HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 23 1982MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all account; audited ` 3 l by said Council. a August 23, 1982 i The Common Council of the City of Prior -Lake met in regular session on ' Monday, August 23, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock a called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Watkins,= Thorkelson, Schweich, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, Finance Director Teschner, Parks b Recreation-Di rector Mangan and Planning,° i Consultant.Tooker. Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise for the pledge of allegiance. ! The minutes of August 16, 1982 were reviewed. ' Motion by Watkins to approve the minutes of August 16, 1982 a s submitted, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 'Mayor Stock Stock called the ,Jeri McGuire Road Vacation Public Hearing to order. The published notice was read:. Mayor Stock asked City Planner Graser to y review the request. a .. City Planner Graser stated that the road is a portion,of Sixth Street and alley,.p,latted in Spring Lake Townsite. His concern was until a re- development plan for that area is approved, the pubiic'right of-way it j necessary for access posed to otherwise landlocked property. He further I Stated that on the basis of Prior Lake's policy statement for road vacations "AII =.1 which states: Public right of.way intersecting with the.lakes of Prior = Lake and Spring Lake shall be retained if determined to be in the public interest. Such -,uses may include recreation-access for snowmobiles; skiers, cars and hikers as well as providing utility easements for stormwater, .an.itary sewer and, water ", staffs recommendat=ion would be denial of the road vacation request. " ! BIII,Bissonett,,the representative for Jeri,McGuire, had comments for Council and Staff. . z Motion by Watkins on the basis of Staffs recommendation to deny the vacation of the roadway for Jeri McGuire, seconded by Thorkel'son and upon a vote taken It was duly passed. Mayor Stock adjourned this Public Hearing at 7 :50 PM. Mayor Stock then called the Continuation,of the Revenue Bonds for the Prior `Lake Fi'tst National Bank Public Hearing to order. Mayor Stock asked Finance- D-i rector Teschner to update,the.Council on this item.: Councllman'Schweich asked to be excused from the table for this item. Finance Director Teschner stated that he had received .a .letter from .Iuran and,Mood`y today, which he reviewed with the Council. Steve Mattson, Vice :> President of.Juran.,and Moody stated in his letter that the. privately pl aced. with institutiona: investors and.that. the Final Authorizing'Resolution must be adopted by August 1, 1983, unless an extension, is granted by,the City. 1 � l Richard Magnuson of Public Resources,'inc. had comments for ­ Council and Staff. r Motion by Watkins to aPprove the preliminary resolution,.contingent that the two recommendations from Jaran and Moody be placed - in the resolution which were, the debt be privrtely placed with institutional investors and that the Final Authorizing ReSOlution must be adopted by:August 1, 1985, unless an extension is granted by the City, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it I � was duly passed. i Mayor Stock adjourned this Public Hearing at 8:00 PM. E Mayor Stock then called the Pub :l.i.c Hearing to conslder,the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to order. The published notice was read. Mayor Stock i Ur" asked City Planne.r.Graser , to review the recommended amendments,. City'Planner Graser stated that Staff recommends changing the land use {{'` section of the Comprehensive -Plan to show a medium density for that section of corridor north of Quincy to the removed tressel bridge. From the tressel bridge north =to Lords Street indicates a lowldens.ity_ North of Lords Street Indic ates as open space and - agricultural..: for the purpose of, and to direct City Manager McGuire to review -with the City Attorney's Office, impact that this amendment to the Comprehensive Kan may have, .to review with the Metro /County Park.Planning staff to determine alternatives that may be available and that information be,made available to the Council on September 20, 1982, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly r passed. Mayor: Stock then called the Public Hearing to .consider the proposed' Zoning Ordi nance 'and, Zo I ng. Map to order., The published-notice was read.. Mayor Stock -5 � asked Planning Consultant Tooker.