HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 21 1982x MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. - June 21, _1982 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, June 21, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, City Engineer Anderson and City Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Busse was absent. Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise and Pledge Allegiance to the flag. The minutes of June 12, 1982 were reviewed, MINUTES Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of June 12, 1982 as submitted, , seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ,4 The minutes of June 14, 1982 were reviewed. CORRECTIONS The.following;,correction is to be made to the minutes of June 14, 1982. Page 5, Paragraph 5, INSERT: Motion by Thorkelson to grant the renewal of the Conditional Use Permit to Schweich Construction for one year contingent on the followi conditions: 1. Limit each unit to two bedrooms. = 2._ The _front: and set back shall be at leasf 25'. �._ 3. A drainage plan be submitted in con with the buildin r per for proper evaluation of r drainage, , 4. Hammerhead driveways be construct- ed for all units fronting County: Road 12. 5. Lot 30 be developed with a single . family home.+ ' "Seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. MINUTES Motion byeThorkelson to approve the minutes of .June 14, 1982 as amended, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote "taken,it was duly. passed. 4IKE GAIR'S SITE Thelnext item on the agenda was Mike Gair - 'Continue review of!!Site Plan. PLAN City Planner Graser reviewed this. He recommended that this be tabled untiff after James Space has presented his rezoning request to the City Council, 'J 1 whiCh. scheduled for July 6, 1982, Mayor Stock stated that July 6th is when Mr. Space is coming before the Council so the next meeting, would be July 12, 1982. TABLE - JULY 12th Motion by Thorkelson to table the review of Mike- Gair's Site until July 12, 1982, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CENTER;.& LIME ROAJ The next item on the a Benda was the Feasibility Study for the :improvements u IMPROVEMENTS to Center and Lime Roads, Mayor Stock asked City Engineer Anderson to report on this. City Engineer Anderson stated that a petition - was- received to pave Center and Lime Roads, an amended Feasibility Study was handed out to the Council. The Construction Cost would be $74,480.45, the Indirect Cost $22,344.14 and total cost of the improvement being $96,824.59. Councilman Thorkelson asked why the City will be using surmountable curb. ` - City Engineer Anderson stated that on residential streets, it has been the i policy to use the MNDOT D -4 type of curbing. Councilman Thorkelson then asked what the percentage of the cost is involved. a 1 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and `State of including all accounts audited by said Council, City Engineer Anderson stated that 201 is involved, but that is strictly the curd cost. The amount would be reduced if blacktop curb was used because the paving would be 4 feet wider. Mayor Stock asked if there was anyway we could get rid of the iip on the curb. r City Engineer Anderson stated that with the D -4 type-of curb -there is a �` a slight incline and it has no lip. APPROVE Motion by Thorkelson to approve the amended Feasibility Study dated June 21 FEASIBILITY 1982 for project number 82 -17 - Center Road and Lime Road, and that July 26, PUBLIC HEAR 1982 at 8:00 PM a Public Hearing be held for the purpose of informing the JULY 26th residents of the project being scheduled, `seconded by Schweich and ° upon( a vote l 3:30 Pi+1 taken it was duly passed. g REPAIRS TO Mayor Stock asked City Engineer to then review the cost estimates for the repairs CITY STREETS to the City Streets. T City Engineer Anderson stated that the cost to repair the following streets would;' be $5,500.00: Orchard Circle, Glendale Avenue, Maple Trail,Shady Beach Trai/ ' and Natalie Road. The repairing of these,streets were not budgeted for thi ° year. t Mayor Stock asked if the crack sealant type of procedure was going to be 1. l followed. - i City Engineer Anderson stated that it was budgeted, A i Mayor Stock then asked if there were any areas that should be undertaken this year. r, City Engineer Anderson stated that were a few sheets th t' i is- Y 9 r � a ,w I I be done thy_, year. AUTHORIZE Motion -by Thorkelson to authorize the City Manager and Engineer to pr Geed with CITY MGR & the necessary action to facilitate the repairs as presented, seconded by Watkins 1 EAU. TO PROC WITH REPAIR and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: Mayor Stock stated that The next item that would be discussed Kps an unscheduled � item, it being a Liquor Committee Report and recommendation. H6 asked.City Manager McGuire to report on this. PRIOR PLACE City.Manager McGuire Stated that the Liquor Committee met prior t6 this meeting LICEXSE and i's recommendir' the denial of the transfer of the 'On -Sale Liquor-,Licens ' y,T1ZAiiSFER for the Prior Place to Pau! Summers to the Council. He then asked City e Attorney Sullivan to review thq,details and the reason for the recommendation. I c City Attorney Sullivan stated that - Vhis item was reviewe.d_by the Liquor Committee ` and that because of suspicion that there is a Gse of narcotics with some of the t participants it was the Committees view to not recommend the -,transfer of the e i cerise. Mayor Stock stated that the police investigation report can be made available; if - Council so wishes. ' REQUEST,. Motion: by Watkins