HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 07 1982MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City 'Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of l Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council, i June 7, 1982 The Common Council-of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, June 7, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock i called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, " s Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager'McGulre, City Planner Graser, City Engineer Anderson, Finance- Director Teschner, Parks b Recreation Director Mangan and City Attorney Sullivan. , Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise and pledge allegiance to the flag. , r' "minutes a The of May 24, 1982 were reviewed. :` z CORRECTIONS The following corrections are to be made to" -the minutes of,May 24, 1982: Page 1, - Paragraph 15' SPELLING: Mr. Gair' i Page 3, Paragraph 4 DELETE: raffle INSERT: I. i quor MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of May 24, 1982 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was 'duly passed. ✓ / Stock Mayor called the Public Hearing for the Diseased Tree Assessment to PUI BEARING order. The public notice was read., Mayor ;Stock then asked Finance Director OISEASED`TREES Teschner to report to the Council and the public the assessment 'procedure that was followed. Finance Director Teschner,stated` that the effected property owners received a letter in the mail, explaining the procedure for this. >heari;ng. To ; summarize, this was for the trees tha`:were removed - In the course of last summer. The assessment is spread "from:1 -5 years depending upon the amount` of the cost of the removal of the tree from various property owners. Any , cost that was $300.00 or I °ass would be assessed on 1983 taxes for one yep,r, any 1 thing from $300.09 to $600.00 would be two "years, anything fro to, $800.00 would be three years, anything from $800.00 to "$1,000'.00 -would be four yearstand any that exceeded $1,000.00 would be spread over a five yeEr period., The 'interest rate that the assessment_ is subject to is 8%,,,the property ° owners do have the opportunity to pay off the amount that they were notified of within a 30 day time frame interest free. Finance Director Teschner then stated that if "there was anyone that had any questions terms of disputing the "trees, to come 'up and state their name and legal or address and to }F a the , Council I' with a r. points that they wish to be considered.,, 4 Mr: Don Rognlie, 14358 Rutgers Street NE, handed out copies of the Prior :- Lake. paper dated September 22, 1980, he stated that kJ s ar uement was not tfie' total of the assessment but the 12 };L reimbursement. He fu'r'ther. that th "is tree was contracted to be taken down °in the year 1980 an'd was not iE done until 1981. He felt that he should be charged the'amouhf'4at was offered at the time he asked the tree.be taken down, not at the f it was�, H& then stated that he felt- that he should be given a- favorabla amount of'� 50$ off the total amount of $325.00 or, r. Mayor Stock asked finance director Teschner, that on the basis of Mr,. Ronglie's' ' testimony what figure would be appropriate if indeed the tree -vas scheduled to be removed.in 1980: if the Council was to honor the.request, what would be the amount of the assessment. Finance Director Teschner state& hat�it would be 50% or $162.50.' REDUCE ASSESSMENT Motion by Thorkelson to reduce the assessment to`Mr.' Rognlie frowthe amount AR. ROGNLIE of $325.00 to $162.50, and direct City Manager McGuire to contacfiy the contractor � of the removal of that tree forgistributi'on and participation in"the: amount of '504, seconded by Watkins and upon a`vote taken it "was dully passed, } Mayor Stock asked if there was anyone else that would like to speak"rogarding_ the tree assessment. No -one did. Mayor Stock asked if there were any other comments at this time on the tree #' _ assessments. Councilman Schweich a'skEid0f there were any trees that were scheduled ,other for removal before Itaaja�d'ata, If : they were on the'l i st. � MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Parks b Recreation Director Mangan stated that there were 2 city trees and one other private tree belonging to Mr. Dean Perkins, Mayor Stock asked if Mr. Perkins should also be entitled to this 50 %. Councilman Schweich asked if it was the same contractor. Parks $ Recreation Mangan stated that he would have to verify that. Mayor Stock asked Finance Director Teschner what his amount would be i it was reduced. Finance Director Teschner stated that it would be $80.00. ¢ E , '! REDUCE ASSES Motion by Schweich to reduce the assessment to Mr. Perkins from the amount ` • ,MR. PERKINS assessed to 50% of the cost or $80.00 and that the contractor also be notified k\ regarding this, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock asked City Manager McGuire if he had received any written statements, City Manager McGuire reported that he had not. " c Mayor Stock commented on Senior Citizens that had talked to him indicating that t they would like to make payment, to notify them before the 30 days are up. He listed the three that had contacted him. 1. Hariet Laabs, 2. Lawrence Berglund and 3. Frank Kalal. He asked Finance Director Teschner to contact those people before the 30 days. ­'ADOPT ASSESS', _ MENT ROLL Motion by Watkins to adopt the assessment roll as amended, seconded by Busse and w upon a vote taken it was duly passed. !ADJOURN PUB HEAR Motion by Watki'ns to adjourn the Public Hearing for the Diseased Tree Assessment, 'seconded y by Thorkelsori :and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 'PUBLIC HEAR Mayor Stock then called the Public Hearing for the Sealcoating of City Streets. The `Stock a ]SEALCOATING public notice was read. Mayor asked City Manager McGuire if he had received any written cordments regarding the sealcoating. He stated that he had kA not. Mayor Stock then asked City Engineer Anderson to review the City Streets ? that would be sealcoated and also define what sealcoating is. , City Engineer' Anderson stated that sealcoating is a procedure whereby the streets are swept, oiled, covered with aggregate, which is compacted with a rubber tire n roller and then again at a later date swept to remove the excess aggregate. Streets are kept open during, construction, although parking is. not allowed on the streets while the project is being done which will be between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Sealcoating should' increase the life of the pavement up to 5 years, If sealcoating is not done, the streets would have to be reconstructed at a much higher expense. He then referred to the map showing the 6.5 miles that are ,.proposed to be sealcoated. He asked Finance Director Teschner. °to explain the assessment Finance Director Teschner,-stated that a fact sheet was handed out regarding the assessment procedure to the project. He further stated that the cost would -be:�; spread over'a 2 year period, beginning in 1983. The assessment can be paid off or reduced within 30 days otherwise it will be' placed on the taxes: ` Mayor Stock °`stated that before the hearing would be opened to the public, he i wanted to point . out that the streets in question have been reviewed. City Council prior to making decisions of whether or not the sealcoating should become an assessment procedure, it was ; ,part of the overall economic planning for the next 5 years and with the cut backs that have been forced: upon the municipal governments i by the state, certain costs would have to be assessed back to the property owners y of a project such as this. He further stated that the City'Council will participate in the cost of'prepar-in the roadway prior to the actual laying down of the seal i coating, areas that are now in bad shape will be dug out and and,the _ City will do the street sweeping before and after the sealcoating process. The t property owners expense would be only the cost of the oil and the rock that is,,; placed on the roadway by a general contractor, if the project goes forth. f `'Ray / Callaway, 14991 Pixie Point Circle, stated that the road was dug up and then the gas company came out and tunneled unddr the road in two places, later Last fall, water running down Pixie Point Circle towards 150th Street never got to the catch basin because It went down the hole where the 9es company went in. The hole a ry has been plugged but with the traffic coming through where the road is broken up. Thi's road has to be repaired before any,sealcoating is done. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mr. Clark stated that the signatures on the letter represent all but one permanent, resident, one that is just moving in and another that is just a x' Mayor Stock read the letter for the..record and stated that the letter will be kept on file in the City Manager's Office. Mayor Stock responded that he is familiar with that area and that he has spoken with the City Engineer and that the City is going to open it up in areas and check to see if the road is hollowed out by the previous water wash: Ron Clark, 4681 Kneafsey Street stated that being on a dead, end street there is not that much traffic that goes through. The road is in very g000d condition and that it should not be sealcoated at this time. Mr. Clark also gave to the council a letter from a resident of Kneafsey Street g summer resident. He further stated that he and Jim Ricklick have not signed the letter, o Mayor Stock read the letter for the..record and stated that the letter will be kept on file in the City Manager's Office. Mayor Stock responded that he is familiar