-to review the Zoning Map with the Council. Planning Consultant Tooker stated that the =purpose of the Public Hearing is to q. show how the proposed revised Zoning Ordinance will reflect the ';changes of,the Comprehensive Plan, which wa; .adopted on August 17, 1981. He reviewed th6.%ch@nges n made on the, Zoning. Map. 1) City Planner Graser made comments regarding the changes on the map and also the. ordinance... Mayor Stock stated that at this time it would be opened f or the audience for their s comments. 1 There were many comments regarding the regulations on the non- conforming uses in residential, areas, thus taking business out of the;�City.. A represdntative from Mobile Home` innesota.had comments regarding the mobile ° homes and modular homes being` placed 'in-the specified :.R -4 Area.'. Council and Staff;had.comments to these - quest.i :ons. � Councilman Watkins asked if it would be appropriate for Council to the Zoning Map and.the Zoning Ordinance until the contiruation,of the Comprehensive Plan Publ Hearing", , Mayor Stock stated that it would not be`: i , i i Councilman Watkins then asked if this hearing would be continued... along with the Comprehensive.Plan hearing on'September 20, 1982 and:if no; decisions would be made- on,the map or the Comprehensive Plan until the 20th:` Mayor Stock stated that the fo l i ow i ng:1 tems should be l coked A nto and considered y „ either in the ordinance itself or added to the zoning map. 1) AthIet - !.c Complex . l should be shown as C -1 on the zoning map. 27 Urban Service District sKbul d also be # outlined on the zoning map and 3) the rezoning of Franklin Trail considered. ,t Councilman Thorkelson felt that the Simpkins Farm which is shown as tieing zoned R- 3/e -,3 should be looked further into. Councilman Busse was cone @rned' about the R- 4 for the mobile /modular homes being "i in between ,;R -1 zoning.' Planning Consultant Tooker had comments._ Councilman Watkins felt that the manufactured housing definitionsshould state, that ° it has 'a permanent foundation. 3 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council._ Mayor Stock asked if there was anyone from the audience that would like to 'make " comments regarding the amendments to the plan. James Space stated that he thought that,it was an excellent idea to go ahead with a low density for the complete area, that it has been currently proposed for. Greg Mock from the Hennepin County Park Reserve District commented on the proposed changes for the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the trail•pian had not been amended, therefore it is still proposed for the Railroad Right of Way. Council had questions and comments for Mr. Mack. y, � C City Manager McGuire asked if the Council was to amend the plan tonight, could li jeopardizethe City's funding for, the other portion of the trail,. Mr. Mack stated that it could, unless a viable alternative is found.` ° M Motion.,by Watkins to continue the public hearing on September 20, •1982 at 7:45 PM MINJTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake in the i ` County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts Audited by said Council. ` f Motion by Watkins to approve the Treasurers Report for the Month of July t as presented, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote:•taken it was duly- passed. V Councilman Watkins brought to the Council's attention, the need to discuss the lake access problems the City is facing.'