HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 26 1982j MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the C ity of Prior Lake in the County of i .: Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Judy 26, 1962 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, July 26, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen ' Busse, Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager PlcGuire, City Planner Graser, City Engineer Anderson and Parks b Recreation Director Mangan. 3, Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. / The minutes of July 19, 1982 were reviewed. i The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of J u l y 19, 1982 PAGE 3, PARAGRAPH 11, INSERT: Approve the CORRECTIONS 1) A rov the request before the Council =' to vacate the roadway, PAGE 5, PARAGRAPH 5, SPELLING: a corwmendation i PAGE 5, PARAGRAPH !�6,, SPELLING: 2 given Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of July 19. 1982 as amended, seconded A by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly - passed. PRESENTATION The'next item on the agenda g a was a presentation to Elmer Busse, who has been TO ELMER BUSSE an employee to The City of Prior Lake for 19 years. Mayor Stock made the presentation. Elmer was given a plaque and a scrapbook from Mayor Stock. 'City ;Engineer presented to him a Trolling idotor from-the City employees. The next item for discussion was to review quotes that were received from kt architects for energy improvements and minor remodeling to the existing ''city Hall. City Manager McGuire stated that with the defeat of the referendum CITY HALL for a new City Hall Complex last fall, it is appropriate that some r REMODELING and energy improvements be made to the existing City Hall. He furthE6 stated that he had contacted 3 firms and had received quotes from 2,.one from BWBR,`with an estimated cost of $3,000.00 and the other from Close Associates for $2,500.00. Close Associates was the firm -that did the preliminary plan for the referendum. It was his recommendation, that the City ..award the - contract to Close Associates, Inc. Mayor Stock stated that BWBR included a stipulation.that sai d, "If we ,were to go on, preparing complete contract documents, that they wou . incorporate into the normal architect agreement, the fee ". Mayor Stock asked if the stipulation could b6-added to the quote from Close Associates, Inc, City Manager McGuire stated that he thought that could.be done. Motion Watkins to authorize City Manager McGuire to enter into an agree- 4 ment with Close'Associ:ates,.Inc. for the reviewal of the present City Hall g for the remodeling purposes, seconded by Busse and :upon a Vote taken it was duly passed. MOBLIE HOME Mayor:Stock asked City.Pianner Graser to review the request considering a MORITORIUM temporary noritorium on mobile homes ar►d what the City's position would be in the upcoming Zoning Ordinance. ,. k City Planner.Graser stated that,as-of August and manufactured - homes wiil be a perm 1 tted use in all residential areas of the City: The City has been working towards guidelines for such construction. Since the City is working towards and very near to the establishment of the new code, it_would only be fitting.that a noritorium be placed on Mobile homes until m the code is completed. v Councilman Thorkelson asked if it was legal to put a noritorium only on Y manufactured homes. s ' City Planner Graser stated that ought it was legal. t h thought � _ t 4 MINU -TES of'the� I Proceed Ings of the City CouncII of the City of Prior Lake in the County of ° Scott ane State of Minnesota, including al';1 accounts audited by said Counc.ii.i; 1 "Councilman Thorkelson then stated thaf after the lst of August, the law states that you cannot discriminate against manufactured homes. City Rlanne'r Graser then stated +hat if the moritorium is City - -wide then it , w6u I d be a i.e�a I issue: Mayor Stock stated thzt he did not feel that It would be considered ,dis- crimination, It would be whether or not the City has J nc l dried ' i n their ` ordinance, a provision for manufactured housing and with the fact that our �} Zoning Ordinance is at the state that (t is now, that it be made part of that'.,ordl'hance instead quickly drafting an amendment to our old ordinance. ' .1 Mayor Stock then stated he'would take an item out of order and set a date for a', ublic hearin for the Zoning Ordinance. The , P g' g proposed date being i August 23, 1982 at 8:00 PM. I Motion by,Watkins to ho.ldzla public hearing to discuss the new Zoning Ordinance` `! ?