HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 14 1982MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of i low ,Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. i June „14, 1982 '. The Common Council of the City o Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, June 14, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, ` Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, Finance Director '.: Teschner, City Planner Graser, Assistant Engineer Raaen, Parks & Recreation Director Mangan and City Attorney Hass. a - Mayor,Stock asked everyone to please rise and pledge allegiance to the flag. The minutes of June 7, 1982 were reviewed. CORRECTIONS The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of June 7, 1982:: Page 3; Paragraph 2, SPELLING: good Page 3, Paragraph 10, DELETE:, is done Page 3, Paragraph 13, SPELLING none, Page 4, Paragraph 6 SPELLING footings Page 4; Paragraph 12 SPELLING discussion , Page 4, Paragraph 14 ADD: 4.1 (N) "All new housing units must anticipate the future need. for .expansion, storage and garages. Toward that end all housing shall be constructed either with a basement or a ' minimum of.a one stall garage. Single family and two family houses `shall be constructed, to that a future garage may be built without variances!' Page 5,� Paragraph 11, SPELLING: construction Page 5, Paragraph 20, INSERT NEW'PARA: He then stated what WouI'd be`done on Gateway. Page 5, Paragraph 21,'' CHA14GE STREET NAME<: Westwood 'AVenue Page 6, Paragraph 16, SPELLING: Watkins Page 6,' Paragraph 18, SPELLING: 'purchase Page 7, Paragraph 8, DELETE: Anchor Inn Page 7j' Paragraph 16, INSERT: Tom Thumb i1Ii�l Motion by Busse to approve the minutes of ° June 7; 1982 as amended, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.” Juoui &,a ;BODY " The next item on the agenda was Juran & Moody Bond Sa'.e and Equipment Certifi- t4oIPMENT :CERT. d. cates. Steve Mattson from Juran & Moody was present to discuss this. a `GENERAL hVRIOVE. - Mr. Mattson:,eeviewed the first certificate which was for the amount of $155,000.00. This certificate was for the purchase of equipIment:c - a He then requested that the Council approve the,resolution authorizing the.- to purchase thi's bond. X156,000.00 Motion by Thorkelson to authorize the Mayor & City Manager to enter ini'o the EgU,IPMENT CERT. contract and to approve the resolution, seconded, by Watkins and upon arvote taken it was duly passed. Mr Mattson then reviewed the second; certificate, which was a '$300,000.00 U General Obligation Improvement' Bond. �30�,000.0� Motion by Busse to approve the resolution that was to provide the' GENERAL .IMPROVEMEN issuance and sale of the $300,000.00 Genera -I Obli -gation Improvement Bond for 1982, authorizing the 'Mayor and City Manager to enter into the contract with r Juran &'Moody, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. WILL ('Y .AGREEMENT City Manager McGuire then reviewed the Cab'Ie T:Y. Agreement. He stated that i he had gone over the agreement with City Attorney Mark Sullivan and that Sheri V Meyer were y comments He then reviewed the present for an , , c m and Barry hanges that were made. 1 j, l � i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota. including all accounts audited by said Council. There were many comments by Council and Staff. ti Sheri B'Iohm also had comments. � APPRUVE Motion by Busse to approve the final draft of the Cable T.V. Agreement as „ FINAL DRAFT recommended by the City Manager and City Attorney and authorize the Mayor and l" CABLE TY City Manager to enter into said contract, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote F taken it was duly passed. Y Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire to work out the details of the pay- ments to the consultant. J ;'1981 AUDIT The next item on the agenda was the 1981 Audit, Finance Director Teschner reviewed this with the, Council. Finance Director Teschner stated that a copy of the Audit was handed out to each member of :the Council and that Staff recommends approval. He further i stated that Richard Ellsworth from George M. Hansen Company was present fore any questions or comments. Mayor Stock stated that the Council had an opportunity to review the