HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 09 1982MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council... August 9, 1982 } The Common Council of the City of Pr i.or 'Lake- met i n 'regu l arF�'sess i on on „ Mondry, August 9, 1982 in the Council Chambers. 14ayor.S called 'the meeting to order. Present were'Mayor`Stock, Counc.i Busse,,Watkins, Thorke,lson, Schweich, Ci ty Planner Craser andw i_Y.Engineer Anderson. City Manager McGuire was absent. Mayor Stock.asked everyone to please for the pledge of ,a The minutes of Nu gust 2 a g , �982.We! - e reviewed: ._ The following corrections are to be made to.the minutes'of August 2, 1'982 PAGE `2, PARAG'�iA' 4 SPELLING; a I iti on CORRECTIONS Pt,GE 2, PAR,^,GP,HPH 10, BETE L � S r j' at wh r c i'ine, i f it' i i not ccmr�le he wou -i d have an �, i - a.pGortun i ty to present h,i.s r j� case to tE„ Counq I f� PAGE. 3 PARAGRAPH SPELLING: 1- Outipt _. PAGE 3, PARAGRAPH 12, SPELLING: �� %'. accepted /' - PAGE 5, ('ARAGRAPH 5, DELETE:., Z i off is i a l s INSER -I ne s �, , c i Nat ion o\"Watk i n to apprav he minutes of August 2,; 1982``as ,a, ndea second"' by Busse and upon a vote taken it' -was du I ' asked: f l s " The f next two seiedu f��d items `were; ! &' review the Co lria fi, ona i Usk; Request ZVIEWCONDITIONAL for the Prior Lake Arena,yand to schedule a PLGi HFaring, +o consider � REQUEST Pevenue Bonds for,the Prior Lake Ice Arena. " Mayotte "Stxk sta #ed that as I .� ' r- ,i2 , LAKE ICE 'the agenda i 'End Lcated, not all the: necessdr`y i n i , forma or had been qRE submit t cd. t "`'has been ind,icated'to Staff rt�r` these' terns be abied for ; one week and1,based on" that, by Thursday „Aug,.;st ; 12, �Y9is2 al I - i'nformation per' a i n i ng -to "these item's wou I d be Ares' nteJ to`Staff fot ' "Staf.# `Ana I ys:i s. r ;Nation by Thorkelson to table two requests for the Ice .Arena for one . ' }; week, ,.on the basis that the data -wi I I f 1 pre'sented to Staff b,? Thursday, �� P ugyst 12, 1982, seconded by Busse., There was di'scu'ssion by Council arid Staff. i 1,6yor• Stock ca l l ed -'the - .quest i cn, and upon a vote taken it was .61 y passed: The next item for discuss i c;n was the F 111 ng Ordinance. Mayor Stock asked F IL L ING ORDINANCE ` City Planner Graser to. review the revisions to the "existin g 'ordinance. :. . The Council had comments regarding the revisions thatawere presented. 1 Mayor Stock stated; °that the Filling Ordinance will have to be taken back -for # redrafting, on the basis that the changes'siated were such; City Engineer ,y j being authorized to issue the permits, City Engineer having:ithe authority in k to put a holed o the sites, City Engineer having the authority to calcu.Iate /17 , ' the amount of fill need, estabiish,a time , ,limit,, and 'a provision be made for the basis of leveling - regarding the safety, health and welfare of the Community -' � + The next item was to review - the Letter pertaining to the Annexation of certain lands to the Mdewakanton Sioux Community Planner t ANNEXATION OF ,' a Graser reviewed this item. := CERTAW;RESERVATION 4 LAND j , 'a, MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in) the County of° = Scott and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Council. City Planner Graser'stated that 'a revised latter was handed out earlier; this letter is in rough,draft form therefore, if the Council had any changes they would be made before the final draft goes to the Director of the Minneapolis Area Office Bureau.of Indian Affairs. He then reviewed the fetter. City PI'anner Graser further stated that the proposed use for the land is in contrast with the_ ! Prior Lake's Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan. r Mayor Stock read the letter for the record. Mayor Stock then stated that he ' i felt a position such as this taken by the City Council, must be relevant to the f Comprehensive Plan which has been submitted to the Metropolitan Council and which has been approved by them. This