~ on August 23, 1.982 at B:OO PM, seconded by Thorke'som` and upon, v3te taken it ! , a was dui y4 passed. w„ Motion by,Watkins°to' establish a moritorium for manufactured" housing until it cane i h' 90 rporited into ,our_' new Zon'i ng Ordinance, seconded by Busse. ; Council`man Thorkelson asked'forclar,ification. ,. t Y p ' °�,Counci.Imangy Watkins stated that for a purpose of the m<ition, any housing, ,+ C� " 1 outside of,that covered by:'the uniform building code, his"be'ing the amendment - 4- to „the approved by ;Busse hard upon �a vote.take�� it was duly passed. ' FI ' The. next item to,be discussed was the Finance Report`?for the month of June.. +1 4 .aAW Motion by Watkins to approve the Finance for the month of June 4 'ii€pORT ” as i v -presented -, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. a Councr[man Thorkel son ` had a'few Items that he wanted to bring up, referring to rySTATE' the League of Minnesota Cities,Report for this month. State Iaw,,64, deals - # * w i thr the 4ransfer of ;l and titles which "relates back to the problem , s that the City with.transfering s had of parcels of land or'portions of parcels. < >Mnyae Stock erected the P 1 anni a T7[E5 ng Staff . to review the cent i f i c'at i on ,byf he ' ] ties, prior , to" transfer of uhp ,a'tted property and report, back, to tha "Counc.1 i , Jn`the "`near'.future. u ' lwleyor Stock cal I ed the Center and lime Roads Improvement Public Hearing to Nor. • �1her,pubI ished`�notice was read' Mayor-Stock -asked �Cityl Manager McGuire if he"had raceived any written or oral .comments. l 1iRING 1 ; City Manager,McGui stated that,he had'`received 1 c otter from Mr::d,.Mrs..Rhode ., 6 stating that they were unable' to atten& the meeting, :but . ere opposed toUthe . i mproveme�nts. "He, also had* rece i ved 2 phone calls, one` from Lawrence Schweich n andothe other from Bob Mert;pns,, :both supporting" the project. or Stack asked City Engineer Anderson =to review the the, of project, scope t 4 W p r o ` a 6 t ands also the rev iewa , of the method of assessment and cost what w i l l q be a :ibut6d to each - benefited property owner. g al ty Eng i neer Anderson ' rev i owed they feasi b i I' i ty report and the work 'that wou W, ; .done ��o Center and Lime Roads, Proj ect 82 -17 =. He continued to state thatr, Ir �� be residents initiated this project by°peti "tion. Thenext step i "n.the process i,s ° `I the Council a authorizing cost estimate to determine what he felt would bathe cost; of "th] s 'project, If the ' project.,.] s approved then the City would ` design the , 2 a project, subnii't `it, to contractors, open bids° and te�y would then give an . actua i' r Mayor Stock then' opened the fl to the audience for d i scussion. "> T1ere wek-b many comments by the. concerned res'i der)�fs, mosf w ere 'age(nst the ' , 6 P;� act at; th +is time. u `Stock.asked I k for Mayer, the Coune is their v, ews. and, comments. iI ° 1 ' " The Counc i I felt, after hi step i ng; to the res i dents commant, that 't�h, project shoWd be °dropped -at this time. '' 7` 5 7 ,a 5 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the Ci'ty of Prior Lake in the County of VOW'. Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council., Mayor Stock stated that he felt very strongly that the cost of the project would not go down, that in his opinion he would like the Council. to"" t; seriously consider at least proceeding, to the bid stage to.see if our cost w i I 1 actua 1 ty come down as one of the residents had indicated earlier, x i that there was a reduction because of the economic situation. =_ There was further Council discussion.' k Motion . by Watkins to reject Project 82 -17 as Y J J presented tonight, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was passed.:. Mayor Stock abstained from voting. a Motion by'Watk•ins to adjourn the Public,Hearing, seconded by Thorkelson b and upoij a vote «takers tots Public Hearing was adjourned. a The ,next item on the agenda was a presentation on the lake accesses from PRIOR LAKE ACCESS the 'Prior Lake Access Search Committee, Parks & Recreation-Director Mangan COMMITTEE - "out,lined the presentation. _ - N PRESENTATION 4 . Park's 8 Recreation Director Mangan stated that the order of, presentat ion l would be, 1.) a brief h :kO§tory of the.Prior'Lake access roblem p. presented ° by De:!, Barber, the DNR °Representative for the Committee,'2) Charles Smerick will then ,present a slide presentation of all the sites that, are ,being considered including the {gyros and cons for each access. He further stated " that back in `•1ay the Council formed,a 7member committee. They are Mary Bonneau, Sharon Murr, Dan Borchardt, Charias Smerick, Darryl Hastings, Del Barber and himself. He then turned it over to Del Barber. 