HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 28 1982MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of thcuCity of Prior Lake in the Coun,iy of Scott and State of Minnesota, including ali "accounts audited by said Council. June 28, 1982 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, June 28, 1982 at 7::00 PM. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Pre "sent were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, City 'Manager McGuire, Parks & Recreation Director Mangan and Planning Consultant Tooker. Councilman Schweich was absent. PARK TOUR The first item on the agenda was the touring of the City Parks. The bus left at 7 :00 PM. The following people attended the touring. - Planning" Commissioners Tom Foster, Chuck Arnold, John Fitzgerald, Al Lohman, Marlis Bluedorn,'Jakki Menk, Mayor Stock, Councilmen,,Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, City Manager McGuire, Parks &' Recreation 'Director Mangan and planning Consultant Tooker. The parks were toured in the order of, the Pond /Complex, Lakefront Park, Fish Point Neighborhood Park, Oakland Beach Neighborhood Park and Sand Pointe Beach. Parks & Recreation Director Mangan pointed out some of the problems and good points with the parks. e The bus returned to City Hall at 8:10 PM, Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise and pledge allegiance to the flag. Councilman'SchwQich was now present. The minutes of June 21, 1982 were reviewed'. 11IATES Motion by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of June 21, 1982 as presented,' seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. n" T ZuN ORD,irANCE The next item on the agenda was to continue the review of the proposed ,I Zoning Ordinance. Planning Coisu I tant Tooker reviewed the `changes that were , prepared for the ordinance. ?, There was geheral discussion on the changes by both Council and Staff. i Mayor Stock asked if anyone from the audiance wanted to make any comments relative to the changes for the Zoning Ordinance. Del Rogers was concerned about having double wide mobile h 9 ome /modular home ' brought'into%a resid'e'ntial area. ' Planning Consultant Tooker stated that if it meets the Uniform Building Codes' j or has a State Seal, the City'cannot discriminate against it' ; ' YMayor Stock stated that is why; it is so important to designate areas for mobile homes.; - < - 1 1 6AUFACTURED-HOMES J t; Mark Hyland was also concerned about a double wide manufactured. un It in an MOBILE HOMES already''developed area. He stated that he lives in- Boudip's Manor and that someone has plans to install on a lot there, a doubl wide,. remodeled 1979 manfactured home. This home will be placed ontop of a two car garage. -He further stared that he had talked to realtors in the Prior Lake area and their feelings were that the- home owners would be effected by having this structure placed in the neighborhood. He then presented to the Council a ° P etition - frci the neighborhood. j Mayor Stock stated that the manufactured housing that is being addressed in the R-4 Zone is what would be referred to in the past as a "mobile home'. The modular structure is different. If it met the Uniform Building Code and passed the City's inspection, it would be permitted. City Manager McGuire stated that the type of housing -would depend on the type, F of approval. If it is approved according to the Uniform Building Code then it would be allowed, if its referred to as a mobile home, it goes under a different code. A mobile home would.have a State sticker and would be placed under the R -4 District or currently go in a mobile home park. He further J stated that since this is a 1979 remodeled home, it would have to be inspected by the Building Inspector first, prior to leaving the (ot 'in Bloomington and then when it is brought out here it has to be inspected again and if it meets all requirements it can be placed on the lot. R ;t w , MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. r r 1 Wes Hukriede staffed that he is the person that wants to bring the structure in. He had further comments for the Council. City Manager McGuire requested =that the minimum lot size be increased from 6000 to 7500 square feet, when going through the PUD process it would be down to 6000 square feet. Another indivi from the audience questioned the R -4 Zoning, why they have to pe placed in a "mobile home park" type area. Mayor("tock stated that _there are different ordinances for different types of sturctures and that the R -4 Zoning is a mixed code residential, which will include "stick built" houses along with two fami houses, so actually