with that area and that he has spoken with the City Engineer and that the City is going to open it up in areas and check to see if the road is hollowed out by the previous water wash: Ron Clark, 4681 Kneafsey Street stated that being on a dead, end street there is not that much traffic that goes through. The road is in very g000d condition and that it should not be sealcoated at this time. Mr. Clark also gave to the council a letter from a resident of Kneafsey Street g summer resident. He further stated that he and Jim Ricklick have not signed the letter, o Larry Janochoski, 14849 Maple Trail SE, stated that he was against sealcoating- the road, he was told when he bought h_s house Mr. McWI I I lams was going to put another inch of blacktop on, he did not say when but that he was going to. The road is in stable condition and does not need sealcoating as far as fie was concerned. i 1 . DouglrascLarson, 14950 Pixie.Point Circle, stated that he wished to address s only the sealcoating of Piicie Point Circle SE. He further stated that he did not feel that it should be put on to the taxes and that it is not really - necessary on hi street. Robert Peterson, 14956 Pixie Point Circle, also felt that it should not be ., put on the taxes. He further stated that an assessment is suppose to be an Improvement to the property. City Manager McGuire stated that sealcoating is an improvement, that if sealcoating is done it is >pr serving the life of the streets; 5, Betty Remish stated that sealcoating .is probably' needed, but did not feel it should be an assessment on the taxes. t t , J- im,Fischer, 14885 Maple Trail, stated that "hi.s street does not need, seal- coating at this time. . He further asked what repa i rs wou l d be done before the ' sealcoating, if it is needed, is done: j r City Engineer Anderson stated that the repairs that are needed on Maple' r Trail would be completed prior to sealcoating. Many other resident`'s stated that the sealcoatin 9 is not really needed on , 1 their streets at this time. I Mayor Stock asked at this time if there were any other comments. There were not. He then stated that it would now be opened to the Council for discussion. Councilman Thorkelson stated that we have been putting this project off for 2 years, staff has been stating that if we ,do not sealcoat soon we.will be rep.l,acing the roads. Councilman Busse stated that he agreed with Councilman Thorkelson and that the people should consider the small amount that they would pay now for sealcoating is less than if the streets would have to be replaced. Councilman Schweich asked if there was anyway the City could pay a greater portion of this so that the people would not have to be taxed. City Manager McGuire stated that it would not be possible for the C16,to pay for the overlaying or sealcoating of the streets at this time or in,fuire years. i h Councilman Watkinsstated that the City has put off assessing this type of improvement to the public for at least 5 years. He further stated that the roads should be inspected and to continue the hearing when these roads are t looked at, l ' MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State-of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. li Mayor Stock stated that the Counci would set a date and go out to these streets. CONTIdUE Motion by Watkins to continue this meeting on June 14th at 8:00 PM and PUBLIC HEAR that the Council will meet and tour the areas with the City Engineer on q JU4E -14th Saturday, June 12, 1982 at 8:00 AM, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock called a recess. HONE CONSTR. Mayor Stock then called the meeting back to order and continued with the next POLICIES item on the agenda, reviewing the Home Construction Policies. a' f City Planner Graser reviewed the findings of the Prior Lake Planning Commission. He stated that the Planning Commission on a vote of 4 -1 "recommended "to adopt the t memorandum of Charles Tooker, Planning Consultant, which stated that all homes should either'have a basement or an attached single car; "garage. Councilman Busse asked, when talking about the specifications for the garage do the footing for the garage have to be done at the same time the "footing for the house are done. l City Planner Graser stated no, the'space has to be provided so that a garage can be added at a later date without a variance. ; k Councilman Thorkelson asked if this applies to all residential building or just w to single family houses in R -1 zoning. City Planner.'Grase'r stated that it would apply to all residential single family and duplexes. Councilman Schweich asked if just in R -1 zoning. a` i City Planner Graser stated,in both R -1 and R -2. t Councilman Thorkelson stated that at one point thereil "s discisison about this recommendation, this wool -d be applied to a house under a certa'�'in dimension, like ; �. under 100E square feet, is that part of the recommendation. City Planner Graser stated that the recommendation does not inc -that as a "1ude part of the minimum house size. ; There were other comments by Counci l'and'Staff. Mayor Stock read for the record, the recommendation to _amend the zoning code from R -1 and R -2 Classification, Section 4. } PREPARE AMENDMENT TO Motion by Watkins to have staff prepare an amendment to the ordinance about THE OROINANC. the recommendation of minimum standards, seconded by Busse and upon Zi vote taken it was passed. Councilman Thorkelson and Schweich voted nay. {€ Marl,is Bluedorn commented to the Council, stating_ that everything she had stated ] was not written into the Planning Commission's ,minutes and that she was opposed to the recommendation. PRELIMINARY The next item on the agenda.was to consider the preliminary plat of Colonial PLAT OF Estates Townhouses. COLONIAL ` ESTATES - Councilman Schweich excused himself from the Council for this particular item. a � City Planner Graser reviewed this item. i I ? Tom Loucks.spoke on behalf of Louis Stassen, he stated that they had no comments and that they agreed' with the Planning Commissions recommendation. He further stated that they will provide the City with a drainage easement for the ponding area at the time of the final plat, the utilities plan "has been amended as per , the discussion with the City Engineer, they will also provide an association agreement at the time the final.plat is �:,ubmitted. Councilman Thorkelson asked if these were all two bedroom units. rs Mr. Loucks stated that the units are two bedrooms and are approximately 1140 square feet. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of 1 Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. �a Councilman Thorkelson al so questioned the garage area. Councilman Busse asked why the manhole would be removed. City Engineer Anderson stated that it serves no purpose: Mayor Stock asked how many acres were in the project. Mr. Loucks stated that there is 2.35 acres. Mayor Stock then asked the width of the utility easement which in the development will be sanitary sewer, water, etc. Mr. Louck replied 20 feet. Mayor Stock then asked if the streets were intended to be public or private. Mr. Louck stated that they will be part of the development, only the utilities will be dedicated._ The streets will be part of the association agreement. f APPROVE PRELIMINA'Motion by Watkins to approve the Preliminary Plat of Colonial Estates Townhouses r , PLAT OF COLONIAL contingent upon 1) the ponding drainage easement will be supplied, 2) the x ESTATT utility.,plans be worked out as amended, 3) the variance of 20 feet for the j ~� garages be granted and 4) that the covenants be submitted prior to the final f l at seconded b Thorke l son and upon a vote `taken i t was duly plat, Y P Y . Passed. City Engineer Anderson stated that he had one other item relating to this development. The developers agreement signed, dated .June 7, 1982 by Stassen Construct-ion, Inc and Associates, total construciton 'costs $17,732.50 received a check today for $1,732.50 to fulfill the developers agreement asked for approval_,. APPROVE DEVELOPER Motion by Watkins to approve the developers agreement, seconded by Busse and AGREEMENT upon a vote taken it was duly passed. G w, = , Mayor Stock stated that the next item to be discussed would be the Plans and - JAAES 1st ADDN Specifications for James lst Addition, Gateway Street and Plsasant Street. g Jim Norton from OSM reviewed this. Mr. Norton stated that a date for the acceptance of bidshon these projects is l needed. 1 Mayor asked that Mra Norton review what would °be done for each of these projects. Mr. Norton stated that' James lst Addition they would be installing,the_ utilities. which include the Sanitary Sewer, waterma'in and services, the stanm "sewer thats required including catch basins, some work that is need on the sedimentation pond, concrete curb and gutter and blacktop streets., The utility services would' be connected up to the existing services on Boudin Street. Mayor Stock asked if he had a preliminary estimate on this project. Mr. Norton stated that,the preliminary report costs as indicated In the k developers agreement was $298,108.62, the current cost estimate is $301,930,20 t about a $3,000.00 difference. Councilman Thorkelson_ asked if the was finished. J Mr. Norton stated that it was not. He then stated that on Gateway Street what would be done is installing strom sewer pipe to pickup two main areas. 