0 ' Dehf Ferber reviewed the' of the States Public Access Program, and the 'proO ems that are ;at present with the Prior Lake accesses. Charles Smerick then gave a slida;Presentation showing the accesses that the committee'had reviewed. The "areas =for a new public access were West Avenue, ft Vision VI I;i , and lakefront Park.. 1­14't reported the var.i ous�'. lake 'l eve l.s at r differeiit parts of the access,and al so.,ygave the pros and cons for each +/ proposed access. r, r Council then gave statements on the proposed accesses,, stating which accesses l` tea. they were in favor of and which ones they tiere against.- ` Mayor. Stock stated that at this point zthe 66 - the,COunciJ felt would be best., wou be premature i n the fact That we:know that,the QN. wi1.1 be the ` one" ne that will be giving the financial assistance. He requested from the j ONR;in the next four weeks, to contact the property,,owners doigWestion toYsee whethor or not there is a willing seller before we spend a Jot of time and <, effort on the acquisition of the 's i tea, and -now . that- we. have. 3, s',Aes that vla go from there. _He further stated that the date,for the committee ,1 and the, DNi2 to come back to the Counc i I 4 be I eft open. - the Mayor and Council thanked commended the Committee for the Nark they had done. tx The next item on -the agenda was to consider the request for the Zoning of ZONING REQUEST " _ ,Lakeside Estates. Councilman Schwe l ch, excused himself 4rom• the Council LAKESIDE ESTATES °MR•. SCHWEIC4� � table. City Planner Grasser reviewed the request. � z. �,� " proposing Ci Planner Graser stated that the appiicant is twin homes 'for o ,seven lots in Lakeside Estates. ,Mr. Schweich has had several proposal.s.in'~ regard to the property. The parcels in question woul-d be Lots 1,2 b 3, BIQck "and 3= Lots_,1,2,3,4 $ 5 Block{� Estates. The motion in 1.981 was that the dJ strict be rezoned ;to - R -2, COnT i ngent upon the ,cond i ti=ona I use coming back and showing Holly Court and Lakeside Estates and also a replat to"town- ° houses. The appIIcantnneeds an R -2 district where duplexes are;permirted ; ' - minimum lot �slze,is 12,000 square feet. The proposed zoning map reflects o an R -2 district for,Lakesi`ie Estates and.Holl Court. The requestedtaction L ;t fog `';on1ght is to resci >ndor ame�,nd,.the motion, thereby making the, property R 2 °d i str i ct" \, Mayor' ,Stock asked what the proposal , r the zoning i n Ho 1 I y. Court ,' i s i f 'i t: t . , �. goes backllto its �original. condition. p City P I anner Graser stated that the ^ comprehensive plan wou I'd, be` for R A densSty fir, the enfi re area. d „'61 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, iL;;a'uding all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor Stock asked Mr. Schweich he had any - comments or questions. Mr. Cy 8 cjweich did have comments for the Council. r L" City Engineer Anderson asked if Mr. Schweich was going to buil the units at the elevation given, without filling in the natural channel. i Mr. Schweich stated that yes he did believe so. City Engineer Anderson asked that it be part of the recommendation, he did not want the channel disturbed. i s Mayor Stock asked City Planner.Graser if he recalled the date of the minutes of 1981, when the motion stipulated the zoning for the subject P g � parc�I and also the continuation on the basis of HoIIy Court replat. 4 City Planner " Graser stated that` was December 14, 1981. He. further stated that 1. the ° zoning.hearin'g was not continued, the conditional °use was continued: f Mayor'S "took stated that on the basis of the information presented this #, he wou I d recommend to the Counc 10 that, 1) . we resc 1 nd ;the motion of Dec: /ember 14, 1981 entirely .2) on the basis of that same meeting,we make a motion `tha,� would" zone -.the requested property to R• 0-2. C hbtlon by Thorke l son�f;o resc i nd the mot ion of record . f rom the m i.hutes of . y., December 14, 1981, that dealt with the zoning of the subject site - "Lakeside +` Estates and Holly Court Plat; seconded by Busse and upon a v6te taken it was duly passed. f Moti.op b Thorkelson•tha't the subject Y � parcel, Lots f,2 b 3, Block 3 and Lots,. 