HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 03 1982} MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in 'the County of.
a Scott and State of Minnesota, including all acuounts audited by said Council.
May 3, 1982
;The Comm -or, Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on
Monday, May 3, 1982 at 7;30 PM lathe Council Chambers. Mayor Stock
- �
ca lled the meeting to order. Present were Mayor- Stock, Councilmen Busse
Watkins, Thorkeison, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser,,
City Engineer Anderson, Planning Consultant Tooker and City Attorney,
Mayor Stock asked; everyone to please rise and pledge a I I eg iance to the
The minutes of April 26, 1982 were reviewed.
The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of April '26, 1902
Page 2`, Paragraph, 3; SPELL,iNG'` �Mr. Koch
Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes,of April 26, 1982 as 'a ed
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken i was duly passed,
The next item on the agenda was the Frost - Eastwood Neighborhood,Group,
-_ �
discussion on Phe proposed development of Shangri-La, Mayor Stock asked if
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there was a representative from the neighborhood and if so l,f they would 4
take the podium and state their name and address for the record.
Doug,Moncur, 15316 OakRidg 'e Circle, stated that he had a prepared statement
that he wanted to read to the Council. He further stated that the neighbor --
hood was here toni' ght to present „two petitions. One, speaks of,.the ne'lghbor-
hoods concern withthe� present construction plates in the Shang r,NrLa Develop - ”
ment and the second, recommends some changes in the curren�;buI)d'Ug 'ordlnance.,.�
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Mayor Stock stated` that the two petifons, from the neighborhood wou be made
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part of the record with todays date.
Mr. Moncur read both petitions and asked for a show of hands from -those who were
in. of the signed"petttions.
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Mayor 'Stock then asked if there was anyone else that would like to make any
Mayor Stock stated that since here were further comments the petitions would
be discussed by the Council in the order that they were presented,
Councilman Schweich wanted the footage clarified.
Mr. Mon cu stated that the largetof the two dwellings were 964' and also
that it was mentioned by the Council that it was known by some of the members,
that the•dwellings were suppose to be greater than 1000 square,_.feet and that the
permit was taken out.for this and that it is not in compliance with.the pe.rm[I
"Councilman S,chwe further stated that the nar}lelof the developer was not
Schweich Construction, Inc. The name of the development would have'to be
clarified by ,Lawrence Schweich.
Councilman Thorkelson commented th:3t the type of house (one without a'gaiage
or basement) would not bring "bad" type of people into the neighborhood and
that there are many larger homes that have junk scattered around the
where some,,of the smaller homes (same footage as those ,,I n- protest) are clean
" l
and neat `inside and out.
�,Coundilman Busse asked, City Planner Graser, if when a permit is being taken
out, is the house set in the middle of the;lot or is a provision made so that
a "garage can br put in without a variance.
City Planner Grasar stated that a - provision is made so.,that a garage may be
placed on it at a date.
Mayor Stock asked if site plans are °required by; the City of Prior Lake when
a permit is being applied-for.,
Councilman Watkins commented in defense to the ordinance.
.._ p on a vote taken it was passed. Courci man Schweich.. voting nay.
' Mayor Stock tentative -11 scheduled this item with the Planning 06mm.ission for
j ,. May 20, 1982 At 8 :00 PM. a ,
Lawrence Sch�e l ch wanted it to be known that h' i s hand was r l'sen before the quest i Sn 11
was called and askedthe City Attorney if the Council had the might to do °as the �[ 1
motion states:, 1� 1
j City Attorney Sullivan stated that what the Counc i ,'I had done wasL, I`ega I .
Mayor Stock then called a 3 minute recess. /
'I AI Mayor Stock called the meeting back to order at 9:00 PM.
JEFF DOUSE The next item on' *� agenda was the Jeff�Dousette Variance Appeal,. City
`iTTE VARIANCE Planner Gras* asked that this item be tjbledluntil Monday, May 17, 1'982...
° Motion by Watkins to table the Jeff Douse to Vri, unti I� Monday, May "� ;I „ I
,TABLE APPEAL 17, 1982, seconded' by Thorks l son and upon a vo a taken> if was du l y passed..
