HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 10 1982MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott.,and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. §" ' May 10, 198 2 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, May 10, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called . the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, City Engineer Anderson and City Attorney Hass. i Mayor Stock asked everyone to please,rise and pledge allegiance'to the flag. The minutes of May 3, 1982 were reviewed. CORRECTIONS The following owing corrections are to be made to the minutes of May 3, '1982: Page 1, Paragraph 19 INSERT: City Planner Graser replied yes to Mayor Stock's question. �\ Page 2, Paragraph 2 CHANGE: 26' x 41' to 26' x 40' Page 2, Paragraph 22, INSERT: relative to 40 acres and lot 1` sizes. in the Ag Land. Page 3, Paragraph 9 INSERT: Lawrence Schweich reappeared " before the, Counc i I but could i V not continue because of .medical reasons. " 1 MINUTES Motion b s Y Thorkelson to a approve the minute.. of Ma y 3 . 1982 as, amended seconded , ,r by and upon ,a vote taken it was duly passed. _a I PAWI SHOP ORUIN. The next item on the agenda, was the Pawn Shop and Second -Hand Store Ordinance. b Mayor Stock asked City "Attorney Hass to review this. 1 City Attorney Hass stated %that at the last meeting this was reviewed, there v was three areas of concern that needed to be looked into. 'Within those three areas, the one was form df using video tape to identify the items. City Attorney Hass stated thaf this was a better solution to someone writing -the object down. Another concern was the 90 day redemption, he had checked , with other shops and stated that there should be a holding period beyond the date 3 the loan is due. The third concern wa's the i rate. City Attorne;« " Hass more time this 2 , 'wanted on concern he wanted to check with the City Attorney from the City of Minneapolis. �ayor Stock requested that City Attorney Hass prepare the ordinance in final form for submission. The,, Goods port" of the ora`iHance, was then discussed, it was felt by the Council that it should be dropped from the ordinance. Councilman Thorkelson commented on the Flea Markets held at the Dairy Queen. ` ij Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to check with the Dairy y Queen regarding:: the Flea Markets.. HAVE FINAL- ORDIN ". BRAWN UP` "Atr"0 PRES No tion by Thorkelson to,have the� final `Ordinance drawn'\Iup and presented to .the Council, seconded 'by Watkins` and upon a,,vote taken '1t was duly passed. LAKE ACCESS SEARCH CaM1ITTEE Mayor Stock then reviewed the Lake Access Search Committee. He read a list of guidelines that the committee would follow. Mayor Stock then reviewed the list i , of names of the people that he recommends to a ppointed to the committee. Mary Bonneau, Sharon.Murr, Danny Borchardt Charles Sm , erick, Darryl Hastings, -Del Barber and Bill Mangan -Staff Coordi He f urther stated that the V committee would be give a timetable of two months and more than 3 months to ; complete the project. J RAT'' 'M ON OF �YE•MEMBERS Motion by Busse the ratification of the members to the Lake Access Search FOF :SEARCH COh1 Committee, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ' EQUAL'I�ATION HEAR Mayor Stock called the Equalization Hearing to order. Leroy Arnoldi, the c representative for the City from the County Office was present.° Mayor Stock turned the hearing over to him at this time. y s Mayor Stock asked if anyone from the audience wished to speak. No- one'did. k MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of :. Scott and State of Mlinesota, including all accounts audited by said Council, 'Leroy Arnoldi explained the reason for the relatively large increase of valuation for the Ag Land. He then presented to the Council a letter from =' a resident for their review. The letter was in regards to a Ioss;in the r~ property value because of dutch elm and storms that had taken alot of the trees.: The request was for a reduction in value due to - this. Mr. Arnoldi explained that trees 'do not generally raise or lower the valuation. DENY REQUEST Motion by Watkins to deny the request'of Mr. Wilson based on Mr. Arnoldi''s 14R. WILSON comments, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. RN ADJOU ADJOURN Motion. by Watkins to adjourn the Equalization Hearing, seconded by Busse and r'= NATION upon a vote taken this hearing was adjourned at 8:20 PM. HEARING City Engineer Anderson discussed the request for the Lords Street Bridge., LORDS STREET Vern Schultz was present for comments also. 1t was requested by the residents ' +BRIDGE that the Three Span Timber Bridge be installed. City Engineer Anderson further stated that before the City can get State funding for this project there are two requirements. 1.) Soil Boring and 2.) A final Design must be submitted 3 to the State. State funding pays for 1001 of structure costs. { AUTHORIZE Motion by Watkins to authorize Bakke, Kopp; Ballou and McFarlin, Inc. to submit BAKKE, KOPP, to the State a grant and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an $ALLOU 8 agreement for the'Three Span Timber Bridge and Soil Borings to be .taken, seconded ACFALLIN TO b Busse and on a vote taken it was duly Y p y passed.