_ There were many comments by both Council and residents. Mayor Stock stated that if the DNR got back to 'Staff, this would be E brought up again at the September 13, 1982 meeting. Finance Director,Teschner stated that the 1977 Nova was up for bids,, the j Jr City received 3 bids. One from Bob Mertens for the amount of $98.9$ another t � J from LeeArno l d K I i ngberg for the amount of $175.06 and the other from Ver l yn Raaen for the amount of $230.00. Staff recommended awarding the bid to > a ., Verlyn Raaen for the amount of $230.00. l Motion by Watkins, to award the 1977 Nova to Verl yn' Raaen for the amount of $230.00, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. j a, City Planner Graser stated that the Hardshell for Sand�tPolnte needed Council' s, r E final approval. He reviewed the hardshell' for the Council. Motion by Watkins, to approve the hardshell for Sand Pointe 2nd Addition based on City Planner Graser's review, seconded by Thorkelson and, upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The following invoices are scheduled for payment on Wednesday, September 8, 1982: . MISC. DEPARTMENTS State Treasurer - PERA City Share $4,033.76 State Treasurer - FICA City Share 1,828.93 Ames Office Supply Office Supplies 174.03 Lomnen, Nelson, Sullivan CCole Attorneys 3,015.:68 Northern States Power Company Utilities 5,222.16 Minnesota Valley Co -Op utilities 521:.45 ' Copy Duplicating Products Copier Rental b Supplies 228.49 _­°Kroy, Industries Labeler 189.45- ; K.R. Davenport Repair Supplies 63.:85 ,Dave's Towing 8 Auto Body Vehicle Repairs 37.00 j GENERAL GOVERNMENT jJ Reynolds 8 Reynolds Operating Supplies OSM Engineering' _58.17 143.26 Valley Engineering Engineering 165:00 Jakkf'Menk :Mileage ;10.00 Prior Lake - American Printing 8 Publishing 47.92 ` s Star 8` T „_ i b.une Printing &Publishing 233.84 Minnegasco Utilities 29.63 St`ite . Treasurer,,. S o c i a l Security Admin. Costs 15.25 I Prior Lake Rotary Dues 88:50 Ramona Hennen Cleaning. 110.00 Bev Appenzeller Cleaning :110.00 Dolores Berens Cleaning 50.00 k Lawrence Schweich Library Rental 400.00 i Pitney Bowes Meter Rental 69 -,50 Dennis Gelhar Building Permit Retainer Ref._ 100.00 I Wes Hukriede Building Permit Retainer Ref. 100.00 V ENGINEERING f Copy Equipment Company „Supplies .11.90 t POLICE_ DEPARTMENT St. Francis Hospital Blood Alcohol Test 30.00 MINUTES t of the Proceedings of the City Scott and State of Minnesota, Council of the Cltyof Prior Lake in including all accounts audited by said the County 'of Council. FIRE $ RESCUE Motorola, Inc. Repairs 38.00 J.im Prschal. Remibursement for Supplies 159.78 ., Velishek Service Dept. Repairs 20.00' t PARK '$ RECREATION Steve's Red Owl Supplies 72.60 Hydraulic Services Repair Supplies 13.60 Minnesota Toro Repair Supplies 87.20 " AMI Products Inc. `Midwest Wholesale.Ti Repair Supplies 130.25 i Inc. Bbhnsack Repair Supplies 25.50 " Hennen Excavating Lu�nberj Repair Supplies. 60.00 ack Shack Chain Saw 250.00 ". Pr - or Lake 11 J.D.�.Ford Inc Vehicle Repair 5.00 IN pepa i'rs 353 s �` i Hen`p i n County Park Reserve ,ark Program -Day Camp ?3:00 Steffai)y Colgan Instructor 35.00_ Kaari.Anderson Instructor 250.00 John Sheehan Instructor 168.00 Dan" Storpak Instructor 11'7.00 Charles Smerick Instructor, 45 ".00 Stacy Cleveland Refund 9.00 " Shakopee Court .House Bike Safety- 28.00 Quality Waste Control Rubbish Removal 109.00 New Prague Lumber 8 Ready -Mix Cememt 352.80 i Warners Hardware Timbers 7.9.80 ' , STREETS MacQueen Equipment Repair Supplies 450.62 " Earl Andersen & Associates Supplies / 450.63 ' Ziegler fire Service Metro Fone Inc. Repair �1 Rental - 54.50 _ 32.00, Hayden- Murphy Equipment Rental 172.68• Dustcoatin Inc. 9, Apply y 0 i I. 297.00" ' _ Orscheln Farm 3, Home Capitol Outlay Equi pment 248.95 SEWER r Water Products Repair Supplies 67.61 s Raymond Tratt Star Plumbing ,b Excavating Repa i.rs - Repairs 424.13 710.00 s �t WATER Y Van " Waters d Rogers Chemicals 279.39 :. Shakopee Ford Repairs p � 163.25 t MN Dept., of Hea I thi Lab A n a l y s i s ' 197.83 State of Minnesota Renewal Fee 15.00.' ` CONSTRUCTION FUND Unite Insurance Service, Inc. Highway Permit Bond 30.00 EQUI-PMENT CERTIFICATES OF 1982 k Johnson Radio