audit and °.a that he wanted to hear his comments. � Finance Director Teschner reviewed the Management letter. I Richard Ellsworth;'had comments regarding the audit. APPROVE Motion by Thorkelson to approve and accept the 1981 Audit as prepared`by 1981 AUDIT George M. Hansen Company, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly i passed. i ,I 8ID - TOWINC The next item on the agenda was the Bid for a Towing Service, Mayor Stock -asked SERVhCE City Manager McGui to review this. City Manager.McGuire stated that the bio5 were requested and opened on May 25, I 1982 at 10:30 AM., One bid was received. This bid was submitted by Dave's Towing Service, 16309 Main Avenue., He further stated that this bid was similar Ito the bid that Dave Ernewein' had submitted earlier this year. City Manager McGuire then reviewed the charges. A' daytime tow was $15.00, a night-time tow was $25.00, the use of a doily was $10.00, a winch was $15.00, sto� /i nside was $10.00 per day, outside was $4.50 per day`and charges could be assessed on a half day basis. He then stated that in this bid we allowed the bidders to bid with or without a performance bond, and that Dave's Towing submitted the bid without a, bond.`9 Councilman Schweich asked for a clarification on the daytime and night - time` i hours. City Manager McGuire stated that daytime was considered 6 :00 AM -6:O.0 PM and night-time was 6:00 PM -6:00 AM. Councilman' Thorkelson asked about the storage area, if it was'outsi'de the City l imits: 1 Dave Ernewein stated that it was out of the City limits. That it was basically -a farmyard. and that °it was quite hidden. AWARD BID TC Motion by Watkins to "award the bid to Dave's Towing from the dates of July 1, i ' DAVE 'S TOW, 19132 to December 31, 1983, seconded b Schweich and 'u on a vote taken it was Y p ,duly passed. :Dave Ernewein then asked if he could address the Council regarding the talk from iF the last bid, there were aloe of questions being asked, and he wanted to know if the Council could clari the reason for the rebidding: City Manager McGuire clarified the, performance bond to the public and the reason for the rebidding. COi4 PUBLIC HEAR Mayor Stock then called the continuation of the SeaIcoating Public Hearing to order. Mayor Stock stated that the hearing was continued for the purpose of SEA LCOATING letting the Council go out and review the sites. The Council did this on }Qy, Q MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. �i Saturday, June 12, 1982 at 8 :00 AM. He stated that it would be opened40 the public for any new information to be presented. _ Betty Remish had a few new comments. One question she had was that if the . streets were sealcoated at this time is there a chance that the streets will have to be sealcoated again, and again would they be assessed. Mayor Stock stated that sealcoating process is done on the basis of need ` and shape of the streets. In the past sealcoating,,has preserved the life 5. of the streets at least 5 =6 years, that we did not have to go back and seal- f coat them again for that 'period of time. If after that period of time -it Wou ld be a future Council's decision, but it could possibly be another assessment. Another alternative would be to do overlaying. i 4 i Mrs. Remish then asked if that would be the same dollar value. ` J Mayor Stock stated that it would not be and that it'would be $7.00 to $8.00 # ,;per foot. Mrs. Remish asked how the City picked this area to sealcoat, Stock stated that the sewer projects were taken as they occurred and I Mayor that the City did not do any sealcoating Fast year. �Marcy Gray asked how the City proposed to lay the sealcoating. Mayor Stock stated that the process is different than:, the type of seal coating that a person would do on their driveways. The City comes along and first they sweep the streets Then patch the areas that need patching, They then sweep the streets again Then ' - h!e trucks'would come along and ay down o i I and aggregate wh i ch „i's ro,l I ed i th a rubber t i re ro I,1 er and them' "after a period of time the' reets are,again swept for_any`loose aggregate. Assistant Engineer Raaen stated that the product that the City uses is a strong= a res i stent form of seal coating