• SUBir1IT:GRANT For the record, a, Public Hearing will be called for the neighborhood of V= Martinson Island and Lords, prior to any type of authorization or advertising for bids for -said project. l FEASIBILITY City Engineer Anderson then reviewed the Feasibility Study for Sea"Lcoating STUDY 82 -16 Streets known as Project 82-16. Total cost for the PJ project is $92,798.50. xACCEPT Motion by Thorkelson to accept the feasibility Study for Sealcoating Streets - r'FEASIBIL'ITY Project 82 -16, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. ?PUBLIC HEAR. Motion by Thorkel,son`,to hold a Public Hearing for the purpose of reviewing with f ?$2 -Z6 FOR the public the sealcoating of bituminous streets for Project 82 -16 for June 7, `JUNE 7th AT ,1982 at 8;00 PM in the Council Cambers) seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken 8:a.0 PH it was duly passed. Mayor Stock asked if there was anyone who would like time on the agenda. No. -one did. Councilman Thorkelson commented on the barrels at the intersection of County Road v 44 and Ridgemont. He further commented on the old house up the road from that i , intersection. CLEAR -UP Mayor Stock commented on this, stating that he would like to have established a MEEK clean -up week to be held from Saturday, May 22 - Saturday May 29 he requested i MAY 22 -29 that the burning site be open during this time for the purpose of gathering of the 7 dead elm trees and other wood /items that are disposable by burning. ESTABLISH A Motion by Watkins to establish the week of Saturday, May,22 through Saturday, May ' CLEAN-UP 29 as Clean -up Week and also that the burning site w6uldrbe open for the purpose WEEK - OPEN of burning ood'and other itmes that are disposable b Uurnin g P y g, seconded by Busse BURNING SITE and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.\ Mayor Stock commented on the old depot and directed City "\Manager;McGuire to check into what the City can do about disposing of it. i Charles Smerick wanted to commend the Prior Lake Police Department, on behalf of the entire neighborhood for sending a Police Officer down 4o the neighborhood to i talk to the children about bike safety and the buddy ..system in the area: 1, INVOICES following invoices arescheduled for payment on.Tuesday May'18, 1982: # MISC. DEPARTMENTS : I Ames Office Supplies Office Supplies 85.32 Scott Rice Telephone Telephone Services 667.99 ; E,.C.:Peterson, Inc. Extinguishers Checked 20.00 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Certification Fees 30,00 Charlie Tooker Planner:: 600.00 Prior Lake Mobile Vehicle Repairs 136.40 MINUTES ' of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior take in Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said - the County of Council. F MISC. DEPARTMENTS (cont) k i � Weber Auto Supply Repair Supp 94.13 Lake Auto Supply Repair Supplies 17.12 American National Bank &''Trust Debt Service 381.25 Coast to Coast+ SUpplies 7.30 Orr- Schelen 8 Mayeron Engineering 1,876.03 GENERAL GOVERNMENT New Prague Floral Flowers 18.50 Bob McAllister - Dog Catcher 320.00 Scott Lake Pet Clinic Animal Control 40.37 Valley Eng'in= oering Engineering 1,472.50' E.H. Newstrom Building 4 Plumbing Insp. 870.00 Prior Lake Electric Repairs 25.00 Zanmiller's Repairs 60.100 Star d Tribune Subscription 13.00 Prior Lake Rotary Club Dues 88 -.50 Minnesota City Management Assn. Dues - 25.00 American Linen Building Maintenance 86.14 Mayor & Council Checks Salaries 1,050.00 Michael A McGu,i League of Minn. Cities Car Allowance 275.00 Conference Fees 256.00 , ENGINEERING ` t Scott County Surveyors Office Plat Maps 4.50 Albinson Rental 88.40. C , POLICE Bullseye Reloading Ammunition 55.00 Richard Klugherz Mileage b Range Time 48.00 Rober Boe Mileage 14.40 . St. Francis Hospital Blood Alcohol Test 30.00 Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Supplies 30.00 FIRE � American Heart Assn_ Rescue Supplies 85.30 Emergency Fire Rescue Equipment Supplies 22.06 Velishek Service Repairs 29.10 PARKS 8 RECREATION Prior Lake Lumber Co. Supplies 36.79 Auto Central Supply Supplies o 78.74 Valley Equipment Repairs 179.24 SouthsideRedi -Mix Park Repair Supplies 250.00 J.L. Shiely Co. Park Repair Supplies 210.82 Prior Lake Aggregates Park Repair Supplies 2.69 Haroids Repair Equipment y 77500 Shakopee Pub IIC Ut,11,1ties Miracle Recreation Equipment Walden Brothers Lumb66 Shea's OK Hardware" Halco Fence & Wire First National Bank of St. Paul NW National Bank of Minneapolis Ben Franklin Steve's Red Owl Klingberg Bus Co. J une Horn Kitty Merrill, Lynn Jaspers Valley Signs STREET Park Lights Equipment Snow Fence Snow. Fence Supplies Fencing Debt Service Feb. for. -Debt Service Park Program Supplies Park Program Supplies Bus Trip - Park = Program Refund - Park Program Refund Park Prognam Refund - Park Program Signs Jordan Hardware ,Supplies Carlson Tractor s Repair Supplies Unistrut Northern Repair Supplies •�.8_?50. 6.441,01 191.00 213.,90 60.15 6,901.25 12.50. .1 48 16122 120.00 ,3.500 3.00 3.00 157.50 l 39.30 19.08 120.19 1 k i � MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ' == ri SEWER Oxford Chemicals 'Metropolitan Supplies 82.53 Waste Control Comm. Installment 19,318.58 Metropolitan Waste Control Comm.. SAC Charges 2,103..75 WATER t; t. Water Products Repair Supp l'i es;' 635.72,- t Raymond Johnson Mileage 24.00 -Water Pollution Control Federation Dues " 55.001 ; ,s DEBT SERVICE "` Iiit t NW National Bank of Minneapolis Wagon Bridge -P(in. Int" 84,640.55 8 Fees Motion by Watkins to adiourn,, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken thf4 r meeting was adjourned „at 8;45 PM. . rt, 7 j ;w Lt M1� ` t 'Michael A. McGuire City Manager f, if x 9 91 J {x r r ;. •' 1 f N } _ { i N _ t (J n , is k