Communications Mobile radio 521.00 Valley Equipment Backhoe 22,307.00 " DEBT SERVICE - Richard Johnson(,, Refund of Assessment 61.00 Title Insurance Co. Refund of Assessment 200.00 f w Rodney Dehmlow' Refund of Assessment 200.00 Motion by Watkins to adjourn, meeting was adjourned at 11` :34 seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken.this` PM. Michael A. McGuire , City Manager MINUTES of the Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake In the County of Scott and,State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited i by said Counc � I a There was further discussions by Council and Staff. Motion by Watkins to continue the Zoning Ordinance Public Hearing on a September 20, 1982 at 8:15 PM, seconded by Thorkelson and upon .a vote Y taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock stated that copies of the p proposed Zoning Ordinance w1, be 1 available for public view at the City Offices, "the Library•and"Prior Lake �✓ State Bank. ; Mayor Stock stated that the next item on the agenda was to consider the quote from the Architect for the bathhouse at Watzl's'Point. He asked Parks,& Recreation Director Mangan to review this. Parks& Recreation Director Mangan asked if the findings from the neighbor- hood a the Sportsman's Club for an access at Shady Beach could be reviewed---,"_T first.; He stated that Statf,:met with the neighborhood of Shady Beach as ?, well as the Prior Lake Sportsman's Club East Wednesday to make recommendations a , back to the Council as to: what the - findings: were and a cooperative agreement. i He further stated that the agreement that was worked out was agreeable'to both sides. What would be done is improving the'12' wide roadway, which would involve some grading. Class "5" or crush rock would then placed, whl;ch would eliminate the people getting stuck as "well as providing a decent surface for the people to get on and off the lake. Along Mr: Smith's property, grad i ng wou l d be done and trees wou l d be p laced a l ong the property ` line for „i - buffering. The Prior Lake Sportsman's Club will make a donation of time,,,and Iabor,'a Ioca'1 refuse hau er would donate a trash cont.;l r and the City' r would be paying for surface preparation of the roadwayI tselT; , = . Mr. Berg' asked how much of the Ex i st roadway would be used. Parks ,& Recreation Dlrector,Mangan stated that the property way surveyed and the property lines were established. Ther a tree nine runnin,g�on the. _,sidecIoser to Mr. Berg's pronerty.,•which would be `left intact as much as. possible to provide barriers s�for sight and sound. There could be some minor shifting one way or the oth Counc i I man Thorke I -son= askec{' what ! �i nd of uses are being, proposed for this,, roadway. l 'r r Pa +``ks &Recreation DirECtor Mangan'; stated that the primary use as;jmentionaa , I before ore wou ! d be, a w i nter f i sh hous6 access.-' Mayor Stock asked if it would be posted -'!go motorized boat launch ": Parks & Recreation Director Mangan.stated that there is no off- street park!ng, r and that it is only 33' wide, so would not be room for'_a.•.turnaround I fo.r boat launching. F: ` Councilman Thorkelson asked if it could be posted as Mayor Stock had l y so that problems would not arise. Parks &`Recreation Director Mangan stated that yes it could be posted. Councilman Thor. r' n then asked about snowmobiles using it as an access. The i;s state6 that'snowmo`b i I es have not been a prob I em i n the past. Mayor Stock asked if there was any projected dollar cost. ;+ Parks & Recreation Director Mangan stated that with the donated time and J labor by the Sportsman's Club the ma ter,als and some equipment cost would !; runabout $1,'000.00. _ # Notion by Busse to authorize Parks & Recreation DireCTOr Mangan to work with the Sportsman's Club and the neighborhood to develop the access as proposed { s � r " and that it be posted as such as a non motorized boat I %ibrith, and that it V i also be posted that parking is•on one side only for Shady Beach and Bayview _Circle, and that the cost does not exceed $1,000.00, °seconded by Thorkelson and upor, a vote taken it was-duly passed 0 1 nE _ _ MINUTES of the Proceedings, of the City Council of the City of Prior Lake In the County of a ' 1 Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ;Parks d Recreation Director stated that the project would be completed by this i. !fall, the neighborhood felt that it would be best if the project was held off �unil the summer traffic dropped off. ,..' Mayor Stock stated the quote from the Architect for the bathhouse at Watzl's � Point would be discussed. ' Parks $ Recreation Director Mangan stated that with the current state of the i economy, both from the State side as well as the municipalities, the City of Prior Lake received a grant for fiscal year 1980 for Watzl's Point. A letter was received, dated August 10, 1982 from the State,, which stated that the City would have until December 31, 1982 to accomplish much of the work this fall rather than losing the grant funding. The design o; the bathhouse /concession { stand is similar, if not identical to the building at Sand Point Beach wKichiwouId be i constructed, at Watzl's'Point and for that `reason staff recommends the same a architect be retained. The fee would be $2,500.00 rather than starting over with another architect: Mayor Stock asked if that was the c6st of the bathhouse /concession stand4�only. ;, a a Parks b Recreation Director Mangan stated that the proposal for tonight -.,is strictly for the bathhouse. The she,iter building and the other wor;,'would be done, I nhouse Motion by Thorkelson to authorize the engagement of the services: =of the previous architect,'',Ken Johnson for designing of h bathhouse at Watzl'`s'Point, the fee being set at E2,`500.00 and„that the concern of water flow from the bathhouse bei = ` \' considered when designing, seconded by,Busse and upnn':a vote taken it was duly passed. I , r "The next item on the agenda was to consider the 3.2 Beer License for the Hollywood_ a Inn's Volleyball Tournament. Mayor Stock asked City.Manager McGuire - to review the' request. City Ma noger''McGuire stated that.the request is.:for a 3.2 Temporary Beer Licen`se'foi- the softbali:te'am'that Is sponsored by Ho I Iywood inn. The question 'is whether or not " they cah ,use.'their existing license at a d'ifrerent ;ovation', that being Klehr Field Under the?City Code i.t states 4hat Counl c 's�'approval is needed'f`or something,li_ke this. :The.refore,, is recommended that the City Council grant the waiver for the weekend tournament to the Noll ywood lnn to serve`3.2 beer. He further stated that #. Mr. d Mrs. Boegeman were';present• for any comments or questions. City Manage r' u McGuire asked what the dates of the tournament were. Mr. Boegeman, stated that it would`be this ;;Y ru day and Sunday, August 28,29, a, 1`982. 1' Mayor Stock asked if the concession stand was still at Klehr Fiel,d. Mr. Boe eman stated that the buildin Is planned 9 g .gone and they on a 'tent. t l Motion by Busse to extend the Hollywood Inn's 3.2 Beer License to cover the 2'°day 9 event at Klehr Field, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken it was duly ' passed. v i The next Iten on the agenda was the Lions'Club _request for a temporary"gambiing �permi t. ty. Manager McGuire reviewed "th -is request. City Man. ier McGuire stated that this was for a one day event, November `1, 1982. It was granted last year. With the 'Council "taking a position that no fees be waived on temporary' licenses, it would be up to the Council whether or not to u ,waive the fee. ';.john Sullivan`; President of the Lions Club was present. He stated ' that all the money the,Lions�,C1ub makes goes right back into the City. i i Motion by Thorkelson to waive the fee: and to grant the temporary "ramblin g license to the Lions Club,, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. �� 0 -. Mayor Stack asked that Mr. Sullivan cont act`City Manager McGuire for the permit c , Under Other Business, Mayor Stock asked if there was any comments or questions on the, Treasurers Report. There were none.