1) A pipe that comes across Gateway Avenue, it will be carried across the adjacent e property. This pipe will tie into a storm sewer pipe that picks up':the catch basins on Franklin Trail, these two pipes will run into one pipe -that t will discharge into the State Trunk Highway ditch. In addition to the two pipes there will be additional work, on Franklin Trail which will be two catch k basins plus a pipe running south on the east boulevard of Franklin Trail and 1 pick up the existing 18 inch pipe on Evelith. The preliminary report cost war $46,424.50 the current cost estimate is $55,285.10. Work was not planned for Franklin Trail and that is the reason for the difference in the two costs. - - t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. }: Pleasant Street is the finishing off of a street that has curb and gutter, but what will be done is finishing off the areas that do not have concrete curb and gutter from the overlay out to the new curb and gutter. They will be removinc �-- V and reinstalling aggregate and blacktop to make a finished street section <: for Pleasant. Councilman Watkins asked if the replacing of black dirt and sod was part of the project. r Mr. Norton stated that was not included as part of the project. City Engineer Anderson stated that since the Public Hearing and; addition was. l requested, two property owners ;requested that they have the same 'curb and gutter instal he further stated that this has been included in the plans, what will be done is once the bids are received with the exact cost a Waiver of Public f s Hearing will be signed to authorize this. r' f` Mr. Norton then stated that the preliminary cost was $18,4il.25 and the current ii cost estimate is. <a21,887.38. , '. APPROVE FINAL PLANS Motion by Busse to approve the final plans and specifications for James 1st Addition . JAMES 1st as prepared by OSM, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i f APPROVE Motion by Thorkelson to approve the final plans and specifications for FINAL PLANS Gateway Street as prepared by OSM, seconded by Busse and upon a vcte taken i't GATEWAY ST. was 'du passed. i APPROVE 'PLANS Motiod by Watkins to approve the final plans and specifications for Pleasant FINAL Street as prepared by OSM, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was PLEASANT _ST. ,duly passed. . BID- O 9th PEN ING The .bid opening date for these projects was set for July 9, 1982,'at 10:00 AM. y City 'Engineer Anderson then reviewed the 1082 Equipment purchases. Parks & Recreation Director Mangan Reviewed the equipment needed by the Parks` Department. REVIEWING After reviewing- : - -tfhe equ- ipment the fo l / lowi ; ng actions were taken. y EQUIPMENT Motion by Thorkelson to ' approve the purchase of the ,4 wheel drive one ton<p`ickup APPROVE as presented, seconded by Watkins,Fnd upon "a vote taken it was duly passed. '= J,", PURCHASES l Motion by Busse to approve the of the single axle truck as presented, � z seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion b Thorkel'son to a ' Y pprove the purchase of the Box, sander and plow as, presented, seconded by Busse and upon a'vote taken it was duly passed. Motion by Busse to approve the purchase of the eductor as presented, seconded ' by watkins and upon a.;vote taken it was duly passed. Motion bf'Thorkeison to approve the purchase of the tractor backhoe as presented, " seconded by Busse and upon a 'vote taken it was duly passed. Motion by,Thorkelson to approve the pruchase of the Meyers 7.5' plow for the amount of $1,245.00, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion by Busse to approve the purchase of the utility box for the amount of $1,368.00, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. { Motion by "Busse to approve the purchase of the hoist for the amount of $1,258.00, �- secorde'd by Stock and. upon a vote taken it was duly passed. " Motion b Busse to a y a pprove , the purchase of the radio for the amount of .$523..00, g° seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it,was duly passed. v' Motion by Busse to approve the purchase of the truck chassis contingegt_ that truck meets.:with the requirements that City Engineer Anderson has set forth in regards to the problem with the engine, seconded by Watk`i and upon a vote taken it was`duly passed. MINUTES of ' the Proceedings of the City Coun6 'the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all ;; accounts audited by said Council. t Motion by Thorkelson to approve the purchase of the 1970 International ..