1,2.,3,4 $ .5; Block 2 Lakeside Estates be` zoned 'R -2, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 'Mayor Stock asked that the Zoning Map marked- =as Council Exhi- b`it" "All -with todayfs "' 4fi date: The next item on the agenda was the Howard Lake Estates Herdshell. Mayor Stock" 1AR0.LAifE asked City Planner Graser to review this: ` STATES. ii1RQ.SFELL "� City Planner Graser stated that the prelfmin6r plat was givenCounciI approval about a year ago,and after reviewing��the final'plan i s in substantial compliance with the preliminary plat. Requested action was final approval. k • tlotion by�Watkins.to approve the - Howard Lake Estates.Hardshel,l . as presented, , t, §seconded b•y;.Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was ".Councilman' Schwel'ch absta i ned from . voting.' ,.% i 'Councilman Thorkelson asked if there was any new information on the Bingo Parlor. BINGO .PARE I ' City�.Manager McGuire gave an update on the Bingo situation. Areas covered we r% the statUS.on selling liquor, other gambling -.and expanding of the' reser.'vati on. , He 'further stated that more information would be brought up at,next- week's meeting. ° 'REQUEST FOR City M �.t anager McGuire then requested than- (:buhcil td set a public hearing dats'for � 4 , 2 mi I lion revenue bond re c , a, 1. dol far e st Pmuc qu from the First National' Bank of Prior �' 1 LakA, which ks proposed -to be built:, the required information has been submitted: 0� The ; heari ng.:i s for the,pubIic to make comments. Recomme ° f1f1 RI,.1C 1 rided date would be . u 15T�N�TI August 16, .1982 at 7:30' PM. . \\ � � �hearing g t F � ` b _Motion Y Watkins to hold a public the .first National Bank of Prior Lake, the puiliose -being 'a 1.2 million revenue bond, date would be August 16 1982 seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was passed. Counc Aman �Schwe,ich . absta i ned from voting. �. 1.� UPOAT 1�IE o t City Engineer Anderson requested that OSM review and update the existing feasibility "tpe study Lakeside Avenue and to hold another public, hearing. `STUDY FEASIBILIi"Y FOR ;t blot i onby � � T h : o r k e f�son to :authorize OSM to update the .ex i st ing f e a s i b i l i t y study LAITSIDE AV far Lakeside Avenue, and that City Engineer.Ande'rson be authorized to negotiate '' 1 price for the �feasi I ity study,, seconded by Watkins aid -upon a vote taken it ,- 'Y �,` > >was du l.y passed.., �( I 4 1 s ` r a Chpin Pub, l i sn i ng Co. Bid Pub 1 l cat ion " d r 109.44 r'JSM , Engineering i 92L`34 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES OF 1982 ' Mal ;Sch 1,i cht i ng , Van �•2, 750.00 DEBT SERV ICE' ' k Qau 1 B 1 ackwe 11 Fee Re4und .80 4.; Mot on b •, �l i I on y Watki ns to, adjourn, sec by " Thorke lson and upcin a. taken lth i s o , a : meeting wa's adjourned at 10:26'PM " t r r Michael A. McGuire zo " 1 City Mani ger ,t t 1 r r, n . r (D I ;. ;°4 MINUTES of t the Proceedings of the City Council of t the City of Prior Lake in t the:County of J Scott and State of Minnesota, including a all accounts audited by said C Council. I ' PARKS ,& RECREATION (cont.) Sandy Carlos P Park Prog. , Instructor 2 200.00 Tia Krueger Park Prog. Instructor 2 275.00 Karl Johnke P Park Prog. Instructor 3 325.00 Sue Zweler P Park Prog. Instructor 3 300.00 i:arri Anderson. Park-Prog. .Instructor 3 300.00 Lori Klingberg P Park.Prog. Instructor 3 300.00 Kelly Johnke P Park Prog. Instructor 3 300.00 Jackie'Casey P Park Prog. Instructor 3 300.00 Eric Pratt P Park Prog. Instructor 2 275.00 Ruth Powell P Park Prog. Instructor 4 400.00 Krista Boesee R Refund 6 6:.50 Betty Remes R Refund, 5 5.00 T.J. Thal.dorfl, R Refund 9 9,00 I M Marion Huber , R Refund " 5 5,00 � ryAndrea Dengerud R Refund 9 9.06 . J Jean S,ha' P Park Prog. Instructor 8 85.00 ' K Kathy Vomacka P Park Prop. Instructor, . 1 120.00 _ Dan Skorp.ak P Park Prog.' Instructor 5 5..8.50{ _ STREET Earl` c, Andersen - & Assoc. S Sings 1 180.00 � �¢ e n' R Ri ch6rds.011 S Street Repair`Suppl,ies 1,441.00 Metro Fone Co.' R Rental 3 32.00 � � Diamond'Yogel Paints S Supplies 2 255.97 WATER Van Waters & Rogers C Chemica 2 279.39 �erco W Water Ana l ys.,i.s , 2 21:'00 CONSTRUCTION FUND