where i f the City was to use the type that Mrs. Gray was speaking of would not stand up to the consistant l use that the streets are upder. l __? ° Carol No'ltin 9.. stated that there is a park easement in the area and who would have�to pay for that. She stated that there is 10 park 'easement, "ont_of i „n fr their property, .: ` r Mayor'Stock stated that the entire area will pay for the easement area, not j just her. - V Mayor Stock asked if there were any other comments., There were none. He then stated that before the Council discussion would begin he wanted Assistant Engineer Raaen to give a definition of sealcoating with; reasons why and'a'lso {, � what, is overla in r . y g when is it determined.to be necessa Y,. , Assistant Engineer Raaen stated that sealcoating is done to keep the aggregate i hat i s i! n the e x i s t i n g bit um'i no us from coming I Dose: ;Sea I coat i n s putt i n 9 P g it a layer of rack and qi l back on the road and keeps'the aggregate f coming Loose for a!period of time. ;When it gets too* the poInt-'of cracking °at 10 intervals -an overlay would be necessary vs- sealcoating, r Mayor t�tock then asked the Council for their comments: J ;- � Councilman Thorkelson stated, after going around the City., the solution to our problem is'not seaIcoat,llig, sealcoating should:be done'to the areas that really need it patch the si,vere areas and propose project starting next year that we' patch., f i .11 ” 1.W ",.n,'i rd baths ", co,rrect curb °and drainage problems and put on overlay b nstreets that have miRamai' bituminous surfacing. a y { { $ , Councilman Schweich si aftd` after, vie4 i.ng the streets on Saturday, the- i!( t hat streets Looked in adequate shape and that s"ba1coatIn ., y wo��ld not be the best ' i t way to go at this time. ,` f Councilman Watkins stated that there were same areas thaw shou I d be. sea I coatc� there were also some areas rhal be patched, He further.stated that i ' would agree to dropping this project time. at`,this MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the Coun�y'of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. i Councilman Busse stated that he agreed with the Councilmens comments and agreed that it should be dropped at this time, Mayor Stock stated that he personally is a believer in sealcoating, this is something that is necessary., He then stated that he would reopen the discussion to the public. There were many comments from the audience stating that they were glad the Y Council feels that the project should be dropped at this time. PROJECT 32 Motion by Watkins that Project 82 -16 as defined in this public hearing not be V 16 NOT BE implemented in the year of 1982, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it I14PLEMENTED was du ly passed. ff Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer to proceed with the necessary corrections I , consisting of the breakups that were reviewed and also a cost estimate presented } at the next meeting. E AJJOURi� Motion b Watkins to adjourn the Public Hearin y and upon Y J g, seconded b Thorkelson PUBLIC HEAR a vote taken this Public Hearing was adjourned. PAWN SHOP City Attorney Hass reviewed the Pawn Shop Ordinance with the requested changes. OROIRANCE Mr. Marvin Koch was present for comments.'' I Mayor Stock stated that this is the third time this ordinance has been brought back to the Council. ADOPT PAWN Motion by Watkins to adopt the Pawn Shop Ordinance known as'3 -10 -1, seconded by SHUP UROR: Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock stated that the next item on the agenda was the petition to close Vine Street, City Manager McGuire received a`phone call from'one of the abutting property owners and that this item will be deferred until the City Manager returns. PETITION TO The next,item'disucs'sed, P P y was the Petition to pave Center and, Lime Road V Mayor r ' PAVE CE jiTER ,Stock stated that before it could go any further it would be ' necessary to have a & LIME ROADS feasibility study prepared. '} PREPARE °' Motion by Watkins to,prepare a feasibility study on the paving of Center and Lime FEASIBILITY Roads 0 d that it be presented to the Council on June'21, 1982,'seconded by `STUDY - PRE Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. SENT