has to be treated like any other land parcel in the City of Prior Lake and therefore it be in. conformance And _compliance with the Metropolitan Council: Therefore, the City Council must take this position at.this time. Rob Chelseth,.Consultant for the Mdewakanton Sioux Community had comments for the Counci I regard i`ng the land that 'i is in trust. Thore were many comments by Council and Staff. Motiop by Thorkelson to approve and send the letter, dated August 9, 1982, based on the notification that the Council received on the procedure of the annexation. secohded' # by e. There was further discussion by Council, Staff and Mr iChel seth. =. Councilman Watkins suggested that a copy also be sent to the Metropolitan Council. Mayor Stock called the question, and 'upon a vote taken it was duly passed. } The next item on the agenda was the Harbor 3rd Addition Hardshell. Mayor Stock THE, tasked City 'P, l anner Graser to review the request. 3RD MDITI _ SHELL _' City Planner Graser stated that Staff has reviewed the hardshelI and has f,qund It in`substantla F'compllance with the preliminary plan. Staffs recommendation is to # approve the final hardsheli. Moti'gn by Watkins to approve the Harbor 3rd Addition ^ Hardshell contingent on the, $500= Park Dedication Fee and that the utility and dra,i.nage ;easement be in satisfactory form and delivered prior to the hardshell, seconded by Bus se. and upon `taken a vote if` - was dui'y passed: The 'neXt item on the agenda - 'was "to review•,the "Acti "on Alert ", 'dated August: 3, 'the ye w ' ACTION : 1982 referring to Pending Federal'Cabi'e TV Legislation. " Mayor Stock sated s 11 1 that;:.Ietters,be Sent immediately to the US,Senators in oppositio I�LERT.' } Councilman Thorkelson_ suggested that the City Manager should send letters to the Senators stating the City's`oppositioh' J ` a , 'Mayor Stoc Ci Manager'McGui to send Ietter'from the Council, to the 'US.Senators regarding the City's position opposing the proposed bill. T , r r i - f Mayor Stock asked the 'Council if- they,had anything else they would like to report Counci imanBusse , thes:dust control that was supposeto'be applied to the 'and road dr.iveways'ai the Marina.,i City'Planner Graser stated that he'was,not sure if it had`been done yet, but was ' li making an inspection first thing in the morning on that and the other violations City'tngin'eer referred to the two'letters that he had handed out.` One letter was a dated December 11, 1981 from himself to Gary Eastiund; Scottland, 1&. He read the letter for the record: The fetter was referring to the completion of the c work`.for Brooksville Hills 3rd, 4th'and 6th Additions. The other'letter was from Steve'Harvey to Tom Hetler; this letter'referred to the "deficiencies in the e° Brooksville Hills subdivision. The situation at.present is that a 'building , ' permit has been denied on Brooksville Hills 6th Addition, based on the Councils' �� action last fall'. i I i " MINUTES of the Proceedings of the C;lty Council'of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited p by said Council. Steve Harvey had comment: for the Council. Mayor Stock stated that before he asks the Council to act on the it t extension for the 6th Addition, he had concerns for.the.deficl.encies w on the other projects. dt ahas been indicated that they , will be completed by September 1st or sooner. Motion by Watkins that the or deficiencies on previous pro jects be { completed by September 1, 1982 or sooner, at that time the request for an extension be heard by the Council. Also, the'permi will be held until the completion,of the deficiencies are done, seconded by..Thorkelson. City Planner Graser wanted clarification,on the permits not.beinglissued until the matter has been cleared up. >_ i t' " Mayor Stock stated ..,. y yes, there would be ,no permits issued until the -I workaisexfiensiteO.. At that time they should be scheduled on the agenda , City Planner Graser then stated that the building permit that was applied