this i area will become Like a.PUD and glv&'a wide variety to choose from. Council had other comnerr�ts regarding the difference.of mobile and modular homes F and where they can be placed. l Mayor Stock stated that regarding to City Manager McGuiFes request of the 7500 i s square feet for minimum lot size, he felt that then the minimum width should { be 75 feet and if credit is given for excellence and design it would be 'reduced. This will , g " " provide another source when coming to an R -1 stick built house... City "Manager McGuire stated that there is no minimum frontage on a PIID. Mayor Stock requested that on the PUD, item number 11, the word "community" be l changed to "municipal ". There were other requested changes to the PUD by Council. I Mayor Stock asked if there were any other questions regarding th3 changes on the Zoning Ordinance or the PUD. There were none. Planning Consultant Tooker stated that the noted changes will be taken into consideration in the final draft. Councilman Thorke i son stated that the change i n= the ord i nance Were an improvement" to _the oad ordinance, . Mayor Stock then asked if there Were :any other comments the audience. Gary Zwatko requested that something'be done about the _people out at Sand Pointe, they're trespassing on his and the other residents property, especially with "the 4th coming this weekend. { CWTACT Motion by Watkins to direct City Manager'McGuire to contact City Attornity CITY ATTOR". Sulliivan and request Information and lega'f opinion that would be followe)� by Written opinion on the City's position relative to the posting of a'30 foot private property dedicated to the lots in the plat, seconded by I Busse and upon 'a vote taken it was duly passed: INVi7ICES The following invoices are scheduled' for payment on Wednesday, July!, 1982: ' >. ,yri MISC..._DEPARTMENTS , State Treasurer`- - PERA City Share - PERA 4,080.39 State Treasurer = FICA City,Sh'are FICA 1905.43 Delta Dental Insurance 721.50 pp 41 Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 55.11 ; C NSPsers Supplies 36.95 Utilities 4,409.20 i Copy Duplicating Copier Supplies n 780.00 ` Prior Lake 1176" Repairs 46:40 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Tei Service 664.15 , ENGINEERING Albinson Supplies 99.58 MN Surveyors $ Engineers Society Dues 10.00 ;, x MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City, of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.' GENERAL GOVERNMENT y k OSM Engineering 3,989.63 Michael McGuire Conference Expenses" ,64.28 ° MCFOA Dues 15.00 Ramona Hennen Cleaning 1,10.00 Bev Appenzeller Clean 110.00 Dolores Berens Library Cleaning 50.00 Minnegasco Utilities 136.17 Lawrence Schwei L ibrary Rent 400.00 Petty Cash Misc. 62.97 l GALT House I.C.M.A. Conference 40.00 i k . POLICE Liberty Photo Service Camera Supplies 83.90 Burnsville Printing Company Office Supplies 195.00,, Lakers`Auto< Repair Vehicle Repair 27.00 St. Francis Hospital Blood Alcohol Tests 60.00 Wayne Hoffman Towing 15.00 „..< FIRE & RESCUE Jerry,Muelken Reimbursement for Supplies 19.50 n =1 PARKS & RECREATION Ben Franklin Stores Park Program Supplies, 10,70 Steve's Red Owl Park Program Supplies 87.69 Bloomington Locksmith Repailrs 10.00 Earl F. Anderson & Assoc. Park 'Supplies 150.50 Pepsi -Cola Company Concession Supplies 451.50 Lumberjack Shack Repair Supplies 73. Kidwest Utility Construction-Co. Park Maintenance 35.25 Minnesota Toro Co. Repa0 Supplies 14.98 Pioneer Rim & Wheel Repair- Supplies 13.26 Lindell Sod Co., Park haintenance 78.75 Elmer Fri'edges Park Maintenance 175.00 j Shakopee Ford Repairs 62.75 Satellite Industries Rentals 36.89 QualityWasteControl Rubbish Removal 109.00., Stageware Ltd. Rental! 18.00 Sandy Carlos Milea§e, 14.30 '" + Minnesota Twins Park F 100.00 Sandy Carlos Playgr',ound Leader 200.00 Lori Klingberg Playground Leader 250.00 ` Kelly Johnke Playground Leader 250.00 Karl Johnke Playground Leader 250..00 Bohnsack and,Hennen Excavating Park Maintenance - Capital Outlay 585.00 Auto Central Supply Park Maintenance- Capital Outlay 49.44 Various-Refunds Park Program Cancellations 30.0 Eric Pratt Playground Leader 250.00 Jackie Casey Playground Leader 250.00 Tia Kureger , Piaygk:)und. Leader 250`:00 SEWER { Aid Electric Service Repairs 36.90 Prior Lake Elect Co. Repairs 131.50 STREET Richards Oil _� Street Repair Supplies 1,650.00 Metro Fone Rentals 32.00 1 •,° F MATER „ Water Products' /� Supplies 66.81 ?, Public,£mp.. Pension,Service Assn. Dues 5.00 Van Wafers &.Rogers Chemicals 279:39 l iCZ..Y•�.L:'��'NM cade#S r:3+M : ,r.�, M.,� .s,a s.`a :.+;, .. x..` R+.. - u,�l -. -�...s .a..v. ..1 ., � 3 ,• t ".!i -r