TO COUii IL Q JUNE121st The next item was a. request from John Berg to vacate a City Planner Grater reviewed this. He'stated'that'this roadway is located in a portion of BERG _.Shady Beach, north of the lake. further requested that a'hearing be held A I VAC ATE MAO ,;'He -- on J u 1,,,y 19,- 1982, i PUBLIC HEAR. Based on'the request of Mr. Berg, motion b Thorkelson'to hold a q 9, y public hearing ? JULY i9,ti1 o n , 'Juhy19,'1982 at'8:00 PM, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote "taken it was duly passed. U ' City , . Manager McGuire returned at this time. mayor Stock stated that the City , i had` race I yed a "'petition to c.l o'se Vine Street, he read t'he 'petition and the l i s t of signatures on the - petition'.' 1, City Manager McGuire reported on hi phone conversation: � He stated that he,was . f- contacted by Mr. Lawrence. Schweich and that -Mr. Schweich was under the influence, that this petition was for vacating of Vine Street. City Manager McGuire informed him that is was for the cl'osin of the street. Mr. Schweich stated that he closing .of opposes r any c I os i ng of the roadway_ 1He` wou I d consider some form of dust control or joining ` "in a project which would be assessed against the property owners on both sides. Clarence Schmaltz,,one of thp, abutting property owners had comments for Council and Staff. Charles Kadrlik also had comments for Coun'ciI and Staff. Council then commented. TABL'EREQUES Motion by Watkins to table the request for the closing of Vine Street and that the TO CLOSE City Manager contact all the property owners,.and that it be brought back to the VINE STREET Council on June 21, 1982 a"t 8:00 PM, seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken was duly passed. J MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. BUTTERNUT BEACH The next item on the agenda was the request from Schweich Construction CONDITLONA y `Fr-ki 4IT to renew their Conditional Use Permit. l USE Councilman Schweich excused himself from the Council table for this item.- ­City Planner Graser then reviewed the request. " Mayor Stock asked City Planner to mark the plat map as City Council Exhibit "A" and to date it with todays date.:. GRANT CONDITIONAL Motion by Thorkelson to grant the renewah of the Conditional Use Permit to USE PERt4IT Schweich Construction ` for one year, seconded by 'Busse and upon -a vote taken it was duly passed. "i } Mayor Stock excused himself at this time and asked Councilman Watkins to -continue the meeting as Acting Mayor. ,. B.M.X. TRAIL Then next item on the agenda was the B.M.X. Trail, ,Parks 8 Recreation Director Mangan discussed the trail. He stated that the trail would be funded by donations by the public, this would be time and money donations.„ City Attorney Hass commented on the City's liability. V Council had comments regarding the trail. . APPROVE B.M.X Motion by Thorkelson to approve the B.M.X Trail plans, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Acting Mayor Watkins directed Parks & Recreation Staff to implement the plan. _'.. City Manager McGuire stated that Mayor Stock had spoke about an N Qr�dInance regulating filling. City Manager McGuire also stated that the Engineering Staff requests approval g for the purchase of a used van, this van is` included under the equipment- certificates. APPROVE PURCHASE Motion by Thorkelson to approve the purchase of the van needed'- by.the OF VAN $3,000.00 Engineering Staff and that it not exceed $3,000.00, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. { Councilman Thorkelson commented on the process of Towing /Ticketing of Cars /Tra I ers /Boats near the pub I is accesses. It was the vi sh "of the Council that an increased fine be considered and that all vehicles in violation be towed. INVOICES The following invoices are secheduied for payment on Tuesday, June 22, 1982: MISC. DEPARTMENTS , Bankers Life Insurance 2,573.81 Quill Corp Office Supplies . 220.07 OK Hardware Supplies. 