for was for Brooksville Hills 6th Addition but, the lot abuts Summer Street, which is part of the Brooksville Hills 4th Addition. The contra tor that came in to do the work was not aware of the letter or the stipulations I • pertaining to the�deficiencles of the additions. j Councilman Thorkelson felt that an exception should be made for that particular permit. Mayor Stock stated 4hat the motion should be amended, to approve the applied for permit for this site and this site on -, the amendment was approved by both.Watkins and Tt�orkelson and upon a' vote taken .it was duly passed. y . � Councilman Watkins then =commented on the Public Access.and_Boat l" at Lakefront Park. `4 There was discussion by Council and Staff. Mayor Stock;asked if there was any comments or questions " Many residents stated; their views on finding different Locations for an access: Mayor`Stock directed Staff, to prepare information relative-to the grant restrictions on`Lakefront Park. Councilman Schweich asked if Staff could al {so update the Council -:on the development of Watze l's iPo i nt and plans be shown 4o the Counc i'1 in report `dorm. e The following - invoices are scheduled for payment on Tuesday August 17, 1982: MIS DEPARTMENTS ` Bankers Life Insurance Insurance 2,474.28 Drawing Board OffIp-e Supplies 62.64 Hause ' is Super Valu Misc. Supplies -69.:32" Stoves Red Owl mi sc. Supplies 86.67' OK Hardware Misc. Supplies 195.15 Prior Lake Lumber Misc. Suppl 773:83` Scott Rice Telephone Telephone Service 653.53 r Supplies Office Supplies 4.65 Prior Lake. 117611 Fuel and Repairs 158.55. Parts De Dept. Inc. p Repair Supplies 94.91 Weber Auto'Supply Repair Supplies 313.52 Prior Lake Aggregates, I Repair Supplies 125.46 Computoservice ,x Computer Service 1,073.71 Charlie Tooker Planning Consultant 600.00 fi MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council: GENERAL GOVT r^ OSM Engineering 4,013.82 Lawrence Schweich Home Builders Engineering 65.00 Robert McAllister Dog Catcher , 320.00 E.H. Newstrom Building & Plumbing 'Insp." ��' 1,350.00 Patty Pavek Mileage 8.60 Prior Lake American Publishing 78.33 j.. New Prague Lumber Repair Supplies 97480 Zanmillers Repairs : 74.90- League of MN Cities Dues 2,337.00 Star and Tribune Subscription, 13.00 American Linen Building Maintenance 90.11 Petty Cash Misc.. 66.61 " Mayor 8 Councilmen Salaries 1,050.00 Michael'McGuire '.Metropolitan Car Allowance 275.00 ; Waste Control Comm. SAG' Charges r 3,786.75 CONTINGENCY Blohm and Associates, Cable Franchising 525.04 . ENGINEERING : . Albnson Machine Rental 67.40 POLICE . Lee Rabenort Travel 7.33 r Shakopee Police Dept. Use of Firing Range 100.00 x a FIR �$`' RES CUE $ Conway Fire $ Safety Supplies 29.501 !Velishek ServiceDept, Repairs ,1 59.90ni PARK ;3 RECREATION Sue Zweber Park Program i nstructor 250..00. „ Tia 'Krueger; mark Program Instructor 25.00 Sandy Carlos Park Program Instructor 200 00 ,;Ruth Powel l; Park Program Instructor Dana Shober Park Program Refund 9.00 - I r Steve Evans Minnesota UQ1 Fund Park Program Refund 9. C0 ? Unemployment Comp. 445.28 Dan's Auto Repair Repairs., 3.00 Pepsi Cola Bottling Concession Supplies 853.20. Bohnsack.3;Hennen Excavating Stump Removal 50.00 Bryan ,i2ock k?, ;oducts Repair Supp I i es' . 66.83 I 'George's Suse'Equipment Repair Supplies 250.00 1 P.L. Softball Assn. Share of Repair Supplies 500:00. { Nei Be)I Telephone Service " X49.84 M-V Gas Co.'' Ut i' i i t i es 268, 00 Shakopee Public Utilities Comm. Park Lighting ` 29.52_ Valley Equipment Repairs 153.44 a Satellite Rentals 264.00 Warning Lights.; Rentals 4 59.20 `Barry Stock r „ Re;i,mbursement, 15.00 R KI i ngberg Bus Co. Trips � 128.00. Prior., Lake Bus Co. Charter Trip 25.00 STREETS j Oxford Chemicals _ Supplies 78r. 07 »„ 1 West Weld Supply -Co. Supplies. 35,85 4 �. Valley Ti re 8.A4to'Co.. Repairs 36.92 . <. Zarnoth Brush Works Supplies 242.00 Richards Aspha(t,Divi,slon Street Repair Supplies 1,430.00 1 SEWER Metropolitan Waste Control Comm. Installment 19,318.58 K `