� Flusher for the Parks Department as presented, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly ,passed. Motion by Busse to approve the purrhas6 of the 72 inch Toro`Mower for the Parks Department as presented, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken duly it was passed. � 1982/83 LIQUOR LICENSE REQUESTS 1� P v The next item on the agenda ;was the 19;32/83 Liquor License requests, City Manager McGuire reviewed this. City Manager McGuire stated that the Liquor j License Committee met on the 1982/83 Liquor License and recommends +he following: } " On Sale Intoxicating:_ Anchor. Inn, B &�D Bar & Restaurant,,Extra Innings, = Freddies on the Lake and Waodlands Edg,3. i APPROVE ON -SALE Motion b Busse to approve the On S Liquor License for 1982/83 F as recommended by the Liquor License cene Committee, seconded by Thorkelson and j upon a vote taken � was duly y Mayor•Stock noted -that Prior Place was not mentioned, City Manager McGu;i;re stated that the Prior Place was excluded from the on Sale Intoxicating, Sunday Iq: Liquor and On Sale 3.2 because of -new application. This will be = considered at a later date. I Off Sale Intoxicating: Anchor Inn, B & D Bar 8 Restauranti;(Bottle Shop), =. Extra Innings, Norling,Liquor and.Vi,king Liquor. APPROVE OFF- SALEt Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Off Sale Intoxicating Liquor L:i.censes for 1982/83 as recommended by the Liquor License. ° seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 'i �t 4't Sunday Liquor: Anchor Inn, B & D Bar & Restaurant, Extra Innings, Freddies , �qA,a j on the Lake, Woodlands Edge, and VFW. n APPROVE SUNDAY Motion by Busse to approve the Sunday Liquor License for 1982/83 as recommend- LIQUOR ed by the Liquor Comm. seconded by Stock and u on a vote taken, it duly passed. Set u 1 i censer County N i °i s�ra s Resort, Hollywood i" wood Inn P` Y � � 9 , y , and VFW. APPROVE SET - UP Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Set Up License for 1982/83 as recommend -` ed by the Liquor Committee seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was + duly passed. On Sale-3.2: Anchor Inn, B & D'Restaurant and Bar, Country Hills Craig's j Resort, Extra Innings, Freddies on the Lake, Ho1l Inn, and VFW..; ' APPROVE-ON-SA LE ` LE Motion by Watkins to approve the On Sale 3.2 Liquor License for 1982/83 as recommended by the Liquor Committee, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed. Off Sale 3.2• B & D Bar & Restaura (.Bottle Shop), Hill Craig!s ; Country Resort, Extra Innings, E -Z Store, Freddies on the Lake, Hausers, Holiday Station Stores, Hollywood Inn, Norling Liquor Prior Lake - Gas -N- Grocery, ° Steve's Red Owl, VFW and Viking.` 1, ,I APPROVE: OFF -SALE Motion by Watkins to approve thn Off Sale 3.2 ''Liquor "License for 1982/83 .2 as recommended by'the"Liquor Committee, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a c , vote taken, it was duly passed. Club License: VFW. ' APP .'4 CLUB , I Motion by Watkins to approve the Club License for 1982/83 as recommended by ° the Liquor Committee, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it was dul passed, f City Manager McGuire stated that Pepper's Pizza requested that their license not be renewed at this tirr.. , City Manager McGuire then reviewed the. thelroad Right -of -Way "`� Acquisition. He stated that a letter has been drafted from the City of MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council, Prior Lake to the Shakopee /Farmington Association regarding the proposal to acquire Land. y SEND LETTER Motion b Thorkelson to send 'the letter and y proposal to the Shakopee/ #- TO SHAKOPEEj FARMINGTON Farmington Association, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was . duly passed. ASSOCIATION q AUTHORIZE Motion by Thorkelson to authorize the hiring.of an appraiser to consider HIRING OF Al the Railroad property from Arcadia to Highway 13, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. APPRAISEi2 1 RESOLUTION The next item on the agenda was Resolution 82-7 Re: Green Acres. Mayor Stock 82 -7 read the resolution. ADOPT RES. Motion by Watkins to adopt resolution 82 -7 as submitted, seconded by Busse and i 82 -7 upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Gity Manager McGuire recommended approval to donate $:500.00 to the Pripr Lake r f Association for the Annual 4th of Ju y Celebration. y APPROVAL TO Motion by Watkins to approve the donation of $500.00 to the Prior Lake Assoc -` DONATE $500 iation for the annual 4th of July Celebration, seconded by Thorkelson and upon TO P. ASSO . a vote taken it was duly passed. , Councilman Thorkelson stated that the Prior Lake AssociatJon should be " t_ notified on how much money Is spent during the celebration as far as police protection and other time spent. f i RESOLUTION City Planner Graser requested the approval of a resolution correcting a resolufton� 82 -8 for an Un- Named'Street that was passed back in 1965. This resolution would .,be x "j known as Resolution 82 -8. , ' >• <`_., ADOPT RES. Motion by Watkins to adopt' Resolution 82 -8 changing the date, as amended, 8 ? - 8 seconded by, Busse and upon , vote taken, it was duly passed, Mayor Stock stated that he t;,ad received a letter referring to the Cable T.V: i He. directed City Manager McGuire to answer the letter and to keep the letter � the Manager's. Office. 1 ADJOURN I Motion by Watkins to adjourn, by Busse and upon a vote taken, this i meet was adjourned at 1I:I g" J 1 P, ^ 1 Michael A. McGuire -City Manager ;T "' i , > f r� 5