ZONING ORDIN Mayor Stock stated that the Zoning Ordin�on a would at. this time be discussed, he
' further) stated that-the Councr,i l would go �throug� - the `ord l nance page by 'page
' and i f there :vs' "s'ometh i.ng :that is new or ' tl i f. fervent it would =be d'i scussed at that
City Planner Graser stated that there is a memo # fr -o Staff to the 'Counci Il'
d scuss i ng Contract Zoning and he felt that vi t s'hou I;d be \discussed before the
,a actual Zoning Or�(:nance
P�n's�rg Consultant Tooker reviewed the Con'tract�Zoning memorandum. It waslthe
'. sensus of the'CounciI that Contract.Zonling not be made part of the Zoning
Ordinance, but that ar results be accomplished through the P.U..D. 'section of
the or�d inance. : _ :-
The Zoning 6rd1,hance was ; then reviewed pag: by page.
J Counc i I had:; maiiy questions and comments regarding the i nance.
Planning Commissioner Fitzgerald also had Comments,., „
ORD_IiIANCE Mayor Stock hen asked that the Zoning Ordi�ance:be tabled untJ,I May 17, 1982 '
AW 17th starting wii;i'Page 9.
' MINUTES of t
the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of
Scott a
and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited'by said Council.
Mayor Stock asked Lawrence Schweich,specificalIY, the size of the, foundation
that faces Maves Trail, if he recalled off hand.
Schweich replied 26' x 41'
Mayor Stock asked what th6 a of Lot 2 was. `t
j Y i
Mr. Schweich replied 26' x
Mayor Stock then stated that he understood the concerns of the ne'ighborhodd, l
but di not support a minimum square footage requirement, however, qid feel that
some requirement for storage, such as a garage or- basement may be appropriate, s
Murr, 5871 Indian Ridge Circle, wanted to clarify that no =whe`1 in the
( Sharon M
transi`ent people" was not to be taken In a derogatory manner. What`was moant
was that with therenot being much room for growing families, no base
mer�ts,��Q ages'
and not much room for expanding. Once the fanidy does outgrow.the house th move
out,, and with such a turnover the house may begin to rundown. She then &read a,
portion of the ordinance -that she feet compiled with the neighborhood'. a nest,
"Architectural Design and Materials ", Title 4, Chapter 7, Section 1.
:i2 P
l "
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1 A
record of thi's meetin and that a �'
these proposals to the Planning Commission, seconded by Busse,
U -
Council had other comments.
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Motion by Watkins to amend the original motion,. inserting: That a:moratoriuT
0060 MOTION b
be placed on all�new construction requiring either a basement or a garage, a �fect-
i.ve until thus can'be, reviewed by the Planning „Commission and - the Staff, seconded
by Busse and u
11 r
MItdUTES,of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of
Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Motion by Watkins to table the'Zoning Ordinance until May 17, 1982,
seconded p Schweich ' and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion by Watkins to yabl =e the Mobile Home Ordinance until May 17, 1982, J
TABLE '.,BILE HOME seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ,
City Manager McGu;re,'discussed the 3.2 Beer License for Prior Lake Gas -N-
' 3.2 BEER LICENSE Grocery, he stated that it had been discussed at the Liquor Committee meeting
PRIQPi LAKE GAS` -h- earlier this evening. The committee recommended approval.
LOPROVE 3.2 Moti cn` Thorkelson to a
c'I y approve the 3.2 ,,, Off
IGEWSE Beer License for ,the Prior
Lake Gas -N- Grocery, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly
1 - passed.
lst UARTER,uB000E
O The next item on the agenda was the 1st Quarter Budget Report. City Manager
REPORT McGuire _stated that it was attached if there were any questions
APPROVE BUDGET � Motion by Watkins , to - approve the 1st Quarter Budget Report as submitted'
REPORT seconded by.Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it -was duly passed.
Mayor Stock reviewed with the Council tha letter that was being sent'to
Senator Robert Schmitz, regarding the Metropolitan Council,
Mayor Stock stated that next week on the agenda, he will schedule the,_
establishment of a search committee for public accesses in Prior Lake. The
Committee will be made up of members from the proposed.- areaon North Shore
Crest, Dewitte, Sportsmen ?s Club, DNR, a resident an& a'staff member. The
r _
names will be available next week for the Council's approval:
e Mayor Stock also discussed the tree removal from last Fall and wanted an
o update on this.
Motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Thorkeison-,and. upon a vote taken
this meeting was adjourn at 11 PM. _
1 h
Michael A: McGuire
City Manager
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