666.94` Weber Auto Supply Supplies 168.01 Scott Telephone' Telephone Service 644.11 Insurance Services Insurance 2,729.00 Minn. Val lerElectric Utilities 480.60 Copy Duplicating ProducTs Copier Rent and Supplies, 290.97 Atbinson Machine Rental 50.00 Target Stores Operating Supplies 155.83 Lake Auto Supply Operating Supplies 243.84 Dustcoating, Inc. Applying Oil 1,650.00 ComputoservFce, Inc. Computer Service 782.25 Charles Tooker Planner 600.00 Prior Lake Blacktop Park & Franklin Trail 4,793.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Snyder Drug Cleaning Supplies 26.52 Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 320.00 E.H._ Newstrom Bu i I d i ng 8 P l u m b i n g I nspect ions 1,005.00 Prior-Lake American G Publishing 58.72 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. i GENERAL GOVERNMENT (coot.) ; Floyd Security Lock J 88.60' Bloomington Locksmith Repairs 53.50 Assn,,of Metro. Municipalities Dues 1,122.00 American Linen Building Maintenance 120.55 Lawrence Schweich Building Permit Retainer Ref. 900.00 Mayor and Counci I Salaries 1,050.00 Michael McGuire Car Allowance 275.00 ENGINEERING Fox Va Marking Systems Operating Supplies 29.82 i Quality Wood Products Operating Supplies 63.50 i PLANNING F American Planning Assn. Dues 90.00 Franz Engineering Reproductions Cap. Outlay - Reproduction Supp. 322.62 POLICE Uniforms Unlimited Supplies 172.30 � Ron Anderson Squad Changeover 250.00 St. Francis Hospital Blood Alcohol Test 30.00 Gene Smith Mileage 4.80 Gordon Kli Mileage 4.80 i Robert Boe Mileage 4.80 Dan's Auto:Repair Repairs 59.25 Mahowald Motors New Squad & Repairs to Old Cars 11,085.39` j FIRE DEPARTMENT ? Reynolds Welding Oxygen l 33.90 ' Advance Ambulance Medical Supplies 504.43 x Conway Fire Safety Repair Supplies 29.50 Snap -on Tools Repair Supplies 31.15. I Air Comm, Inc. Repairs 114.00 .> ^ United Fire Fighters Assn. Dues 50.00 j Prior Lake Fire Department Fire School - 6 men 270.00 Volunteer Firemen's Benefir Assn. Insurance 123.00 PARK.& RECREATION:, Bob's Sport Shop Supplies 93.60. Prior Lake .Lumber Supplies 737 :56< a Pepsi -Cola 'Bottling Consession Supplies 154.80 b. Prior Lake Nursery Supplies 18.00 i Valley Equipment Repair "Supplies` 30.60 , Minnesota Toro Repair Supplies 61.37 Bohnsack & Hennen Stump Chipper 80.00 ` Cross Nursery Landscape Supplies 48.00 New Prague Lumber & Read Mi'x 9 Y Cement 22.95 Prior Lake Aggregates Park Maintenance Supplies 60.58 Monnens Suppl Park Maintenance Supplies 60.97 James Singewald Mileage 32.00 Mark Jaspers Mileage. 4.00 Shakopee Public Utilities Park Lighting 8.50 Harold's Repair Repairs 11.00 Prior Lake Motors Repairs 194.83 Gould's Supply Repairs 48.20 c < Satellite Industries Rental 433.33 Minn Park Supervisors Assn. Registration 'Fee 5.00 i Quality Waste Control Rubbish Removal 122.75 Burnsville Sanitary Co. Rubbish Removal 25.00 Prior Lake Ready -Mix Cement 111..25 ( x ` Silfverston Trucking Hauling 240.39 x Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 9..72 Klingberg Bus Co. Bus Trip 125.00 Red Owl Store Park Program Supplies 6.22 MN. Recreation & Park Assn. Workshop Fees 60.00 C &C Special Products Decals 490.05 MINUTES i of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City, of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. B Dalton Books Park Program Supplies 25.30 Karen & Leonard Backes Park Program Entertainment 65.00 Jerry Young Salaries 90.00 NW National Bank Debt Service 16 STREET'DEPARTMENT West Weld Supply Welding Supplies 95.40 Coast to Coast Shop Supplies 8.67 ; - WM Mueller &`Sons Blacktop 115.50 Valley Tire & Auto Service Repair Supplies 134.00 Carlson Tractor Repair Supplies 37.88 Earl F. Andersen & Assoc. Sign Supplies 161.25 Ziegler Tire Service Repairs 13.00 { Metro Alarm Rental 48.00 l- Harry C. Schultz Repairs 121.30 SEWER DEPARTMENT Metro. Waste Control Comm. SAC Charges 2,945.25 AJ Steam Cleaning Repair 385.00 McKinley Sewer Service Pumping 50.00 Schrader Block Co.. Pumping 40.00 Metro. Waste Control Comm. Installment 19,318.58 WATER DEPARTMENT :,VanWaters & Rogers Supplies = 277.27 Water 'Products Supplies 565.92 Serco Water Analysis 21.00 NW National Bank Debt Service 6,325.00 DEBT'SERVICE FUND American National 'Bank & Trust Sand Pointe 162,628.74 NW National Bank Eagle Creek & 72- 7,,8,9 & 10 366,319.50 WATER & SEWER FUND Kendall Fischlbach Refund 58.30 Motion by Thorkelson to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 10:47 PM. j. Michael A. McGuire City Manager r + '