that the License request be denied by the advice of the Liquor DERIED Committee and the Police Department, seconded by Thorkelson. . . Stock asked that an amendment be made to the motion, stating that City Attorney Sullivan not tify the applicant of the CouncIII-s. decision and that the notice be by :re is"tered mail. i Councilmen Watkins and Thorkelson accepted the amendment, and upon a vote taken it was du l y Passed. l REPORTS' The-,monthly reports were then reviewed by the Council... l i POLICE REPORT Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Police Report for the month of May, APPROVED seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. �i c • FIRE & RESCUE Motion by Watkins to approve the Fire and Rescue Report for the month of May, A APPROVED seconded by Schweich and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. I MINUTES of the Proceeding; of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Mitjncsota, including all accounts audited by said Council,' ' x'0013 CATCHERS Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Dog Catchers Report for the month of APF° ! May, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. f Motion by Thorkelson to approve the Building Permit Report for the -month of \; BUILUING PERMIT May, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly,,passed. APPROVED Mayor Stock stated that the request of the Softball Association for the a s' % Temporary Beer License had been withdrawn. Mayor Stock stated that there was one other item to be brought up under the classification of Other Business. A letter from Gail Kincannon, Metropolitan Transit Commission. Mayor Stock read the letter from Ms. Kincannon, requesting a time to come back to the Council and discuss the busing situation with the E City. C Mayor Stock asked if there was anyone that would like time on the agenda. JA14ES SPACE Mr. James Space asked if the Council or Staff would give a reiteration of the tab Iing ref err ing to the John Fitzgerald -Gair Property. City Manager McGuire stated that the Gair Property was tabled until July 12, 1982 and the Space 'Property was scheduled for July 6, 1982, and that they were two seperate issues. Mr. Space felt that they should both be heard on the same evening. He then °f 4 ` requested that his be tabled until the 12 being that they are abutting, properties and that they are applying for the same thing. City Manager McGuire stated that his request for tabling should stay as is, that they are not the same requests. As far as the trail system,:it appears s >," it will continue across at the new bridge rather than going through his t property and that we do not''ha've a definite commitment yet from Scott Hennepin Vl Park Reserve. Mayor Stock asked Mr. Space to meet with City Manager McGuire and review his point of view with' him and then for the City Manager to schedu;ie the items as he deems appropriate.., j Tiri+Wi)I2ARY CLOSING The next item on the agenda was the temporary closing of Vine Street: Mayor OF VINE STREET" Stock stated that a report from the City Engineer was received stating that if'.a temporary closing was granted we could use the sweeping's and etc.lfrom r, ou streets to make ready a base for that roadway,. however, the requesas tabled for the purpose of all property owners being notified of the proposed r request: r , _ City Manager McGuire stated that he had contacted both 'property owners, = Q Scottland, Inc. and Lawrence Schweich Home Builders, Inc. and requested that n they either attend the meeting or send a letter.- Mr. Schweich sent a letter. ` Ci Manager McGuire then 'read ' the letter - that was received from Mr. Schweich, stating that 'he was opposed to the closing of Vine Street. City Manager McGuire stated that he had also received a'letter from Scottland, Inc. He read the Letter for the record. Mr'. Hauservs letter stated that he had no objection to temporarily closing Vine Street. j I There were many ccrtments from Council and 'Staff." j OUST CONTROL ON Motion by Thorkelson to go-ahead with dust control on Vine Street 'and 'the i VINE STREET 4 City Staff would notify the abutting property owners of the action taken and i that it will be assessed for future years, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. j f} Mayor Stock excused himself from the meeting and 'a PP ointed Councilman p Thorkelson as Acting.Mayor for the remainder of the meeting. iav�,t r Acting Mayor Thorkelson stated that the next item on the agenda was the 2nd Interim Report from the Industrial /Commercial Adviso,y Committee, he asked James Hill to review the report. Mr'. Hill reviewed the Intreim Report. He felt that a drafte j survey should be and sent out. i� MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior lake in the County of Scott and - State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. .f ti There were many comments from Council and Staff. i Acting Mayor Thorkelson asked if there. were any comments from Council and Staff, a City Manager McGuire stated that he had toured the Senior Citizens Building . today and that the progress is really coming along. He further l stated that the next time there is an opportunity to tour the building again i that the Council should go through. City Manager'McGuire then reported on the League of Minnesota Cities Conference that he and Councilman Thorkelson had attended Last week. With no other comments, motion by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Schweich and. upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned at 8:59 PM. r ' Michael A. McGuire K C irty Manage 1 iM1 Ld x I i V , i I