Corp • ' Supplies 9 Ben. Franklin Film Deve l op ing 211.04 " Specialty Screening Car.Emblems 230.50 St. Francis Hosp i faal B I ood ,A.I coho I. Test 00 i Kennedy Transmission Repairs- Vehicle 517.00 FIRE 4 a Minn`. Fire Instructors Assn. Dd'es 5.00 PARKS, $ RECREATION Sears Roebuck . Supplies 53.55 `: 1 Prior Lake, °76'x Repairs 36.00 i Al vin $ Leona Ebel ?Land Ac4u irs i t i on Staoeware Ltd. Rental 30.00 ( "Ste %'s Red Owl' ;Supplies 1.74 .: * Lea Pome"leau Refund 33.00 of �" " Shi'rley_Wiseman "Refund . i ,`6.50 Rosella Traxler = Refund 6.50 �z r' Barb Thorkelson` Teacher' 10.00 I j Louie Anderson" Teacher`_ 210.00 Maureen Jandorf Teacher 1j� 15 .00 - t # Carol Bundgaard .Teacher 150.00 Mary Weldon Teacher, 60.00 k Kokesh Athletic Rec. Program Supplies, 61;2.82 .J 1 - »James J. HiII Mansion Park Program' 57.00 ' i k§nnepin Co. Perk Reserve Park Program �r 30.00 � Ron ;Johnson Reimbursement 12.72 ; Al Fr i,edges; Conference Re i mbur' sement 10. 00, . N, STREET DEPARTMENT I4 ; Met [o Fone Inc. Rental �f 32.00 p West We I d ! x` ��, Repair. Supp I" i 8.58 ` ` '1 Ma kerson. Motors Repair Supp I i e6 19.91 Zarnoth Brush Works Pqu Repair 24 .00 ; 'SEWER- + C ., =--� A.J: Steam i m I ear. n #' 9 Repair $ Marnt. 490.00 „ h Aid Eietr *ic S'ervice Eq i Repair 184.13 t WATER I Hach`ChemicaI Rust Remover 65.66 °i VenWj�ters b Rogers Chem i ca I "s, 277.27 4 9 t DEBT�SERVICE " ' .en Grasstoi li Assessment Refund 67.82 PRIOR LAKE CONCTRUCT10N5 FUND State Treasurer' FI'r n9 Fee - James lst 15.00 u . y J I `Mot ion; by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by,Schweich and upon aluote f''ken this meeting was adjourned at 9:09 PM. 4 Michael A. McGuire City Manager � 1 V 'o gg